



Raw organic nuts make for a near-ideal snack given their healthy fat, vitamin, antioxidant, and fiber content. If you’ve avoided them out of concern for your weight, you may want to reconsider.

A growing number of studies refute the myth that nuts might cause weight gain. In fact, the converse is true, as research shows weight loss is one of the health benefits of regular nut consumption.
Those who eat nuts on a regular basis also tend to have lower systolic blood pressure and are less likely to have risk factors for metabolic syndrome, such as low HDL cholesterol, abdominal obesity, and high fasting glucose.
It’s not surprising then that nut consumption has been linked to cardiovascular health and a lower risk for diabetes. A number of studies have also linked nuts to a reduced mortality risk and life extension.
One reason nuts are so beneficial is that many—including walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, and almonds—contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease, or those who have increased risk for heart disease due to multiple cardiac risk factors.


One large-scale, 30-year long Harvard study   found that people who ate a small handful (approximately one ounce or 28 grams) of nuts seven times per week or more were 20 percent less likely to die for any reason, compared to those who avoided nuts.
As reported by the Washington Post:
“Even those who ate nuts less than once a week had a seven percent reduction in risk. Consuming nuts at least five times a week corresponded to a 29 percent drop in mortality risk for heart disease, a 24 percent decline for respiratory disease and an 11 percent drop for cancer.”
Another study  published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that middle-aged women who followed a Mediterranean-style diet rich in nuts and vegetables were approximately 40 percent more likely to survive into later decades without developing some form of chronic disease—including age-related memory deterioration.


Most recently, researchers at Maastricht University investigated the link between specific nuts and diseases, and found that those who ate at least 10 grams (0.3 ounces) of nuts a day had an average 23 percent reduced risk of death due to cancer, diabetes, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases during the decade-long study.
More specifically, nut eaters lowered their risk for:
  • Neurodegenerative disease by 45 percent
  • Respiratory disease by 39 percent
  • Diabetes by 30 percent
According to lead author, Professor Piet van den Brandt: “It was remarkable that substantially lower mortality was already observed at consumption levels of 15g of nuts or peanuts on average per day.”
It’s worth noting though that peanuts are “nuts” in name only. It’s actually a legume, and as a general rule I don’t recommend them as they tend to be very heavily sprayed with pesticides and frequently contaminated with aflatoxin.
Peanut allergy is also among one of the most common food allergies out there.
In terms of nutrition, peanuts also have the drawback of being relatively high in omega-6, so they may further skew your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio—a problem you may struggle with if you’re eating processed foods and not enough omega-3 fats.
The study in question also determined that peanut butter has no beneficial health effects—not surprising considering the fact most commercial peanut butter contains processed salt and trans fats.


Most nuts’ nutritional makeup closely resemble what I consider to be an ideal ratio of the basic building blocks—fat making up the greatest amount of your daily calories, followed by a moderate amount of high quality protein and a low amount of non-vegetable carbs.

Macadamia Nuts And Pecans

That said, some have more ideal ratio than others. My favorite nuts are macadamia and pecans, as they provide the highest amount of healthy fat while being on the lower end in terms of carbs and protein.
Raw macadamia nuts contain high amounts of vitamin B1, magnesium, and manganese, while pecans boast more than 19 different vitamins and minerals that studies suggest can help you lower LDL cholesterol and promote healthy arteries.
Just one serving of macadamia nuts net 58 percent of what you need in manganese and 23 percent of the recommended daily value of thiamin. Moreover, about 60 percent of the fatty acid in macadamia is the monounsaturated fat oleic acid. This is about the level found in olives, which are well known for their health benefits.


