

The New Toothpaste That Can Make Dentists Go Out of Business: It Fills in Cavities and Restores Teeth Enamel

The New Toothpaste That Can Make Dentists Go Out of Business: It Fills in Cavities and Restores Teeth Enamel

A new toothpaste was invented that can fill in the cavities and restore the teeth enamel. You can achieve all this without any dentist’s intervention and in the blink of an eye.


The new invention was created by the Japanese scientists Kazue Yamagishi.

This amazing toothpaste is made from a substance molecularly similar to tooth enamel. The only difference between the two is that the paste is liquid and can even get into the smallest areas.


Once the paste is applied on the teeth, the substances start to work. 3 minutes after the applying, the paste starts to crystallize and gets the same structure as natural teeth enamel.
Scientists put the new invention into test and the results were astonishing. Cavities filled with the paste were just as sturdy and stable as their metal or amalgam counterparts. The paste bonds with the tooth without the need for drilling.

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