

Microsoft is recording EVERYTHING - how to stop it?

Windows 10: Microsoft is recording EVERYTHING you type, but this is how to stop it

WINDOWS 10 is tracking and recording your every keystroke and Cortana request, sending the data it collects back to Microsoft to try and improve accuracy. But if that makes you uncomfortable, there is a way to stop it.

Microsoft can track every word you type, or say out loud, while using its latest operating system, Windows 10.
Windows 10, which unites the Microsoft ecosystem across a host of devices including smartphones, tablet and desktops PC, first rolled out back in July.
The Microsoft OS saw huge adoption within the first few hours of its release – but the free upgrade process has not been without issues.
Users have reported agonisingly slow boot-up speeds, wifi issues and problems with child safety features following the jump to Windows 10.
The news comes days after it was revealed Microsoft was working on a major update for its latest operating system, which featured a visual refresh.
Now a keylogger has reportedly been discovered within the latest Microsoft operating system.
The Redmond firm included the software, which tracks every keystroke made on the Windows 10 device, to try and improve its products and services.
Voice data is also collected and analysed every time virtual assistant Cortana is used on the desktop operating system.
It was thought that Microsoft would only include the key logger within the Technical Preview versions of the operating system, so that it could use the vast data supplied by beta testers to tweak the final release.
However the slightly creepy software has now been included in the commercial version of Windows 10, PC World has confirmed.
Explaining the role of the spyware in its FAQ, Microsoft writes: "When you interact with your Windows device by speaking, writing (handwriting), or typing, Microsoft collects speech, inking, and typing information—including information about your Calendar and People (also known as contacts)…”
Fortunately, Windows 10 users can switch off the key logging.
Simply navigate to the Start Menu, then tap Settings.
Privacy is in the third row of the Settings window.
Once you are in the Privacy menu, tap on General, then under Send Microsoft info about how I write to help use improve typing and writing in the future – toggle the setting to Off.
Then, under the Speech, Inking and Typing menu, which is located four rows beneath General – click Stop getting to know me.
This will turn off the speech tracking through dictation and Cortana.


Aspirina anti-cancro, gli esperti: “Aumenta efficacia”

Aspirina anti-cancro, gli esperti: “Aumenta efficacia”

(a.b.) – L’aspirina potrebbe essere in grado di aumentare l’efficacia delle nuove cure anti-cancro che agiscono rafforzando il sistema immunitario, dicono gli scienziati. A firmare un nuovo studio sono gli esperti del Francis Crick Institute, che su ‘Cell’ assicurano di avere le prove che il medicinale antinfiammatorio più usato al mondo può aiutare l’immunoterapia a scovare i tumori e farli aggredire dalle difese dell’organismo.
Il team ha dimostrato che le cellule neoplastiche della pelle, della mammella e dell’intestino producono alti livelli di una sostanza chimica, chiamata prostaglandina E2, in grado di smorzare la risposta immunitaria e di far dunque ‘nascondere’ il tumore. Tuttavia, secondo i risultati dello studio, farmaci come l’aspirina possono cambiare i percorsi chimici all’interno delle cellule tumorali che portano alla produzione della prostaglandina E2.
Caetano Reis e Sousa, uno dei ricercatori, spiega di essere “ancora molto lontano da ricerche sui pazienti. Siamo davanti a una ricerca preclinica su modelli murini, ma quello che vorremmo fare ora è impostare uno studio clinico per dimostrare formalmente che questo può accadere anche negli esseri umani. I risultati sono entusiasmanti, nel contesto di un rinnovato interesse per l’immunoterapia. Certo, quello che abbiamo scoperto non è una rivoluzione, ma un’evoluzione che ci potrebbe aiutare a cercare di ottenere un tasso di remissione ancora maggiore dalla malattia tumorale”.



За поддържането на здрави зъби помага ежедневното изплакване на устата с настой от прополис. 
Венците се съхраняват здрави с изплакване на отвара от кора на дъб. Затова са необходими 1 ч.л. кора и 1 чаша вряла вода, като се оставя да кисне за около половин час. Устата се изплаква след хранене. За да се запазят зъбите здрави, а венците да не кървят е полезно в тях внимателно да се втрива след измиване вечер морска сол, смесена със зехтин.
Кървенето на венците може да се спре с цвекло след измиване с паста за зъби. Едно не голямо цвекло се измива, обелва и настъргва, увива се в марля и се поставя на венците за половин час. По този начин се лекува парадонтоза. Процедурата е необходимо да се прави ежедневно в продължение на 3-4 седмици. Подобрение настъпва още в края на първата седмица.
За укрепване на зъбите използвайте яйчена черупка. Преварете я за 3-5 минути, изсушете я, смелете я до състояние на брашно и добавете щипка-две в храната, непосредствено преди ядене.

