

Miracle cancer cures? Ask for evidence

Miracle cancer cures? Ask for evidence

The UK charity Sense About Science will on Monday issue a new edition of their excellent booklet “I’ve got nothing to lose by trying it” as part of the Ask For Evidence campaign, which aims to empower patients and their families to ask for the scientific evidence behind claims made for treatments and products. We wrote this short piece for their website, looking at some of the “miracle cures” for cancer we’ve encountered. Sense About Science has gathered these stories together and will be sharing them on their website over the course of next week.
At Cancer Research UK, we’re often asked about alternative cancer cures. These are usually circulated on the internet and end up plastered onto our Facebook page (often accompanied by the phrase “they don’t want you to know about it). Just a small selection of the cures we’ve heard about recently includes lemon juice, baking soda, apricot kernels, coffee enemas, tropical fruit, “alkaline” foods (whatever they are…), even bleach. But while there are plenty of ‘miracle cures’ out there, a little investigation shows that there’s very little evidence that any of them actually work.
In some cases – particularly chemicals found in plants and other foodstuffs – there may be lab studies suggesting it has an anti-cancer effect. But many things can kill cancer cells growing in a Petri dish in the lab, and chemicals that seem promising in the lab or even in animal models of tumours can be disappointingly ineffective when faced with the real deal in a cancer patient.
Yet the internet is bursting with anecdotes from patients who have apparently been “cured” by all kinds of pills, lotions and potions. So what should we make of them?
Despite what people may claim, videos and stories are not scientific evidence for the effectiveness of any cancer treatment. When faced with a patient story, it’s impossible to tell whether these patients have been ‘cured’ by a particular treatment or not. We know nothing about their medical diagnosis (did they actually have cancer? If so, what type and how was it confirmed?), the stage and aggressiveness of the disease or their outlook.
Often it turns out that people have had conventional cancer treatments too, yet this may not be mentioned. We don’t know about the chemical composition of the treatment they got – for example, one alternative prostate cancer treatment was found to contain prescription drugs. And we only hear about the success stories – what about the people who have tried alternative therapies and not been cured? People who make bold claims only pick their best cases without presenting the full picture.
This highlights the importance of publishing data from rigorous lab research and well-designed clinical trials in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals. Conducting proper clinical studies enables researchers to compare like with like, and prove that a prospective cancer treatment is safe and effective. And publishing their data in scientific journals allows doctors around the world to judge for themselves and use the information for the benefit of their patients.
This is the standard to which all conventional cancer treatments are held, and it’s one that alternative treatments should be held to too. Anecdotes and videos prove nothing and benefit no-one – we need reliable, scientific research to judge whether a treatment is effective.
When faced with a diagnosis of cancer, it’s tempting to turn to “Dr Google” to find out more, but we urge patients to check out the evidence behind any alternative treatments they might be thinking of taking and talk it through with a medical professional. Not only are people at risk of wasting their time and money on completely ineffective treatments, there is also the possibility that a therapy might be harmful or interact with conventional treatments.
Through our information services, we’re well aware how distressing this kind of misinformation about ‘cures’ for serious illnesses can be for people. It gives them false hope and can lower their confidence in the treatment they are receiving from their own doctors.
Cancer Research UK’s CancerHelp website provides a wealth of information on a range of alternative and complementary therapies, which is all supported behind-the-scenes by solid scientific research. We’ve also written here on the blog about conspiracy theoriesalternative treatments and more.
Elsewhere, the American Cancer Society also has an impressive collection of evidence on alternative treatments, and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre maintains a searchable database on herbs and supplements. Finally, Quackwatch has a list of some of the more unusual ‘miracle cures’ and a special message for patients seeking alternative treatments.
If you want to talk to someone about any cancer treatment, call the Cancer Research UK Information Nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040, 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.

