

The Budwig Protocol for Cancer

The Budwig Protocol for Cancer

Dr. Johanna Budwig was a biochemist, pharmacist, and doctor. She was a pioneer who discovered that Cancer cells are caused by a deficiency of proper fats within the body.  Dr. Budwig had discovered that the emulsification of Quark (cottage cheese in US) and Flax Oil produced a sulphurated protein which was able to penetrate the cancer cell wall and reverse the deficiency of the cell, thereby healing cancer naturally.
One aspect of the protocol is too go out into the sunlight for at least 15 minutes after taking the cottage cheese/flax oil mixture.  The reason is because the cottage cheese/flax oil brings the electrons to the surface of the body and the photons from the sun nourish the electrons supplying the body with oxygen.  Dr. Budwig healed thousands of patients from Cancer and she was nominated for the Nobel Prize numerous times.  She was a pioneer in her field that deserves not to be forgotten.
I personally used this protocol when I found Cancer and it began working on me immediately.  I had a lump on my left breast which was very itchy, my lymph nodes underneath each armpit were swollen and visible, and everything across my breast area was painful and throbbing.  After I started the Budwig protocol, the lumps began to retreat and the pain started to subside.   Of course, everyone may have different results as everyone’s situation is different.
The basis of this protocol is to mix 2 Tablespoons of Low-fat Cottage Cheese with 1 Tablespoon of Flax Oil.  Mix this with a handheld blender until the mixture is completely smooth like a thick yogurt.  You can add a small bit of unsweetened almond milk to make the mixture smoother.  Once the mixture is completely emulsified, ONLY then can you add other ingredients.
I can’t tell you the number of inaccurate videos or claims I have seen from people who have NEVER had cancer telling you how to make the Budwig protocol.  Please DO NOT stray from Dr. Budwig’s original formula and also be mindful that there are contraindications to the Budwig protocol, which can render it ineffective or fatal if used improperly.  This is why it is imperative to use her protocol exactly as she prescribed, especially if you have Cancer.
The Budwig protocol does not have the same effect on people without cancer and the rules do not need to be followed exactly if you don’t have cancer. You can find a lot more information on how to utilize the Budwig protocol properly in my book.  You can find more of the various protocols I used to heal my own Cancer at

Tamara St. John

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