Walnuts are also known for their health-boosting properties, which includes anti-cancer activity (slashing breast cancer risk in mice by 50 percent, and reducing prostate cancer growth by 30-40 percent), and improved reproductive health in men, just to mention a couple.
Just one-quarter cup of walnuts also provides more than 100 percent of the daily recommended value of plant-based omega-3 fats, along with high amounts of copper, manganese, molybdenum, and biotin.
It’s thought that up to 90 percent of the antioxidants in walnuts are found in the skin, making it one of the healthiest parts to consume. In some cases, the skin can be rather bitter, which is why most people tend to peel it off, but by doing so you’re actually removing some of the healthiest parts.


Even pistachios, while having a more “lopsided” fat/protein/carb ratio, landing them toward the bottom of my list of healthy nuts, still have documented health benefits, particularly for diabetics.
Compared to other nuts, pistachios are high in lutein, beta-carotene, and gamma-tocopherol (vitamin E), and eating one or two servings of pistachios a day has been shown to lower oxidized LDL cholesterol in people with elevated levels.


For the greatest health boost, look for nuts that are organic and raw, not irradiated or pasteurized. When it comes to almonds, be aware that even those labeled “raw” are typically pasteurized when sold in the US. The reason for this goes back to a couple of salmonella outbreaks in 2001 and 2004 that were traced back to raw almonds. As a result, as of September 1, 2007 virtually all almonds must be pasteurized before being sold.
If you want truly raw almonds that have not undergone some form of pasteurization (oil- or dry roasting, blanching, steam processing or propylene oxide (PPO) treatment), you’ll need to seek out vendors selling in small quantities who have a waiver from the pasteurization requirement.
Another point to remember when it comes to almonds: As with walnuts, one of the healthiest aspects of this nut appears to be their skin, which is rich in antioxidants (including phenols, flavonoids, and phenolic acids) typically associated with vegetables and fruits.
A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry even revealed that a one-ounce serving of almonds has a similar amount of total polyphenols as a cup of steamed broccoli or green tea.
Hence to get the greatest benefit, opt for almonds that have their skin on rather than blanched (de-skinned) almonds.


For comparison, the following list shows the fat, protein, and carbohydrate content in grams per one ounce for your most common tree nuts:
Tree Nut
Numbers are grams per ounce
Pine nuts2044
Brazil nuts1943


When consumed with these guidelines in mind, raw, organic nuts are a convenient and enjoyable superfood to add to your diet, which is precisely why they’re recommended as one of the sources of healthy fats, along with avocados, raw dairy, and butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, organic pastured egg yolks, coconuts and coconut oil, and grass-fed meats.

Опитайте чудната смес на Стенли Бъроуз, и кажете „Сбогом!“ на мазнините в корема

Опитайте чудната смес на Стенли Бъроуз, и кажете „Сбогом!“ на мазнините в корема

Рецептата на Стенли Бъроуз с лимони и кленов сироп предизвика истински фурор сред почитателите на здравословното хранене в цял свят.

stenli byrouz
Днес ви предлагаме да пробвате друга бърза, вкусна и много ефективна комбинация на популярният доктор Стенли Бъроуз, която ще ви помогне да се разделите с мазнините, натрупани около корема.
Основната причина за прекаленото натрупване на мастна тъкан около корема е така нареченият синдром на мързеливото черво. Той забавя изгарянето на мазнините, а също така забавя и процеса на почистване и отстраняване на вредните токсини от тялото. Доктор Стенли Бъроуз е на мнение, че има решение на този проблем и това решение е много просто. Отговорът е в рецептата за домашна напитка, която трябва да приемате като заместител на закуската. Много лесно и просто е да направите тази рецепта.
Ето и съставките, от които ще имате нужда:
125 грама хрян
3 лимона (преди да ги използвате, вие трябва да ги поставите в съд, пълен с вода и 1 супена лъжица оцет в продължение на 10 минути – за да отмиете пестицидите)
3 супени лъжици мед
Начин на приготвяне:
Сложете хряна в блендер и пасирайте добре. Тогава добавете и нарязаните на филийки лимони (небелени), като предварително сте отделили семките. Разбърква се отново, докато не получите хубава и хомогенна смес. След това, добавете трите супени лъжици мед и всичко се разбърква отново. Забележка: не забравяйте да съхраните тази смес в стъклен буркан и да го сложите в хладилника.
Начин на употреба:
Трябва да се взима по 1 чаена лъжичка от тази смес, 2 пъти на ден, в продължение на 3 седмици.
Много добри резултати ще получите, ако през тези три седмици поне малко ограничите консумацията на вредни храни. Допълнителен бонус ще е, ако след като сте изяли лъжичката от чудната смес на доктор Бъроуз изпиете и една чаша топла вода.
Ако искате да отслабнете по-бързо и по-ефективно, то тази напитка е най-добрият избор за вас. Благодаря за четенето и не забравяйте да споделите тази статия с приятелите и семейството си.