Всички микроби в устната кухина се унищожават с изплакването й с етерично масло от чаено дърво - 1-2 капки на една чаша вода.Свеж дъх дарява изплакването на устата с добавено етерично масло от мента.
А за да сте напълно уверени в свежестта на дъха си, може да носите в себе си 1 щипка карамфил (подправката), която да сдъвчете след хранене.


How to perform a clean installation of Windows 10

How to perform a clean installation of Windows 10

If you’re eligible for the Windows 10 upgrade but want to perform a clean install, you won’t get far without a product key. We explain what you need to do.
While the Windows 10 upgrade process has gone smoothly for most Windows 7 and 8 users, it has caused problems for others. Upgrading from one version of Windows to another is rarely a great idea. Files left behind by the previous operation system often cause problems, as can changes made to those files by other applications.
That’s why the usual advice for installing a new version of Windows is to perform a ‘clean’ install. Reformatting your hard drive before you install Windows gives a ‘factory fresh’ PC — you just need to reinstall your applications and copy back your documents to get you up and running again. 
There’s a big problem when doing this with Windows 10, though. First, anyone upgrading from Windows 7 or 8 won’t have a Windows 10 install disc — the upgrade comes via a download. Second, the Windows 10 upgrade doesn’t provide a product key, so there’s no way to activate it after a clean install. Fortunately, there is a way around this.
Where’s my Windows 10 product key?
As long as you qualify for the free Windows 10 upgrade, it should activate automatically once you’ve installed the upgrade. A product key will then be generated for your PC and stored by Microsoft.
You won’t see this product key, but it’s tied to your PC hardware. So once your upgrade version of Windows 10 is installed and activated, you can wipe your PC and reinstall the operating system from scratch. Since the hardware hasn’t changed since the last activation, Windows 10 should then activate successfully again.

Before you start!
Back up any documents on the drive you’re going to be using for Windows 10 (usually the C: drive) before attempting this. Also make sure you have any necessary serial numbers for applications you need to reinstall afterwards.
It’s also worth downloading any drivers you may need for Windows 10 before you begin. This is very important for your PC’s network or wi-fi adapter, which may not work with Windows 10’s own driver after a clean install.

1. Upgrade to Windows 10
You can’t perform a clean installation of Windows 10 until you’ve performed an upgrade installation and activated the operating system. This done, confirm that Windows 10 has been activated by going to Start > Settings > Update & security > Activation.
Look in the right of the window and you should see Activation: Windows is activated. If you don’t see this, you must not proceed and you’ll need to wait until Windows 10 activates.
1. Upgrade to Windows 10

2. Confirm your version of Windows
You’ll also need to know which version of Windows 10 you’re using so that you can download the same version. You’ll see the edition of Window 10 you have in the window opened in Step 1 — Windows 10 Pro, in our example.
Next, right-click the This PC icon on the Desktop and choose Properties from the menu that appears. When the System window opens, look on the right side underSystem > System type to see whether you’re using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows.
2. Confirm your version of Windows

 3. Download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
The Windows 10 download is around 2.5GB and will need to be copied to a blank DVD or a USB flash drive for the installation, so make sure you have something suitable to hand for this.
Go to and click either the Download Tool Now (32-bit version) or Download Tool Now (64-bit version) button, depending on which version of Windows 10 you need.
This just downloads a small setup tool that will download the required Windows 10 setup files later.
3. Download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

4. Run the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
When the download has finished, plug in your USB flash drive or insert a blank DVD in your PC’s DVD drive. Find the downloaded MediaCreationTool.exe file in yourDownloads folder and double-click it to run it.
When the Windows 10 Setup window appears, select the Create installation media for another PC option and click the Next button.
4. Run the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

5. Choose your Windows 10 version
On the next screen, choose the LanguageEdition and Architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) to match your current version of Windows 10. Don’t select one of the N editions — these lack Windows Media Player. Click Next to continue. 
5. Choose your Windows 10 version

