

Nostradamus predicted DONALD TRUMP as being President of the US

Nostradamus predicted DONALD TRUMP as being President of the US

According to interpretations of Quatrain 81 written by Nostradamus, the great prophet foresaw the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.
Michel de Notre Dame, historically known as Nostradamus, is considered by many as one of the most accurate prophets in history. In his book ‘The Prophecies’, he wrote more than a thousand four-line poetic verses called “quatrains,” verses that seem to predict the future.

Among his numerous prophecies, Nostradamus predicted the Moon Landing, Hitler’s rise to power, the Death of Henry II, and the JFK & RFK Assassinations.

The republican presidential nominee claimed a shocking win over Democrat’s Hillary Clinton in what is considered a revolutionary race for the presidency of the United States of America.
While millions of people around the world were shocked and surprised by Trump’s victory over popular candidate Hillary Clinton, those who study the work of Nostradamus believe the prophesier predicted the billionaire’s victory in the sixteenth century.
Nostradamus wrote: “The great shameless, audacious bawler. He will be elected governor of the army: The boldness of his contention. The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.”
Furthermore, if we look into another one of his predictions, In Century 1, 40 one of Nostradamus’ predictions reads:
“The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws.”
If we look at Quatrain 50, we will find that Nostradamus writes:
“The Republic of the big city” will engage in costly military operations, ordered by the “trumpet”, this has been interpreted by many as a sign of Nuclear War.
This prophecy has led many to suggest that Nostradamus predicted the Armageddon:
Nostradamus predicted this outcome. Nostradamus predicted after the trumpet wins, there will be a Great War! He predicted this 400 years ago!
Here below we have 10 of his predictions for 2016 and beyond, will they come true? We shall see…

World War III

A war will start between two major world powers and will last for a period of 27 years. The moment of great violence will coincide with the appearance of a comet in the sky. Nuclear combat and natural disasters shall strike our planet when a giant planet approaches Earth.

Great eruption of Vesuvius

It is believed that Nostradamus predicted a great Volcanic Eruption. The worst eruption of volcano Vesuvius in history will come accompanied by earthquakes that will shake Earth every five minutes, killing between 6 and 16 thousand people.

The largest Recorded Earthquake

The largest earthquake in the history of the United States will occur, especially affecting the western area of the country, its power will be felt in other countries around the world.

Permission for parenthood

Those who want to have children will need permits and licenses, and may not do as they please.

The collapse of the global economy

“The rich will die many times,” wrote the French prophet.
I guess the only thing we have is to wait out and see whether or not the predictions made by Nostradamus were true


