

Here’s How To Make A Natural Viagra Using Only 3 Ingredients

Here’s How To Make A Natural Viagra Using Only 3 Ingredients

Watermelon is one of the most fresh and healthy fruit in the world. But, if you combine it with two other ingredients you can use it as an effective pleasure instigator.
How to make this natural Viagra?
Scientist state that watermelon juice in itself is like a natural Viagra, which increases the libido in men with moderate and mild erectile dysfunction. Recently, a study from the journal Urology stated that the amino acid citrulline contained in watermelon boosts the blood flow everywhere, including the penis without causing unpleasant side effects.
Watermelons are rich in vitamin C and contain 92% water. One serving of watermelon has only 71 calories, so it is also a perfect food for people who are trying to lose weight and impotent persons. This is how to make your own natural Viagra:
• ¼ watermelon
• 1 pomegranate
• 1 lemon
Method of preparation:
Place the ingredients in a blender and blend them well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Place it in a bottle and let it cool in the fridge.
How to use it:
Drink 1/3 glass of the mixture in the morning before you eat anything and drink one more before dinner.
The juice has many ingredients that improve the blood flow and will boost your performance.

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