

The Cancer Killing Ratio…How 100:1 of Vitamin C and K3 Is Changing The Way We Fight Cancer!

The Cancer Killing Ratio…How 100:1 of Vitamin C and K3 Is Changing The Way We Fight Cancer!

Cancer is defined by cell cycle deregulation and uncontrolled growth. It is the second leadingVitamin C cause of death in the world. In the United States alone there were 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed and 589,430 cancer deaths and an estimated 750,000 deaths in Europe.
We are fighting a losing battle.
But we now have a new hope the combination of intravenous Vitamin C and K3 in 100:1 ratio. This specific combination has been causing of form of cell necrosis called autoschizis…it is KILLING cancer. Researchers started playing around with a combination of vitamin C and Vitamin K3 and watched what it did to cancer cells…it killed them.
The Science
Before we can get into how the specific combination of Vitamin CK3 kills the cancer, we must first get a better understanding of cancer cells.
From a biochemical point of view, cancer cells have some remarkable features:
  • They are deficient in DNase activity
  • They have low activities of antioxidant enzymes
  • They show high rates of glycolysis
  • And most of cancer cells accumulate Vitamin C
The inhibition of both alkaline DNase and acid DNase has been reported in non-necrotic cancer cells at early stages of experimental carcinogenesis. On the other hand, the reactivation of these enzymes has also been seenin the early stages of spontaneous and/or induced tumor cell death. Therefore, the use of compounds able to activate such endonucleases opens the possibility of a new therapeutic approach for cancer treatment…Vitamins C and K3 reactivate acid and alkaline DNases!
The big question is can that combination work with cancer?
It is well known that vitamin C is cytotoxic against malignant melanoma cells, human leukaemia cells, neuroblastoma cells, tumour ascites cells, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and epidermoid carcinoma. It is also well know that vitamin K3 is cytotoxic against tumors of breast, stomach, lung, colon, nasopharyngeal, cervix, liver, leukaemia, and lymphoma cell lines.

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What The Researchers Did
Researchers combined vitamins C and K3 at ratio of 100:1 after in vivo administration in tumor-bearing mice produced and found the following:
  • Cancer growth inhibition in transplantable liver tumor (TLT)-bearing mice with an increase in life span (ILS) of 45.8%. Neither vitamin C nor vitamin K3 administered alone has any significant effect on the life span of TLT-bearing animals. It must be in the 100:1 ratio.
  • Selective potentiation of tumor chemotherapy. For instance, while cyclophosphamide alone, at a single sub-therapeutic dose of 80 mg kg1 body weight increased the life span by 23%, its association with CK3, increased the life span by 59.5%
  • Sensitization of tumors resistant to some drugs. The pretreatment of TLT-bearing mice with CK3 before injection of Oncovin increases the life span by 97.3%.
Additionally examinations of CK3-treated mice did not indicate any sign of toxicity in normal organ and tissues.
But How Does The CK3 Kill The Cancer Cells?
Both morphological examination and flow cytometry analysis allow us to see whether cells are dying by necrosis (triggered cell death) or apoptosis (normal cell death).
This is important because we need to know if the cancer cells are dying because they are being “triggered” to or if it’s just part of their normal cell cycle.
On the basis of these parameters, cancer cells treated by CK3 die principally by cell necrosis, but interestingly enough share some characteristics of both necrosis and apoptosis
What appears to be happening is that the introduction of CK3 to cancer cells, forms cuts or schisms in the cell membrane, which allows the cytoplasm to leak out. The researchers called this autoschizis
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The cell shrinks in size until about only 1/3 its original size and only the nucleus and organelles remain surrounded by a tiny ribbon of cytoplasm. If apoptosis is a quiet cell suicide in which the cell curls up and dies, autoschizis (necrosis) is a bit more violent; the cell slashes itself open violently spilling out its insides.
Studies have looked at autoschizis in experiments with:
  • Ovarian cancer cells
  • Liver tumors
  • Bladder tumors
  • Oral squamous cell and salivary gland tumors,
  • And Leukemia.
Pretreatment with this vitamin C/K combination also potentiates the effect of chemotherapy and radiation. It also appears to be nontoxic, leaving normal cells unaffected.
Beating Cancer As a Whole
Here at CHIPSA Hospital we utilize intravenous Vitamin CK3 as part of our integrative approach to treating cancer and autoimmune disease. Here are some of the protocols we utilize:
Coley’s Toxins
Gerson Therapy
Autologous Cell Vaccine
Vitamin B-17
IV Vitamin CK3
Hyperbaric Oxygen
We are not in any way, shape or form, stating that we have a cure for cancer. It’s very common to see alternative practitioners making claims that one substance or “thing” is an all out cure.
We know from our experience in treating cancer for 37 years , that cancer is very complex and always evolving. There is no 100% cure. What we do know, however, is that CHIPSA has had great success treating many patients that were sent home to “die” in their home country because conventional medicine failed them.
We also know, that a 5 year, retrospective Melanoma case study done at our hospital showed a higher success rate treating Melanoma than any treatment available by the establishment. And we do know that many times within a 3-4 week stay, we will see peoples tumor markers be cut in half or go away and large tumors disappear.
We feel that combining Vitamin CK3 with some of our proven immune boosting protocols and our 37 years of research into immune function may allow for some groundbreaking cancer treatments and get us closer to an answer.


