

Stem Cell Dental Implants Grow New Teeth In 2 Months!

Stem Cell Dental Implants Grow New Teeth In 2 Months!

Dentures and implants may now be a thing of the past because scientists have the ability to grow new teeth in a patient’s mouth.
This is huge for the many adults who end up losing a tooth or multiple teeth during their lifetimes.
As of now, the only options for a missing tooth include implants, or if all teeth are missing, dentures. However, these two methods cause serious dental health problems.
Health issues associated with dental implants include infection at the implant site, injury or damage to the surrounding structures, nerve damage, and sinus problems. “Despite being the preferred treatment for missing teeth today, dental implants can fail and have no ability to “remodel” with surrounding jaw bone, which undergoes necessary and inevitable changes throughout a person’s life.”
Dentures can be uncomfortable and make eating difficult. Also, they can cause gum and mouth irritation or infections.
By growing a new tooth in the location where one lost a tooth, all issues associated with implants or dentures are gone. “This is a much-needed medical advancement, especially considering that by age 74—26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth.” (Underground Health Reporter)
“A new technique pioneered at the Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory of Dr. Jeremy Mao, Edward V. Zegarelli Professor of Dental Medicine, and a professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia University can orchestrate the body’s stem cells to migrate to three-dimensional scaffold that is infused with the growth factor. This can yield an anatomically correct tooth in as soon as nine weeks once implanted in the mouth.”
That is right. Scientists can help the body grow a new tooth in about two months. Gone will be the days of dentures and painful tooth implants.
“Key consideration in tooth regeneration is finding a cost-effective approach that can translate into therapies for patients who cannot afford or who are not suitable candidates for dental implants,” Dr. Mao said. “Cell-homing-based tooth regeneration may provide a distinct pathway toward clinical translation.”
In other words, it is may be a less expensive process. However, one thing that is known for sure is that it is far less invasive.
“Dental implants usually consist of a cone-shaped titanium screw with a roughened or smooth surface and are placed in the jaw bone. While implant surgery may be performed as outpatient procedure, healing times vary widely, and successful implantation is a result of multiple visits to certified clinicians, including general dentists, oral surgeons, prosthodontists, and periodontists.” 
It might just be me, but the thought of a titanium screw anywhere near my mouth gives me the chills.

