

10 Proven Manuka Honey Uses & Benefits

10 Proven Manuka Honey Uses & Benefits

Manuka honey, produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the Manuka bush, is one of the most unique and beneficial forms of honey in the world. There are many Manuka honey uses that range from healing sore throats and digestive illnesses, to curing Staph infections and gingivitis.
Historically honey has been used for medicinal purposes dating back thousands of years. Seeing that it is one of nature’s richest antimicrobial sources, it shouldn’t surprise us to hear that many archeologists claim that while excavating the tombs of Egyptian royals from thousands of years ago, they discovered unspoiled honey in pots! (1)
Whether it was with the Far Eastern Vedic tradition or ancient Greek mythology, or in Biblical times, where the promised land was known as the “land flowing with milk and honey.” cultures around the globe have praised honey for being an amazing healing treasure.
Yet because of industrialization, honey isn’t what it used to be. Like most things today, not all honeys are created equal. In addition to the more than 300 varieties of honey to choose from, you have the following options:
  • Raw or pasteurized
  • Filtered or unfiltered
  • Comb (with the edible beeswax inside) liquid, or whipped
  • Local or imported
As a rule of thumb, you get what you pay for.  Most products at conventional supermarkets are not much different from high fructose corn syrup. To get good honey today, you pretty much have to go to your local health food store, local farm co-op or go online to purchase the real deal.

Manuka Honey Nutrition Facts

What makes Manuka honey different is its amazing nutritional profile. Regular raw honey is already known for its tremendous nutritional and immune boosting abilities. Generally speaking, the typical raw unfiltered honey is a rich source of: (2)
  • Amino acids
  • B vitamins (B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid)
  • Calciumraw honey, honeycomb
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
Yet with Manuka honey, the nutritional content is up to 4 times that of normal flower honeys. This is what is called the Unique Manuka Factor.

Unique Manuka Factor

Mountain Landscape, New ZealandIn 1981, researchers at the New Zealand University of Waikato discovered that Manuka honey has a considerably higher level of enzymes than regular honey. These enzymes create a natural hydrogen peroxide that works as an antibacterial. Some strains of this New Zealand honey are particularly rich in hydrogen peroxide, methylglyoxal and dihydroxyacetone.
This medicinal trilogy helps make up what is referred to as the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), a global standard in identifying and measuring the antibacterial strength of Manuka. (3) Essentially, the UMF is a guarantee that the honey being sold is of a medicinal quality.
UMF is not found in the nectar of all Manuka flowers and, comparatively speaking, regular Manuka only contains the hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property that is common to most types of honey.
What separates UMF Manuka from other Manuka varieties is that it has both the natural hydrogen peroxide and its own natural UMF antibacterial property, which greatly enhances it effectiveness. The UMF properties of Manuka is extremely stable and, unlike the hydrogen peroxide common in most honey, is not easily destroyed by heat, light and enzymes in the body.

How to Verify Genuine UMF Manuka Honey

The minimum UMF rating recognized is UMF5, however, it is not considered beneficial unless it carries a UMF 10+ level of antibacterial activity in the honey. Anything ranging from UMF10-UMF15 is a useful level, and anything UMF16 and up is considered a superior quality.
Genuine UMF Manuka Honey will have these four things:
  • It will have a UMF trademark clearly labeled on the front of the container.UMF 20 sign label stamp
  • It will be from a New Zealand UMF licensed company and labelled in New Zealand.
  • It will have the UMF company’s name and license number on the label.
  • It will have a UMF rating number of 5-16+. If it is labeled without the UMF or without a number, then it is not the genuine article.
According to the UMF association the UMF rating actually tests the antibacterial performance of a honey and compares it to phenol, a disinfectant. The Active Manuka Honey Association(AMHA) that does the testing states:
“The presence of the special non-peroxide activity can be detected only by an array of scientific testing directly relating to the phenol standard. The rating has a one-to-one relationship to the phenol standard. “
This means that a UMF rating of 20+ is equivalent in strength to a 20% solution of phenol. The ideal UMF rating varies depending on your purpose, but laboratory studies have shown that manuka honey with a non-peroxide activity level of UMF®12 to UMF®15 is effective against a wide range of very resistant bacteria.
Here is an explanation of what manuka honey UMF you should use:
0-4 Non-therapeutic
4-9 Maintenance level with general honey health benefits
10-14 Supports natural healing and bacterial balance
15+ Superior levels of phenols that are highly therapeutic but shouldn’t exceed taking 1 tbsp at a time
Manuka Honey Activity Level chart

