

Major Bottled Waters Brands That Contain Fluoride- Linked to Kidney Disease, Hypothyroidism and Lower Fertility

Major Bottled Waters Brands That Contain Fluoride- Linked to Kidney Disease, Hypothyroidism and Lower Fertility

Fluoride, which is common to have in toothpaste, has been added to around 70% of the drinking water in the U.S. At first, people weren’t convinced that there were any real concerns but then a much-needed study from Harvard was released which showed us that not only is fluoride harming our health but it is stunting the IQ of our CHILDREN.
Once this view became more widely accepted by the public many people tried to avoid the issues of their local tap water by switching to bottled water. The only thing we didn’t know at the time was that many of the common brands of bottled water that we drink are actually from sources that still put harmful chemicals and fluoride into their water.
Before we dive into the bottled water brands that are of the most concern we want to go over the major health issues and history of fluoride to remind everyone why it is so important that we take steps to protect ourselves and our children from these very real hazards.

The History of Fluoridation

This video is important because it goes over the history of why fluoride is even being put into our water. If we don’t understand the reasoning and motivation of the past it is very hard to take steps to correct the issues of today.
When you think about how the history of Flouride has much more to do with manufacturing aluminum than anything else in our history it is a baffling idea that it all wound up in our drinking water. Factory workers going all the way back to World War 1 presented many health concerns from their exposure to fluoride. Since then entire lists of issues have been found.

Fluoride Effects on Children and Unborn Babies

According to the Harvard Study fluoride has some pretty extreme effects on children and even unborn babies:
As parents, we often work very hard to make sure our children eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, raise them in a safe community, and make sure they get the very best education they can. We want them to have every opportunity to succeed and it is a bit disturbing to think that something as simple as having fluoride in our water could cause such a dramatic impact on their development and ability to thrive as future adults.
Fluoride has also been found, according to the same study, to be harmful to adults as well:
If you have found that you have issues with learning, remembering, and felt like you struggle to meet your full potential as an intelligent human being then this may very well be a factor that we need to address.
Since World War 1 entire lists of issues have been found to be the direct cause of fluoride exposure. What is important to understand is that we still haven’t fully explored or researched the full implications of using this harmful substance in our everyday products and drinking water.

Known Symptoms caused by Fluoridation

  1. Skeletal Fluorosis
  2. Arthritis
  3. IQ Reduction [2]
  4. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  5. Central Nervous System Disturbances
  6. Osteosarcoma
  7. Bone Cancer
  8. Dental Fluorosis
  9. Bone Fractures
  10. Nausea
  11. Abdominal Pain
  12. Vomiting
  13. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  14. Migraine-Like Headaches
  15. Suppression of the Immune System
  16. Kidney Disease
  17. Early Onset Puberty
  18. Asthma
  19. Chronic Bronchitis
  20. Emphysema
  21. Reduced Fertility
  22. Damaged Sperm
  23. Hypothyroidism
  24. Hormone Suppression
  25. Alzheimer’s
  26. Muscle Weakness
  27. Tremors
  28. Hypoglycemia
With these many health concerns surfacing over the years why is fluoride even in our drinking water? The video below seeks to explore this question a bit more in and attempt to understand the issue and see what our governments need to do in order to address this issue further.

Industrial Waste

So according to the history and some research into the issue, the aluminum industry needed to get rid of one of their waste products which just so happened to be fluoride. This is when it started to be put into the drinking water.

Fluoridation in Bottled Water

This brings us back to the important issue of bottled water. In order to avoid drinking fluoride, many people have turned instead to bottled water. Unfortunately, most of these companies get their water from sources that don’t use Reverse Osmosis Filtration in order to get the fluoride out of the water.
Check out this list below to see if your favorite brand of bottled water is on the list:
Via The Farmacy
That list shows that most of the major brands of bottled water are not helping us to avoid one of the most common issues of water today. We many need to start moving towards new sources of water, including installing Reverse Osmosis Filtration systems in our homes. Some of these systems can be picked up at your local hardware store and if you pair it with a good alkaline system then you will improve your health will also avoiding the major issues of fluoride.