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If you are a supporter of alkalizing therapy, then this natural treatment for cancer will resonate with you.
In vitro tests have shown cancer cells thrive in acidic and oxygen-free (anaerobic) environments. The first to describe the correlation between the acidic environment and cancer cell growth was Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology in 1931. In his work he scientifically explained how the growth of cancer cells is triggered in the absence of oxygen, and as a result of sugar fermentation that occurs under such conditions. Dr. Warburg was in fact describing acidic conditions. For cancer cells to maintain effective metabolism, they need a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. Their tolerance for change is small, therefore it has been argued that by raising the blood’s pH, we will effectively target the cancer cell’s cycle, stop its growth and cause it to die. The key is to make your body more alkaline, and different ways to do that have been proposed (find more information in my previous article about how to balance your pH and find out if you are too acidic).
It has been shown that sodium bi-carbonate (baking soda) alkalizes the area around the tumor and prevents development of metastasis (spread of a cancer from one organ to another) in mice with breast cancer. A study published in Cancer Research in 2009 confirmed that inhibition of tumor’s acidity reduced the number of metastasis in some cancers. A new study is underway at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, which will look specifically at the effects of sodium bicarbonate on breast cancer patients.
Lemons, too, help to balance the body’s pH. They have an alkaline effect on the body, despite their initial (citric) acidity. They contain limonoides which are phytochemicals and have anti-cancerous properties. Vitamin C destroys free radicals, which damage our cells. An interesting thing about lemons is also that they act as an anti-microbial. Some researchers suggest that cancer is like a fungus, and should be treated in the same way, so lemons might be a powerful remedy.Now put baking soda and lemons together, and you get a potentially powerful anti-cancer concoction. Also, lemons are a safe way to introduce high alkaline substances into the system. If successful, this method destroys only cancer cells, while healthy cells are left alone. You can ingest the mix by drinking a glass of water with half a lemon and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Livestrong website recommends to drink this mixture between meals, as if taken with food, it will reduce the effectiveness of the stomach’s acid and compromise digestion. Other methods of taking the mixture have been described, but they might require professional guidance, such as intravenous vitamin C therapy.
As we know, conventional cancer therapies come with many side effects, and sometimes there is little they can do for the patient. According to The Cancer Alternative Foundation, when applied properly, alkalizing or ‘pH therapy’ has had a success rate of 80% and higher, which is a hugely significant rate when compared with some of the mainstream methods. There are of course many factors that influence the individual’s treatment process, and there is no cure that would suit all. What is important is to keep an open mind, and evaluate all options available.

“Bad” Cholesterol - Powerful Remedy

Powerful Remedy Against “Bad” Cholesterol

Garlic and lemon. These are two ingredients that are potent in the fight against heart disease and high cholesterol. They're both efficient tools for lowering cholesterol levels and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which reduces the likeliness of getting diseases like atherosclerosis.

This is an old Russian homemade tincture that's been used for centuries. It could potentially fight against cancer cells too, as garlic contains a large quantity of antioxidants.

So to make this tincture, first remove the skin of four garlic cloves, clean thoroughly, and dice. Use a meat grinder to grind up 4 medium sized lemons. Add the ground lemon and garlic to 3 liters of boiling water. Pour into a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator for three days.

Drink 50 ml of the tincture three time a day before meals. If it's strong, feel free to take a little bit less. But this treatment should continue for about 40 days.

Of course, living a healthy life requires long term goals that involve exercise and proper diet. Consult your physician if you think you have high cholesterol and talk about the steps necessary to bring it down to healthy levels.


Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil Can Transform Your Dental Health

Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil Can Transform Your Dental Health

I love it when I learn new things from the comments people leave on my site.
About two weeks ago, I wrote an article about coconut oil – an awesome tropical oil with many health benefits.
A few people commented that they use coconut oil for something called Oil Pulling – which is kind of like using an oil as mouthwash.
Apparently, there are quite a few studies that support this process and a lot of people swear by it.
It is claimed to whiten your teeth, make your breath fresher and lead to massive improvements in oral health.
I have now been doing this every morning for about 10 days… and I am impressed.

What is Oil Pulling and How Does it Work?

Oil pulling involves swishing oil around the mouth and has been used for thousands of years as an Indian folk remedy.
In order to oil pull, you put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, then swish it around for 15-20 minutes.
The main benefit of doing this, is that it reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth.
There are actually thousands of different types of bacteria in the mouth. Some of them are friendly, others are not.
The bacteria in the mouth create a “biofilm” on the teeth – a thin layer that they use to adhere to the surface. This is what we know as “plaque.”
Having some plaque on your teeth is normal, but if it gets out of hand it can cause all sorts of problems, including bad breath, yellow teeth, gum inflammation, gingivitis and cavities.
The way oil pulling works is simple. When you swish the oil around your mouth, the bacteria “get stuck” in it and dissolve in the liquid oil.
Basically, you remove a large amount of the bacteria and plaque in your mouth each time you do this.

I Personally Prefer Coconut Oil

Traditionally, the Indians used other oils such as sesame oil or sunflower oil.
Oil pulling should work with pretty much any oil you choose, but I prefer coconut oil because it has many health benefits.
The Lauric Acid (one of the fatty acids in coconut oil) is also proven to be antimicrobial… it can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi (12).
The taste of coconut oil is also fairly pleasant compared to other oils. I found it rather disgusting at first having my mouth full of oil, but I got used to it after a few days.
Now let’s look at a few studies on oil pulling…

Oil Pulling Can Reduce Harmful Bacteria in The Mouth

Streptococcus Mutans is one of the main bacteria in the mouth and a key player in plaque buildup and tooth decay.
In a study from 2008 with 20 boys, oil pulling (using sesame oil) caused a reduction in the number of Streptococcus Mutans in the plaque in as little as 2 weeks (3).
It was not as effective as a Chlorhexidine mouthwash, but much cheaper and MUCH less nasty.