Top 10 Manuka Honey Benefits

Manuka honey health benefits have been touted in the natural health world for a long time and even more in recent years because a growing body of research is starting to support thousands of years of folk medicine use. Some of the top Manuka honey uses are:

Acid reflux, SIBO symptoms, Heartburn 1. SIBO, Low Stomach Acid, Acid Reflux

Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), low stomach acid and acid reflux go hand-in-hand. Because of Manuka honey’s known natural antibiotic qualities, it is a great medicine for any bacteria related disorder. In fact, in a recent study, one dangerous bacteria related to all three conditions, Clostridium difficult was found to be quite susceptible to Manuka honey’s bactericidal effects. (4) So taking Manuka honey is very beneficial at reducing reflux and balancing your digestive system to heal stomach and intestinal imbalances.

Acne Road caution Sign2. Acne and Eczema

The Internet is filled with patient testimonials thatManuka honey works marvelously for acne and eczema patients. At this time there are no clinical trials to support these claims, but this doesn’t bother me at all. Taking into account its proven antimicrobial and healing properties, it makes every bit of sense to assume that honey can help with these skin conditions. Most people claim that applying honey on affected areas for a few minutes, and then washing off with gentle soap and water usually does the trick. Repeat this every day or every other day for the best results!

MRSA bacteria or superbug 3. Staph Infections (MRSA)

You’ve probably heard of the super bug that has plagued hospitals the past several years, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (or MRSA). What has happened is that antibiotic overuse and drug ineffectiveness has caused certain strains of Staph to become virtually indefensible using typical hospital and nursing home medical protocols. Spreading so rapidly, most people affected by MRSA end up getting so infected that they require invasive procedures or devices such as surgeries, artificial joints or intervenes tubing to save their lives (5)
This past March, however, UK researchers from Cardiff Metropolitan University have offered us some natural hope. They discovered that Manuka honey down-regulates the most potent genes of the MRSA bacteria. Some scientists now suggest that regular topical use on cuts and infections (especially in the hospital and nursing home setting) may keep MRSA naturally at bay.

dressing wounds, burns 4. Burns, Wounds & Ulcers

According to a recent article in the Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products“The use of honey leads to improved wound healing in acute cases, pain relief in burn patients and decreased inflammatory response in such patients.” (6) Moreover, because of its rich anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, Manuka honey has been shown to prevent infection in people with venous ulcers. (7) It has also been used quite effectively as a wound dressing to promote rapid, improved healing.

Dental anatomy Diagram Illustration 5. Tooth Decay & Gingivitis

Several studies have come out recently describing how Manuka honey can help cure gingivitis and periodontal disease. Due to its superior antimicrobial properties, researchers from the School of Dentistry, University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand) discovered that chewing or sucking on a Manuka honey product not only caused a 35% decrease in plaque, it led to a 35% reduction in bleeding sites in people suffering from gingivitis! (8) Also calcium, zinc, and phosphorus are all important nutrients for healing teeth.

Chalkboard Digestive System Drawing 6. IBS and IBD

When evaluating the effect that Manuka honey has on experimentally induced inflammatory bowel disease in rats, researchers from Chandigarh Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research discovered several astounding findings: (9)
  • Manuka honey at different doses provided protection against TNBS-induced colonic damage.
  • There was significant protection with Manuka honey 5 g/kg as well as with 10 g/kg body weight compared with the control.
  • All the treated groups showed reduced colonic inflammation and all the biochemical parameters were significantly reduced compared with the control in the Manuka honey treated groups.
  • Manuka honey at different doses restored lipid peroxidation as well as improved antioxidant parameters. Morphological and histological scores were significantly reduced in the low dose Manuka honey treated group.
  • In the inflammatory model of colitis, oral administration of Manuka honey 5 g/kg and Manuka honey 10 g/kg body weight significantly reduced the colonic inflammation.
So Manuka honey not only healed intestinal inflammation and pain, but also repaired free radical damage, and protected against further damage!