Growing New Teeth in the Mouth Using Stem-Cell Dental Implants

Growing New Teeth in the Mouth Using Stem-Cell Dental Implants

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, NY, USA. Human molar scaffolding is a technique that directs the body’s stem cells into scaffolding that will assist in regenerating a new tooth. This innovation can immensely alleviate the need to go through the painful, expensive and tedious process of dental implants.
Edwin S. Robinson Professor of Dentistry at Columbia University and Co-Director for the Center for Craniofacial Regeneration, Dr. Jeremy Mao has developed a growth factor-infused, three-dimensional scaffold that has the capability of regenerating an anatomically correct tooth in a span of 9 weeks from the date of implantation. He used a method that was developed in the university’s Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory. He can direct the body’s own stem cells towards the three-dimensional scaffold which is made of natural materials. Hence, the stem cells will naturally colonize the scaffold, enabling a tooth to grow in the socket and merge with the surrounding tissue.
Dr. Mao’s technique has successfully eliminated the need to grow new teeth in a Petri dish. Also, it is the first technique ever to successfully achieve the regeneration of an anatomically correct tooth with the use of the body’s innate resources. This method definitely has a faster recovery time compared to current dental implant procedures. Also, its natural process of regeneration is more appealing and enticing. Currently, Dr. Mao is testing different ways in applying his technique to make it more cost-effective in clinical therapies.
InventionGrowing New Teeth in the Mouth Using Stem-Cell Dental Implants
OrganizationColumbia University Medical Center
ResearcherDoctor Jeremy Mao & Team
Field(s)Stem cells, Tooth regeneration, Cartilage regeneration, Bone regeneration, Biomaterials, Orthodontic tooth movement, TMJ, Ligament/Tendon regeneration, adipose tissue, Dermal fibroblasts, Stem cell biology, Tissue engineering and wound healing
Further Information
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Every home creates and contains different types of energies which impact the feelings and the accomplishments of the people who live there. There are energies which are potent and easily identifiable, but there are also energies which are more subtle and are only felt intuitively. The presence of positive energy in the home is pretty important, since the home is the place where we usually start our day.
It is pretty easy for one to create positive energy in their home, and one of the ways includes bringing plants into the house. There are plants that can purify the air, there are plants that can create a sense of well-being and peace, and there are plants that can alleviate stress. One of the most important steps for regaining the health and the happiness is to get rid of the negative energy.
Here are some plants that can promote positive energy, because everyone needs this type of energy and can benefit from it.
1. JASMINE (JASMINIUM) People in Persia have considered this plant to be sacred, thanks to its numerous benefits. Namely, this fragrant flower can: – Boost the energy levels – Create romance – Decrease the anxiety levels – Trigger the heart chakra – Improve the productivity – Enhance the self-esteem – Make the relationship stronger – Improve the quality of sleep if you keep this plant inside your home, it is recommended that you place it near a window facing towards south. In case you have this plant in your garden, you should place it in the north, east, or the northeast region.
2. ROSEMARY (ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS) More and more people are becoming familiar with the medicinal benefits of rosemary. This plant is one of the best when it comes to purification of the home. Some of its numerous benefits are the following: – Improves the memory – Triggers calmness – Combats anxiety – Gets rid of the negative energy – Combats insomnia – Combats fatigue By keeping a rosemary bush next to your front door you make sure that you keep the negativity outside.
3. LILY (LILIUM) This multifunctional plant is considered to be the flower of birth. It is efficient when it comes to clearing out emotional, spiritual, and physical problems. Furthermore, this plant is ideal for your bedroom, as it stimulates serenity and tranquility in the sleep.
4. SAGE (SALIVA OFFICINALIS) This plant has incredible effects when it comes to getting rid of negative emotions, including fear and anger. Sage is known to contribute to a better flow of positive energy. It also has a number of medicinal benefits. Sage also purifies the space it is positioned in from bacteria, but you should be careful where you keep it. Do not keep it on dry places with insufficient humidity.
5. IVY (HEDERA HELIX) When it comes to air purification, the number one plant is ivy, as it is able to absorb formaldehyde. This plant gets rid of the harmful and unwanted toxins in the environment. It is recommended to people who suffer from allergies or asthma. However, you should be careful and watch out where you keep this plant, as it is toxic to pets and children, so it should be situated out of their reach.
6. ALOE (ALOE VERA) Aloe vera is one of the plants with incredible healing properties. Aloe is also known for its ability to eliminate the polluting chemicals from the environment and purify the air, so keeping it in your bedroom or at another place in your house will improve the air you breathe and get rid of the toxic chemicals present in the cleaning agents. Aloe is also very beneficial when it comes to combating the bad luck and the negative vibes in your home. The aloe vera plant is going to give you a clear sign that the air in your home contains a high level of harmful chemicals by developing brown spots on its leaves.
7. BASIL (OCYMUM BASILUM) This plant has potent antioxidant properties and attracts the positive vibrations from the environment. Moreover, it has excellent anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. Basil is a plant that can get rid of the negative energy, but also produce oxygen and absorb toxins including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The leaves of basil are used for preparation of tea or water which can be later sprayed around the house for purification of the home.
8. ORCHID (ORCHIDADAEA) Even the Feng Shui admits that the orchid is able to improve the spiritual wellbeing and the energy in the home. This plant releases oxygen throughout the night and balances the energies during your night’s sleep. It brings a positive energy in the home which contributes to romance and love and removes the obstacles that negativity poses in the home.
9. OREGANO (ORIGNUM VULGARE) This amazing herb is a must for your home, as it brings together the energies in the family. It has a specific smell that stimulates happiness, love, peace, and spiritual cleansing. Oregano is an ideal plant when it comes to getting rid of the negativity and welcoming the positive energy into your home. It is recommended that you keep it in the kitchen, exposed to sufficient quantities of sunlight.
10. LAVENDER (LAVANDULA VERA) This fragrant herb has numerous benefits, some of the being: – Elimination of toxins – Reducing the levels of stress – Reducing the levels of blood pressure – Improving relaxation – Slowing down the heart rate – Alleviating headaches, depression, insomnia, and other ailments
11. ROSE (ROSA) This plant is considered to be the symbol of love in almost all parts of the world. However, the rose also had a powerful healing energy and gets rid of the toxins and the negativity while it brings passion to the home, as well as to the life.
12. MONEY PLANT (EPIPREMNUM AUREUM) The Feng Shui claims that this plant has energy that produces a flow that attracts wealth and good luck. You are recommended to keep this plant indoors, as it can absorb the synthetic chemicals from the furniture. In addition, the money plant can help you alleviate stress and anxiety in your home.

