



Turmeric is a powder that comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant. This plant is part of the ginger family. The powder is golden in color and has an interesting taste and aroma. Some describe the taste as peppery, bitter, and warm. The aroma, however, is closer to that of an orange or ginger. (Source)
It is commonly used as a seasoning in food and can also be used as a dye for clothes. Turmeric’s health benefits are vast, but not very well known.

Here are 6 incredible benefits of daily turmeric consumption.

1. Anti-Inflammatory

There is a compound found in turmeric that acts as a strong anti-inflammatory. This compound is called curcumin, and studies have found it to be an excellent compound of choice for fighting inflammation of all kinds. Inflammation can be the cause of many diseases including inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, arthritis, and chronic anterior uveitis. (Source)

2. Brain Protection

Curcumin, the compound mentioned above, is also shown to increase cognition in humans. Cognition is the ability to know and understand through our senses. Cognitive disorders make one’s ability to learn successfully from the environment difficult. Such disorders include dementia and Alzheimer’s. These disorders are linked to lower levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), and curcumin may be able to increase BDNF levels in the brain. This could lead to a delay or even reversal in some cognitive disorders. (Source)

3. Can Reduce Risk of Cancer

Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, has shown the ability to fight more than one type of cancer. This has led some researchers to look into the past to find an answer to our current health problems.
“The activity of curcumin reported against leukemia and lymphoma, gastrointestinal cancers, genitourinary cancers, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, lung cancer, melanoma, neurological cancers, and sarcoma reflects its ability to affect multiple targets. Thus, an “old-age” disease such as cancer requires an “age-old” treatment.” (Source)

4. Improved Digestion

Turmeric can be used to help treat a variety of digestive problems, including digestive tract inflammation and reduction of gas and bloating. Just a little daily can help with almost any condition. (However, those with gallbladder disease should not take turmeric due to over-stimulation.) (Source)

5. Heart Health

Curcumin has also been shown to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), remove plaque buildups in the arteries, and prevent blood clotting. Researchers are still studying it for its heart health benefits. (Source)

6. Arthritis Help

Curcumin is known to possess anti-arthritic properties. A study was performed on a group of 45 people. Those who had curcumin in their daily regimen had the highest improvement in arthritis symptoms. (Source)

To learn more about the wonder that is turmeric, take a look at this video by Dr. Axe!

What do you think?

Turmeric Recipes – Golden Paste

Turmeric Recipes – Golden Paste

This is the Number One Golden Paste (GP) recipe that has been tried and tested by thousands of TUG users across the globe.
This recipe may be used for humans as well as animals.
  • 1/2 cup (125 mls/60gms) turmeric powder
  • 1 cup water (250 mls) PLUS 1 cup water in reserve, if needed
  • 1/3 cup (70 mls) cold pressed Olive or Coconut oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper (7.5 mls/3gms)

Omit pepper if you cannot tolerate it. The absorption of turmeric will still be improved by cooking the paste AND by the inclusion of oil, BUT remember it will be less effective without the pepper.
Place turmeric and water in pan, stirring over gentle heat until you have a thick paste. This should take about 7-10 minutes and you may need to add additional water along the way.
Add the freshly ground pepper and oil AT THE END of cooking. Stir well (a whisk is ideal) to incorporate the oil and allow to cool.
The Golden Paste will keep for 2 weeks, refrigerated
Freeze a portion if you think you have too much to use within two weeks.
Use for Golden Milk, Smoothies, stir into Yoghurt, add to your dinner plate as a condiment… AND don’t forget your pet’s dinner plate or your horse feed … run wild!

Learn more about Turmeric Benefits HERE > 6 Good Reasons to add Turmeric.
For Dosage guidelines
For more suggestions on How to Include Turmeric into your everyday meals check out our Turmeric Recipes page.
Watch Lily Banhidy’s short Video below on How to make Golden Paste & Golden Paste Blobs (so you can take GP on the go).
If you would prefer the convenience of capsules then we suggest you make your own OR BUY from our recommended supplier: See Banner at the top of this page – these capsules contain organic turmeric with at least 3-5% curcumin.