15 Things That Increase Your Libido

Men and women are different when it comes to their libidos, but both can suffer from having a low libido and wanting to increase it.
In this article, we will look at 15 things that can increase sex drive and how you can start enjoying a healthier, mature sex life with your partner today.


Before we talk about how to increase your libido with one or more of these things on our list, let’s discuss what libido is. According to a research paper published in the European Menopause Journal ‘Libido is a comprehensive and yet elusive word that indicates basic human mental states ‘ and their biological counterparts’ involved in the beginning of sexual behavior. It has three main roots: biological, motivational-affective and cognitive.’ To increase libido, we can focus on mental, biological, or emotional factors, or we can try to affect all three of these factors.


Memories of the good times that you’ve had, either with your current partner, or with someone else, can make you desire sex and increase your libido.


Loving others intimately involves an emotional vulnerability. Often, we may feel unable to give love (or sex) to another person unless we feel loveable first.


Pine nuts help your body to produce nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels. Getting your blood flowing warms the body and feels like a rush of adrenaline, which feels exciting. Pair up with your partner and your libido should jump into action.


Zinc is essential for the production of testosterone, which is important for men’s libido. Researchers say that testosterone is not only important for men to maintain an erection, but is also important for increasing libido.
The scientists say ‘The role of sex hormones in the sexuality of men is now becoming clearer. Androgens are necessary for normal sexual appetite and for ejaculation. Erectile mechanisms, providing that appropriate erotic stimuli are available, are probably not androgen dependent.’ The researchers also say the testosterone levels required for increasing your libido probably varies from person to person.


For women who are post-menopausal, estrogen levels decrease leading to pain and dryness during intercourse. Soy products contain phytoestrogen which block the estrogen receptors in the in the body. Blocked estrogen receptors means that your body can’t absorb the normal estrogen.


Your brain is an important part of your libido. Give some thought to the things that turn you on about your partner or an attractive person. What do you love about their body and the way that they please you?


The emotional component of your libido is something you can control by making a decision to feel love and to release any negative emotions.


Honest communication is important for establishing intimacy with your partner. When you feel free to be open, you trust more, which makes you more likely to be receptive to your partner’s advances.


When you are careful about our health, you pay attention to how hungry we really are before we eat. We can do the same thing with our sex drive.
Check in with yourself and rate your sex drive on a scale of 1 to 10 in the morning, afternoon and evening. Knowing your pattern of sex.


There are very few times that having sex with your partner, whom you love, is bad. There may be times when sex is less than great, like when you are sick or not feeling your best, but the act of sex can help you bond with your partner in an intimate way. This bond leads you to desire more and more intimacy, thus increasing your libido.


Pretending to be a brand new couple is a way to heighten the excitement, anticipation, and arousal for both of you.


Viewing nude bodies doing pleasurable things to each other is sure to make you think of doing those things with your partner. Ask your partner what they enjoy watching and find a movie that you can enjoy together.


So many people close their eyes during foreplay, for example while kissing, and they may be missing out on an intimate moment where making eye contact can bring them more intense arousal than keeping their eyes closed.
Breathe in through your nose to use your sense of smell, listen for your partner’s moans, feel their fingers and hands, and taste the salt from their skin.