Ако си задавате въпроса: Какво да сготвя набързо за закуска? – тази рецепта е вашия отговор.

Ако си задавате въпроса: Какво да сготвя набързо за закуска? – тази рецепта е вашия отговор.

Ако си задавате въпроса: Какво да сготвя набързо за закуска? – тази рецепта е вашия отговор.

Става бързо и лесно (както всичко останало тук) – е, не толкова бързо за колкото ще си сипете корнфлейкс и прясно мляко, но за сметка на това е супер вкусно. Омесването на тестото отнема максимум 10‐15 мин, а печенето около половин час.

 Необходими са много малко продукти, което я прави доста икономична закуска . Необходими продукти:

1 кофичка кисело мляко ок.
300 грама сирене
1 ч.л. хлябна сода
1 ч.л. оцет
3 ч.ч. брашно (или колкото поеме)
2 с.л. олио няколко с.л. масло сол на вкус

1. В голяма купа разбъркайте киселото мляко с хлябната сода, солта и оцета.
2. Натрошете сиренето и го прибавете към млякото.
3. Прибавяйте по малко от брашното и месете докато се получи средно меко тесто. Ако е необходимо, прибавете още брашно.
4. Намажете ръцете си с малко олио и откъсвайки по малко от тестото го оваляйте с ръце, докато се получат малки топки. Поставете ги в предварително подмазана с масло тава.
5. С пръст направете малка дупка по средата на всяко тестено топче и поставете малко парченце масло в нея.
6. Печете в предварително загрята фурна на 220 градуса, докато се образува златиста коричка.
По желание, може малко преди да ги извадите от фурната да ги поръсите с настърган кашкавал.

Рецепта за смути при високо кръвно налягане

Рецепта за смути при високо кръвно налягане

Това смути сваля високо кръвно налягане и зарежда с енергия.