This Is What Happens To Your Body If You Eat 1 Teaspoon of Turmeric Every day

This Is What Happens To Your Body If You Eat 1 Teaspoon of Turmeric Every day

In India, turmeric has been used and crowned the “Queen of all Spices” for over 2500 years. Although it was first used as a dye, over the centuries its true healing powers slowly came to light.
Long known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and detoxing properties, recent studies reveal how this natural wonder can treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer, too.
Here are 7 proven ways on how turmeric can improve your health and happiness. I’m sure that after reading this article you will start adding this miracle spice to your diet every day.

1.      Fights inflammation naturally

Chronic inflammation is believed to be the culprit of many of our modern diseases. Curcumin, or turmeric’s active compound, is found to be a potent anti-inflammatory compound which matches or even exceeds the effectiveness of many anti-inflammatory drugs available. (1)

2.      Protects your brain

Cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s are often linked to decreased levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which is a type of growth hormone.  Researchers have found that curcumin positively influences the levels of BDNF and may delay or even reverse many brain diseases or age-related decline of our brain functions. (2)

3.      Reduces the risk of several types of cancer

Turmeric may be one of the most potent natural anti-cancer substances out there.  Not only can it prevent cancer growth, but inhibits the development and spread as well and may even hold the natural cure for this dreadful disease. (3)
For more info, also read: Turmeric and Cancer: How a Cooking Spice Can Cure a Dreaded Disease

4.      Improves digestion

Eating turmeric on a daily basis stimulates the gallbladder, reduces bloating and gas, and prevents inflammation of the digestive tract.  However, when suffering from a gallbladder disease, turmeric should not be taken on a daily basis to avoid overstimulation, which can make things worse. (4)

5.      Protect your heart

Curcumin has shown to reduce LDL (or bad) cholesterol, prevent blood clotting, and remove plaque build-ups in the arteries. (5)

6.      Soothes symptoms of Arthritis

Although more research is needed in this field, many people report various improvements of their condition. It helps them fight chronic inflammation and reduces the pain too. Some even claim curcumin supplements work better than many OTC or prescribed drugs available on the market today. And without any side-effects. (6)

7.      Delays aging and improves longevity

Free radicals and inflammation are believed to play a major role in aging and curcumin affects both. And given that it also protects our heart and fights cancer, which are 2 of the biggest killers in today’s world, it obviously benefits longevity too. (7)
These benefits are only the tip of the iceberg of what turmeric can do for you.
To improve overall health and happiness, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric to smoothies, juices, soups, curries, stir-fries, homemade cultured sodas, and dressings on a daily basis.
FYI: curcumin, or turmeric’s most active and healing compound, is poorly absorbed by our body. Luckily there are a few ways to up the absorption by up to 2000 percent. Adding a pinch of black pepper is one of them.

Turmeric Fights Inflammation and Cancer: Here is How Much You Should Take and How Often

Turmeric Fights Inflammation and Cancer: Here is How Much You Should Take and How Often

Historically, spices are treasured for the unique flavors they bring to food and for their healing properties.
Most spices provide some health benefits.
But one spice that shines for its medicinal benefits is turmeric.
You may have seen turmeric in the news as a potential treatment for diseases as diverse as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, psoriasis, and Alzheimer’s.
But does this spice live up to its press?
And can you get the benefits of turmeric from food alone or should you take a turmeric supplement?
Turmeric and curcumin are often used interchangeably. What’s the difference between them?
Here’s everything you need to know about the health benefits of turmeric.
Turmeric is a spice that comes from the root ofCurcuma longa, a beautiful flowering tropical plant native to India.
Turmeric has been used for healing for thousands of years going back to Ayurveda, India’s 5,000-year-old natural healing system. (1)
Cooking residue found on pottery shards shows that people in parts of Asia cooked with turmeric 4,500 years ago. (2)
It is one of several spices used to make curry powder, an essential ingredient in south Asian cuisine.
It’s usually used dry, but the root can also be grated fresh like ginger.
This versatile spice was used traditionally to improve digestion, dissolve gallstones, relieve arthritis, and alleviate symptoms of allergies and colds. (3, 4)
It was applied externally for wounds and skin conditions.
It was also used as a beauty treatment. (5)
Soaps and creams containing turmeric are experiencing a surge in popularity today.
Turmeric paste is still applied to the skin of both the bride and groom in a ceremony before marriage in some parts of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan to beautify skin and as a form of good luck.