  • pfon71361
    How predictable!
  • Matthew Ringer
    freaking war mongering at its finest. You are a sick and twisted media. you are probably owned by the democrats. this is why people are acting like children in the streets. Take this crap down.
    • Krys101
      Republicans are the war lovers. Always have been, always will be.
      • LYN
        I don’t think so
  • Allan Tan
    It is like trying one’s luck – just say that one day there will be a biggest earthquake. Then wait. When a biggest earthquake takes place, ah! After that bigger earthquake comes, ah? Is it this one or the previous one predicted?
    Today, we know that the economy will go up and down and at time collapse – there is no need for a prophet to tell us, unless he/she can state th exact year of occurrence.
    I often wonder why no one had predicted the advent of tablets, handphones, wifi, lifi, Windows OS, Android OS, etc?
    • joe
      Because those things that you have mentioned are forms of communication NOT history,
      • Allan Tan
        Prediction is about the FUTURE, not history.
        • joe
          You know what I meant! I meant that ND is a true seer and I do not doubt ANY of his predictions BUT people ALWAYS go back into history to study his quatrains and then KNOW that HE is talking about the future !! Why do think that EVERYONE ALWAYS goes and looks what he has to say whenever there is a world event and is difficult to understand why it happened in the 1st place. I know that you do not know very much about him why don’t you scroll this page and see what I have written to other people then you will get a better picture of who he really was and his background. And he did see the things that you mentioned he just did not have the vocabulary that we have today. You have to remember that these quatrains were written 500 years ago!
          • Allan Tan
            Woh, no need to get worked up. U believe but I dont. But u can carry on believing.
          • joe
            I am not worked up. I was just trying to explain to you, what you had no knowledge of! I do not care if you believe or not! I do not even know you! Why would I even care anything about you..
          • Allan Tan
            Ya who cares abt you and your dubious beliefs! LOL
          • joe
            Yeah I know what you mean why even waste my time to shed some wisdom on your other wise boring life…lol
          • Allan Tan
            who cares?
          • joe
            EXACTLY MY POINT!!!!!
          • joe
            I will not waste anymore of my time on a useless person such as yourself …….
          • joe
            Stop wasting my time with you stupid comments !!! DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN!!!!!!!
    • LYN
      windows is in revelation
      • Allan Tan
        you mean Windows OS? Really?
        • LYN
          I mean they described watching the world through the windows, that would easily mean tv or computer, however, it’s no coincidence they are named “Apple” Computers and “Windows” … a little play on would i would guess.
  • myouther
    …and how many people interpreted Nostradamus as predicting the election of Donald Trump prior to his election?
    • joe
      There was a TV show on the History channel on Sunday night before the election that predicted that the Trumpet would win …. So yes they in fact predicted it before it happened….
      • myouther
        I mean during before Trump was running for President. The predictions have been around for hundreds of years. Looks like “after the fact” predictions.
        • joe
          His predictions do not work like that, There are certain events that he talks about that DID happen BEFORE they are written in time and history. For instance he correctly predicted the great London fire and he mentions the year ending in 666, Well a great fire DID destroy London in the year 1666… In his time he would have been burned at the stake for making predictions that would later come to be true that is why he had to hide his predictions in poems called quatrains.. But you will find that he does indeed stand the test of time with his predictions. He also goes into great detail about Hitler and the second world war and many of his predictions do come true …I think 1 scholar said about 90% accurate that we already know about ..So to say he is not a true prophet is a little foolish……..
        • LYN
          Family guy
    • LYN
      Trey Smith read it out of the bible, he posted bits of his reading on youtube.
  • Deb
    and I’m sure the same people rioting in the streets, will blame Trump for causing the earthquakes too!!!
    Well, ya know what? We ARE overdue for that Fault in the Midwest to go.. they think it blows every 600 years. and it’s a doozy
    • Savatage64 (Always Deplorable)
      New Madrid.
      Would rather just have San Andreas bust out the final one and get rid of California altogether…and Oregon.
      • Logic
        You KNOW you would lose your mind in a liberal-free America. Pull your head out your ass.
        • Savatage64 (Always Deplorable)
          Naw….I do just fine without them.
    • joe
      He is talking about Yellowstone national park and the caldera that is there.. That is the ONLY thing that can be felt around the world a regular volcano would not be felt around the world… He also mentions mt.Vesuvius blowing it top but that also would not be felt around the world, only the caldera in Yellowstone would be felt around the world but they could in fact blow at the same time a very scary scenario… by the gravitational pull of this planet that he also mentions !!
  • thomas carr
    oh this is a bunch of bs
    • Savatage64 (Always Deplorable)
      I predict there will be a terrible nuclear underground accident in Iran which will decimate the country and most of the middle east. When that happens can I get published too?