Oil Pulling Can Reduce Plaque and Gingivitis

Gingivitis is caused by inflammation of the gums and happens when the immune system starts attacking the bacteria in the plaque.
Another study compared oil pulling and chlorhexidine in adolescents with plaque-induced gingivitis. Both oil pulling and chlorhexidine mouthwash were effective against gingivitis (4).

Oil Pulling Can Reduce Bad Breath

Bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis, is in many cases (not all) caused by the smell of chemicals and gases produced by bacteria in the mouth.
It makes sense that if you get rid of some of these bacteria, you reduce bad breath.
In a third study of 20 adolescents, oil pulling therapy significantly reduced all markers for bad breath and was just as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash (5).

How to Oil Pull

Coconut Oil
Oil pulling is incredibly simple and effective.
Here’s how to do it:
  1. Put about a tablespoon of oil in your mouth.
  2. Swish the oil around your mouth for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Spit out the oil, then brush your teeth.
If you use coconut oil like me, then you may have to chew on the oil for a minute or so to let it melt, because it is solid at room temperature.
It is best to do this on an empty stomach, before you brush your teeth. I prefer to do it while I take a shower in the morning.
I put the oil in my mouth, swish it around while in the shower and try to “push” and “pull” the oil between my teeth.
When I get out of the shower I spit out the oil into the trash or toilet (not the sink… it can clog), rinse my mouth with water and then brush my teeth.
There is no need to use a lot of force here, if oil pulling causes pain in your facial muscles then just relax a bit. Try using less oil next time and don’t swish it around too forcefully.

What to Expect

I’ve been doing this for about 10 days now.
I’ve definitely noticed that my breath is fresher and my teeth look a lot cleaner… both whiter and more shiny.
I’ve never had any dental problems, but I can see how this could have benefits for people that have them.
There are a lot of wild claims about oil pulling online and I don’t believe all of them.
However, oil pulling IS effective at reducing the harmful bacteria in your mouth and improving oral and dental health.
Given that inflammation can cause all sorts of health problems, it does make sense that reducing inflammation in the gums and mouth could lead to benefits for overall health as well.
Perhaps this is the reason why many people report improvements in health issues that really have nothing to do with the mouth.
Anyway… I have to say that I am really surprised at how effective this is. I plan to continue doing this for a long time.

Lemon and Baking soda Miraculous combination

Lemon and Baking soda Miraculous combination: 10, 000 times stronger than Chemotherapy!

Why do we not know about this?

Because there are organizations that continue to profit from disease.  It is that simple.
Do you know how many people die while this secret is kept simply in the name of profit?
Lemon has already been proven to have strong anti – carcinogenic properties. In addition to this there are many other useful properties. Lemon has a strong effect on cysts and tumors.
Citrus fruit can cure cancer. Recent studies have shown that consuming citrus fruits, specifically lemons have prevented and in some cases cured cancer.  And by adding baking soda you will normalize the pH of the body which does not allow the cancer to continue to spread.
A recent case-control study out of Europe showed that consuming four or more 150-gram portions per week of citrus fruit decreased the risks of throat cancer by 58 percent, oral/pharyngeal cancer by 53 percent, stomach cancer by 31 percent, and colorectal cancer by 18 percent. This study did not find a protective effect of citrus against breast cancer, but a recent American study did show that women consuming about 75 grams daily of grapefruit (fruit or juice) saw a 22% reduction in breast cancer risk if they had never used hormone replacement therapy. It is noteworthy that the protective level of citrus consumption was nearly identical in both these studies (525-600 grams per week) and could be interpreted as a minimum intake level for meaningful cancer protection. However, it’s also important to know the best sources of limonoids if they are key to citrus fruit’s anti-cancer properties.
Lemon has a very strong antimicrobial effect with a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial andfungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and is a powerful antidepressant, reduces stress and nerve crises.

What is the source of this information?  It comes from one of the largest manufacturers of drugs, which states that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 they have proved that:
Lemon destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 types of cancers. Lemon prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has 10,000 times stronger effect then drugs like Adriamycinchemotherapy and narcotic products.
Chemotherapy has horrible side effects the worst being that it destroys healthy cells, simply put it kills you. Lemon juice and baking soda, on the other hand only kills the cancer cells.
Patients should drink two teaspoons of lemon juice with a half of teaspoon of baking soda.
Please make sure to use organic lemons.   Organic lemons  are 100 times more effective than a lemon grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with chemicals .
Addtional Sources for this article include:
Citrus flavonoids, or naturally occurring plant compounds that function as antioxidants, may be effective anticancer agents, a new study reports.
Researchers from Lawson Health Research Institute in Canada explained that tangeritin and nobiletin are citrus flavonoids that are among the most effective at inhibiting cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo.