Fluoride in Baby Formula

As a last thought on this subject, we wanted to make sure that parents had an important tool we found on the web. If you have an infant and use formula, you will want to check out this site to make sure your formula and the water you add to the formula is safe and free of fluoride for your baby.
[7]  [8]

Without Fluoride

Without Fluoride  

Fluoride Health Problems

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the presence of fluoride in public drinking water (fluoridation).

For starters, before fluoride was used to fight cavities, it was (and still is) used in insecticides and rat poison.

Fluorosis is a condition that wears down the enamel of the tooth, leaving behind white spots, making the teeth more vulnerable to cavities and decay. Fluorosis is a very real health condition that can effect both children and adults. And more and more evidence is mounting against the use fluoride, even in small amounts.

But it doesn't appear to be a critical issue according to the US Surgeon Generals, as the last 5 Surgeon Generals have supported the fluoridation of drinking water. Incidentally, the claimed health benefits almost always point to oral health.

Fortunately, the CDC is calling for new labeling rules requiring manufacturers to list a product's fluoride content, which we have found to be missing in some cases.

What is too much Fluoride?
Fluoride itself is actually required by our bodies in low doses. When consumed in high a mounts, specifically the man-made fluoride that is in public drinking water, it can cause problems.

An estimated 5-10g of sodium fluoride can be lethal for some adults.

While fluoride provides benefits to your oral health, it can also come with adverse side effects, that vary in severity depending upon the amount of fluoride consumed. Excessive consumption of fluoride can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort.

This can occur with doses 15 to 20 times lower than actual lethal doses (0.2-0.3mg/kg).

Fluoride in excessive amounts can also cause problems in the formation bone.
  • Children under 6: (Toothpaste) - "A pea sized amount"
  • Adults: (Toothpaste) fluoride dentifrice (1,000 ppmF) or 1.0 g or more for adults

List of bottled water without fluoride

A Better Water
Agromas Natural Mineral Water
American Fare
American Star
Aqua Fresca
Aqua Panna
Aqua Pure
Aquarius Natural Mineral Water
Arbor Springs Drinking Water
Arbor Springs Purified Water
Arbor Springs Spring Water
Arlington Springs
Aqua Systems
Aqua Von
Artesian Wells Distilled Water
Artesain Wells Drinking Water
Artesian Wells Infant Water
Augusta Medical - Daniels
Badger Water
Belmont Springs
Besco Pure Premium Drinking Water
BIOTA Colorado Pure Spring Water
Black Berry Farms
Blue Ice Natural Mineral Water
BORNEO Drinking Water
BORNEO Natural Mineral Water

Callaway Blue
Cascade Bottled Water
Cascade Distilled Water
Cascade Purified Drinking Water
Century Springs Distilled Water
Century Springs Spring Water
Chemung Distilled Water
Chemung Spring Water
Chippewa Spring Water
Citi Stop
Classic Selection
Clearly Arctic
Clear Mountain Spring Water
Clover Company Limited
Cold Country
Cohutta Mountain Spring Water
Cowboy Squeeze
Crowne Plaza Drinking Water
Crowne Plaza Natural Mineral Water
Cruel Jacks Spring Water
Crystal Mountain Spring Water
Crystal Point
Crystal Ridge
Crystal Spring Natural Spring Water
Crystal Springs
Crystal Springs Drinking Water
Crystal Springs Deionized Water
Crystal Springs Spring Water
Culligan Water
Culligan Demineralized Water
Culligan Distilled Water
Culligan Purified Water
Culligan Spring Water

Dakota Splash
Dannon Fluoridated Spring Water
Deep Rock
Deep Rock Crystal Drop
Deep Rock Fontenelle
Deer Park
Deja Blue
Desert Quench
Diamond Spring Water