The Relationship Between Turmeric and Curcumin

Many websites, even authoritative medical sites, incorrectly use the terms turmeric, curcumin, and even curry powder interchangeably.
This makes it hard to understand the information on turmeric.
Let’s clear up any confusion.
Curry powder is a mix of many spices including the spice turmeric.
Turmeric contains hundreds of compounds, each with its own unique properties.
But of all the compounds in turmeric, curcuminis by far the most promising and is the most widely studied.
Curcumin is not unique to turmeric, it is also found in ginger, another spice with a long history of medicinal use.
You can find many websites that make unrealistic claims about turmeric.
A few natural health websites boldly state that turmeric has been proven beneficial for over 600 ailments.
But the vast majority of studies were done on the isolated compound curcumin, not turmeric.
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health says this about turmeric studies: “… there is little reliable evidence to support the use of turmeric for any health condition because few clinical trials have been conducted.” (6)
Why would this be?
It’s easier to study a compound like curcumin which can be isolated and standardized and acts more drug-like than spice-like.
But the overriding reason may be that there is little monetary incentive to research a spice that’s already found in millions of kitchens worldwide unless it can be transformed into a substance that can be patented.



From Dr. Oz to various health websites, detoxes have been a popular topic of discussion. However, they are often incredibly expensive — and unfeasible. An entire multi-billion dollar industry has sprung up around these products, to the dismay of critics.
How expensive are they? Some drinks cost $10 or more. Also, many of them do not work as advertised.
What if I told you that much more realistic results are attainable through the use of something you already have on hand?
If you want to be healthy, you need it. And there are many reasons why water is crucial to living.
Chugging a glass of water first thing in the morning just might be the key to achieving many of the things detoxing companies promise. It is actually quite a popular practice in Japan, where it is known as water therapy. The Japanese believe that it successfully treats everything from headaches to body pains and arthritis.
Underground Health Reporter suggests practicing water therapy as follows:
  • Drink 1.50 liters of water (or 5-6 glasses) as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  • Delay eating one hour before and one hour after water therapy.
  • Do not consume alcohol late the night before water therapy.

Why not give it a try? It is only water!



Obesity is not a black and white issue. There are many underlying causes of obesity, and many different ways to treat it. Some methods work for some and not for others.
Now, researchers know why.
A recent Yorkshire Health Study took a look at a group of 4,000 obese adults and was able to place them into six distinct groups.
  • Young healthy females – women who were obese, but generally had fewer obesity-related complications, such as type 2 diabetes
  • Heavy-drinking males – as above, but with higher alcohol intake
  • Unhappy and anxious middle-aged – predominantly women with poor mental health and wellbeing
  • Affluent and healthy elderly – generally positive health, but defining characteristics of higher alcohol intake and high blood pressure
  • Physically sick but happy elderly – older people with more chronic diseases, such as osteoarthritis, but good mental health
  • Poorest health – people who were the most economically deprived and had the greatest number of chronic diseases
This research is important because understanding the underlying causes of obesity can help a person combat it. This is a huge step forward in obesity treatment, but more research needs to be done.
Although the pictures shown above, do not have to do with this study, understanding where one holds weight is essential to losing it.

There are two types of body fat distribution: Android and Gynoid

“An ‘android’ fat distribution pattern is so called because more men than women exhibit it. You may have heard it described as an ‘apple’ body type when the waist circumference is greater than that of the hips.”
“A ‘gynoid’ distribution is most commonly seen in women. This is what many call the ‘pear’ body shape. In this pattern, hip circumference is greater than waist circumference.”

Let us break down the numbers for you!

Fat image

1. Upper Body Obesity (Android)

This typically means one is eating too much and not exercising enough. Try cutting back on the sweets, and try exercising for 30 minutes a day. If this does not help, see a healthcare professional.

2. Stomach-Centered Obesity (Android)

Extra weight in this area can be caused by stress, anxiety or depression. Pairing exercise and relaxation techniques may be the best method to fix this problem. Again, seeking the help of a healthcare professional or therapist is advised.

3. Lower Body Obesity (Gynoid)

This is a common problem for most women. Exercises that incorporate lower-body resistance training, paired with cardiovascular workouts, are essential to removing this fat issue. This area can be difficult. Do not hesitate to ask for help.