Заменете сутрешното си кафе с това вкусно и здравословно смути, което контролира високо кръвно налягане. Може да се насладите на този шейк дори да нямате проблеми с кръвното.
високо кръвно налягане
Високото кръвно налягане е сериозно състояние, което, ако не се лекува, може да доведе до увреждане на сърцето, кръвоносните съдове, бъбреците и други части на тялото. За да се поддържат нормалните му нива е важно да се храните здравословно и да се движите достатъчно.
Лекарите препоръчват на хората с високо кръвно налягане да се хранят балансирано, да ограничат приема на натрий, алкохола и кофеина. Те трябва да спортуват редовно и да се опитат да намалят стреса в ежедневието си, пише
Храните с високо съдържание на витамин C и калий са особено полезни. Някои проучвания са установили, че тези вещества помагат успешно в борбата с високото кръвно налягане.
Витамин C и неговите антиоксидантни свойства, неутрализира свободните радикали и разширява кръвоносните съдове. Работи като диуритик, което помага да се отстранят излишните натрий и вода в организма. Калият пък помага за намаляване на кръвното налягане.
Всички продукти в това смути са пълни с витамини и минерали, който ще спомогнат за спазването на здравословна диета. Ягодите и кивито имат високо съдържание на витамин С. Бананите, както и ягодите съдържат големи количества калий, а лененото семе ще даде необходимата дневна доза фибри. Проучване от 2013 година, публикувано в списание „Nutrition“ установява, че хората, които консумират най-малко три порции млечни продукти на ден имат по-ниско кръвно налягане и са с по-нисък риск от развитието на сърдечно съдови заболявания. Тази рецепта включва и обезмаслено мляко.
Може да добавите и кресон, за да подобрите вкуса на този шейк против високо кръвно налягане. Плюс това, тази билка е богата на витамини А, С и К и има много ползи за сърдечно-съдовата система.
Рецепта за смути против високо кръвно налягане
Необходими продукти:
Обезмаслено прясно мляко
Нискомаслено кисело мляко
½ чаша ягоди
1 банан
1 киви
1 супена лъжица ленено семе
Кресон (по желание)
Начин на приготвяне:
Изсипете ½ чаша обезмаслено мляко в блендера и добавете ½ чаша нискомаслено кисело мляко. Към тях прибавете ½ чаша нарязани ягоди, нарязания банан и кивито. Добавете лененото семе. Пасирайте сместа в продължение на няколко минути. По желание може да добавите малко кресон и тогава пасирайте отново.
Изсипете сместта в чаша и се насладете на здравословната си сутрин с това смути, контролиращо високото кръвно налягане. Може да пиете ежедневно или няколко пъти в седмицата, за да има ефект.
Забележка: Не забравяйте да приемате лекарството за кръвното налягане, предписано от вашия лекар. Тази рецепта е само допълнение към лечението, което са ви назначили.
Допълнителни съвети:
  • Може да използвате кокосово мляко, вместо обезмаслено.
  • Може да замените лененото семе със семена чиа.
  • Ще направите смутито подходящо за детоксикация, ако добавите шепа спанак и ½ чаша сварено цвекло. И двата зеленчука са богати на витамини А и С, желязо, магнезий и нитрати. В организма нитратите се преобразуват в азотна киселина, която помага за разширението на кръвоносните съдове, а това ще спомогне за намаляване на кръвното ви налягане.

12 Habits of Unhappy People (and How to Avoid Having Them)

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.” ­– Martha Washington, wife of 1st U.S. President George Washington
Happiness is something that we all strive to attain. As human beings we can accept the fact that: (a) life is short, and (b) unhappiness makes our lives difficult. As is common knowledge, our habits have a big impact on the quality of life that we live; specifically, these habits directly impact our happiness (or lack thereof). To make a clear distinction, there is a strong difference between clinical depression and chronic unhappiness. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, while unhappiness is a disposition that is often acquired through how we choose to live our lives. Similar to depression, however, unhappiness can be diagnosed and treated.



Happy and successful people do not complain much. On the other side, it seems that chronic complainers always have something negative to say… even when those around them are happy! The bottom line: we all have different circumstances that we are given in this lifetime, but in the end these circumstances are ours – fair or unfair, wanted or unwanted. Instead, seek solutions to problems instead of complaining, which leads to nowhere.


How we talk to ourselves shapes our self-image, for better or worse. Self-worth is an essential component to our happiness, and feeling good about ourselves is a right that we all have. Realize when mistakes are made, accept them, and move on…don’t engage in negative self-talk. Further, respect the inherent differences of others and recognize their right to live happily and without undue criticism.


We live in a materialistic society, one where we are constantly bombarded with advertisements for the latest car, gadget, or credit card; all promising an easier, more fulfilling existence. Don’t believe it for a second. While purchasing a new product may provide a needed emotional boost, it doesn’t last. Ever heard the term “buyer’s remorse”? It exists for a reason. Instead, seek out something to do that doesn’t involve whipping out a piece of plastic – exercise, reading, sightseeing, etc. – anything brings satisfaction without the debt.


Most things are good in moderation – food, a drink or two, entertainment… it’s when these things take center stage in our lives that it becomes a problem. Unfortunately, many good people have met their end through addictive habits, especially through dependence on alcohol and drugs. A great preventative measure and remedy to these addictions? Finding and living our passions to the greatest extent possible (see #8).