East Phils
Eco Quest
Equatorial Natural Mineral Water
E Water
Family Pantry
Famous Ramona Water
Flowing Springs
Food Club
Founders Square Bank
Fresh Brands Artesian
Fresh Brands Distilled Water
Fresh Brands Drinking Water
Fresh Market
Glacier Bay
Glen Summit Springs Water
Glen Summit Distilled Water
Glenwood Inglewood
Gordon Food Service
Great Bear
Hidden Valley Natural Mineral Water
Hillcrest Distilled Water
Hillcrest Drinking Water
Hillcrest Spring Water
Hilton PJ Natural Mineral Water
Hinckley Springs
Hi-Sprint Drinking Water
Hi-Sprint Natural Mineral Water
Hog Wash
Hon Less Natural Mineral Water
Ice Jam
Ice Mountain
Ice Mountain Natural Mineral Water
Istana Natural Mineral Water
Joe Muggs
Joe Ragan's Pure Water
Junior Johnson
Just Squeezed

Kandiyohi Drinking Water
Kentwood Springs
KLGCC Natural Mineral Water
Krystal J Artesian Water
Krystal J Distilled Water
Leroy Jenkins Ministries
Logansport Savings Bank
Masafi Pure Natural Mineral Water
Mayer Bros.
Mercurio Produce
Mesra Drinking Water
Mesra Natural Mineral Water
Misty Mountain
Monadnock Mountain Spring Water
Mountain Energy
Mountain Forest
Mountain Valley Spring Water
Mount Olympus Spring
Mutiara Natural Mineral Water

Nantze Springs
Nestle Pure Life
New Frontier Bank
Niagra Mist
Nicolet Distilled
Northern Illinois University

Oasis Pure Drinking Water
Oasis Sparkling Water
Ogallala - Clear Cool Water
OUI Drinking Water
OUI Natural Mineral Water
Parmer Pure H2O
Patriots Choice
Pelangi Natural Mineral Water
Penta Ultra Premium Purified Drinking Water
Piggly Wiggly
Poland Spring
Polaris Water
Pristine Natural Artesian
Purely Sedona
Puritan Springs Distilled Water
Puritan Springs Drinking Water
Quick Stop
Rain Soft
Refresh Natural Mineral Water
Reiser Drinking Water
Request Foods, Inc.
Rip Time
Safeway - Refreshe
Sam's Wine & Spirits
San Faustino Natural Mineral Water
San Pellegrino
Santee Springs
Scheopner's Water
Sequoia Springs
Shenandoah Distilled Water
Shenandoah Pure Drinking Water
Shenandoah Spring Water
Sierra Springs
Silver Creek Purified Water
Silver Creek Spring Water
Sky Drinking Water
Snow Valley
Stator Bros. Markets
Summit Mountain
Summit Springs
Summit Valley
Teton Mountain Lodge Spring Water
United Dairy Farmers
Veta Drinking Water
Walgreen's Drinking Water
Wal-mart Kids Connection
Water Boy
Weis Markets Spring Water
Western Family
Whistler Water
Whole Foods 365
Woodland Spring Water
Wyoming Machinery "Catipillar" Spring Water



How to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water
How do you remove Fluoride from tap water? Or any water for that matter?

Ways to Remove Fluoride from Water
Reverse Osmosis FiltrationThis process is used for purifying some, but not all types of bottled water. Reverse osmosis systems is typically not affordable for personal or general public use.

Activated Alumina Defluoridation FilterA home water filtration solution. But it's quite an expensive solution at approximately $30/filter and the filters require frequent replacement.
Distillation FiltrationCommercial distillation filters that can be purchase to remove fluoride from water. While the fluoride can be removed from distilled water, it still may have other impurities that could prevent it from being unusable as drinking water.
Brita, Pur, and other FiltersThese filters do not remove Fluoride. If you check the websites, and labels, the descriptions state that fluoride is left in the water after filtration.
Will Boiling Water Remove Fluoride?No, this will only concentrate the fluoride rather than reduce it.
Will Freezing Water Reduce Fluoride?No, this method has no affect on the presence of fluoride.