Laughter is a great way to create a bond with your partner and dirty jokes between the two of you are a good way to rev up your libido. Joking with each other about your cute names that you use when you are alone is just one way to amp up your desire.


Just a touch on your partner’s shoulder, hand, or back is enough to get them thinking of sex.

Когато ти е трудно, когато ти е тежко, кажи си тези думи!

Когато ти е трудно, когато ти е тежко, кажи си тези думи!


Последните дни, а дори моментът сега, докато пиша това, се оказаха наистина трудни. Разбира се, отразиха се на всеки по различен начин, според индивидуалния път, карта и заложени уроци. Но на места завихриха истински кризи. Помнете обаче, че тежките моменти са съвършената възможност за израстване.Те носят в себе си огромни потенциали за качествена трансформация, носят дар!
В който и момент да попаднете на тази публикация – тя е точно за вас, сега!
Но за да се ползваме от скритите дарове в изпитанието, трябва да съумеем да отработим предизвикателствата. КАК?
Помните ли – Каквото и да се прояви в холографската ви реалност – обичайте го! Когато единствената ви възможна реакция на избликващите от всеки ъгъл предизвикателста е любов, нищо няма да е в състояние да ви събори и уязви.
Научавайки се как да обичаме изникващите в живота ни случки, хора и обстоятелства, навикът ни да се противопоставяме, бягаме и борим срещу “неизбежното”, се трансформира в готовност да прегърнем винаги гъвкаво променящите се краски на битието. Вместо да се хвърляме в битки пилеещи енергията ни, се учим да ценим вечната промяна и да виждаме скритите уроци и дарове, скритите възможности. Учим се да реагираме, мислим, действаме, чувстваме от сърцето. Горчивината, тежестта, обидата, гневът изчезват, за да отстъпят място на Духа в действие.
Каквото и да се случва, помнете, че:
  • Във всеки дъх, който поемате – Любовта е там.
  • При всяко съприкосновение и сблъсък – Любовта е там.
  • Независимо какво се случва, дали всичко се разпада на съставните си части, или бавно съшивате парченцата на живота си – Любовта е там.
  • В моментите на най-великите ви постижения и ликуване, и в най-мрачните часове на несигурност и безпътица – Любовта е там.
  • Насред опустошаващата трагедия, или най-великолепния триумф – Любовта е винаги там.
  • Когато животът е цветен и разцъфтява в благост и красота, вдъхновяващ и хармоничен; И когато животът е сив, тежък, разочароващ, болезнен – Любовта е там.
  • Когато се чувствате сами, самотни, неподкрепени, изоставени – Любовта е винаги там.
  • Независико какво и дали разбирате, и колко още път за извървяване и уроци за осъзнаване имате – Любовта е там.
  • Независимо какви чувства разтърсват цялото ви същество, независимо какви избори правите, нито как се чувствате – Любовта е винаги там.
  • Независимо какво ви е било причинено, или какво вие вярвате, че сте причинили другиму – Любовта е винаги там.
Дръжте тази мисъл в ума си, и каквото и да изникне в холографската ви реалност – стойте в Сърцето и бъдете Любов. И с всяка малка крачица напред, с всеки тласък на освобождение от оковите и илюзорните воали, скриващи тази всеприсъстваща и всепроникваща Любов, вие разкривате и освобождавате искрица от Любовта която ви съдържа, изпълва, изгражда.