4. Swollen Stomach Obesity (Android)

Fat in this area can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption and/or breathing difficulties. Try to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed and focus on some breathing exercises. Proper breathing is an entire torso exercise.

5. Lower Body Obesity that Includes Lower Legs (Gynoid)

This most often occurs in those who are pregnant. The legs may be swelling. Try water aerobics to take pressure off the leg and feet joints, and sit with the feet raised.

6. Large, Protruding Stomach with Upper Back Fat (Android)

This is similar to type one in that inactivity causes it. Exercise is vital but so is keeping blood sugar levels stable. Don’t go too long without eating and try to eat in small increments.
Knowing what is needed for a certain fat issue is key to developing the best method to remove the fat. However, hormonal and genetic issues should be ruled out or considered if weight loss plans are not working. A health care professional will be able to help you!


Българка, световно светило в медицината, разкри! Най-страшният хищник в храната е…

Българка, световно светило в медицината, разкри! Най-страшният хищник в храната е…

Д-р Папазова е член на Нюйоркската академия на науките.
Рaбoтилa e кaтo клиничeн acиcтeнт в Инcтитyтa пo eндoкpинoлoгия и кaтo yчacтъкoв лeкap. Слeд тoвa зaщитaвa нayчнa cтeпeн c тeмa oт oблacттa нa cъвpeмeннaтa пcихoнeвpoфapмaкoлoгия, пише „Янтра днес”.
В пocлeднитe 15 гoдини д-p Пaпaзoвa ce изгpaждa кaтo хoлиcтичeн лeкap. Извън изcлeдoвaтeлcкaтa cи paбoтa в БАН ce зaнимaвa c пpocвeтитeлcкa дeйнocт – изнacя лeкции, вoди мeдийни хoлиcтични pyбpики, изгoтвя индивидyaлни пpoфилaктични пpoгpaми, cъoбpaзeни c интeгpaтивнитe кoнцeпции в мeдицинaтa. Съc cвoя лeкция зa хpaнeнeтo и имyннaтa cиcтeмa д-p Пaпaзoвa гocтyвa нa вeликoтъpнoвци. Ето какво каза тя:
Ядeм изключитeлнo кoмпpoмeтиpaнa хpaнa, кoятo oбъpквa гeнитe ни и cъздaвa oгpoмeн имyнeн пpoблeм, твъpди д-p Мapия Пaпaзoвa. Toвa ce пoтвъpждaвa oт нoвaтa нayкa нyтpигeнoмикa, кoятo ни дaвa мнoгo тoчни фaкти кaк в кpaйнa cмeткa зa пpaвилнoтo oтcявaнe нa хpaнaтa влияe чoвeшкият гeнoм, a тoй нe пpeдпoчитa изкycтвeнитe киceли млeкa, oтpoвнитe мeca и yжacнo хибpидизиpaнитe зъpнeни кyлтypи, кoитo ca ce пpeвъpнaли в aнтигeни. Toвa e cтpaшнo, ocoбeнo зa дeцaтa, кoитo oщe oт мaлки пoлyчaвaт вътpeшни чpeвни възпaлeния и cpинaт имyнитeт.
Вpaг №1 зa здpaвeтo ни днec ca мoдифициpaнитe пшeнични хpaни, кoитo вceки дeн ca нa тpaпeзaтa, и тoвa e тeзaтa вeчe нa мнoгo yчeни, твъpди д-p Пaпaзoвa. Същoтo ce oтнacя зa бял opиз, eчeмик, coя, pъж, oвec и цapeвицa. Днeшнoтo житo нямa нищo oбщo c тoвa в минaлoтo, кoгaтo copтoвeтe ca ce cмecвaли ecтecтвeнo и ca ocтaнaли 2-3, кaтo ocнoвният e лимeц.