Tangeritin is a flavone that is found in tangerine and other citrus peels. Tangeritin is commercially available as a dietary supplement. Nobiletin is one of the citrus bioflavonoids. Citrus bioflavonoids are those bioflavonoids found in citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, etc.

The study investigated the antiproliferative activity of tangeretin and nobiletin in human breast cancer cell lines and a human colon cancer line.

Researchers found that both flavonoids inhibited proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner, and blocked cell cycle progression in all three cell lines. At concentrations that resulted in significant inhibition of proliferation and cell cycle arrest, neither flavonoid induced cell death in any of the tumor cell lines.

To test the ability of arrested cells to recover, cells that were incubated with tangeretin and nobiletin for four days were then cultured in flavonoid-free medium for an additional four days. Cells resumed proliferation similar to untreated control within a day of flavonoid removal. Cell cycle distribution was similar to that of control within four days of flavonoid removal.

The study authors concluded that, in these cell lines at concentrations that inhibit proliferation up to 80 percent over 4 days, tangeretin and nobiletin stop cell growth and significantly suppress proliferation by cell cycle arrest without cell death. Based on this evidence, tangeretin and nobiletin may be effective anticancer agents.

Integrative therapies with strong or good scientific evidence in the treatment of cancer include vitamin A, probiotics, psychotherapy and selenium.

Cancer Lett. 2007 Jun 18;251(1):168-78. Epub 2007 Jan 2.

Tangeretin and nobiletin induce G1 cell cycle arrest but not apoptosis in human breast and colon cancer cells.
Morley KL, Ferguson PJ, Koropatnick J.

Cancer Research Laboratory Program, London Regional Cancer Program, Lawson Health Research Institute, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ont., Canada.

Tangeretin and nobiletin are citrus flavonoids that are among the most effective at inhibiting cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. The antiproliferative activity of tangeretin and nobiletin was investigated in human breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-435 and MCF-7 and human colon cancer line HT-29. Both flavonoids inhibited proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner, and blocked cell cycle progression at G1 in all three cell lines. At concentrations that resulted in significant inhibition of proliferation and cell cycle arrest, neither flavonoid induced apoptosis or cell death in any of the tumor cell lines. To test the ability of arrested cells to recover, cells that were incubated with tangeretin and nobiletin for 4 days were then cultured in flavonoid-free medium for an additional 4 days. Cells resumed proliferation similar to untreated control within a day of flavonoid removal. Cell cycle distribution was similar to that of control within 4 days of flavonoid removal. These data indicate that, in these cell lines at concentrations that inhibit proliferation up to 80% over 4 days, tangeretin and nobiletin are cytostatic and significantly suppress proliferation by cell cycle arrest without apoptosis. Such an agent could be expected to spare normal tissues from toxic side effects. Thus, tangeretin and nobiletin could be effective cytostatic anticancer agents. Inhibition of proliferation of human cancers without inducing cell death may be advantageous in treating tumors as it would restrict proliferation in a manner less likely to induce cytotoxicity and death in normal, non-tumor tissues.


[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Morley KL, Ferguson PJ, Koropatnick J. Tangeretin and nobiletin induce G1 cell cycle arrest but not apoptosis in human breast and colon cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2007 Jun 18;251(1):168-78. Epub 2007 Jan 2. View Abstract.

Natural Standard Research Collaboration: The Authority on Integrative Medicine. Copyright © 2007.