Когато ви е трудно, тежко, чувствате се безпомощни, безсилни, чувствате неизбежността на повличането надолу, прочетете и кажете на глас тези думи:
Когато съм тъжен, заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Когато съм ядосан и гневен, заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Когато съм разочарован и тъжен, заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Когато съм наранен, с разбито сърце, заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Когато се чувствам изгубен, засрамен, виновен, несъвършен, провинил се, заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Дори когато много ме е срам от стореното, заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Когато се гордея със себе си и делата си, също – заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Без значение какво съм направил, или как се чувствам – заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Без значение какви мисли минават през главата ми – заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко.
Дори когато животът изглежда жесток, несправедлив и сякаш ме наказва за грешките ми – заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
В ежедневната ми борба със страховете, сенките и несъвършенствата си – заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко
Във всяка стъпка по пътя ми на спомняне, осъзнаване и откриване на призванието ми в този живот – заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко. 
Без значение какво съм в състояние да приема, осъзная; без значение какво не съумявам да пусна и простя; без значение дали съм неспособен да покажа и почувствам любов към някого или нещо – аз заслужавам повече любов, не по-малко.
Любовта която идва от дълбините на истинското ви автентично Аз, от дълбините на съвършеното същество, което сте (независимо какво мислите, или сте научени през призмата на убежденията и негативните преживявания да мислите за себе си), не изисква нищо от вас.
Тя не настоява да обикнете някого към когото не можете да изпитате любов. Тя просто казва:
“Прегърни собственото си сърце, и аз ще приема чрез теб. Прегърни собственото си сърце, и аз ще простя чрез теб, вместо теб. Прегърни собственото си сърце, и аз ще обичам през теб.
Това е Любовна (Р)Еволюция. И нейното разцъфтяване се крие в тай-тъмните мигове. Сега.Е.Моментът. Допуснете я.

10 products linked to cancer that are hiding in almost every home

10 products linked to cancer that are hiding in almost every home

In the modern era, we are exposed to many different harmful chemicals on a daily basis. Workplaces and restaurants all have to adhere to certain safety measures to ensure that workers and customers alike are not exposed to dangerous amounts of these substances.

However, just as many toxic chemicals can be found in your home as well. This is why I’m going to tell you about five common household items that you need to get rid of to improve your health and the natural alternatives that you can replace them with.

Non-Stick Cookware


Non-stick cookware is by far the most common cookware used by Americans, yet there is an adverse side effect they have on our health. They are proven to release toxic chemicals into food during cooking. When non-stick cookware is heated up, its coating begins to break down at a molecular level.

When the coating breaks down it releases a variety of toxic particles and fluoride-based gasses, many of which are carcinogenic (cancer causing). Instead of toxic non-stick cookware, purchase glass or ceramic pots and pans that don’t release harmful fumes.

Artificial Sweeteners

Many people think that they are doing their body justice when swapping sugar for one of its alternatives. Although there are many healthy natural sweeteners out there, the most commonly used ones tend to be a lot worse for you than sugar. If you have any of the following sweeteners, throw them out immediately:

Acesulfame K may be carcinogenic, causes tumors and affects pregnancy

Aspartame has been linked to skin cancers and can be deadly for people with phenylketonuria

Saccharin, may cause bladder cancer, is indigestible and gets excreted by the liver unchanged

Sorbitol, is only partially digested in the intestines, causes diarrhea, bloating and gas

Instead, replace these artificial sweeteners with ones that can be naturally found and cultivated without refining. This includes:

Stevia can lower blood pressure and blood sugar

Erythritol has no effect on blood sugar, insulin or cholesterol levels

Xylitol, can improve bone density and reduce risk of tooth decay

Yacon syrup feeds good bacteria in intestines and can help fight against constipation

When you drink liquid or eat food from containers made out of plastic, the chemicals in that plastic leach into whatever you are putting in your mouth and eventually gets digested in your body along with it. Among these chemicals are Bisphenol A, which is used to harden plastic in products such as water bottles.

Many studies have linked Bisphenol A to having adverse health effects. In 2010 the FDA changed their stance on the chemical, expressing “some concern” over its effects on the brain, behavior and prostate glands in fetuses, babies, and young children.

