



Dental health is crucial to one’s overall well-being. Several infections of the mouth can cause other problems within the body. Heart disease, stroke, dementia, and respiratory problems have all been linked to poor dental health. (Emaxhealth) To help keep the body healthy, regular visits to the dentist is recommended. What about between visits? What is the best way to keep your mouth healthy?
Coconut oil toothpaste might be the next step in dental health. Due to sensitivity, over the counter toothpaste and rinses are just too irritating. Many will be happy that a coconut oil alternative is being researched.
Coconut oil has been all the craze lately and for good reason; it is amazing. It has great antibacterial properties that hold significant benefits to the mouth. In a recent study from the Athlone Institute of Technology on different oils and their benefits toward mouth health, coconut oil was shown to be the best. Coconut oil, when treated with digestive enzymes, does an excellent job at stopping bacterial growth in the mouth. This includes bacteria with the S Mutation.
The S Mutans or Streptococcus mutans are acid-producing bacteria. They contribute to tooth decay for both adults and children. These bacteria get their energy from sugar and in return produce an acidic mouth environment. This acidic environment then demineralizes the tooth structure which leads to tooth decay.

Dr. Damien Brady, the lead researcher from Athlone Institute of Technology, stated, “Incorporating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives, particularly as it works at relatively low concentrations. Also, with increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important that we turn our attention to new ways to combat microbial infection.” (ewoa)
Using a more natural solution for toothpaste is a great choice for anyone trying to avoid harmful chemicals. Many kinds of toothpaste contain triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate, fluoride, and artificial sweeteners like aspartame. Each one of these chemicals can cause health problems. Triclosan has been linked to an endocrine disruption that can cause several different cancers. Also sodium lauryl sulfate, which creates the foaming action in toothpaste, has been shown to affect the taste buds which increases the bitter taste. (Mercola)
Another common practice with coconut oil is oil pulling. You simply swish 1 tablespoon coconut oil in the mouth for 5-20 minutes on an empty stomach. Once finished, spit out the coconut oil. It is believed to help remove toxins and bacteria. This practice also improves dental health.

Ready to try coconut oil as toothpaste?
This simple recipe will get you started!

Natural Toothpaste Recipe

  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 2-3 tablespoons baking soda
  • 15-30 drops of peppermint, lemon, or thieves essential oil
Mix together and use like any store bought toothpaste. 

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