Why You Should Brush with Sea Salt and Baking Soda

Why You Should Brush with Sea Salt and Baking Soda

Whether you’re cued in to the health hazards of commercial toothpastes, or just looking for some bi-weekly TLC to add to your dental discipline, brushing your pearly whites with some sea salt and/or baking soda is a safe and natural way to ensure strong teeth and gums, break down plaque buildup, and protect against bad breath. Either used alone or together, sea salt and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) are inexpensive, time-tested treatments for tooth care.
Let’s Talk Sea Salt 
Calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, nickel, iron—just a few of many trace elements and minerals found in sea salt. These nutrients strengthen gums, protect against tarter and bad breath, and may even whiten your teeth over time. High in iodine, sea salt has antibacterial properties and helps neutralize acids in the mouth. Salt makes you salivate, and your saliva creates an antibacterial barrier that protects your enamel.
You can either dip a wet toothbrush into a half teaspoon of sea salt and brush your teeth as you regularly would…or you can rinse with a saltwater solution. Mix a half teaspoon of sea salt with four ounces of warm water. Let the salt dissolve, and then slosh the solution around in your mouth for 30 seconds. Be sure to spit and not swallow when done! A saltwater rinse helps allay swollen, inflamed gums and rinses away bacteria in the mouth.
Let’s Talk Baking Soda
Baking soda has long been praised as the natural way to whiten teeth. It’s gritty enough to clean your teeth of tarter and plaque without being so abrasive that it wears away your tooth enamel.
Sodium bicarbonate is highly alkaline, and as such counteracts acids in the mouth (acids cause tooth decay), kills bacteria and germs, and combats bad breath.
You can mix baking soda with water into a paste-like consistency to clean teeth. Or you can combine baking soda and salt to make your own homemade toothpaste. If you aren’t comfortable ditching your traditional toothpaste entirely, brush with sea salt and baking soda once or twice a week as supplemental dental care.
Are there any side effects to be wary of? According to Dr. Paul H. Keyes D.D.S., clinical investigator at the National Institute of Dental Research, NO! Keyes maintains, “Over the years when I was lecturing, I asked thousands of dentists and hygienists to raise their hands if they had ever seen destructive periodontaldisease in person[s] who had regularly brushed with salt and/or [baking] soda. I have never seen a hand! And although I have not seen many such cases, the periodontal health in these patients has always been excellent.”


Баба Ванга

"Няма човек, който да е роден само за щастие. Ето - един е роден отличен работник, но няма щастие в семейството. Друг има и двете, но пък няма здраве. Трети е здрав, но пък децата са му болни и т. н. Във всеки човек има и добро, и зло. Така е устроен светът...
...Някой си мисли, че като има пари, може да си купи и любов, но това е вятър работа. Любов с пари не се купува. Или пък си мисли, че като стане богат, всичко ще му е наред, но и това не е вярно. Работи, работи човекът, трупа пари и вещи и после вземе, та умре и остави всичко на друг. Който много събира, никога не го използва. Друг събира плодовете на труда му. Затова по-правилно е така: не трупай, парите са средство за живот, използвай ги всеки ден...
...За всеки човек идват периоди на трудности. Дори и за най-богатите и за най-силните. Затова човек трябва да се стреми да бъде смирен, за да не умре в прегръдките на злото...
...Човек никога няма да спечели пари, ако не се занимава с подходяща работа. Той трябва първо да разбере какво най-много му харесва да прави, а не да робува на мода или нечии съвети...
...Не роптайте срещу страданието, което преживявате. Страданието е пречистващо средство, като една дреха, която не е чиста, ако не се изпере...
...В тежки времена живеем. Хората помежду си нямат един с друг нищо общо. Майките раждат деца, но нямат мляко да ги кърмят. Казват, защото били нервни. Не е това. Просто децата нямат нищо общо със своите майки, те само са дошли на света чрез тях. Нищо не получават децата от майките: нито мляко, нито топлина. Дават ги съвсем малки в детски ясли, вечер ги слагат да спят отделно, рядко виждат усмивката на майчиното лице.
Майките са недоволни, че съпрузите им не ги почитат достатъчно. Съпрузите пък смятат, че са се оженили само защото е трябвало да минат по реда си. Възрастните са недоволни, че младите не ги уважават. Никой с никого не е близък. Хората вече се интересуват само от пари. Мислят, че ако имат пари, всичко ще им е наред. Не знаят, че един ден тези пари няма да им служат за нищо...
...Бедността е цвете, на богатството не се радвайте. Бедността дава да се радваш на деца, приятели, роднини. А от богатството душата се разболява...
...Който краде, за здраве ще плаче...
...Понякога съм много нервна, а хората мислят, че съм лоша. А аз виждам обкръжението и обръча, който постепенно се стеснява около земята, преживявам мъките на всички хора и не мога, а и не смея да го обясня, защото един много строг глас непрекъснато ме предупреждава да не се мъча да обяснявам каквото и да било, защото хората заслужават живота, който водят. Как да помогна на тези хора, които все повече не зачитат никого, надпреварват се да придобиват пари и вещи...
...Не искайте много – не можете да му платите цената...
...Няма хитрец, дори и най-големият, който да е надхитрил съдбата си. Ще хитрува толкова, колкото му е дадено от Бога. И после няма право на снизхождение!...
...Нека знаят всички, че нищо не остава неизплатено на този свят. Хората вършат престъпления и мислят, че никой не ги е видял. Не е така! Всичко се вижда и идва време, когато провинилият се трябва да плати!...
...Работете сутрин и през деня. Никога вечер. Силите свише не помагат вечер, а без тяхна помощ нищо велико не може да се роди..."
Баба Ванга


