

The Cancer Killing Ratio…How 100:1 of Vitamin C and K3 Is Changing The Way We Fight Cancer!

The Cancer Killing Ratio…How 100:1 of Vitamin C and K3 Is Changing The Way We Fight Cancer!

Cancer is defined by cell cycle deregulation and uncontrolled growth. It is the second leadingVitamin C cause of death in the world. In the United States alone there were 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed and 589,430 cancer deaths and an estimated 750,000 deaths in Europe.
We are fighting a losing battle.
But we now have a new hope the combination of intravenous Vitamin C and K3 in 100:1 ratio. This specific combination has been causing of form of cell necrosis called autoschizis…it is KILLING cancer. Researchers started playing around with a combination of vitamin C and Vitamin K3 and watched what it did to cancer cells…it killed them.
The Science
Before we can get into how the specific combination of Vitamin CK3 kills the cancer, we must first get a better understanding of cancer cells.
From a biochemical point of view, cancer cells have some remarkable features:
  • They are deficient in DNase activity
  • They have low activities of antioxidant enzymes
  • They show high rates of glycolysis
  • And most of cancer cells accumulate Vitamin C
The inhibition of both alkaline DNase and acid DNase has been reported in non-necrotic cancer cells at early stages of experimental carcinogenesis. On the other hand, the reactivation of these enzymes has also been seenin the early stages of spontaneous and/or induced tumor cell death. Therefore, the use of compounds able to activate such endonucleases opens the possibility of a new therapeutic approach for cancer treatment…Vitamins C and K3 reactivate acid and alkaline DNases!
The big question is can that combination work with cancer?
It is well known that vitamin C is cytotoxic against malignant melanoma cells, human leukaemia cells, neuroblastoma cells, tumour ascites cells, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and epidermoid carcinoma. It is also well know that vitamin K3 is cytotoxic against tumors of breast, stomach, lung, colon, nasopharyngeal, cervix, liver, leukaemia, and lymphoma cell lines.

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What The Researchers Did
Researchers combined vitamins C and K3 at ratio of 100:1 after in vivo administration in tumor-bearing mice produced and found the following:
  • Cancer growth inhibition in transplantable liver tumor (TLT)-bearing mice with an increase in life span (ILS) of 45.8%. Neither vitamin C nor vitamin K3 administered alone has any significant effect on the life span of TLT-bearing animals. It must be in the 100:1 ratio.
  • Selective potentiation of tumor chemotherapy. For instance, while cyclophosphamide alone, at a single sub-therapeutic dose of 80 mg kg1 body weight increased the life span by 23%, its association with CK3, increased the life span by 59.5%
  • Sensitization of tumors resistant to some drugs. The pretreatment of TLT-bearing mice with CK3 before injection of Oncovin increases the life span by 97.3%.
Additionally examinations of CK3-treated mice did not indicate any sign of toxicity in normal organ and tissues.
But How Does The CK3 Kill The Cancer Cells?
Both morphological examination and flow cytometry analysis allow us to see whether cells are dying by necrosis (triggered cell death) or apoptosis (normal cell death).
This is important because we need to know if the cancer cells are dying because they are being “triggered” to or if it’s just part of their normal cell cycle.
On the basis of these parameters, cancer cells treated by CK3 die principally by cell necrosis, but interestingly enough share some characteristics of both necrosis and apoptosis
What appears to be happening is that the introduction of CK3 to cancer cells, forms cuts or schisms in the cell membrane, which allows the cytoplasm to leak out. The researchers called this autoschizis
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The cell shrinks in size until about only 1/3 its original size and only the nucleus and organelles remain surrounded by a tiny ribbon of cytoplasm. If apoptosis is a quiet cell suicide in which the cell curls up and dies, autoschizis (necrosis) is a bit more violent; the cell slashes itself open violently spilling out its insides.
Studies have looked at autoschizis in experiments with:
  • Ovarian cancer cells
  • Liver tumors
  • Bladder tumors
  • Oral squamous cell and salivary gland tumors,
  • And Leukemia.
Pretreatment with this vitamin C/K combination also potentiates the effect of chemotherapy and radiation. It also appears to be nontoxic, leaving normal cells unaffected.
Beating Cancer As a Whole
Here at CHIPSA Hospital we utilize intravenous Vitamin CK3 as part of our integrative approach to treating cancer and autoimmune disease. Here are some of the protocols we utilize:
Coley’s Toxins
Gerson Therapy
Autologous Cell Vaccine
Vitamin B-17
IV Vitamin CK3
Hyperbaric Oxygen
We are not in any way, shape or form, stating that we have a cure for cancer. It’s very common to see alternative practitioners making claims that one substance or “thing” is an all out cure.
We know from our experience in treating cancer for 37 years , that cancer is very complex and always evolving. There is no 100% cure. What we do know, however, is that CHIPSA has had great success treating many patients that were sent home to “die” in their home country because conventional medicine failed them.
We also know, that a 5 year, retrospective Melanoma case study done at our hospital showed a higher success rate treating Melanoma than any treatment available by the establishment. And we do know that many times within a 3-4 week stay, we will see peoples tumor markers be cut in half or go away and large tumors disappear.
We feel that combining Vitamin CK3 with some of our proven immune boosting protocols and our 37 years of research into immune function may allow for some groundbreaking cancer treatments and get us closer to an answer.

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