Stop eating this every day! THIS can kill you!!!

Stop eating this every day! THIS can kill you!!!

If you prepare food carelessly prepared it can be harmful and even life-threatening for you. To avoid food poisoning, you need to properly prepare and properly preserve. You may not know this, but there are foods that are natural toxins.

Take a look at the specialties that have their toxic side:
Mushrooms – The poison is fatal in about 6% of toxic mushrooms.
Rhubarb – Its green leaves contain oxalic acid. You can certainly get kidney stones, but if you eat a larger quantity, it can be fatal.


Beans – They contain large amounts of toxins called lectins. Plant lectin acts as a kind of primitive protection system analogous to human antibodies. Only three cooked beans can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Apples – The seeds in apples contain cyanide. If you eat them in large quantities, you can get poisoned. Do not forget to throw them away.
Tomatoes – The leafy and green part of the fruit contains a toxin called tomatin. It can be used in pest control. Persons suffering from rheumatism should avoid eating tomatoes.
Potatoes – Green potatoes contain higher amounts of the glycoalkaloids poison. Deaths are rare, but they are recorded.
Brazilian nuts – These belong to the foods with the highest doses of natural radioactivity (800 times the concentration of the radioactive than in any other food)!
Cherries – The cherry seeds contain cyanide. If you swallow several seeds, you can expect poisoning, increase in body temperature, very difficult breathing etc. Do not forget to throw them away.
Nutmeg – It’s a well-known hallucinogen. It can lead to a type of psychosis associated with a sense of certain doom. Overdose can violate your psychological state.
Puffer fish – This is a Japanese delicacy that can even lead to paralysis and death. Chefs train two to three years to learn how to prepare it.
Always be careful of what you eat!




The Moringa tree has been praised for its incredible health benefits, and has been labeled a “miracle tree” in many regions around the world. It is an excellent source of protein, carbs, fats, vitamin C, iron, potassium and other nutrients. All of the tree’s parts are used in nutritional supplements as well as cosmetic products.
Some chemical compounds present in the moringa tree have demonstrated powerful biochemical activities and have been able to defeat atherosclerosis and heart disease in studies. They also managed to boost the immune system and have demonstrated powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-tumor properties.
Here’s a list of moringa’s health benefits:
  1. The tree is rich in fiber that will clean your intestines and remove excess waste from your body.
  1. The moringa is a powerful antibiotic agent which is very efficient in eliminating bacteria that cause gastritis, ulcers and gastric ulcer.
    1. Moringa seeds are very beneficial as well, especially when it comes to purifying water. They even work better than most synthetic materials used for the same purpose.
    1. The moringa leaves are rich in essential nutrients. Just 100 gr. of the leaves contain 9 times the protein in yogurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas, 10 times the vitamin A in carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 12 times more vitamin C than oranges and 25 times the iron in spinach.
    1. The leaves also contain chlorogenicacic which can slow down the sugar absorption in cells.
    1. Moringa has shown anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects due to the presence of a compound called niaziminin.
    1. The tree can regulate your thyroid function.
    Watch the video below to learn more about moringa:

How To Starve Cancer To Death By Removing This One Thing From Your Diet

How To Starve Cancer To Death By Removing This One Thing From Your Diet

Starve Cancer

Cancer rates are on the rise, and there are many factors that cause cancer that range from our environment to our emotions. But, food is everything, what you eat is what radiates out. There is a way to cut something out of your diet and make your body thrive.

Cancer’s Fuel – Sugar 

Dr. Otto Warburg along with other health experts have been talking about how cancer loves sugar since the 1920s.  Surprisingly many doctors don’t tell their cancer patients that as long as they continue to eat processed foods full of the stuff, they will likely have a more difficult time fighting this disease.
The German physiologist, leading biochemist, medical doctor, and Nobel laureate was convinced that you could starve cancer right out of the body. While it may not always be that easy, this is something that could significantly change the game.
His theory was that malignant cells and tumor growth was caused by cells that generated energy via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a nonoxidative breakdown of glucose (sugar). The recycling of the metabolite from this process called glycolysis and the circulation of adhA back into the body caused anaerobic respiration. This is the reverse of what happens with healthy cells. Healthy, non-cancerous cells generate energy for the body to use through the oxidative breakdown of pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, which leads to oxidized mitochondria. He therefore concluded that cancer was really a mitochondrial dysfunction. The normal process of respiration of oxygen in the body is changed to the fermentation of sugar. If you remove the sugar, the body should not develop cancer.
The connection between sugar and cancer development is certainly not new.

Most people can easily remove the obvious culprits that are full of refined sugar – cakes, candies, cookies, etc. The problem is that many foods which are packaged and sold in the US and in other countries are full of refined sugar, but are hidden in the packaging labels. Products like ‘healthy’ yogurt, cereals, whole wheat or whole grain breads, and even ‘low-calorie’ items can be full of sugar.

The easiest way to eliminate unwanted refined sugars is to stop buying ‘convenience’ or pre-packaged foods, and at least temporarily, don’t eat out at restaurants – many dining establishments source their food from big companies that ‘season’ their food with lots of sugar and salt to make it more palatable after being frozen and shipped across the country in trucks. Even just salad dressings can be loaded with sugar. To deal with cravings for sugary foods, increase your plant-based and healthy animal based proteins (no red meat) and eat more nutrition-packed foods.

Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Gives You A Warning – These Are The 5 Signs

Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Gives You A Warning – These Are The 5 Signs
Unfortunately, millions of people suffer from some kinds of heart issues, and heart attack is the leading cause of death in the United States.
The dramatically increased number of heart attacks is mostly due to the modern lifestyle, stress, inflammation, and unhealthy diets nowadays.
Therefore, it is of high importance to learn to recognize the symptoms in order to successfully prevent further complications.
Finding a way to deal stress and living a healthier life is the first thing you can do to avoid a heart attack. Also, if you know the signs the body sends to warn you before a heart attack, you can effectively save your life:
Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath is another signal your body can send before a heart attack, due to the reduced blood flow and the narrowed arteries. Namely, the lungs do not receive the needed blood in order to work properly. Since the lungs and the heart function together, if the function of one of them is impeded, it will affect the other.
If the arteries are narrowed, they will reduce the flow of blood and aggravate circulation. This will cause weakened muscles and general body weakness. You should be careful if you experience this symptom, as it is one of the most common and earliest signs of a heart attack.
Chest Pressure
As the potential for a heart attack approaches, the pain and the pressure in the chest will aggravate and may spread to the arms, back, and shoulders.
Dizziness and Cold Sweats
The blood supply to the brain is reduced with the poor circulation, which causes cold sweats, dizziness, and cold sweats. Since the brain will not function properly, you will feel unwell and clammy.
The decreased blood flow to the heart will also result in fatigue, as the heart will not have the proper amount of blood to function properly. Therefore, if you are feeling tired all the time, you should check your condition with your doctor.
These symptoms possibly indicate to serious health issues and heart problems, so you should never ignore them. If you make important lifestyle changes, you can avoid the threat and save your life.
The following video will explain the entire process of heart attacks:

Turmeric Lemonade That Treats Depression Better Than Prozac

Turmeric Lemonade That Treats Depression Better Than Prozac

By Health informative
Turmeric lemonade has been found to harbor some of the best medicinal values that can deliver an all-in-one solution to health conditions.
In case you didn’t know, this root has some very powerful anti-inflammatory properties. As a matter of fact, it helps in preventing further growth of cancerous cells. Turmeric is also well known to treat depression, and not to mention its effects on lowering cholesterol. The list is long, but it is worth mentioning other benefits like its ability to treat skin cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions like arthritis, heartburn, jaundice, diarrhea, gallbladder and stomach pain.

Turmeric to treat depression

There are many different ways and drugs that you can use to treat depression, one of which is very common is Prozac. The sad thing about using any type of drug for depression is the horrible side effects that they come with, like having a hard time breathing, suicidal effects or worst – bleeding in the stomach.
This great discovery has proven that turmeric can cure a person with severe depression without having to deal with any side effects. Turmeric treats depression with the special property it contains called curcumin, which is more effective than fluoxetine that Prozac contains.

How to make turmeric lemonade

There are many different ways you can make turmeric lemonade, but we have chosen the most effective and easiest way.
Recipe: 4 servings.
4 cups of cold water.
2 Tbsp of freshly grated or powdered turmeric.
4 Tbsp 100% maple syrup, honey or stevia if you are avoiding sugar.
1 lemon or lime.
Juice from 1 blood orange (optional)
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Stir it and serve it with slices of lemon.
– It contains natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties.
– It is a strong immunity booster that will improve absorption of essential nutrients
– Juices are used in many detoxes as nutrients to absorb and reduce calories
It can be consumed on a daily basis and it goes well with any type of food.
The great thing about this recipe is the fact that you don’t have to spend tons of money on drugs and you can make it right at home, anyone that uses this recipe can make a perfect concoction. You can purchase the ingredients just about anywhere, but make sure not to expose it to extreme heat as the nutrient levels can be reduced or weakened.

Ancient German Remedy That Will Unclog Your Arteries, Decrease The Cholesterol And Improve Your Immune System

Ancient German Remedy That Will Unclog Your Arteries, Decrease The Cholesterol And Improve Your Immune System

Today we’re going to present an ancient German recipe that has been used as a remedy against atherosclerosis, high cholesterol levels, colds, the flu, fatigue and different infections. The recipe contains garlic, ginger, lemon and water, ingredients that are easily available and can be found in everyone’s home. Here’s how to prepare it:
-2 l. of water
-3-4 cm. of ginger root
-4 garlic cloves
-4 lemons
Wash the lemons and cut them on slices, then peel the garlic and mix it with the lemons and ginger in a blender. Mix well until you get a homogenous mixture, then put it in a pan and add 2 l. of water. Cook the mixture while stirring until it boils, then remove it from the heat and leave it to cool down. Once cooled down, strain the liquid and pour it into a bottle or a glass jar.
Take a glass of the drink every day for 3 weeks 2 hours before meals. Take a one-week break afterwards and repeat the process again. You can add some honey to improve the flavor of the remedy. The results should be noticeable after only 3 weeks – you should feel more energetic and you will improve your overall health significantly. The remedy can also be helpful in cases of kidney stones or vascular congestion.

Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years

Hunza People Never Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live up to 120 years

Have you ever heard about Hunza People?

There are a lot of stories and myths of people who lived healthy and happily for a long amount of time. The myths from the Holy Grail, or the Fountain of youth, are quite intriguing even after all the years that have gone by. 

It’s not a secret that there are many living people that live much longer than we do. Shockingly, there are people who have never been sick in their life.

So, what is the secret to a long and healthy life?

To answer that question, I went through the most amazing life stories of those centenarians who were willing to share their wisdom on the net. To be honest, many of those stories were different and I was not able to make some final conclusion at first about the “secret” I was looking for. I found many different answers and they confused me even more.

For example, Emma Morano from Italy lived 116 years, and she explained that the reason for her long life is staying single. She said:“I didn’t want to be dominated by anyone”, so after her divorce at the age of 38 she spent the rest of her life single. She even won the battle against anemia by eating two raw eggs a day her whole life.

Another life story about Mushatt-Jones tells about eating fried bacon every single day. A California centenarian told his secret was eating one donut a day. After, I learned about the life story of Clarice Emley, who was born and raised on a farm.

She explained that her family and she ate only what they grew and caught. She is still physically active, working out every day together with her friends. Then, I found out stories about centenarian twins and their secret of getting older together and close as the main reason for their long life.

Being so confused, I still was persistent in searching for the “secret”. Then, I saw an article on the Hunza people that took me by surprise as I came closer to my answer. Hunza people or Hunzas are a population in the mountain terrain of Pakistan. 

The many reasons these people took my attention are the following:

1. The literacy rate of Hunza valley is more than 95%- which means that every Hunza has at least a high school diploma;

2. The Hunza region is home to people of four ethnicities;

3. There are two different religion in the Hunza region and people are divided between them, but;

4. The lifestyle of Hunza people is very simple and they are considered to be very welcoming and warm;

5. Some Hunzas live up to 150 years;

6. The women in Hunza can give birth at the age of 65.

7. They never eat processed food, and they eat apricot often and a lot.

8. They work in the fields from sunrise to sunset every day and they work hard.

Connecting together the dots of all the stories and facts presented above, here is my conclusion about how to have a long and healthy life:

1. You do need to educate through life. You can start developing a healthy mind at a young age, and its advised you should never stop reading and thinking actively. Clarice Emley was a teacher, almost all Hunzas are educated. We all need a healthy developed brain to have a healthy life.

2. Single or not it doesn’t matter as long as you maintain healthy relationships during your whole life.

3. A “Healthy relationship” means a good connection with yourself, acknowledging hidden feelings, and helping to dissolve them in a healthy energy, no matter how contagious they can be. Using self- learning techniques and meditation can help you develop a better understanding of your needs and wishes, which can lead to a bigger,loving atmosphere for you and everyone else.

Don’t be afraid to express your feelings, for suppressing them can sometimes lead to an abyss. Expressing your feelings can make your relationships “grow old” with you in a healthy direction. So don’t stay away from marriage, but be able to “jump out” of an unstable and unhealthy one. At the end, it is your life that matters most, and the lives of those you love.

4. Avoid stress! Yes, stress is the greatest silent killer, the modern “exterminator” of life force. You should retire and slow down in some peaceful place, where you can reconnect with nature and try to live a calmer life.

5. Try to eat organic, natural food, and if you have the chance, grow it yourself. Look at the Hunza people, they eat only what they grow, and they live to be very healthy. They don’t even know what cancer is. They die old and happy, seeing more in life than anyone of us. They see the sunrise many years after your last sunset. They witness their great-grandchildren running and playing around. So think of that next time you reach for an unhealthy snack.