Съветите на Петър Дънов за лечение на рак

Съветите на Петър Дънов за лечение на рак могат да се определят като сензационни и дори в противовес с медицината. Истината обаче е, че само лекарите, които са свикнали да разчитат пациента „по буквата на закона“, не гледат сериозно върху лечебните чудеса, които е изложил Петър Дънов. Много от докторите все повече започват да го подкрепят и да признават ефекта от съветите, които той дава в своите книги.
Главната причина за появата на болестта рак Дънов я определя в дисхармонията между сърцето и ума. Това той го обяснява с размножаване на клетки не според потребностите на организма, което поражда туморите. Лечението Учителя го вижда в топлата вода (изложена на слънце) и кромид лук. Консумацията на големи количества от тях е в състояние да възстанови хармонията в човешкия организъм, казва той.
Препоръките на Петър Дънов, които засягат чисто физическия аспект на човек, са свързани с изключването на месото от всякакви видове менюта, да не се смесват различни тежки продукти и да се пие доста зехтин. За цялостен ефект от лечението на рак, а и на други болести, е нужно да се пости поне веднъж в седмица. Човек трябва да си избере такъв един ден и да го спазва стриктно до живот.
Петър Дънов обаче е далеч от мисълта, че от рак човек може да се излекува само чрез телесно възстановяване. Той счита, че душата трябва да се пребори с болестта, за да бъде победата пълна. В противен случай заболяването наистина може да окаже фатално или пък да се завърне след години. За целта Учителя отдава голяма роля на енергията в самия човек. Тя трябва да бъде изцяло положителна и душата да вярва в победата над рака. За това помагат много любовта към Бог, към всички хора (независимо как те се отнасят към теб), стремежът да се прави добро на всяка цена, да се мисли позитивно и с надежда във всяко отношение. Защото едно нещо е способно да се появи в живота на човека, ако той го предизвика. Затова Петър Дънов смята, че трябва да се мисли само в положителен аспект, за да се предизвика доброто. Виолетовият цвят е много подходящ за т. нар. „изчистване на негативизма“. Човек трябва да се обгради само с предмети във виолетово и така много по-лесно ще приеме вярата и надеждата в живота си, счита Учителя.
Източник: doctorbg


Killer Cookware: The Dangers of Teflon

Killer Cookware: The Dangers of Teflon

There’s a killer lurking in your kitchen….

At least, there is if you cook with non stick Teflon cookware. Teflon cookware, when heated to high temperature (when cooking, for example) can release fumes that are harmful to humans and lethal to pet birds. Canaries were used in coal mines to determine air quality – if they couldn’t breathe or died suddenly, miners knew that the air quality was hazardous and they needed to exit immediately. Every year, hundreds of pet birds, however, keel over and are rushed to the vet. The cause of death is the same in every case – Teflon toxicity.
The makers of this cookware continue insist that it’s safe – you should just keep your birds out of the kitchen!
Do you really want your family breathing fumes that can kill a small animal outright?
Why is cookware treated with Teflon so dangerous? The answer is simple; it’s made of chemicals that the human body was never meant to ingest. Chemicals with long names like perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). These chemicals are released if you heat your Teflon cookware over too high of a flame or heat the pan with no food in it. AT just 600 degrees, Teflon pans release multiple chemicals, carcinogens, and pollutants. At 1,000 degrees, Teflon releases PFIB, which is also used as a chemical nerve agent. Teflon itself, or polytetrafluorethylene, was originally a waste byproduct of freon production.
How many of you have ever burned a dish or accidentally preheated the oven with your pans inside? It doesn’t take much to reach these temperatures, and it only takes one cooking accident to expose your family to dangerous gasses.
If you’re a bird owner, Teflon kills – even at normal cooking temperatures. No human error or overheating required – simply using this toxic cookware is enough to kill your precious family pet. The fumes released are often harmful to birds, and are usually fatal. Exposure to Teflon fumes after heating a pan to just 400 degrees can cause flu like symptoms in humans, as well. This condition is known as polymer fume fever, and is dismissed by DuPont (Teflon’s creator) as a mild condition.
Unlike some chemical contaminants, the chemicals released from Teflon only get worse over time. The pans were made of cheaper materials in the past, and often flaked and chipped. In fact, studies show that as the cookware ages, the amount of chemical ingredients released into food increases – so if you’re cooking with old nonstick pans, you’re not only breathing the fumes, but ingesting the chemicals in your food, as well. This can make for dangerous levels of chemical contaminants in both your environment and your diet. In fact, most Americans have some of the chemicals in Teflon in their bloodstream.
Unfortunately, there are currently no federal government regulations for cookware. Teflon nonstick pans sometimes come with a warning to keep birds away, but consumers are sadly undereducated about the dangers of nonstick cookware. Veterinarians report hundreds of bird deaths every year from Teflon toxicity – often, the bird owners had no idea that such a common, everyday item could be so dangerous to their feathered friend.
The bottom line is this – avoid using Teflon cookware at all costs. Be especially wary of using older Teflon pots or pans that have been scratched, dinged, or damaged, as they can leach even more toxins into your food. Every year, more research supports the danger of the chemical contaminants this cookware produces, and I don’t expect the fallout to stop anytime soon. Until the government takes action, consumers are responsible for protecting themselves and their families. This means that it’s up to you to keep this killer away from your family and pets.
Luckily, there are many types of chemical free cookware available. Clay and glass cookware are excellent for baking – if you’ve never had pizza prepared on a real baking stone ,you’re missing out! Stainless steel and copper pans are also favored by many cooks, including professional chefs. Cast iron pots and pans are durable, easy to care for, and only get better with time – a well seasoned cast iron frying pan is a pleasure to use and rarely sticks.
Best two options in my book:
“Stainless steel is a terrific alternative to a non-stick cooking surface. Most chefs agree that stainless steel browns foods better than non-stick surfaces.
Cast iron remains a great alternative to non-stick cooking surfaces. Lodge, America’s oldest family-owned cookware manufacturer, refers to its cookware as “natural non-stick.” Cast iron is extremely durable and can be pre-heated to temperatures that will brown meat and will withstand oven temperatures well above what is considered safe for non-stick pans.”