6. Choose a storage device and start the download
Select the device you’re going to use for the Windows 10 installation — USB flash drive or an ISO file for burning to DVD. Click Next.
6. Choose a storage device
Select the USB flash drive, or a folder on your PC, to store the Windows 10 setup files. Click Next and the 4GB download will begin.
If you created a DVD ISO file, you’ll now need to burn the file to a DVD before you can use it to boot your PC. Else you can boot using the USB flash drive.
6. Start the download

7. Begin the Windows 10 installation
After you boot your PC using the Windows 10 DVD or USB flash drive, choose theInstall now option and then Skip the request for a product key to activate Windows. As long as you’ve already upgraded this PC to Windows 10, you won’t need a product key.
7. Begin the Windows 10 installation

8. Perform a custom install
When prompted, choose the Custom: Install Windows only (advanced) option. This will erase everything on your existing Windows 10 drive (usually C:), so be sure you’ve backed up everything you want to keep before going any further.
8. Perform a custom install

9. Choose where to install
Select the hard drive partition you want to install Windows 10 on. This should already be labelled as Windows 78 or 10, but it should also be the largest partition in the list. If you’re not sure which partition to use, seek help before going any further.
10. Reformat your hard drive
If you’re happy to continue, click the Format option and click OK on the warning dialog box that appears. When the drive format is complete, click Next.

10. Complete the set up
The Windows 10 installation will now start. When it’s almost complete, you’ll be asked for a product key again, so click the Do this later option at the bottom of the screen and finish the rest of the set up.
10. Complete the set up

11. Confirm that Windows 10 has activated
Once Windows 10 is installed, repeat Step 1 to check that it has been activated — you may need to click the Activate button. You may also need to install the necessary drivers for your PC’s network or Wi-Fi adapter first, since activation requires internet access.
If activation won’t complete successfully, you’ll need to contact Microsoft, explain what’s happened and ask for an activation code. This is inconvenient, but should be straightforward as long as your previous Windows 10 installation was activated.
11. Confirm that Windows 10 has activated

Windows 10: should privacy problems worry me?

Windows 10: should privacy problems worry me?

What is your opinion on the privacy issue concerning Microsoft Windows 10? Currently I use InPrivate Browsing on Windows 7 Professional to protect myself from intrusive tracking.
Finally yet importantly, what is your opinion of Windows 10? In all the years of using Microsoft, I have learned it is better to wait a year or so before updating my system to the “newest and greatest”. Susan
My opinion is that the “privacy issue” in Windows 10 has been overblown, partly because of a perfectly understandable ignorance about what’s going on. You will probably want to change several of the defaults, as I did. However, you should view these settings in the context of the direction almost everything is heading. Even Microsoft is now a “mobile first, cloud first” company.
First, Windows 10 has not introduced a lot of new privacy changes: most of the things being complained about were already in Windows 8 or 8.1. The only really new thing in Windows 10 is Cortana, a conversational personal assistant based partly on AI (artificial intelligence) and deep learning, and even she had already appeared on Windows Phone.
Cortana requires the same sort of trade off – some privacy risk in exchange for useful functionality – as Apple’s Siri and Google Now, and for the same reasons. For example, Cortana cannot help you with your next meeting if she doesn’t have access to your calendar, contacts, location and so on.
But Cortana is not on by default, and can’t be turned on by accident. She comes with a Notebook, so you have some control. If you change your mind, you can simply log on to Bing’s “personalization” page and clear all Cortana’s data, along with your personal info.
Second, Windows 10 is largely a mobile operating system and, like Apple iOS and Google Android, it’s designed to run on smartphones and tablets, not just on laptops and desktops. Indeed, Windows 10 is part of a whole ecosystem of devices (smartphones, tablets, PCs, games consoles, HoloLens etc), email and OneDrive online storage, Office 365 (PCs, Macs, tablets, smartphones) and free Office web apps, the Windows Store, Cortana, Bing, and Azure, plus Microsoft apps on Windows 10, iOS and Android. This is a superset of the similar ecosystems from Apple and Google. Windows 10 needs similar privacy allowances to cover cloud-based cross-device and cross-platform integration.