Honey and Lemon Tea7. Sore Throats and Immunity

In 2007, data published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology suggested that, “A 5.8-kDa component of Manuka honey stimulates immune cells via TLR4.” (10) This is interesting because previous studies have indicated that honey stimulates cytokine production from human monocytes.
Coupling with this 2011 research showing how Manuka stops the growth of sore throat-causing Strep bacteria, it is no wonder that so many people benefit almost instantly from taking a spoonful of honey when they don’t feel well. (11) And recently it has even been approved by the National Cancer Institute to be used to heal inflammation in the throat from chemotherapy!

little girl blowing dandelions8. Allergies and Sinusitis

There are many anecdotal accounts of people receiving allergy relief after eating honey are all over the internet. There is even a study with honey and birch pollen that had remarkable results. The participants were given regular honey, honey with birch pollen added to it, and some used only their allergy medicines as a control group. The results were impressive:
“…patients reported a 60% lower total symptom score, twice as many asymptomatic days, and 70% fewer days with severe symptoms, and they used 50% less antihistamines compared to the control group.” 
They also found that there was very little difference between the birch pollen honey users and the regular honey users! So, taking Manuka honey on a regular basis can really help your seasonal allergies and lessen your need for medications! (12)

honey face mask, Honeycomb skin treatment 9. Beauty Treatment & Health Booster

Taken daily Manuka honey has an elixir effect that boosts energy and enhances your quality of life.Because of its nutrient dense profile, it boosts vitality, youthful energy, and has been known to improve skin tone and texture.
Use it in a homemade face wash to exfoliate and fight free radicals in the skin. Use it in your shampoo or a hair mask, to boost the shine of your hair. One of my favorite uses is in a detox drink, to get the most benefits inside and out!

Sleeping woman on sofa 10. Improves Sleep

Manuka Honey helps to promote restful deep sleep. It slowly releases the glycogen needed for essential bodily functions during sleep. Adding honey to milk at bedtime helps the body release melatonin into the brain which is necessary for deep sleep.
There are many health disorders associated with poor sleep such as, heart disease, type II diabetes, stroke, and arthritis. Since honey is proven to aid in quality sleep; it also helps lower the risk of these and many other heath problems.

Manuka Honey Side Effects

Sources like WebMD claim that people allergic to bees should use Manuka honey with caution due to possible allergic side effects. (13)
Take Manuka with caution if you’re allergic to bees and report any adverse reactions to your natural health care provider immediately.

How to Use Manuka Honey

Greek yogurt with figs and honeyTo experience the most benefit, you should take a dose of about 1-2 tablespoons of Manuka honey a day.  The easiest way is to just take it straight, but if it is a little too sweet for you, then you can add it to your favorite herbal tea, over yogurt, or on sprouted grain toast.
If you want to enhance the immune boosting effect or heal a sore throat, add 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Research shows that the antimicrobial properties of cinnamon and Manuka honey are sopowerful, that they can really help you recover fast! (14)
Another great way to take advantage of the healing Manuka honey uses, is to make our  Super Secret Detox Drink, but substitute Manuka honey for stevia.
I personally use this Raw Manuka Honey.

Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush. Advocates say it treats wound infections and other conditions.
WebMD takes a look at what the science says about using manuka honey as a medicine.

Healing Power of Honey

Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn't until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities.
Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria. Some honey also stimulates production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. In addition, honey has an anti-inflammatory action that can quickly reduce pain and inflammation once it is applied.
But not all honey is the same. The antibacterial quality of honey depends on the type of honey as well as when and how it's harvested. Some kinds of honey may be 100 times more potent than others.