ДЯДО ВЛАЙЧО (1894-1981)

ДЯДО ВЛАЙЧО (1894-1981)

Името му беше Влайчо Жечев от с. Коньово, Сливенско. Неговият живот е олицетворение на пътуващ пророк от времето на пророците в древния Израил. Имаше дарба, имаше връзка с Невидимия свят, пророкуваше и пророчествата му се сбъдваха. Как се извършваше този процес в неговото съзнание ние не знаем. Обикновено пред него стоеше Еангелието, той прелистваше страниците, спираше се на някой стих, прочиташе го, тогава се обръщаше към този, който седеше пред него и чакаше пророчество и дядо Влайчо му казваше това, което имаше да му каже. После разказваше, че като чете Евангелието и като погледне този, който стои срещу него му се дават в съзнанието живи картини и той ги тълкува или ги превежда буквално. Той се подвизаваше по време на Школата на Учителя. Познаваше почти всички хора в Братството и провинцията. Нашите хора мило и драго даваха, някой да им пророкува. Учителят е в София, Школата е открита, Словото на Учителя се излива като непресъхващ извор, но нашите приятели търсеха ясновидци, пророци и връзка с Невидимия свят. И всеки намираше това, което търсеше - едни Учителя, а другите - ясновидците...

А сега идваме до най-драматичното в този разказ. В разстояние на 22 години, докато е отворена Школата дядо Влайчо пътува по цяла България, посещава стотици хора от Братството в провинцията и е пророкувал на хиляди българи, но той нито един път през цялото време не е дошъл на Изгрева и не се е срещал с Учителя. Ето, виждате ли как работят пророците от времето на Израиля, които са се родили в България? Тогава по времето на Израиля пророците казваха: „И рече ми Господ." Или „Слово Господне биде към мене и рече." Значи онези старовременни пророци разбираха, че Господ им говори и свидетелствуваха за думите Господни пред человеците. А тук в България какво става? Стана точно обратното. Учителят е тук на Изгрева, а те не Го зачитат за нищо.

А сега идва драматичния развой. Дядо Влайчо накрая решава да дойде на Изгрева, за да се срещне с Учителя. Учителят го приема и му казва: „Рекох, много късно дойдохте!" И си обръща главата в страни. След 20 дни Учителят си замина от този свят. Този факт дядо Влайчо на мнозина хора го е разказвал, когато са го разпитвали дали има някаква опитност с Учителя.

След 9.1Х. 1944 г. когато комунистите взеха властта дядо Влайчо започна да пророкува, че в скоро време комунистите ще паднат от власт и на тяхно място ще дойдат да управляват земеделците. А и те няма да управляват много време, след което ще дойде да управлява Бялото Братство. Ето ви сега разминаване със Словото на Учителя и с пророците. Комунистите тогава видяха, че това негово пророчество, подкопава властта им и го изпратиха в концлагер шест месеца, за да провери дали комунистите ще паднат от власт. Когато един от следователите в милицията го заплашвал и се държал грубо с него дядо Влайчо му казал: „Внимавай, защото и ти ще дойдеш при мене". И наистина след два месеца този началник пристигнал в концлагера като затворник. Бил хванат, че прехвърлял политически противници на властта срещу пари и подкупи по нелегален канал в чужбина. Дядо Влайчо се приближил при него и му казал: „Добре дошъл! Нали ти казах, че ще дойдеш при мене!" Онзи го гледа, не може да се помири с пророчеството на дядо Влайчо и го пита: „Да имаш още нещо да ми кажеш." „Ще ти кажа: „Ако речеш да бягаш ще те разстрелят като псе!" Така се разделили. След време следователя бил пуснат от концлагера и решава да бяга през границата в Югославия, но там бива разстрелян като псе при опита за бягство. Това му го съобщил по-късно един от началниците в милицията, на който дядо Влайчо помогнал със съвет за болната му жена. Казал му: „Ти знаеш ли, че оня дето те изпрати в концлагера и гдето ние го изпратихме след тебе също там, се опита да избяга през границата и го утрепаха." Дядо Влайчо поклатил глава: „Аз го предупредих!"