      • joe
        Does not work that way!! You have to be correct repeatedly with many world events and not just a lucky guess here and there!
        • Savatage64 (Always Deplorable)
          Joe, the thing I want to know is, where was this information that Nostradamus had predicted a Trump presidency before the election?
          Secondly, here’s to hoping my lucky guess comes true.
          • joe
            The way people wrote in those days is not the same as you or I would write things down today, and you have to remember he was seeing things that were from the future and therefore could not understand what he was really looking at. He would write down things easy for people to understand in his time. That is why they have to be studied and put into our language of today, but do not under estimate him he has been right too many times to not be taken seriously. I do not know if you know this, but he was Jewish and came from the Issachar tribe and this tribe was the one which had many prophets come from and also told about many things from the future. They just did not have the vocabulary that we have today. That is why he should be taken seriously I hope I cleared up any doubts that you might have had.
  • Julien
    Sorry the guys, but Century 3 Quatrain 50 don’t talk about that, it’s for the french independence in 1789. If i found something in ND about a big Mcdonald Trump, i’ll post that here 😉 kisses from France !
    • joe
      The story does not mention century 3 it mentions century 1 Quatrain 40 and then 50 and not century 3 as you have mentioned!
      • Julien
        La republicque de la grande cité
        A grand rigueur ne voudra consentir:
        Roy sortir hors par trompete cité
        L’eschele au mur,la cité repentir.
        you can’t read it it normal you are not french
        my traduction is not conventional but Nostradamus say we have some laufth with this dick
    • joe
      Sorry Julien, but you are on an English speaking site, All that was to me was gibberish maybe you should type in ENGLISH where everyone can understand you and not just you!
  • Alan Armstrong
    Like many old manuscripts & books in The Bible it is how one converts the words to mean whatever the reader would like it to be. Common Sense is the man most forgotten & the working man is possibly the only one with any common sense!!
    • joe
      Yes and the meaning of their intent. There ARE many things he did correctly predict and that is why the world turns to him when something happens to the people of earth and history has shown us all that the man is RIGHT more often than not!
      • LYN
        don’t believe that either, it could have been an entire hoax to sell books and a movie, he may have never existed.
        • joe
          Are you kidding me?! Of course he existed HE IS a part of history !! That is just a ludacrous statement!! You are not dealing with a full deck!!!
          • LYN
            You seem so Naive with everything you read…. you have no clue who wrote these stories do you?
  • Savatage64 (Always Deplorable)
    Is it just me or does Nostradamus crap come up any time something of importance pops up? I didn’t see anything when Black Rhinos went extinct.
    • joe
      1st black rhinos are not extinct… Extremely endangered but not extinct…2nd there is a reason why everyone looks to the prophet when things go bad because everyone knows that he has probably mentioned it in his quatrains.. He has to do with world events not about what animal is going to die off…
      • LYN
        funny thing is…. he mentions Hitler and was not correct about the truth, it was Eisenhower that killed everyone under Winston Churchill’s orders Since he and Hitler didn’t see eye to eye … another one was the JFK assassination, was also faked … well he called it because JFK’s hoaxers were hiding in the Bush’s… The Bush Family was a very big part of the entire masquerade…
        • joe
          So now you think that HISTORY is wrong ?! Plus you have added your OWN spin on things!!! There is a reason why EVERYONE on EARTH looks to this man he very obviously saw things and you are in an alternate reality!!!!
          • LYN
            Well, History is not what they teach you and condition you to believe in school…. that is for sure…. but you should really research everything instead of just taking peoples words for it. Believe what you want… They just need to stop telling you what to believe. But, now that you know it could be wrong, It’s your choice.
  • Germán W. Gordillo Santos
    Mr. Trump: Welcome to the real world 1. Nibirus come. Talk with Obama about, will do with the NASA or You will do with Putin ? 2.
  • lauraroberts
    Many of the things cited above like permission for parenthood are things the progressives would do. You can take any of those things either way you wish to spin it. The section about the rich…again something the progressives would strive for.
    • Krys101
      No, progressives wouldn’t make you get permission to have babies. That sounds more like conservative republicans. Republicans are against birth control and abortion, and they want to get all up in your bodies and tell you what you can and can’t do when it comes to sex and reproduction. Progressives don’t hate the rich or wish ill on them. It is the republicans that want to keep the rich totally separate and above the rest of society, forgetting that we are all human beings who share the same planet. Republicans are for the greater gap betwen the rich and the poor which will be the ultimate downfall of our society.
      • LYN
        actually republicans do not want to interfere with your decisions, they’d rather stay uninformed of your indecent behavior…
  • Mohan Sinnapillay