Components of Manuka Honey

Hydrogen peroxide is a component of honey. It gives most honey its antibiotic quality. But some types of honey, including manuka honey, also have other components with antibacterial qualities.
Another antibacterial component in manuka honey is methylglyoxal (MG). MG is a compound found in most types of honey, but usually only in small quantities.
In manuka honey, MG comes from the conversion of another compound -- dihydroxyacetone -- that is found in high concentration in the nectar of manuka flowers.
MG is thought to give manuka honey some of its antibacterial power. The higher the concentration of MG, the stronger the antibiotic effect. But, there may also be other compounds involved in the medicinal effect of manuka honey.
Honey producers have developed a scale for rating the potency of manuka honey. The rating is called UMF, which stands for Unique Manuka Factor.
The UMF rating is thought to correspond with the concentration of MG and other compounds. Not all honey labeled as manuka honey contains significant levels of antibacterial factors. To be considered potent enough to be therapeutic, manuka honey needs a minimum rating of 10 UMF. Honey at or above that level is marketed as "UMF Manuka Honey" or "Active Manuka Honey."

How Manuka Honey Is Used

The main medical use for manuka honey is on top of a wound. It is generally used for treating minor wounds and burns.
Manuka honey is also marketed for use in many other conditions. These include:
  • Preventing and treating cancer
  • Reducing high cholesterol
  • Reducing systemic inflammation
  • Treating diabetes
  • Treating eye, ear, and sinus infections
  • Treating gastrointestinal problems
But the evidence is limited on whether or not manuka honey is effective for these conditions.
The honey used to treat wounds is a medical-grade honey. It is specially sterilized and prepared as a dressing. So the jar of manuka honey in the pantry should not be considered part of a first aid kit. Wounds and infections should be seen and treated by a health care professional.

What the Science Says About Manuka Honey

Several recent studies show manuka honey is effective when used on top of wounds and leg ulcers. Studies also show it's effective in fighting infection and promoting healing.
But not all studies show that it helps to heal ulcers. And there is concern that manuka honey may actually delay healing in people who have ulcers related to diabetes.
The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database lists honey as being "possibly effective" to treat burns and wounds. The Cochrane Review notes that honey may shorten healing times in mild burns compared with traditional dressings. However, honey dressings do not increase leg ulcer healing at 12 weeks even when used with compression wraps.
Another recent study suggests that manuka honey may be effective in preventing gingivitis and other periodontal disease by reducing the buildup of plaque. And in 2010, the scientific steering committee of the National Cancer Institute approved a proposal for the use of manuka honey for the reduction of inflammation of the esophagus associated with chemotherapy.
Another possible benefit of honey is that, unlike antibiotics, it has not been reported to cause development of resistant bacteria. These so-called "superbugs" develop after repeated exposure to common antibiotics. They require special antibiotics to treat them.
So far, studies have not shown manuka honey to be effective fortreating high cholesterol or balancing the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
Also, no major studies have looked at the effect of manuka honey on cancer, diabetes, or fungal infections.

Possible Side Effects of Manuka Honey

The possible side effects of manuka honey are:
  • Allergic reaction, especially in people who are allergic to bees
  • Risk of a rise in blood sugar
  • Possible interaction with certain chemotherapy drugs
Most of the studies on manuka honey have been with small numbers of patients. More studies are needed to decide if it is safe and effective for various medical conditions.


Wrinkle Remover Does Exactly That! Botox Doctors Are Outraged By Her Breakthrough!

Would You Spend $5 To Look 15 Years Younger? Christie Brinkley's New Wrinkle Remover Does Exactly That! Botox Doctors Are Outraged By Her Breakthrough!

Christie Brinkley was featured on The Today Show with Dr. Oz to launch her new skincare and anti-aging line, known as Neuphoric Skin©. Discover how at 61 she looks half her age and how you can use the exact same product as her to look years younger!
During her 40 year modeling career, Christie Brinkley has miraculously managed to not age at all. Now, at 61, her secret is finally out. Today we're trying her new product here at People to see if you really can look decades younger in just a few minutes.
For our testing, we will use People's very own Kim Allen. During her 30 year marriage, Kim Allen's skin has deteriorated severely due to constant stress, sun damage, occasional wine and cocktails, and a few years of smoking. Kim will use the same product used by Christie Brinkley to see if Christie's Neuphoric Skin© can make her wrinkles and lines go away.
Read on to discover how Kim Allen successfully restored decades of youth to her face using Christie Brinkley's groundbreaking tip.

