



Chief columnist Richard Mason investigates the TV-famed formula and the truth about why men over 40 are quickly building muscle, burning fat and regaining the masculinity of their glory days.

Shark Tank constestant, John Harrison, netted the biggest deal in Shark Tank history last night as all 5 sharks teamed up to buy 25% of the company for a staggering $2.5 million dollars. After an explosion of popularity in the muscle supplement industry, John's now ready to go global with the help of the sharks. After a complete re-brand and re-packaging, John is launching Growth Xtreme in the United States with early access to Men's Health readers.

Sharktank Contestant John Harrison

They’re calling it “The Superman Report”. A scientific breakthrough that reveals the formula that keeps men over 40 at peak performance - restoring their muscle tone, rapidly losing fat, boosting stamina and even expanding their lifespan.


I rolled my eyes when I was handed the report. I’ve been trained to be skeptical and the first few pages were nothing spectacular - Bold claims, facts and figures anyone would have trouble believing, and a bunch before and after photos. Pretty. Standard. Stuff.
Then something caught my eye…
High-performance athletes, Hollywood actors and elite personal trainers are raving about the results that this new “formula for getting ripped” is getting. People I respect, admire and trust were on that list - putting their reputation on the line and making pretty strong claims. And then it got better... because the second part of the report was packed with hard cold science (the stuff I love). It carefully explained what each ingredient of the formula does. And most importantly, it explained how these weird ingredients, in precise doses, interact with each other to unleash a flurry of activity in different areas of the male body.

The report detailed HOW and WHY this very particular blend of nutrients:
  • Overcomes the hidden body chemical that keeps you fat
  • Rapidly melts away an average of 45 pounds per user
  • Promotes massive muscle growth at the same time
  • Boosts endurance, sex drive and cognition levels
  • Works faster on males over 40 - making them look and feel years younger


While I’m not at liberty to publish the entire formula here (or the precise doses for that matter), these are a few of the ingredients included that I found particularly interesting:


A natural alpha amino-acid that acts as an hemodilator and boosts the Nitric Oxide levels in your body - clearing up your cardio system and opening it up to better absorb nutrients. The nitric oxide synthase enzyme also improves vasodilation to prevent clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), coronary artery disease, heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions.

Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)

One of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. It is a key element in cell membranes and will keep toxins from getting inside liver cells. Early laboratory studies suggest that silymarin and other active substances in milk thistle may extend the lifespan of cells in your body.

Coleus Forskohlii

The diterpenoids in coleonol (active compound) are a powerful weight loss aid. Clinical studies show that it helps “melt” fatty tissue faster and more efficiently. This unique nutrient is also known to be used for people who suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders as a powerful relaxation aid.

Eurycoma Longifolia (Penawar Pahit)

This is one of Asia’s best kept secrets: Penawar is proven to boost virility and libido. In addition to the aphrodisiac effects, Eurycoma can also increase sperm production and may directly act as a proerectile agent. At least one molecule in Eurycoma (9-hydroxycanthin-6-one) is associated with both a delay in ejaculation as well as pro-erectile properties.


So I took the report home and I read it multiple times. That list of big names had peaked my interest enough. So I asked two of our health experts to fact-check the claims.
I wanted to know...
I got their results a couple of weeks later and everything seemed to check out. They even found one readily available supplement, with the exact dose recommended in the study.
I knew I had to try this stuff myself. And thus, I took the report and turned it into my personal “Superman Experiment”.
The free trial bottle of Growth Xtreme was delivered a couple of days later and the shipping fee was surprisingly inexpensive. I took one Growth Xtreme in the morning and another before bedtime everyday.


The results during the first week were fast and dramatic. My energy level shot through the roof. An unexpected but very welcomed side effect of Growth Xtreme was its power to curb my appetite (which honestly made me feel fantastic). Best of all, I didn’t have to change anything about my daily routine or my diet.
After just 7 days I weigh under 200 pounds for the first time in years… plus I’ve gained an astonishing 3 Lbs in pure muscle mass. I’m impressed, but not entirely convinced. After all, it could be water weight that I’ve lost (like it happens with a lot of other programs) - and I want to see if my muscle mass will keep increasing after this first bump.


During the second week, my energy is higher than ever and I am sleeping soundly for the first time since I was a teenager. I’m no longer tossing and turning or waking up in the middle of the night. My body is getting actual rest (as a result of Growth Xtreme's detoxifying properties, I think).
During the second week, I managed to lose an extra 5 lbs - putting me at an unbelievable 195 lbs in just 2 weeks. I also noticed a 6-pack was starting to show - which my wife loves. At this point I’m starting to think there’s more to these products than I originally believed.


My skepticism has vanished completely. Usually, around the 3rd week of other programs, you tend to run out of steam. But with Growth Xtreme, my energy levels haven’t dipped at all. In fact, they remain steady throughout the day.
By this point I’ve gained a whooping 12.5 lbs of pure muscle mass while my overall weight is just over of 190 lbs. All the fat around my stomach is gone and I’m boasting a badass 6-pack for the first time in my life. Putting it lightly, I’m thrilled.


The Superman Experiment has left me speechless. I’ve gained 16 lbs of muscle mass and I’m holding steady at a lean and muscular 186 lbs - a remarkable transformation from my old self.
Thanks to Growth Xtreme, I now have the body (and the libido) of a ripped 25 year old. My wife can barely keep up with me in the bedroom and the looks I’m getting at the mall are just priceless.

“I couldn’t be happier with the results. I gained 16 lbs of muscle in 4 weeks and lost a lot of unwanted fat. No special diet. No intense workouts. I am hooked!”
You may be a bit skeptical of my results. And quite frankly, I don’t blame you. I was skeptical at first too, remember?
The good news is that you don’t need to take my word for it… because for a limited time, Growth Xtreme is giving away FREE trial bottles.
Grab yours today to experience the same weight loss and muscle-building results.

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