Windows 10 Get Started screenshot

Third, the days of big-bang Windows releases have gone. Windows 10 is now being continuously updated based on “Big Data”, in much the same way as Gmail, Google apps and Chromebooks, Facebook etc, and for exactly the same reasons: development is based on continuous feedback.
Microsoft doesn’t collect as much information as Google and Facebook, but its business isn’t based on selling adverts against your profile. Microsoft says: “We do not use what you say in email, chat, video calls or voice mail, or your documents, photos or other personal files to target ads to you,” and “Windows does not collect personal information without your consent.”
Windows 10 may be a much scarier privacy proposition than Windows 7, but it’s not scarier than smartphones. I don’t think it’s nearly as scary as, for example, CCTV cameras, reward cards (eg Tesco’s Clubcard and Nectar), or the US and UK governments.

Windows 10 accounts

To get the best out of Windows 10, you should set it up with a Microsoft Account (MSA) such as a Hotmail, Live or email address. This integrates with OneDrive and the online Office web-apps, and – like an Apple or Google ID – enrols you in the ecosystem.
Some consider this a privacy risk, but you can always set up a new account, rather than use your “real” email address. You don’t have to give Microsoft any authentic information, though there may be a snag if you want to use two-factor authentication. For example, Microsoft’s server can’t text you a security code unless you’ve given it a mobile phone number.
Your MSA enables you to synchronise information – apps, settings, browser favourites, passwords etc – across all your devices, and makes adding new PCs a doddle. You can also download free apps from the Windows Store and access games, music and video services. This only breaks down if you want to pay for something – unless you have an anonymous way to pay.
Of course, you can still use a local account to log in to Windows, but you’re giving up a lot of functionality. In Windows 10 Home, this includes BitLocker, which allows secure hard drive encryption to protect your privacy.
###Windows 10 privacy settings
Most people won’t see Windows 10’s privacy settings because the Express installation skips past them. You must instead click “Customize settings” in the lower left corner. This brings up two pages of on/off options.
Many more settings are available later. Select Settings and click Privacy to summon a page with subheadings for the main topics: location, camera, microphone, contacts, calendar and so on. Most of these offer more options to control apps and services.
For example, I have eight apps that want access to my webcam. In Windows 10, I denied seven of them and just allowed Skype. I’d love to have that sort of control on my Android phone.
There’s a temptation to turn everything off, but this is not sensible. For example, you should keep the SmartScreen filter on. This is a well-established PC-wide service (it used to be in the browser) that checks web addresses and files for known malware. Yes, it does send information to a Microsoft service, but it’s an important part of Windows 10’s security.
Of course, if you use Google Chrome or Firefox and some alternative anti-virus programs and services, they do exactly the same thing.
Like Android, Windows 10 gives you an anonymous “advertising ID”. You can turn it off (I do), but with the same result: you just see random adverts instead of targeted adverts.
One thing you cannot turn off is the telemetry that enables Microsoft to track which apps you use, and what goes wrong, so as to improve Windows 10. The “Feedback & diagnostics” page lets you set a feedback frequency (including Never), but the only options for “Diagnostic and usage data” are Basic, Enhanced and Full.
However, bear in mind that whenever you use an online service – including Facebook and every Google service – then you are providing all your diagnostic and usage data all the time. And, by the way, you still have much more privacy if you edit photos with on your Windows 10 PC than if you do it using a website or online service instead.

Worth the free upgrade?

Windows 10 is clearly unfinished and has some rough edges. However, it didn’t need to be perfect, it just needed to be better than Windows 8.1. Which it is. If you’re using Windows 8.1 on a laptop or desktop PC, then I recommend the upgrade.
If you enjoy using Windows 8.1 on a tablet or other touch screen device, then you don’t need to upgrade. Windows 10 does have a tablet mode, but you may find it worse. The main reason to upgrade is to get Cortana, if you want Cortana. (I do.)
If you are using Windows 7, it’s optional. You can leave the free upgrade until July 2016, or stick with Windows 7 until April 2020. The main reasons to upgrade include Cortana, access to new apps from the Windows Store, and – if you play games – the huge improvements in Direct X12 graphics.
Windows Store apps are written to a new system, Windows Runtime, which has many advantages over the old Win32 used for traditional programs. Windows Runtime apps are available from a trusted source, are easy to install, can be updated automatically, and are easy to uninstall. Also, they run sandboxed, so they are much more secure. However, most are smartphone- or tablet-style apps, and don’t have the power and versatility of traditional software. So, at the moment, you’re not missing much.
If you use multiple Windows 10 devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops – or if you use Microsoft apps on iOS or Android, then it could be worth upgrading from Windows 7 to benefit from the integrated ecosystem. But if you are a traditional desktop user with one PC, then it probably isn’t. Yet.