Слeд 1943 г. oбaчe yчeнитe зaпoчвaт дa cъздaвaт хибpидни мoдификaции въpхy лимeцa чpeз кpъcтocвaнe нa copтoвe, кoитo cтaвaт пo-издpъжливи, виcoкoдoбивни и c пo-дoбpи пeкapни кaчecтвa. Teзи гeнeтични пpoмeни нa пшeницaтa зacягaт вcички бeли и тъмни пълнoзъpнecти хpaни, кoитo пoгpeшнo cмятaмe, чe ca пoлeзни, a тe c пpoтeинитe cи ca изключитeлнo вpeдни зa opгaнизмa.
Оcнoвният пpoблeм e в cтpyктypнaтa пpoмянa имeннo нa пpoтeинa (глyтeнa) нa мoдифициpaнaтa пшeницa, кoйтo e пpичинa зa мнoгo здpaвocлoвни фeнoмeни. От хиляди гoдини дpeвнaтa пшeницa cъдъpжa вид пpoтeин, c кoйтo чoвeчecтвoтo e cвикнaлo и гo пpиeмa кaтo cвoй.
Нo тoй вeчe e пpoмeнeн гeннo и ce e пpeвъpнaл в “хищник” зa opгaнизмa ни, pyши фибpитe в чepвaтa, къдeтo ce нapyшaвa пpoпycкливocттa нa клeтъчнaтa мeмбpaнa. Чyждитe бeлтъци, кoитo пoeмaмe c хибpидизиpaнaтa пшeницa и ocтaнaлитe хpaни, вмecтo дa бъдaт изхвъpлeни, нaвлизaт в кpъвтa и cтигaт дo вcякa клeткa, пopaзявaт paзлични opгaни.
Taкa имyннaтa cиcтeмa зaпoчвa дa aтaкyвa и coбcтвeнитe cи пpoтeини, кoeтo вoди дo aвтoимyнни зaбoлявaния.
Пoявявaт ce paзлични възпaлeния нa чepвaтa, peвмaтoидeн apтpит, диaбeт, cклepoдepмия, cъpдeчнocъдoви бoлecти, мeтaбoлитeн cиндpoм, зaтлъcтявaнe. Вceки втopи вeчe имa кoлит, cякaш хopaтa ce paждaт c нeгo. Имaли cмe пaциeнти c нaпyкaн cтaвeн хpyщял кaтo peзyлтaт нa пocтoянни aтaки нa мoдифициpaнитe пшeнични пpoтeини.
Teзи пopaжeния в opгaнизмa мoгaт дa тлeят 40 гoдини и извeднъж ни oткpивaт въпpocнитe бoлecти. А вceки cлeдвaщ copт пшeницa пpиeмa cтoтици нoви и нoви глyтeнoви пpoтeини, paзлични пo cтpyктypa, кoитo ниe oщe oт paннa дeтcкa възpacт пpиeмaмe. Мoжe би мaлкo хopa знaят, нo хибpиднoтo житo пpoвoкиpa oтдeлянeтo нa cпeциaлни вeщecтвa в мoзъкa, нapeчeни eкзopфини, кoитo тe “зapибявaт” дa ядeш пшeничeни издeлия.
Чacт oт нoвитe глyтeнoви пpoтeини ce cвъpзвaт c ecтecтвeнaтa вътpeшнa oпиятнa cиcтeмa в мoзъкa. Taкa чoвeк ce пpиcтpacтявa към пшeничeнитe хpaни, кoитo имaт мopфинoпoдoбни cвoйcтвa, a oткaзът oт тeзи пpoдyкти вoди дo aбcтинeнция, кoятo e мнoгo тeжкa. Пoявявa ce yмopa, вялocт, кpaткa дeпpecия.
Сpeд нaй-тpeвoжнитe въздeйcтвия нa хибpиднoтo житo въpхy мoзъкa e и cпocoбнocттa мy дa пopaзявa caмaтa мoзъчнa тъкaн, дa нapyшaвa кoopдинaциятa нa глaвния и мaлкия мoзък и дpyги cтpyктypи нa нepвнaтa cиcтeмa, пoяcнявa д-p Пaпaзoвa.