Regret is not only useless, it can be extremely harmful. Research continues to show that repetitive, negative thoughts about decisions made in the past in often a precursor to chronic stress and depression. According to Psychology Today, there are four ways to cope with regret: (1) learn from mistakes but don’t dwell, (2) if nothing can be changed about the situation to let it go, (3) make sure too much blame is not being undertaken, and(4) reframing the situation more positively.


We only have so much say in what our future holds. This is not meant to disempower (quite the opposite); rather it is stating simple truth. What we can do is live in the present while fully exercising our God-given abilities and talents, enabling and empowering us to live a happier existence. There’s that phrase again: living in the present. Face difficulties as they arise and let them go. Enjoy the beautiful things in life and experience them fully…be present.


Yes, fear can be an enabler to unhappiness. To fully understand this, we have to again go back to being present. Quite simply, we can’t allow fear of the unknown (and/or the unavoidable) to cripple our quality of life. Fear is a negative thought process that is often on auto pilot. Remember: we are not our negative thoughtsWe are not fear, worry, anxiety, or any other negative thought process.


It’s relatively easy and effortless to get caught up in the routine of life: working, eating, sleeping, maybe even a day or two of doing something fun or relaxing. But here’s the thing: by not directing our talents and passions toward a positive and tangible goal, we potentially discard something great before its realization. The hardest part of living out our goals and dreams is taking the first step. After building a game plan taking that first step, only then can we see the possibilities.


Nothing exudes unhappiness and insecurity more than negative small talk about someone else. After all, why would a happy, confident person engage in something that is of no benefit? They wouldn’t. Gossip is something to be left to the kids at recess, not to adults attempting to make their lives (and others!) better.


Similar to other negative emotions, animosity is a needless weight on our backs. We are all witness to the negative behaviors of other people and can become (sometimes justifiably) angered as a result. But remember: this isn’t about their ignorant behavior; it’s about your happiness. Either forgive, forget, or ignore… and move on with your life.


Ingesting nutritionally-bankrupt food is all about immediate gratification. It’s certainly not about feeling good long-term, as eating poorly can result in bad health, weight gain, depression, lack of energy and decreased productivity; while having a well-balanced diet results in an entirely opposite effect – more energy, a healthy weight, mental alertness, and increased productivity. Eat right, look great, and feel great.


When we experience unhappiness and discontent, our first reaction is almost entirely emotional. In other words, we blow things completely out of proportion. After all, we still have that darned “lizard brain” (amygdala) – the epicenter of negative emotions. Instead, just take a step back, look at the problem objectively (with minimal emotion), and focus on a solution!

You'll Never Clean the Inside of Your Ears Again After Reading This

You'll Never Clean the Inside of Your Ears Again After Reading This

By Dr. Mercola
Many Americans swab their ears with cotton swabs as part of their regular hygiene routine, hoping to remove excess earwax. Yet, there's nothing unhygienic about earwax and experts strongly recommend against inserting such swabs into your ear canal.
You see, your ears produce earwax for a reason. Known technically as cerumen, it's produced by glands in your ear canal. Made up mostly of dead skin cells, earwax also contains other substances, including lysozyme, an antibacterial enzyme, fatty acids, alcohols, cholesterol, and squalene.
Earwax is a substance that's meant to be in your ears. It aids in your ears' self-cleaning process, providing protection, lubrication, and antibacterial properties. As explained by the American Hearing Research Foundation:
"Too little earwax increases the risk of infection… at least ten antimicrobial peptides are present in earwax preventing bacteria and fungi from growing."

The Benefits of Earwax

If you have too little earwax in your ear canal, your ears may feel dry and itchy. However, just the right amount of earwax helps with:
  • Preventing dust, bacteria, and other germs from entering and damaging your ear
  • Trapping dirt and slowing the growth of bacteria
  • Protecting the skin of your ear canal from becoming irritated by water
Your ears should have a healthy amount of earwax, as they're a self-cleaning part of your body. Excess earwax should move out of your ear canal automatically, as cells there actually migrate naturally.
The removal of earwax is also helped along by movements of your jaw (talking, chewing, etc.), and once it reaches your outer ear it will simply fall out or be removed when you shower or bathe.