5. Don’t skip the physical activity! Even though it is hard, don’t give up! Think of all the working hours the Hunza people spend in the fields! It is hard, but keeping your muscles “warm” can never be bad. Clarice Emley (we mentioned before) exercises every day. And she is 105 years old! You are never getting younger. We have to give up things to change our lives and its direction. We do it for ourselves. Why not try these things; maybe they will help you after all? Maybe you will live longer than anyone in your family and friends. Maybe you will be the first one that can live for 200 years.Until that time, let’s use the knowledge of those people that are older than 100 and still alive and healthy.

I wish you good luck! May you live a healthy, long life!


Домашен шампоан, който ще накара косата ви ще расте като луда, а всички ще ви завиждат на лъскавината, обема и нейната еластичност

Домашен шампоан, който ще накара косата ви ще расте като луда, а всички ще ви завиждат на лъскавината, обема и нейната еластичност

 Косата е това, което прави една жена женствена и подчертава красотата й. Поради множеството химически и механични обработки като боядисване, къдрене, сушене, изправяне, връзване на конска опашка косата става суха, чуплива и тънка.

А след като всички тези третирания се комбинират със стреса на всекидневието, промените в тялото, то неминуемо косопадът се ускорява.

Само след няколко измивания с този шампоан, ще забележите промяна в косата Ви. Тя ще стане по‐силна и по‐плътна, а косопадът ще намалее много. Ще забележите и как косата Ви ще придобие по‐голям обем след 2 месеца редовна употреба.

Ето и нужните съставки , които може лесно да откриете във всяка аптека:
1 литър шампоан от коприва 100 мл пантенол (воден разтвор)
30 мл капки от коприва
30 мл воден разтвор на витамини А и D (или по 15 мл от всеки)
50 мл рициново масло
2 ампули витамин B комплекс

Как да приготвите Вашия домашен шампоан?
Просто смесете всички продукти и разбъркайте (разклатете) добре!

 Как действа този лесен за приготвяне шампоан ?

На първо място, бъдете сигурни, че този шампоан е витаминозна бомба за косата и скалпа Ви.

Копривата подобрява периферната циркулация и кръвоснабдяването на скалпа и по този начин ускорява всички метаболитни процеси в епидермиса. Пантенолът подобрява функцията на скалпа и стимулира регенерацията. Рициновото масло укрепва косъма. Той съдържа големи количества рицинова киселина и витамин Е, които предпазват скалпа и корените на косата от свободните радикали и вредното им влияние.

Това масло има регенеративен и антимикотичен ефект – елиминира гъбичните инфекции, които предизвикват досадния пърхот. Рициновото масло защитава, успокоява и лекува кожата на главата. Гъстата субстанция помага за премахване на мъртвите клетки на кожата, така че да не се запушват космените фоликули, което е причина за забавяне на растежа на косата. Капките с витамини А и D са от изключителна важност за косата, тъй като имат регенеративни свойства, които имат ефект върху кожата на главата. Витамин B комплекс осигурява плътна и подхранена коса. Капките от коприва неутрализират излишната мазнина по косъма.

Леля ми, която дълги години работеше в Испания сподели с мен личния си опит от използването на този шампоан. Казала й го нейната работодателка, с която станали приятелки. С нея тя споделила, че от притеснението и стреса, която преживяла от отделянето й от дом и семейство, започнала косата й да капе.
Леля ми използвала домашно направения шампоан в продължение на 3 месеца, след което косата й спряла спада. И това не е всичко, тя придобила блясъка и обема на косата, с които си я спомням преди да замине. По думите й, нейната коса растяла два пъти по‐бързо от преди и е била лесна за сресване и поддържане, защото е станала мека, лъскава и еластична.

Този шампоан е микс от различни съставки, ето защо преди употреба е нужно добре да го разклащате, за да може да има максимален ефект върху косата Ви. Препоръчително е първо да го изсипете в шепата си, преди да го нанесете на косата. Масажирайте леко и продължително скалпа си, тъй като това подобрява кръвообращението и позволява на съставките да се абсорбират в кожата на главата по‐лесно и бързо. Оставете насапунисана косата си за няколко минути, след което изплакнете обилно с вода.