After years of not taking care of her skin, Kim Allen's age was showing. With deep wrinkles, sagging skin and fine lines, she needed help. Neuphoric Skin© from Christie Brinkley has taken at least 20 years off her face and restored her confidence.
"My skin was tight and pretty when I was younger, and I never had any wrinkle problems. I graduated college without a single wrinkle on my face. When I went to work at a local corporate office, I developed some bad habits like not putting on sun screen daily, drinking alcohol, and occasionally even smoking.
As the decades passed me by, my face shriveled up. The wrinkles snuck up on me. I wasmiserable and embarrassed... When I went out with friends, I found myself constantly feeling insecure and running to the bathroom to put on more makeup. I did not like seeing my own reflection and started avoiding close-up mirrors.
Over the past decade I have spent countless amounts of money on anti aging products like I'm sure a lot of readers have, only to find that the results were either nonexistent or very poor.
Today, I am delighted about Christie Brinkley's new anti aging product, Neuphoric Skin©. I've been really wanting to get my face and skin healthy for me, and me alone. Had I not taken action, I am certain I was on my way to looking like an old, dried-up prune forever."
Kim tried one method after another with little or no results. She even considered plastic surgery but was hesitant to go under the knife. Things were looking hopeless until a few weeks ago, while watching The Today Show, Kim saw Christie Brinkley's decades of anti aging secrets revealed as she launched Neuphoric Skin© to the world.

Dr. Oz has known about Christie's secret for years and has reserved it for only private celebrity clients that need to look 10 to 15 youngers quickly, until Christie Brinkley revealed Neuphoric Skin© on The Today Show. Even for Christie Brinkley to tell others about her secret and launch her own line of anti aging products, she couldn't help but start crying on The Today Show about her biggest secret being exposed and in the open.
When Kim found out about it, she was so surprised by how shockingly simple, cheap, and effective this technique was, that she had to test it herself.
Here at People, we have been receiving so many emails from our readers asking about Neuphoric Skin© that we decided to write a feature article testing it for ourselves and reporting on Kim's results! Read on...

Watch a reviewer talk about Neuphoric Skin©, Brinkley's breakthrough new anti-aging weapon.

Dr Oz had always kept this wrinkle secret reserved for his high paying celebrity clients...until now.

"Neuphoric Skin© is the best, most effective and cheapest alternative to sugery" - Dr. Oz
Christie Brinkley said she felt that it was time for her to finally put her decades of knowledge into a product that actually worked. She was tired of hearing countless stories of her fans losing $1000's on expensive anti aging products, or dangerous plastic surgeries. As a result, a few weeks ago with Christie on The Today Show, she revealed her secret and began offering Neuphoric Skin© to the world.

"Countless aging celebs admit they avoided surgery and look 10 years younger using Christie Brinkley's Neuphoric Skin© Anti-Aging Cream."
Christie Brinkley's big skincare secret is that after years and years of pain staking tests and research, her Doctor, while working with a team of anti-aging researchers discovered a breakthrough product that literally took 10 to 20 years off women’s appearance in just a month. The shocking part is that it is 100% safe, and costs next to nothing! Christie's "miracle" age reversal solution is a duo combination of key ingredients found in Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum.

"I'm 61 and look 35 thanks to the ingredients found in Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum" - Christie Brinkley

So what is it?

2 Key Ingredients For Anti Aging:

1. Proprietary Bisophere 
2. QuSome

These are both natural ingredients that work together to erase wrinkles and fine lines at the cellular level – below the surface of the skin – which is why they’re so effective.
Proprietary Bisophere, The Fountain of Youth: 
The first piece of the anti aging puzzle Christie & Dr. Oz talked about was Proprietary Bisophere.

"Proprietary Bisophere is the secret to cheat your age". -Dr. Oz
Proprietary Bisophere penetrates deep into damaged skin and stimulates new collagen – a protein which makes skin appear plump and firm. It's all the rage in beauty circles, much in part because of a 2009 study stating, applying non-prescription Proprietary Bisophere to your skin caused a 60% reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Dr. Oz said this is why Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum is so effective. It was one of the few products on the market that had Proprietary Bisophere in the right consistency and dosage.

He said the second piece, when combined properly with Proprietary Bisophere, literally makes your face look two decades younger in weeks! QuSome works by binding to moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it an excellent natural skin plumper. QuSome helps your skin repair and regenerate itself after suffering from dryness, environmental stresses, or irritation. He said one of, if not the only products you can buy over the counter with an effective concentration of QuSome was found in Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum.