Why You Shouldn't Stick Cotton Swabs in Your Ears

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF), under ideal circumstances your ear canals should never have to be cleaned. They state:
"Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that earwax should be routinely removed for personal hygiene. This is not so.
In fact, attempting to remove earwax with cotton-tipped swabs, bobby pins, or other probing devices can result in damage to the ear, including trauma, impaction of the earwax, or even temporary deafness. These objects only push the wax in deeper, and can block the ear canal entirely."
Under normal circumstances, earwax is only produced in the outer one-third of your ear canal. One of the primary risks of cotton swabs is they can push the earwax into the deeper part of your ear canal, near the eardrum. As AAO-HNSF noted:
"When a patient has wax blockage against the eardrum, it is often because he has been probing the ear with such things as cotton-tipped applicators, bobby pins, or twisted napkin corners. These objects only push the wax in deeper."
When earwax is pushed deep into your ear where it doesn't belong, it can bring fungus, bacteria, and viruses from the outer ear into the inner ear, increasing the risk of infection. It can also block your ear canal, leading to hearing loss, or even cause a ruptured eardrum.
It's a vicious cycle, too, because the more you rub your ears with cotton swabs, the more histamine will be released, which makes your skin irritated and inflamed. This, in turn, may make you want to insert a cotton swab again, leading to additional dryness and irritation.
There's even research showing earwax impaction may alter cognitive function in the elderly via its affect on hearing. In one study, when impacted earwax was removed hearing improved significantly, as did the participants' cognitive function.

Put Down the Cotton Swab – Try This Instead

Most people do not need to clean their ears regularly. However, the following symptoms may indicate you have an excess of earwax buildup that needs attention:7
Noticeable wax accumulation
Tinnitus (ringing in your ears)
Severe itching in your ears
Frequent earaches
Partial loss of hearing
Foul odor in your ears
Discharge from your ears
A feeling of fullness in your ears
A sensation your ears are plugged
An ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor, or otolaryngologist, can remove earwax using a special suction, miniature instruments, and a microscope. If your eardrum is perforated, manual removal by a physician is recommended, however in most other cases you can clear earwax blockages at home.
The simplest way to do this is to first soften the wax by placing a few drops of olive oil, coconut oil, or water in your ear. Then, pour a capful of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide in each ear to flush the wax out. It's worth noting that using plain sterile water, or a sterile saline solution, to soften earwax works just as well as oil or over-the-counter ear drops.
As an aside, the hydrogen peroxide trick (pouring a capful of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide in your ears) also works remarkably well at resolving respiratory infections, like colds and flu. You will hear some bubbling, which is completely normal, and possibly feel a slight stinging sensation. Wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes) then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear.

If You're Still Having Trouble With Wax Buildup…

If the home remedies don't seem to be enough, high-pressure irrigation of your ear canal with a syringe may be necessary to remove troublesome wax. This should only be done by a professional, as if it's done improperly it can damage your ear drum. Additionally, you should not irrigate your ears if you have diabetes, a perforated eardrum, a tube in your eardrum, or if your immune system is weakened.
If you suffer from a more serious impaction or you can't get results at home, you may need to get the earwax removed by a physician who can manually remove the wax using microsuction, an otoscope, and other appropriate instruments.

Earwax Buildup Is Often a Sign of Omega-3 Deficiency

While most people's ears are self-cleaning, there are some who seem to have trouble with excess wax buildup on a regular basis. If this applies to you, you may want to regularly soften and remove your earwax using peroxide, or visit a specialist every six to 12 months for a routine preventive ear cleaning.
However, you will also want to be sure to increase your intake of omega-3 fats, as frequent excess buildup of earwax can oftentimes be traced back to an omega-3 deficiency.
Often, the remedy is quite simple: eat more omega-3s or take a high-quality animal-based omega-3 supplement like krill oil. Good dietary sources of omega-3 include sardines, anchovies, and wild-caught Alaskan salmon.
Once you've cleared out any excess buildup or impaction, and are making sure you're getting sufficient amounts of omega-3, it will normally prevent a recurrence. If the wax does return, it's a clue that you have a serious omega-3 fat deficiency, and you may want to consult with a natural health care practitioner who can help ensure you're getting the proper daily dose.