    Even if it is true , worrying won’t help. I believe there is larger force – God. He decides what mankind deserves. We are facing a tough time. Trump’s success might be a new opening as people are getting tired and sick of established politicians. in the name of free market , few are enriching and many are getting poorer. So this change could be for the good.
    • Native Texan
      like that man gives a crap. it’s business as usual for his cronies including that craggy faced kellyanne. check under his toupee for the 666..
      • LYN
        That man knows how to start at the bottom and work his way up…. pay attention you might learn something…
        • Native Texan
          I started working at 14, worked my way up through college (which I paid for on my own), recently retired at 52 with a full pension, and learned many a business and lifes’ lesson along the way. I’m watching the wheels go by and the swamps’ fecal matter he swore to drain, is going up.
          • LYN
            Just a second, before you call judgement of these people that are involved with Trump. If they are not pedophiles and child sacrificial murderers, and that is a big start…
            Be patient on the decisions he is making right now there will be tweeks along the way.
            Right now everyone is watching him with a critical eye, and there will be so many people who will complain about everything he says and does, and that is ok…
            Trump is trying to make all the people happy right now, but he will eventually get to know not everyone will be satisfied. There will come to a point where he will have to make very powerful decisions that only he and his cabinet will know why….
            You can count on a very big movement here, after January… and I don’t think we will ever have to worry about war with Russia, or China as long as he is in office, and with that said… I doubt we will have to deal with the Middle East for much longer either…. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
        • AlexisB
          He’s a silver spoon baby. He was born with money he doesn’t work and he never worked his way up. He is totally unqualifed
    • AlexisB
      Doesn’t give two figs about you or anyone else. He’s uncontrollable. His children and he will use the government as their own personal private business all the while raping the treasury of anything that is easily converted to cash . They will take in side info from the government use it to increase their business. People will go hungry homeless jobless The Repubs will try to stop him as they see what he is doing tearing down the structures of government which they wanted but not this way. the protests will turn into a revolution or a civil war. It won’t be Bernie’s movement it will be Hillary’s movement as the lies and propaganda that was told about her are proven wrong. She will end up a martyr and symbol not Bernie who back stabbed her for that honor. His supporters the ones who voted because of jobs when realizing that he lied will bow their heads in shame.. There will be violence from white supremacists. And to whoever believed the fake websites spreading lies about Hillary and didn’t vote for her can now go to hell. and as all of this is happening Russia will be buying us up and they’ll get freelabour. AS for the WH the Trumps will sell everything in it for a profit they might even turn it into a Trump Hotel.
      • LYN
        Oh my! You don’t know Trump very well do you?
        • AlexisB
          The problem is that you his supporters don’t know him at all. You watch and learn. It has appointed a white supremacist and a bunch of thugs to his cabinet. He’s running his businesses off a government website. He will not be transparent. He will cancel ssi and medicare and medicaid. He can’t bring jobs back there’s a thing called automation. If he breaks trade deals then countries will retaliate. Are you ok with racism bigotry discrimination and misogyny. Read Hitler Lyn educated yourself.
          • LYN
            I have read about Hitler, and I also can see the difference between propaganda and the truth…. If you believe Hitler was evil, then you followed the rhetorical propaganda…. very few people know the truth, because the few survivors, was scared to death to discuss it, for fear of losing their lives…. You may want to focus on Stalin and Churchill, and Eisenhower…. perhaps you just maybe, will get a better inside to the truth….
            The Matrix that you live in right now is deadly… educate yourself to what the real genocide was in Germany, you will find out, not one Jew was present at the time, and they keep telling you that 6,000 or more was murdered, it was our United States General Eisenhower who wanted every blonde blue eyed German dead. to leave no remains of the truth…. All because the Bankers felt threatened of the power of one man’s intellect.
            Be careful what you believe…
            It’s ok whatever you believe… I have no regrets for supporting Trump. I know what he did in Russia, and he was a Hero…. to the whole world…. You just don’t know who he is and that is ok….
            I suggest you should pray and ask God to bless you and protect you from the fears that have been embedded into your thoughts all these years, and free yourself from those powerful fears…
  • Unchained
    We all know by now that old Nostradamus was a fake, plagiarizing work from others.
  • Alan Armstrong
    I’m with Mohan – worrying & attempting to understand a jumble of words that were written many years ago is simply a waste of valuable time. Enjoy what we have got & respect the planet & treat it with great respect. We have a great place to live spoilt only by some people who attempt to impose their beliefs on others.

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