"What Proprietary Bisophere & QuSome do is get rid of all the old, dead layers of skin and help your skin generate fresh new ones. Our tests show that you can erase almost 10 to 20 years off your face in less than 14 days. But the key is to choose the creams and serums that contain the highest and purest quality ingredients, since they’re not all the same. The only one we found during our research was Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum. This is what Christie Brinkley uses. This is what I recommend to all my celebrity clients." - Dr. Oz

"How do I use it?"

It's acutally very simple. You simply use this product before bed. Dr. Oz said on the show that, "the trick is to use Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum daily". This product contains high concentrations of pure Proprietary Bisophere and QuSome in just the right concentrations. My team also discovered that they contain all sorts of anti-oxidants, an ingredient called Dermaxyl (also known as facelift in a jar) and Ester-C (the active anti-aging compound in Proprietary Bisophere).

"I'm excited for everyone to be able to try Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum - it really is the fountain of youth in a bottle"

We Decided to Put it to the Test!

As excited as we were after the show and the flood of emails and letters, we wanted to research Dr Oz's anti-aging ingredients ourselves before we wrote this feature piece praising them. We decided to take one volunteer from our readers. You've already met Kim Allen, who jumped at the chance to trial this combo. Here are her results...

Kim's 14 Day Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum Results:

Kim is a 62 year grandma of 2 from San Francisco. Like most women her age, the years have started to give her unwanted lines and wrinkles. Kim said she decided to trial Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum because she was so frustrated that nothing else has produced results. She was even considered a highly risky and very expensive facelift procedure. Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum was somewhat of a last resort for her.
Here are her results....

"After the first day of using Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum, I was shocked at the drastic results. The lines, dark spots, and wrinkles - without question - were visibly reduced in size right before my eyes! I was astonished by the results, and literally felt 15 years younger again. It was like watching all my wrinkles and fine lines vanish right off!
I don't know how else to describe it! I could feel a warm tingling sensation on my cheeks, around my eyes, and on my forehead. I looked in the mirror and saw that my face looked a bit rosy - the result of revitalizing blood rushing to the surface of my skin to renew my face.
After the product was absorbed into my skin, my face looked firmer and had a beautiful glow to it."
"After five days of using Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum I was shocked at the drastic results.
The lines, dark spots, and wrinkles - without question - were visibly reduced in size right before my eyes!
I was astonished by the results, and literally felt 15 years younger again. It was like watching all my wrinkles and fine lines vanish right off!"
"After 14 days, not only had all my doubts and scepticism absolutely vanished - SO DID MY WRINKLES!
The lines on my forehead, the loose, sagging skin on my neck, my crows’ feet – even the age spots on my face had COMPLETELY disappeared. I've never felt or seen anything tighten my skin with this kind of force before, no matter how expensive the product!
After the 2 weeks, my skin not only stayed that way, it actually improved every day until it became as beautiful and radiant as it was 20 years ago. By this point, all my friends and family were shocked. They couldn't believe the difference, and were convinced I was lying about not getting botox - I CAN'T WAIT to show them this article!"

"I couldn't believe my transformation, after feeling "too old". I honestly had almost given up on hoping that there was a cheap and effective solution out there that could really remove wrinkles. There's hype everywhere surrounding products that simply don't work, but to my amazement, Neuphoric Skin© did exactly what Christie said it would do.
I couldn't believe how much my confidence was boosted and how much attention from men I was getting. I'm married of course, but it still feels good to have others find you beautiful and attractive."
 Before and after picture of Kim Allen. The picture on the right was taken after only 14 days of using Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum 

"My skin looks incredible...even younger and smoother than when I was 35 - Thank you Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum!" the grandma-of-two exclusively told People Magazine of her wrinkle transformation.

The Verdict:

Using Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum, removed virtually 90% of all Kim's wrinkles and problem areas. It tightened her face and neck, removing all signs of sagging, aging, and dehydrated skin.

Will This Work For You?