The Following Ear-Cleaning Methods Are Not Recommended

In addition to avoiding cotton swabs or other probing objects to clean your ears, AAO-HNSF also recommends avoiding the use of oral jet irrigators and ear candles. Ear candling involves putting a hollow cone-shaped device or "candle," typically made of linen or cotton soaked in wax or paraffin, in your ear canal and lighting it on fire.
The person undergoing the procedure lies on his or her side. A paper plate or other collection device is placed above the ear, and the candle is inserted through a hole in the plate into the ear canal. The candle is lit and trimmed as it burns down.
After the candle burns down and is removed from the ear, a cotton swab is used to clean visible wax from the ear, and oil is sometimes applied as a finishing touch. Proponents and practitioners of candling maintain the procedure removes wax and other impurities from your ear.
The process by which this purportedly happens is as the smoke moves down the candle into your ear and back out again, a vacuum is created that pulls out wax and other debris from your ear into the hollow candle. However, research published in the journal Laryngoscope measured this pressure and concluded that no negative pressure was created.8 The same research also revealed that no earwax was removed during candling, and that candle wax was actually deposited in some test subjects' ears.
Additionally, serious injuries may result from ear candling, including external burns, ear canal obstruction with candle wax, and even a perforated eardrum. Remember, earwax has been designed by nature as a cleaning mechanism for your ears. For most, the wax moves through the ear canal and eventually makes it to the outside, taking any dirt and other accumulated matter with it. Typically, only earwax that has reached the opening of your ear should be removed.

7 Signs Your Guardian Angel is Trying to CONTACT YOU

7 Signs Your Guardian Angel is Trying to CONTACT YOU

Angels are non physical entities that vibrate at a different frequency than us physical mortals. These spiritual custodians are always attempting to guide actions and interject thoughts that will be of benefit to us. It all comes down to whether or not you have the capacity of mind and soul. Are you willing to believe in powers that are trying to stop humanity from it’s own cold and destructive hands?
Do you see patterns that go beyond the norm?
It a mystery as to how these guardians came to protect and care for us. I believe that this mystery is an inherent aspect of the infinite universe.
As an element of the infinite, we all see different answers. Regardless of how you visualize the truth, the manner that angels appear have stayed the same for a long time.
Normally never manifesting as physical projection they have a tendency to appear in more subtle ways. The seven ways lists below are some of the more common experiences reported by people the world over.

Changes in Temperature

The room may get warmer or colder inexplicably. The way angels vibrate can slow or speed up the molecules in the air, resulting in a change in temperature. Pay attention to what you are doing or thinking and feel out what is being communicated.

Unexplained Fragrances

Have you ever been at home or in the wilderness, a place where random scents are hard to find, and smelled something amazing?
If you can smell an inconsistent smell to your surroundings and its very pleasant, an angel could be a hug away.
Smell is strong sense, with heavy ties to memory. What did you smell? What did it make you think of?

Voices Murmuring To You

While this is absolutely an indication you are bat shit crazy, in this context that’s a good thing! You are open to the inclinations of the universe, where others are remaining closed off. Listen to them but also to your gut, there are many pretenders…

Different Colored Lights Will Appear

Seeing shafts of light streaming or shooting around you are definite indications of angels. You may notice sparks of light or become very aware of shadows around you. Don’t be afraid. Angels don’t want to harm you. This is normally indicative that they are trying to directly reach you from their plane.

Unexpected Feathers

Feathers all around you for whatever reason? Did you not particularly seek this out? It’s a sign that they are near and paying attention to you.

Communication Through Dreams

You may not remember the dream but you’ll feel lighter, stronger and more sure of a direction to take.

Feeling Like Your Being Followed

Definitely look about to make sure it isn’t your Facebook stalker again.
The feeling will be accompanied by a feeling of confidence and love.
If you are alone and you feel like someone is in the room with you, but you aren’t afraid trust your gut.
Your angels are trying to protect and assure you.