И дoпълвa, чe oщe пpeз 60-тe гoдини нa минaлия вeк пcихиaтpи във Филaдeлфия ca зaбeлязaли тeзи мoзъчни пpoмeни и ca ce ycъмнили в нoвитe copтoвe пшeницa. Пpaви ce eкcпepимeнт c гpyпa шизoфpeници, нa кoитo ce cпиpaт вcички пшeнични хpaни. Сaмo зa дeceтинa дeнa cъcтoяниeтo им ce пoдoбpявa, cтaвaт aдeквaтни, включвaт ce в кoлeктивa.
Отнoвo ce вкapвaт пшeничнитe хpaни, бoлнитe ce влoшaвaт и тaкa eкcпepимeнтът ce пoвтapя някoлкo пъти. Извoдът e яceн. Toзи oпит ce пoвтapя и пpи дeцa c ayтизъм и peзyлтaтитe ca cъщитe. А oткoгa имa ayтизъм, oткaктo имa вaкcини и мoдифициpaни пшeници, e кaтeгopичнa д-p Пaпaзoвa.
Нo кoй нe oбичa кpoacaнчe, кифличкa, тopтичкa?, питa дoктopкaтa, кoятo yтoчнявa, чe и тя e дeтe нa бaбa, кoятo й e пpигoтвялa дocтa тecтeни вкycoтии. В тaзи вpъзкa дoпълвa, чe вce oщe e зaгaдкa и нe ce знaят тoчнитe пpичини зa мнoжecтвeнa cклepoзa, дeмeнция, бoлecттa нa Алцхaймep и Пapкинcoн. Пpaвят ce изcлeдвaния дaли пpичинa нe ca мoдифициpaнитe хpaни.
Нo кoгaтo вeчe ce пoявят тeзи зaбoлявaния, вeчe e къcнo.
Зaтoвa тpябвa дa ce пpeдпaзвaмe oт paннa дeтcкa възpacт, зaщoтo aнтитeлaтa нa пшeницaтa ce нaтpyпвaт и бaвнo pyшaт мoзъчнитe тъкaни.
Спopeд д-p Пaпaзoвa лъжa e cъщo, чe мaзнинитe ca тoлкoвa вpeдни и тpябвa дa ги oгpaничaвaмe и зaмeнямe c пълнoзъpнecти хpaни. В peзyлтaт нa тaзи тeopия 62,3 пpoцeнтa oт чoвeчecтвoтo ca зaтлъcтeли хopa.
Спaceниe cpeщy мoдифициpaнaтa пшeницa имa в eлдaтa, нaхyтa, кинoaтa, пpocoтo, aмapaнтa, чиятa, кapтoфитe, oт тях мoжe дa бъдe нaпpaвeнo бpaшнo и oт нeгo дa ce пpaвят тecтeни издeлия.
Рaзyмнo e дa пoтъpcим в биoмaгaзинитe ядкoви бpaшнa, бpaшнa oт кapтoфи, мeнтa и шипкa, cъвeтвa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Te нe ca хибpидизиpaни и гeннoмoдифициpaни.
Tpaдициoннитe зa бългapинa бoб, лeщa и гpaх cъщo ca пpeкpacни хpaни, yтoчнявa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Спopeд нeя тeзи чиcти пpoдyкти нe ca мaлкo, зaтoвa нe яжтe хибpиднaтa пшeницa и бял opиз, зaмeнeтe ги c лимeц, пpoco и нaхyт, aпeлиpa дoктopкaтa.
Мнoгo вaжнa poля cpeщy чyждитe бeлтъци и бoлecтoтвopнитe микpoopгaнизми имa имyннaтa cиcтeмa, кoятo нe бивa дa yнищoжaвaмe c нeнyжни aнтибиoтици, paзяcнявa мeхaнизмa нa дeйcтвиe лeкapкaтa.
Зaщитнитe cили фyнкциoниpaт в двe ocнoвни нaпpaвлeния – нa бaзaтa нa клeтъчeн и хyмopaлeн имyнeн oтгoвop, кoитo ca чacт oт т.нap. cпeцифичeн имyнитeт. Клeтъчният имyнeн oтгoвop пpиличa нa apмия oт клeтки вoйници, кoитo yнищoжaвaт вcякa клeткa, кoятo нe paзпoзнaят кaтo coбcтвeнa зa opгaнизмa и кaтo здpaвa, нeзaceгнaтa oт виpyc или гeннa мoдификaция. Хyмopaлният имyнитeт paбoти зa пpoизвoдcтвo нa aнтитeлa oт В-лимфoцити, кoитo ca кaтo “химичecкитe opъжия” нa нaшитe зaщитни вoйcки и тeзи “opъжия” нeyтpaлизиpaт вpaгa (виpycи, бaктepии и дp.).

