



Modern medicine can only do so much and even then, I question the intentions of the institutions trying to keep us healthy. We all want to be healthy. No matter rich or poor, having a clean bill of health is top priority in the grand scheme of life for each and every human being. All the money in the world can’t make you truly feel good, only good health can do that.
So how did Bernando LaPallo succeed in the ultimate goal? At 113 years old, LaPallo claims to have never been sick a day in his life and is as spry as ever.

Here are the five foods he has kept consistent in his diet all his life and could improve your life too:

1. Garlic

This powerful root packs a mean punch against disease and infection. A proven anti-septic, garlic can be added to just about any dish for extra health boost. A member of the onion family, garlic contains allicin which is a sulphur compound that not only gives this bulb its potent smell, but exerts powerful biological antigens which fight against oxidative stress and damage from free radicals.
Although garlic’s effects on longevity in humans is relatively impossible to prove scientifically, garlic has beneficial effects on infectious diseases, high blood pressure and chronic illness which are amongst the leading causes of aging and premature death.

2. Honey

Bernardo is not much for sugars, but when craving something sweet he always uses honey. It’s no secret that sugars can boost our energy and save us briefly from a slump of fatigue, but the consequences of that spike in blood sugar can be deadly.
Alternatively, honey contains natural glucose which gives our bodies a quick and healthy energy boost with fructose that provides a more lasting and sustained energy. Honey won’t spike or crash blood sugar levels, reducing a form of shock which can wreak havoc on natural immune function. The anti-septic properties of honey also help fight infection and stave off harmful bacteria which can weaken our immunity to serious disease.

3. Cinnamon

Did you know cinnamon can calm appetite? Much like honey, cinnamon can keep blood sugar levels in check, reducing the urge to gorge on high sugar foods. Cinnamon belongs to the family of warming spices, which helps increase blood circulation and acts as a natural anti-clogging agent to increase metabolism to flush toxins from the body.

4. Chocolate

Don’t reach for the Hershey’s just yet. Bernando stresses the importance of eating good quality dark chocolate rich in cacao as it contains natural anti-oxidants instead of artificial sugars and colors. Although it still contains sugar, chocolate is among the best sources for disease-fighting flavonoids.
Recent study links these powerful flavonoids to cholestoral reduction and the prevention of heart disease. Dark chocolate also contains polyphenols which release nitric oxide – a key factor in arterial dilation. The combination of these polyphenols and anti-oxidants encourage healthy blood flow in and around the heart.

5. Olive Oil

Yes, Bernando includes this fat as one of the key factors in his long life. Olive oil is actually a member of the monounsaturated fatty acid family, which are known to help normalize blood clotting and benefit insulin levels. Although olive oil is high in calories, using it in moderation is the key.
Large scale study recently proved the cancer fighting benefit of olive oil. The intake of olive oil was shown to reduce the risk of cancers of the breast, colon and respiratory tract. Similar to dark chocolate, olive oil is rich in polyphenols which boost healthy blood cell production.
Born in 1901, LaPallo hails from Mesa Arizona and admits he has always had a desire to live a long and healthy life. Sheer discipline and desire has kept him eating clean, organic and healthy all his life. He says he avoids red meats and learned early from his father who was a doctor, that health comes from within and that like the old saying goes, “you are what you eat”.


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