

Types Of Tea For Better Skin

Types Of Tea For Better Skin

Pop goes the…pimple. If you find yourself heaving heavily at the thought of it, you’re probably like the rest of us skin-troubled folk.

Our faces are (unadmittedly so) important to us. How we look (tired and old or fresh and youthful) can cause us to have many a sleepless nights and troubled days. Aging before you numerically do or having the exact opposite of clear, healthy skin is not a problem that you need to live with. You can brew your way through it. Not beer, we’re talking tea.
Know your teas before you discuss tea.
Tea is a popular beverage obtained by infusing dried leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis in hot water. However, now (and in the references below) it is used for any herbal infusion, not just of Camellia sinensis.
Depending on the way Camellia sinensis (the ‘normal’ tea) leaves are harvested and the extent to which they are processed, different colors of tea are obtained—black, green, and white. But note, the more processed the leaves, the lesser are their catechin (polyphenols that fight free radicals) content. Black is the most processed and white the least.
Don’t get overwhelmed. That was just some background info.
Dealing with the two major problems:
Collagen and elastin breakdown: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes that break down elastin and collagen, the glue that holds the skin firmly together. Some MMP activity is required and is normal. But excess activity is one of the factors that contribute to visible aging (wrinkles and sagging skin). So, inhibiting MMP activity can make a huge difference.
Free radicals: Free radicals damage cells and causes skin pores to get blocked with dead cell debris and other toxins. Flavonoids are plant compounds that have been proved to be strong antioxidants. Some types of tea have been found to be rich in flavonoids and can, thus, be used as a convenient solution to this ‘radical’ problem. Popular dietary flavonoids include catechin, quercetin, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).(Try and hold on to that.)
Cataloguing Our Expectations
Acne, acne scars, sun damage, wrinkles, sagging skin, allergic reactions, dark circles, dryness, skin cancer,…
The list goes on.
  • You want more collagen and elastin to tighten your skin and prevent aging (inhibition of excess MMP activity is one way).
  • You want cell-damaging free radicals to be neutralized and bacteria to be killed to prevent acne.
  • You want to suppress inflammation (think: redness/swelling of a pimple).
  • You want your skin protected from the damaging UVB radiations of the sun (again free radicals play a role).
1. Green tea:
From the plant Camellia sinensis
You have your colleague sipping on it all day long, your teenage daughter guzzling it down like water, and even your supermarket offering attractive bulk offers on it. Green tea’s famous catechin, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is a strong antioxidant. This makes it useful in sun protection and acne prevention. Green tea also moisturizes the skin.5
2. White tea: 
From the plant Camellia sinensis
White tea has similar properties as those of green tea.
Being the least processed of the black-green-white trio, it has the highest catechin content. It offers protection from free radicals and sun damage, suppresses inflammation, and inhibits MMPs.
3. Red tea or rooibos tea:
From the plant Aspalathus Iinearis
Red tea is rich in antioxidants including vitamin C (you probably already know how good it is for the skin) and potent polyphenols like aspalathin, quercetin, and nothofagin. 
Fighting off those obstinate free radicals is what it flamboyantly does.
It is also rich in AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) and zinc. AHAs nudge dead skin cells off your face while zinc helps build cell membranes and heal injured tissue.
Because red tea is caffeine free (unlike most of the other types of tea), it is a great alternative for those who make instant brain connections between ‘caffeine’ and ‘bad for health.’
This also means you can sip on a nice red cuppa before bedtime without having to worry about staying up all night.
4. Chamomile (or German Chamomile) tea:
From the plant Matricaria chamomilla
Chamomile tea’s active ingredients are α-bisabolol, apigenin, chamazulene, and quercetin.
α-Bisabolol has analgesic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, skin-soothing, and anticancer activities. It also lightens the skin, reducing your stress of being superfluously criticised by others (and yourself).
Apigenin induces cell suicide in cancer cells.
Chmazulene is anti-inflammatory.
Quercetin. You already know about this one.
Note: A very low percentage of people are allergic to Chamomile. Most allergic reactions are due to contamination with an unsafe version of Chamomile look alike (dog Chamomile). The FDA has categorized it under ‘generally recognized as safe.’
5. Dandelion root tea:
From the plant Taraxacum officinale
Vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as minerals, such as iron, potassium, and zinc all packed into those nettlesome weeds you are constantly trying to get rid of (that’s if you have a garden…and weeds).
Diuretic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties make the dandelion root tea a favorite among skin care advisers.The liver detoxes the body and gets rid of all the garbage (toxins) illicitly circulating through your system. Dandelion’s high potassium content makes it a natural diuretic, which means that it encourages removal of toxins in urine.Anything that supports the liver detox function is considered skin-friendly.
Note: Side effects in highly sensitive individuals may be an upset stomach or a rash. If that happens, just quit taking the herb.
6. Ginger tea: 
From the plant Zingiber officinale
The tea prepared using this popular rhizome contains potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds—gingerol and shogaol. It also serves as a diaphoretic, that is it makes you sweat profusely. This help in cleansing the skin pores and keeping your skin clear.
Note: Individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones or gallstones or individuals with a bleeding disorder or under blood thinner medication should avoid ginger.
7. Tulsi tea: 
From the plant Ocimum tenuiflorum
The active ingredients in tulsi are eugenol, linoleic acid, and ursolic acid.
Eugenol is antimicrobial and, thus, helps prevent acne and skin infections.
Urosolic acid restores elasticity in the skin and removes wrinkles. This helps the skin stay healthy and supple.
Tulsi tea also helps balance your hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol. That’s elimination of another major trigger of acne.
That got your attention back, didn’t it?
What are you waiting for? Sip your troubles away.

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