Божиите билки на д-р Робърт Морс ще прочистят вашите бели дробове най-добре

Божиите билки на д-р Робърт Морс ще прочистят вашите бели дробове най-добре

Лечебната смес на доктор Робърт Морс ще подобри здравословното състояние на вашите бели дробове

robyrt mors

Робърт Морс е лектор и преподава в областта на природните науки. Той изнася лекции за здравето по целия свят през последните 40 години и е автор на много книги за здраве и духовност. Участвал е в многобройни телевизионни, новинарски предавания и документални филми, в които е представил нови констатации, казуси, начини за лечение и рецепти за детоксикация и опазване на здравето.
Д-р Морс притежава докторска степен по биохимия от Brantridge Forest School в Съсекс, Англия. Доктор Робърт Морс има една преведена книга на български език, която се казва „Чудото на детоксикацията“
Днес ви предлагаме рецептата за детоксикация и пречистване на белия дроб на доктор Робърт Морс.
Това домашно средство за лечение и пречистване на белите дробове, особено ако те са засегнати от вирусни инфекции, е изключително ефективно и полезно. Вие се нуждаете от следните съставки, които доктор Робърт Морс нарича „божиите дарове“, тъй като всеки може да се възползва от тях. Важно е да се знае от кое и по колко трябва да се сложи, за да се получи тази уникална, вълшебаа смес на доктор Морс. И така, какво ще ви е необходимо?
Имате нужда от следните продукти:
500 грама домашен мед
100 грама чисто, хубаво и качествено масло
40 грама счукан чесън
40 грама смлян корен от хрян
Приготвянето на тази полезна и вкусна смес е много лесно. Всичко, което трябва да направите, е да смесите тези съставки в блендер. Получава се нещо подобно на каша. Трябва да се консумира по 1 супена лъжица всеки ден преди хранене. Парливо е, но се свиква. Вие трябва да консумирате това лекарство, докато се почувствате по-добре, или докато Вашият лекар ви каже, че сте здрави.
Това домашно средство, тази невероятна лечебна паста на доктор Морс лекува и пречиства белите дробове без никакви странични ефекти и без да вреди на другите органи и системи. Още по-голям ефект ще имате, ако след консумацията на дневната доза пиете горещ чай от мента.




Al Bielek discusses what he remembers from his 6 weeks spent in the year 2137 and 2 years he spent in 2749 (see video below). One thing that I should stress is that many of the events he described as having happened, is happening now in our present time. The New World Order takeover and devastating climate change to name a few.
The Montauk Project was a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel. Jacques Vallée describes allegations of the Montauk Project as an outgrowth of stories about the Philadelphia Experiment.
Al describes what he remembers after he jumped off the U.S.S. Eldridge on August 13th 1943 – Date of the Philadelphia Experiment.
He found himself with his brother, Duncan Cameron, in a hospital of the future for 6 weeks, recovering from radiation injuries.
The medical system of that future used vibrational and light treatments.
The TV programs were educational and news programs.
That’s where he noticed that earth changes caused a lot of geographical changes that began in beginning of 21st century until 2025.
The coastlines and interior of the U.S. and Europe were drastically different from the way they are now.
The water level had risen and Florida was reduced to the panhandle only. Atlanta, GA was only 3 miles from the ocean.The Mississippi became an inland waterway. The Great Lakes became one large lake.
The U.S. Infrastructure had collapsed. The U.S. and Canada were no longer refered to as nations.
A loose form of local martial law existed 2137.
Central government was gone.
The magnetic poles of the earth started to shift but in that time line an artificial pole structure was created to prevent the collapse and reversal of the magnetic poles. As a result, the poles did not flip.
The worldwide population was reduced to 300 million. The U.S. population was around 50 million.
He claims that between 1954-2000 our government worked with the aliens acquiring technology, back and forward engineering all their technologies.
The problems began between 2003-2005. The new world order was taking over the planet but then a war developed. At some point a war broke out between the Russians/Chinese vs U.S/Europe. A number of U.S. cities were destroyed. The new world order collapsed.
The government has the technology to reduce radiation damage and nuclear waste within a few days, even now but refuses to use it for political reasons. In the future, the technology is used to clean up the radiation left from WW3.
He then found himself, inexplicably, in the year 2749 for nearly two years. He talks about what he learned while he was there. Then he was taken back to 2137 to pick up Duncan, after which they were both taken to 1983.
There were ground based and floating cities. The floating cities could be moved to different parts of the earth.
The Synthetic Intelligence Computer System was a computer system that ran everything. There was no government. It was a huge crystalline floating structure. It interviewed them telepathically.
The structure of society was completely socialistic. The basic needs for survival were taken care of for everyone.