How to Reduce Fluoride Exposure

Check Water Bottling Labels for Fluoride
Read labels on bottles. Unless they are made with distilled or reverse-osmosis water, it was probably made with fluoridated public water.

Toothpaste without Fluoride
Consider using unfluoridated toothpaste.

No-Fluoride Toothpaste reviews can be found on the following No-Fluoride Toothpastes:
  • Tom's of Maine Natural Antiplaque plus Whitening Gel Toothpaste (Spearmint)
  • XyliWhite

Most Bottled Water is FILLED With Fluoride, Here’s a Complete List of Brands to Avoid

Most Bottled Water is FILLED With Fluoride, Here’s a Complete List of Brands to Avoid

“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain,”Grandjean says. 
“The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
As with other fresh water supplies (e.g., spring water, lake water, river water), bottled waters have low levels of fluoride.
Fresh surface water contains an average of just 0.05 ppm. To put this in perspective, artificially fluoridated water (using industrial-grade fluoride chemicals) contains 0.7 to 1.2 ppm fluoride, which is 14 to 24 times more than the average natural level.

Fluoride Health Problems

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the presence of fluoride in public drinking water (fluoridation). For starters, before fluoride was used to fight cavities, it was (and still is) used in insecticides and rat poision.
Fluorosis is a condition that wears down the enamal of the tooth, leaving behind white spots, making the teeth more vulnerable to cavities and decay. Fluorosis is a very real health condition that can effect both children and adults. More and more evidence is mounting against the use of fluoride, even in small amounts. But it doesn’t appear to be a critical issue according to the US Surgeon Generals, as the last 5 Surgeon Generals have supported the fluoridation of drinking water. Incidentally, the claimed health benefits almost always point to oral health. Fortunately, the CDC is calling for new labeling rules requiring manufacturers to list a product’s fluoride content, which we have found to be missing in some cases.

What is too much Fluoride?