On the threshold

The old idea of waiting for Microsoft to release Service Pack 1 after 12-18 months no longer applies, because Windows 10 will be updating all the time. However, Microsoft plans to release two significant updates each year, and the next one, Threshold Wave 2, is expected around the end of October. This should add more polish, some optimization, and better programs for OneDrive and Skype. If this comes to pass, December might be a good time to upgrade.
Miss that slot and the two 2016 updates, codenamed Redstone, will be coming into view ...
I do understand why geeks freak out about the compulsory upgrade process, but roughly 1.5 billion Windows users are not geeks, and they should be much better off letting Microsoft manage their PCs. I say “should be” because even small mistakes could affect millions of users, and there’s always the chance of a major screw-up. That’s why we all have current back-ups, right?

How to access Windows 10’s secret Start Menu

How to access Windows 10’s secret Start Menu

Did you just wake up from a month-long nap? News flash: Windows 10 is here! Microsoft’s hotly anticipated next-generation desktop and tablet operating system was released to the public nearly one month ago, and the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. Sure there have been a few speed bumps on the road (here are 5 common problems people are having with Windows 10 and how to fix them) and sure the launch has had a scandal or two (Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do, but here’s how to stop it) but by and large, people love Windows 10… because it’s not Windows 8.
One of the most talked about new features in Windows 10 is the Start Menu, which is actually an old Windows feature that was sorely missed in Windows 8. But did you know that there’s a special “secret” Start Menu in Windows 10 that you’ve probably never even seen before?
The Start Menu is indeed one of the biggest draws of Microsoft’s new Windows 10 platform. As much attention as it has received, however, there’s still a whole other dimension to the Start Menu that many people have no idea exists.
As CNET noted in a recent post, there’s a “secret” Start Menu that provides quick access to a range of common functions. And the best part, perhaps, is the fact that it’s hiding right under your nose — it doesn’t even need to be enabled from within Windows 10’s settings in order to be accessed.
So how does it work? Simply right-click on the Windows 10 Start button and… no, wait, that’s it.
Right-clicking on the Start button opens up a new panel of shortcuts that give users instant access to things like the Event Viewer, Task Manager, Control Panel, File Explorer and more.

Like Windows 10, Windows 7 and 8 Also Spy on You – Here’s How to Stop Them

Like Windows 10, Windows 7 and 8 Also Spy on You – Here’s How to Stop Them

No plan to install Windows 10 due to Microsoft's controversial data mining and privacy invasions within the operating system?

Well, Windows 7 and Windows 8 OS users should also be worried as Windows 10 spying is now headed their way too…

Microsoft has been caught installing latest updates onto Wind 7 and Win 8 computers that effectively introduce the same data collecting and user behavior tracking features used in Windows 10.

Under the new updates, the operating systems indiscriminately upload data to Microsoft's servers, which might be a major privacy concern for many users.

Creepy Updates

The updates in question are:
  • KB3068708 – This update introduces the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to existing devices.
  • KB3022345 (replaced by KB3068708) – This update adds the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to in-market devices.
  • KB3075249
  • – This update adds telemetry points to the User Account Control (UAC) feature in order to collect data on elevations that come from low integrity levels.
  • KB3080149 – This package updates the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to existing devices.

These recent updates released by Redmond install the "Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service" that is the most controversial component of the Microsoft's newest operating system.

Once installed, the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service immediately begins phoning home to Microsoft even if privacy controls are enabled – apparently with no option to stop it.

These four updates bypasses the existing user preferences stored in Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating system and, as noted by gHacks, immediately starts exchanging your data with the following domains:

How to Stop Windows 7 and Windows 8 from Spying on You?

The bigger question for users who are uncomfortable with these changes is: How do I stop them?

The best way to prevent Windows 7 and 8 from tracking you is to not install the latest updates. Unlike Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8 updates are not mandatory, so you can choose not to download the updates.

However, if you have already installed these updates on your computers, you can remove them completely from your systems and the operating system will not automatically reinstall them without your permission.

Go to Control Panel > View installed updates > Remove all the four updates.

If you want to eliminate these updates faster, you can launch a command prompt window with administrator privileges and then type in the following commands one by one:
wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart
Once done, you can right-click on any updates shown by Windows Update and choose "Hide Update" to make sure that these updates won't be reinstalled in case you reboot your system.

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