There is plenty of skincare hype out there, and most of those products are ridiculously expensive. With so many options it’s only natural to be skeptical about the results, and so we don't want to promise our readers anything - instead we simply want to challenge you to do what Christie Brinkley recommends to her fans and friends: try it for yourself!
Please remember, you want to use Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serum daily for best results.
For your convenience, we have provided the link to Christie Brinkley's Neuphoric Skin©. As of the writing of this article they are offering Free Test Trials of Neuphoric Skin© Anti Aging Facial Serumfor the holidays season. Use the links below and you will get the lowest possible shipping price as well.


How To Put Multiple ISO Files In One Bootable USB Disk | Create Multiboot USB Disk

How To Put Multiple ISO Files In One Bootable USB Disk | Create Multiboot USB Disk

Creating a bootable USB disk comes handy when we have to reinstall our operating system in the case of a system failure. It’s very easy to put ISO files on portable flash drives by using various tools–like Windows USB/DVD tool and the Startup Disk Creator in Ubuntu.
Now, there are many OS available in the market, either free or paid. Each having its multiple versions and features. You can’t waste a flash drive for each of them. It would be great if you put all the ISO files on one flash drive and take the advantage of installing multiple operating systems through a multiboot USB media.
The process to create a multiboot USB disk is quite simple. For Windows OS, these multiboot USB disks can be created using a popular tool known as WinSetupFromUSB. It allows you put multiple ISOs in one installation disk. You can put Windows and Linux in a same bootable disk or create a master installation disk of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. The choice is up to you.
Before proceeding with the method, if you don’t have the ISO files for Windows OS, the link below would guide you through the process to download them legally.
You must arrange a USB flash drive of considerable size. For putting three Windows ISOs in the multiboot USB disk, you will need a 16GB flash drive.

How to create a Multiboot USB Disk?

  1. Download WinSetupFromUSB. Extract this file.
  2. Connect your flash drive to your computer.
  3. Open WinSetupFromUSB. Open the 32-bit and 64-bit version according to your OS. It will work without any installation.
  4. Make your flash drive is listed and selected in the drop down menu. ClickRefresh, if it is not on the list.
  5. Tick Auto format it with FBinst.
    Note: You have to tick this option only for the first ISO installation. Choose FAT32 if your computer is set to boot using UEFI mode or if UEFI sounds strange to your ears. Else, go with the NTFS option.bootable1
  6. Click Advanced options.
  7. Tick the Custom menu names for Vista/7/8/Server Source checkbox. Click the Cross (X) button to exit Advanced Options.
  8. To add ISO, tick the checkbox corresponding to OS in the ISO.
    For example, I am using the Windows 8.1 ISO.
    Note: If the size of your ISO is larger than 4 Gb, it will show a message to split the file into parts. This is because you’ve chosen the FAT32 option. Click OK.
    win4Note: WinSetupFromUSB doesn’t support dual ISOs i.e. it can’t have 32-bit and 64bit version in a single ISO. It will show an error message.
  9. Click GO. A data deletion warning message will be displayed. This is because you’ve chosen to format the flash drive. Click Yes.
    Note: Do remember to check the flash drive name before clicking Yes. Else, you’ll end up formatting some other connected storage media.
  10. Another warning message will be displayed telling you that all the partitions will be erased. Click Yes.
  11. It will ask for the folder name. Type the desired one in 30 seconds or it’ll auto select. Click Ok.
  12. It will ask for the boot menu name. Type your desired name like Windows 8.1 64-bit. Click Ok.
  13. The process will take few minutes to finish.
  14. Click EXIT to finish.

How to add the second ISO file in the Multiboot USB Disk?

  1. Start the tool again.
  2. Select your flash drive in the drop down menu.
  3. Click Advanced Options and look for Custom menu names for Vista/7/8/10/Server Source.
  4. Don’t Click Auto format with FBinst. Because it will remove your previous ISO file.
  5. Add the ISO file.
  6. Click GO and follow the same process.
Follow the same process to add more ISO files.
So, this was the method create a multiboot USB flash drive which allows you to choose between multiple operating systems at a time. Use the method to put a 32-bit and 64-bit version of the same OS in one bootable media.
Note: At the time of writing this post, WinSetupFromUSB 1.6 was available. You can use the latest version 1.7 to create multiboot USB.
If you have something to add, tell us in the comments below.

Portulaca Oleracea

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