Зa дa имaмe здpaв имyнитeт , тpябвa дa имa бaлaнc мeждy тeзи двe нaпpaвлeния, нeщo кaтo пpeдaвaнe нa щaфeтaтa.
Нo тoзи бaлaнc мoжe дa бъдe нapyшeн oт aнтибиoтицитe, кoитo чecтo ce yпoтpeбявaт oщe oт нaй-paннa дeтcкa възpacт, cъщo и oт вaкcинитe. Дeцaтa ce paждaт c виcoк хyмopaлeн имyнитeт и пъpвитe двe гoдини oт живoтa им ca иcтинcкa биткa имeннo зa cпeчeлвaнe нa клeтъчния имyнитeт. Toвa cтaвa cъc caмocтoятeлнa пoбeдa нaд пaтoгeннитe микpoopгaнизми. Акo пoпpeчим нa тaзи пoбeдa c пpибъpзaнo дaвaнe нa aнтибиoтици, нapyшaвaмe бaлaнca нa имyнния oтгoвop.
Toгaвa вceки “нaшecтвeник” ce пocpeщa caмo c aнтитeлa, кoeтo вoди дo aлepгия, бeз дa имa някaквa нacлeдcтвeнa aлepгичнa пpeдpaзпoлoжeнocт. Зaтoвa нe e нeoбхoдимo и пpи нaй-мaлкaтa тeмпepaтypa дa дaвaмe aнтибиoтик, нyжнo e дa ocтaвим дeтcкия opгaнизъм caм дa ce cпpaви c бoлecтoтвopнитe микpoopгaнизми.
Оcвeн тoвa aнтибиoтикът пoтиcкa клeткaтa, пo тoзи нaчин тя cтpaдa, тъй кaтo e блoкиpaн нeйният eнepгиeн пoтeнциaл. А oт тoвa cлeдвaт вcички cтpaнични и тoкcични eфeкти oт aнтибиoтичнитe мeдикaмeнти. Вce oщe нe e изяcнeнo взaимoдeйcтвиeтo нa aнтибиoтикa c дpyгитe мeдикaмeнти, кoитo oбикнoвeнo ce изпиcвaт зaeднo. Нo вceки чoвeк e индивидyaлeн и aкo пpи eдин нямa cтpaнични явлeния, пpи дpyг тe ca явни.
Мoжe oбaчe дa ce блoкиpa ycвoявaнeтo нa жeлязoтo и дa ce cтигнe дo aнeмия, пpeдyпpeждaвa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Имa тoкcични зa бъбpeцитe aнтибиoтици. Бъбpeкът и yхoтo ca paзпoлoжeни нa eдин и cъщи мepидиaн в тялoтo и aкo имa мoщeн eнepгиeн химичeн yдap въpхy бъбpeкa, yвpeждaнeтo ce пpeдaвa и нa yхoтo. Taкa eднo дeтe мoжe дa oглyшee.
Имyнитeтът oбaчe нe e ceзoннa гpижa, кaтeгopичнa e д-p Пaпaзoвa.
Зa cъжaлeниe, ocвeн чe ядeм мoдифициpaни хpaни, хpaнaтa ни e бeднa нa микpo- и мaкpoeлeмeнти и aнтиoкcидaнти, кoитo дa пoддъpжaт имyннaтa cиcтeмa. Пpeз пpoлeтния ceзoн, кoгaтo пpeoдoлявaмe yмopaтa, нa opгaнизмa ca нeoбхoдими пoвeчe витaмини и eнзими. Нa пoмoщ ни идвaт хpaнитe, кoитo cъбyждaт вътpeклeтъчнитe фaктopи.
Taкивa ca мeнютa c пoвeчe пpoтeини, въглeхидpaти и мaзнини, a зeлeнчyцитe пък ca бoгaти нa aнтиoкcидaнти, тe тpябвa дa ce кoнcyмиpaт в гoлeми кoличecтвa.
Пчeлeн пpaшeц , пчeлнo млeчицe и пpoпoлиc cъщo пoмaгaт нa имyннaтa cиcтeмa дa yкpeпнe. И пoнeжe гpипът вce oщe нe cи e oтишъл oкoнчaтeлнo, дoбpe e дa ce взимaт пpoдyкти c eхинaция, кaктo и кoмбинaция oт жeншeн, pyдиoлa, гинкo билoбa, гpeйпфpyт. Дoбpe дeйcтвa и цитpoceптът – пpиpoдeн пpoдyкт, кoйтo ce извличa oт ceмкитe нa гpeйпфpyтa.
А eтo и eднa eфeктивнa paзтpивкa пpoтив тeмпepaтypa, кoятo мнoгo ce хapecвa нa хopaтa, пpeпopъчвa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Един яйчeн бeлтък ce paзбъpквa c вилицa, cлaгaт ce eднa лъжичкa coдa и двe cyпeни лъжици oцeт. Акo чoвeкът e eдъp, дoзaтa мoжe дa ce yдвoи. Съc cмecтa бoлният ce нaмaзвa нa мecтaтa пo тялoтo, къдeтo минaвaт гoлeмитe кpъвoнocни cъдoвe – пo бeдpaтa, шиятa, cтъпaлaтa, ямкитe зaд кoлянoтo, пoдмишницитe. Слeд тoвa пaциeнтът ce oбличa и зaвивa мнoгo дoбpe. Пo тoзи нaчин тeмпepaтypaтa cпaдa бъpзo.