Instead of using disposable plastic water bottles, opt for reusable metal or glass ones. The same goes for food containers. Not only are you saving the environment, but you’re keeping your body safe as well.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are often advertised as being able to rid your house of pungent odors and noxious gas. However, recent research suggests that the fumes emitted from air freshener cans are actually more dangerous than cigarette smoke. These fumes have also been found to cause many health problems:

Respiratory conditions such as asthma

Hormone imbalance

Cancers- One study showed that common air fresheners contain a “considerable” amount of formaldehyde, which the United States classifies as a “known human carcinogen.” Overexposure to air fresheners has been linked to cancers of the nose and throat.

A natural alternative to conventional air fresheners is the use of essential oils. Not only are they effective at creating pleasant aromas, but they have also been proven to be able to provide numerous health benefits as well. One study found that inhaling rosemary oil could improve your mood and stimulate the nervous system.

To use essential oils as an air freshener, add 10 to 15 drops of essential oil into a spray bottle with approximately one cup of distilled water. Spray this around the house as your would a conventional air freshener.

Commercial Cleaning Products

The average household usually has a variety of cleaning products for many different parts of the house. Although cleaning substances are necessary to keep your house free from the build up of harmful bacteria, most commercial cleaning products have been linked to many health problems, such as:

Respiratory disorders and asthma
Hormone disruptors- Studies found that these cleaning products include substances such as parabens, triclosan, phthalates, and BPA.

Thankfully, vinegar and baking soda provide natural antimicrobial cleaning properties without the same side effects as commercial cleaners. One study found that they were effective against a variety of bacteria including staph, salmonella, and E.coli.

The Humble Toothpaste


Unfortunately, the innocent looking toothpaste found in a regular household holds many scary secrets! With ingredients such as Saccharin and Fluoride, both carcinogens (cancer causing), toothpaste is not something you would want anywhere near your mouth.

Saccharin-  an artificial sweetener, mentioned above. It is said to be approximately 350 times sweeter than sugar. Considered to be a human carcinogen, so it’s something to keep away from!

Fluoride- Another human carcinogen, fluoride can have a myriad of unhealthy effects; from causing cavities to severely damaging your thyroid. Find out how using coconut oil could be the healthy alternative to supermarket toothpaste you never even thought of.


Anti-dandruff shampoo like Head and Shoulders “Dry Scalp 2-in-1” product contain methylchloroisothiazolinone, which is a suspected mutagen. They also contain ammonium laureth sulfate, which, although won’t cause any health problems on its own (apart from stinging if it gets in your eye), can sometimes be contaminated during the manufacturing process such as 1,4-dioxane.  Early rat studies found that this contaminant causes cancer, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has said it’s reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen as well.


There certainly is a reason they prevent your clothes from getting eaten by moths- they’re highly toxic! Containing an ingredient called Naphthalene, these innocent looking balls can cause many healthy problems, such as:

Kidney and liver damage

Hemolytic Anemia (it destroys red blood cells!)

Can cause cancer in animals- so keep them well away from pets! This means it has been labeled a human carcinogen, but there is no sound proof that they are directly linked to one another.
Try creating this DIY, all natural moth ball to prevent holes in socks without the use of chemicals!

Antibacterial Soap

Antibacterial soap certainly sounds like it’s going to do what it says- get rid of bacteria and nasty germs! However, recent studies by the FDA have shown that these soaps contain an ingredient called Triclosan, which:

Interferes with hormone levels in animals

Spurs the growth of drug-resistant bacteria- yikes!

Increases risk of infertility, early puberty, and cancer.

Avoid using chemical ridden soaps and opt for a more natural approach. This homemade soap is a great way to avoid Triclosan and any other unwanted chemicals found in antibacterial soap.

Flea and Tick Treatment

You might think you’re helping your beloved pooch out, but unfortunately, flea and tick treatments may be more harmful than helpful! Tests on laboratory animals have shown an enormous amount of problems with the substance Fipronil, found in many liquid fleas and tick treatments. This product can cause:

Vomiting or diarrhea

Mild Skin irritation



Seizures and dizziness

Considered a ‘possible human carcinogen’.

So if you haven’t done it already, get to it! Ditch these common household products to prevent so many health problems that you could do without.