Комунистите приложиха друга нова тактика към затворниците. Те започнаха да ги карат да работят. В този концлагер, в който е бил дядо Влайчо затворниците са копаели каменни въглища в рудник. Един ден дядо Влайчо отишъл при началника и го предупредил да не изпраща затворниците в рудника, защото ще има свличане на пластовете и галерите ще се затрупат. Ще загинат стотици хора. А защо да загинат когато могат да работят. Началникът го запитал: „От къде знаеш това?" Казал му: „Бог ми го каза." Началника не му повярвал. Но дядо Влайчо се приближил към онзи стария следовател, който го изпратил в затвора и който сега е затворник като него и го помолил да свидетелства пред началника, че това което му е казал се е сбъднало. „Началникът на концлагера не ми вярва, но ти можеш да ги убедиш като му разкажеш за пророчеството, което бе за теб и което се сбъдна. И тогава началника ще послуша теб и няма да изпрати стотици хора в рудника да бъдат затрупани." Така и сторил и неговите думи хванали декиш. Онзи му повярвал. На следващият ден не изпратил никого в рудника, а към обед наистина станало свличане и затрупване в галериите. Всички стояли като втрещени. Началникът извикал дядо Влайчо и му казал: „Такъв човек като тебе не може и не трябва да седи в затвора. Излез от тука, но внимавай какво говориш." Дядо Влайчо излиза от затвора, няма пукнат грош в джоба си, а трябва да пътува. Чува глас: „Наведи се надолу!" Поглежда, вижда едно портмоне в краката си, отваря го и вътре толкова лева, колкото му трябват за път.

След това започна неговото велико разпъване на кръст. Хората го търсеха, а той пътуваше само нощем, а през деня се укриваше в домовете на приятелите. Там го намираха онези, които имаха нужда от него. То беше кри-ене, както за него самия, така и за онези, които търсеха от дядо Влайчо помощ и съвети. Помагаше на всички. И комунистите го търсеха. Имаше един случай, когато противниците на големият партизанин и след това голям човек в новата власт Чочоолу му се беше случила беля. Изведнъж изчезва и му открадват внучето. Търси го милиция, търсят го всички, но няма следа. Отиват при дядо Влайчо, той се моли, прелиства Евангелието и му казва: „Казаха ми, че детето е укрито в един запустял кладенец." Почват да търсят пресъхнали кладенци и го намират там. Хайде сега отидете и обяснете на атеиста и невярващия как може да се случи такова нещо. Е, може! Така дядо Влайчо помагаше на всички. Властите му показаха по какъв начин да работи. Да се крие и скришно от погледа на обществото да работи. Името му се носеше като жива легенда. Всички, които отиваха при него и получаваха помощ, той след това ги насочваше да посещават Братствата в провинцията, да слушат Словото и да четат беседите на Учителя. Е, някои се опитваха да изпълнят съветите му, но после се отдалечаваха. Те бяха от друг свят. В Школата на Учителя идват само ученици, които са определени.

За дядо Влайчо могат да се разкажат хиляди случки, които не са преувеличени, където се е сбъднало неговото пророчество, където са дали плод неговите съвети и е помогнал на мнозина.

Той беше жив пример и образец на пророк от времето на Стария завет. Служеше на пророческия Дух в себе си за доброто на другите.

Той беше жив пример и образец на апостол от времето на Христа. Носеше Евангелието и с думите Христови отваряше вратите на едно знание, с което даваше помощ на страдащите и ги упътваше в живота им.

Той бе определен да бъде ученик на Учителя. Но той закъсня и не дойде при Учителя, макар че Той го чакаше цели 22 години. Дойде, но много късно!

След заминаването на Учителя той работи с Христовото Слово и Евангелието между този народ. Четеше беседите на Учителя, но беше се разминал с Учителя и с времето, което бе определено в Школата на Учителя.

Затова внимавайте да не се разминете с времето, когато сте дошли между този народ, да се срещнете със Словото на Учителя. Разминете ли се, ще имате за поука живота на пророка дядо Влайчо.