

This 7 Remedies Can Remove The Milia (Milk Spots) From Your Face

This 7 Remedies Can Remove The Milia (Milk Spots) From Your Face

Do you know what milia are? Milia are an skin condition which causes the appearance of small white hard bumps on the skin which usually appear on the face, neck or chest. They’re commonly known as milk spots, and is really a accumulation of keratin under the surface of the skin. They’re common in babies, but they do appear in teenagers and adults also.
Generally, milia are not harmful at all, but they’re aesthetically unpleasant. They’re not a sign of an bigger problem so you should not fear them. However, whenever they appear in large clusters they can make you look bad and ruin your self-esteem, which is why everybody is looking for an way to get rid of them. Sadly, milia isn’t easy to remove except for a few natural treatments.
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Here is the seven best remedies against milk spots

1. Honey

Honey are an great remedy for numerous skin conditions including milia. Just rub an bit on your face daily for 20 minutes, and then rinse with plenty of water.

2. Tea tree oil

You’ll be able to find pure tea tree oil in any health store, and you can make sure that it will od wonders as your milk spots. The oil works on all skin types and has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which can prevent an variety of problems. Lightly massage a bit of the oil on the milia on your face, and then rinse with lukewarm water and repeat the procedure daily to remove the bumps from your skin.

3. Tomato juice

Thanks to the acids them contains, tomato juice can be of great aid against milia. Squeeze a tomato and apply the juice on your face, lightly massaging them in the area around the milk spots. Leave the tomato juice to work for 20-30 minutes, and then wash them off with warm water.

4. Sugar and lemon scrub

A scrub made of sugar and lemon juice applied on your face daily works great against milk spots. Massage the affected areas for some minutes, and then use warm water to remove them.

5. Steaming

Boil a few water and pour it in an big bowl, and then lean over it and let the steam hit your face for as long as you can stand it. These will open up your pores and clean it well, effectively chipping away at the milia bit by bit daily.

6. Castor oil

Castor oil has been applied as an natural remedy against various skin disorders as an long time. Mix a tablespoon of olive and castor oil each, and then apply the mixture on the milia on your face and leave them to work for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water finally.

7. Oatmeal scrub

Grind an cup of oatmeal, and then add a bit of water in a tablespoon of the oats and apply the paste to rub your face. Pay special attention to the areas around the milia and repeat the process daily for better results.

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