Fluoride itself is actually required by our bodies in low doses. When consumed in high amounts, specifically the man-made fluoride that is in public drinking water, can cause problems.
An estimated 5-10g of sodium fluoride can be lethal for some adults. While fluoride provides benefits to your oral health, it can also come with adverse side effects, that vary in severity depending upon the amount of fluoride consumed. Excessive consumption of fluoride can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. This can occur with doses 15 to 20 times lower than actual lethal doses (0.2-0.3mg/kg). Fluoride in exessive amounts can also cause problems in the formation bone.
Here are some bottled water brands that contain little to no fluoride:
  • A Better Water
  • Agromas Natural Mineral Water
  • Albertsons
  • Alpina
  • American Fare
  • American Star
  • Appco
  • Aqua Fresca
  • Aqua Panna
  • Aqua Pure
  • Aquarius Natural Mineral Water
  • Arbor Springs
  • Arlington Springs
  • Aquafina Water
  • Aqua Systems
  • Aqua Von
  • Artesian Wells
  • Augusta Medical – Daniels
  • Badger Water
  • Besco Pure Premium Drinking Water
  • BIOTA Colorado Pure Spring Water
  • Bio-2
  • Black Berry Farms
  • Blue Ice Natural Mineral Water
  • Boney’s
  • Bountyland
  • Buches
  • Calistoga
  • Callaway Blue
  • CAPA
  • Cascade
  • Century Springs
  • Chemung
  • Chippewa Spring Water
  • Citi Stop
  • Classic Selection
  • Clearly Arctic
  • Clear Mountain Spring Water
  • Clover Company Limited
  • Coach
  • Cold Country
  • Cohutta Mountain Spring Water
  • Cowboy Squeeze
  • Crowne Plaza Drinking Water
  • Crowne Plaza Natural Mineral Water
  • Cruel Jacks Spring Water
  • Crystal Mountain Spring Water
  • Crystal Point
  • Crystal Ridge
  • Crystal Spring Natural Spring Water
  • Culligan Water
  • Dakota Splash
  • Dannon
  • Deep Rock
  • Deep Rock Crystal Drop
  • Deep Rock Fontenelle
  • Deja Blue
  • Desert Quench
  • East Phils
  • Eco Quest
  • Elite
  • Equatorial Natural Mineral Water
  • Essentia Water
  • Eureka
  • Evian
  • E Water
  • Family Pantry
  • Famous Ramona Water
  • Flowing Springs
  • Food Club
  • Founders Square Bank
  • Fresh Brands Artesian
  • Fresh Brands Distilled Water
  • Fresh Brands Drinking Water
  • Fresh Market
  • Get-N-Go
  • Glacier Bay
  • Glen Summit Springs Water
  • Glen Summit Distilled Water
  • Glenwood Inglewood
  • Gordon Food Service
  • Great Bear
  • Great Value
  • Harvey’s
  • H2O4U
  • Henry’s
  • Hidden Valley Natural Mineral Water
  • Hillcrest Distilled Water
  • Hillcrest Drinking Water
  • Hillcrest Spring Water
  • Hilton PJ Natural Mineral Water
  • Hinckley Springs
  • HINT
  • Hi-Sprint Drinking Water
  • Hi-Sprint Natural Mineral Water
  • Hog Wash
  • Hon Less Natural Mineral Water
  • Ice Jam
  • Inland
  • Istana Natural Mineral Water
  • Joe Muggs
  • Joe Ragan’s Pure Water
  • Junior Johnson
  • Just Squeezed
  • KLGCC Natural Mineral Water
  • Kroger Bottled Water (Reverse Osmosis)
  • Krystal J Artesian Water
  • Krystal J Distilled Water
  • Laure
  • Leroy Jenkins Ministries
  • Logansport Savings Bank
  • Lowe’s
  • Martins
  • Masafi Pure Natural Mineral Water
  • Mercurio Produce
  • Mesra Drinking Water
  • Mesra Natural Mineral Water
  • Misty Mountain
  • Monadnock Mountain Spring Water
  • Montclair
  • Mountain Energy
  • Mountain Forest
  • Mountain Valley Spring Water
  • Mutiara Natural Mineral Water
  • Nantze Springs
  • New Frontier Bank
  • Niagra Mist
  • Nicolet Distilled
  • Northern Illinois University
  • Oasis Pure Drinking Water
  • Oasis Sparkling Water
  • Ogallala – Clear Cool Water
  • OUI Drinking Water
  • OUI Natural Mineral Water
  • Paiges
  • Parmer Pure H2O
  • Patriots Choice
  • Pelangi Natural Mineral Water
  • Penta Ultra Premium Purified Drinking Water
  • Piggly Wiggly
  • Polaris Water
  • Pristine Natural Artesian
  • Purely Sedona
  • Quick Stop
  • Rain Soft
  • Refresh Natural Mineral Water
  • Reiser Drinking Water
  • Request Foods, Inc.
  • Rip Time
  • Roundy’s “Purified Water”
  • Safeway – Refreshe
  • Sam’s Wine & Spirits
  • San Faustino Natural Mineral Water
  • San Pellegrino
  • Santee Springs
  • Scheopner’s Water
  • Sequoia Springs
  • Scotts
  • Shamrock
  • Shop-N-Cart
  • Shur-Fine
  • Silver Creek Purified Water
  • Silver Creek Spring Water
  • Sky Drinking Water
  • Smart Water
  • Snow Valley
  • Spinx
  • Stator Bros. Markets
  • Summit Mountain
  • Summit Springs
  • Summit Valley
  • T-Rex
  • Teton Mountain Lodge Spring Water
  • Tweetsie
  • United Dairy Farmers
  • Volvic
  • Vitamin Water
  • Veta Drinking Water
  • Valutime
  • Whistler Water
  • Whole Foods 365
  • Woodland Spring Water
  • Wyoming Machinery “Catipillar” Spring Water
  • Zodiac
List of brands to avoid that are known to be high in fluoride:
  • Alhambra
  • Arrowhead
  • Belmont Springs
  • Crystal Rock
  • Crystal Springs
  • Deer Park
  • Diamond Springs
  • Hindley Spri
  • Ice Mountain
  • Kandiyohi
  • Kentwood Springs
  • Mayer Bros.
  • Mount Olympus
  • Nursery Water
  • Ozarka
  • Poland Spring
  • Pure Flo
  • Puritan Springs
  • Shenandoah
  • Sierra Springs
  • Sparkletts
  • Zephyrhills
The list contains data provided by the International Bottled Water Association that you can use to make sure you’re not feeding fluoride to yourself and your family.

Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer

Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer

Ever heard of Vitamin B17? Chances are you probably haven’t. Since Vitamin 17 has been banned by the FDA.

One of the biggest concentrated types of vitamin B17 can be found in the seed of the apricot. A fruit we don’t give enough credit to. The actual seed can be found within the hard pit in the apricot. The anti-cancer agent based in the actual Laetrile B17 vitamin is known as amygdalin.
Why is B17 not prescribed by modern Physicians as a treatment? If it is so helpful towards the elimination of many cancers? G. Edward Griffin answers, “A control for cancer is known, and it comes from nature, but it is not widely available to the public because it cannot be patented, and, therefore, is not commercially attractive to the pharmaceutical industry.”
Vitamin B17 is comprised of hydrogen cyanide and glucose that is what gives it its cancer-solving properties. The benzaldehyde from the glucose and the cyanide work together as a poison that targets cancer cells. Many medical professionals claim B17 is toxic, but this is merely a myth.
So Here’s Where The Cover-Up Comes In
Even though this vitamin was not approved for treatment by the FDA, many doctors including one named John A. Richardson M.D. who started using the vitamin “illegally” in order to treat parents at his medical clinic in San Francisco, and it was giving astonishing results better than orthodox treatments. Richardson’s success in these treatments is documented in Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience by John A. Richardson M.D. and Patricia Irving Griffin, R.N. The FDA came out hard in its attack on Laetrile. The FDA sees at Laetrile as an unapproved form of treatment and is ” illegal” for a practitioner to administer, there for buying Laetrile is not available in the United States. But, on the other hand, you can still buy amygdalin (B12) in supplement form. There are many reports of people who will swear they have defeated cancer from using B17.
Sloan-Kettering outraged at the B17 cover-up by the FDA and the AMA, for five years studies were conducted by Sloan on the anti-cancer benefits of B17 to which it was found that:
1. It improved general health of the cancer patient
2. It acted as a cancer preventative.
3. It stopped the spreading of cancer in mice.
4. Laetrile inhibited the growth of tumors.
To hear about clinical trials of B17 and learn how it fights cancer cells is one thing, but actually to hear real life people who have fought against cancer and thanks to vitamin B17 they won.
Being Protective in Our Fight Against Getting Cancer
If you exercise very little and engage in harmful bodily choices, then cancer is only chasing you. Although in some cases they are no matter how much you exercise or no matter what you do cancer will find you. But this is no reason not to be proactive throughout your day and engage in healthy bodily choices.
Besides B17 there has also been many other natural foods that help fight cancer such as: Consuming aloe gel, wheatgrass, sumac, chili peppers, swiss chard, food mushrooms, turmeric, Vegetables and raw fruits, flax, aloe juice, chia and black seed better known as Nigella sative. It is never too start late eating healthy and lowering your health risks. You could even start right now!


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