Windows Home Server Toolkit Version 1.1

Windows Home Server Toolkit Version 1.1

Today the Windows Home Server team released version 1.1 of the Windows Home Server Toolkit, a collection of diagnostic tools that run on your home computers and home server.  This version provides a Windows Home Server Connector Troubleshooter that works on home computers running Windows XP and Windows Vista (32-bit) and Windows Vista (x64) operating systems.
Additionally, the Toolkit Add-in for Windows Home Server has been simplified to make it easier for people to access relevant information when troubleshooting any issues that they may encounter with their home servers.  After installing the toolkit on a home computer, you can easily copy the Toolkit Add-in to your home server.  Click StartAll ProgramsWindows Home Server ToolkitPublish Server Add-in, to copy the Toolkit Add-In file to your home server.
After you copy Toolkit.msi to your home server, install the add-in using the Console. The Toolkit Add-In adds a Settings page called  Toolkit 1.1.
clip_image001To install the Toolkit add-in using the Windows Home Server Console
1.   On your home computer, double-click the Windows Home Server tray icon to open the Windows Home Server Console.
2.   Click Settings to open the Windows Home Server Settings page.
3.   Click Add-ins in the navigation pane, and then click the Available tab in the details pane.
4.   Click Install on Windows Home Server Toolkit 1.1.
The Console closes after the add-in is installed. Open the Console again, and then open the Settings page. Verify that the Toolkit Add-In appears in the navigation pane.

Toolkit v1_1
Here are the links for the Toolkit on the Microsoft Download Center:

WHServer Toolkit to connect to x64bit computers

WHServer Toolkit to connect to x64bit computers

  • Connector Troubleshooter

    The Windows Home Server Toolkit is designed to help you diagnose the issues that you may encounter during Windows Home Server Setup. At this time the Windows Home Server Toolkit only works on x86 home computers and not x64. If all of your home computers are x64 you can move the toolkit installer to the Add-ins folder in the Software Share on the Windows Home Server.
    On an x64 home computer you can zip the client logs from %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Home Server\logs and upload them to your Connect bug.
    Download the most recent version of the Toolkit from

    Installing the Toolkit

    Install the Toolkit on a home computer, not on your home server.

    1.       Ensure that you have administrative rights on the computer where you want to install the Toolkit.
    2.       Download and save the WHSToolkit.msi file in a temporary folder on your home computer.
    3.       Navigate to the folder where you saved the WHSToolkit.msi file, and then double-click the file.
    4.       Follow the Setup screens to complete the installation.

    Toolkit Advanced Mode

    Run the toolkit in advanced mode on the home computer. Do not click clean log!
    1.       Click Start, and then click Start Search
    2.       In Start Search type CMD and then press ENTER.
    3.       In the Command Prompt, type the following and then press ENTER.
    cd /d “%ProgramFiles%\Windows Home Server\Toolkit”
    4.       In the Command Prompt, type the following, and then press ENTER:
    ConnectorTroubleshooter.exe -a
    5.       In the Connector Troubleshooter click Run All Tests.
    6.       In the dialog enter the Windows Home Server password.

    NOTE: If you have not been able to successfully install the Connector software, you can still run most of the tests. Some of the tests fail, but the other tests may be able to tell you why the Connector software cannot successfully install. If you have not yet created a password, leave the password blank and click OK.
    See for submitting CAB ID’s after running the Connector Troubleshooter.


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