Ако косата Ви е естествено суха, положете балсам или маска за коса след измиването с направения от Вас шампоан. Ако имате доста суха коса, използвайте половината количество капки от коприва, тъй като те могат да доведат до допълнителен изсушаващ ефект.

Ако имате тежка загуба на коса, е препоръчително да пиете чай от коприва. Така добавъчно ще контролирате кръвния и хормоналния си статус с естествено добавяне на желязо, което в повечето случаи е основната причина за загуба на коса.

Жена от Гложене РАЗКРИ ТАЙНАТА на гигантските и вкусни домати. За да ги отгледате, забъркайте РАЗТВОР от

Жена от Гложене РАЗКРИ ТАЙНАТА на гигантските и вкусни домати. За да ги отгледате, забъркайте РАЗТВОР от

Отглеждането на домати е любимо от дълги години на поколения българи.
Едва ли има по- вкусно и полезно нещо от прясна салата от розови домати. Удоволствието става пълно, ако към тях добавим краставици, чушки и бяло саламурено сирене.
Отглеждането на качествени домати обаче е тънка работа и изисква много труд, грижи за  растенията и специални методи, за да бъдат опазени от най-коварния им враг – брашнестата мана.
Тя се появява обикновено след дъжд, когато времето отново се поправи.
Ако не се вземат адекватни мерки, последиците са катастрофални – пожълтели листа, загинали растения и недоразвити завръзи.
А най-лошото е, че болестта е заразна и се разпространява в цялата градина.
Тайната си за това как отглежда прекрасни гигантски домати разкри Цанка Йорданова от с. Гложене, Тетевенско.
Ето и нейната проверена рецепта.

С прилагането й тя отчете поредната отлична реколта, а рекордьорът на двора и е домат с внушително тегло от 1,1 кг.!
Цанка третира доматените си насаждения с резтвор от 10 литра вода, 1 кофичка кисело мляко, 1 супена лъжица сода бикарбонат и 20 грама син камък

Ето как да се спасите от сърдечен удар, образуване на тумори и да изчистите кръвоносните си съдове. Само глътка от тази напитка!

Ето как да се спасите от сърдечен удар, образуване на тумори и да изчистите кръвоносните си съдове. Само глътка от тази напитка!


В крайна сметка, след години небрежно отношение и претоварване на кръвоносните съдове и артериите , те губят своята гъвкавост и еластичност, а по стените им се образуват атеросклеротични плаки
Честото главоболие, високо кръвно налягане, инфаркт и даже инсулт биха могли да бъдат причинени от замърсяването на кръвоносните съдове.
Има много популярни рецепти за почистване на кръвоносните съдове , но този метод, който публикуваме днес е може би най-ефективния. И това съвсем не е чудно – природата отново ни дава всичко необходимо за нашето здраве!

Почистване на кръвоносните съдове с чесън и лимон
Едно от основните предимства на чесъна е способността да предотврати развитието на атеросклероза, и следователно инфаркт и инсулт.
Чесънът не само задейства някои механизми на тялото, чрез които да се намалят нивата на лошия холестерол в кръвта, но също така помага да се запазят постигнатите резултати за дълго време.
В лимоните има доста минерали, етерични масла, пектин, органични киселини, флавоноиди, които също имат благоприятен ефект върху състоянието на съдовете и артериите.

Необходими съставки:
– 6 лимона – 30 скилидки чесън – 3 супени лъжици мед – 1 литър вода
Начин на приготвяне:
1. Лимоните се измиват, чесъна се изчиства. Продуктите се подготвят за използване като се смилат на кайма, за което не бива да махате корите на лимоните.
2. Вземете подходящ съд, изсипете получената от лимоните и чесъна смес и залейте с водата.
3. Сложете на котлона, като го оставите да заври, но без да се вари.
4. Охладете, добавете мед, ако ви е прекалено пикантен вкуса на тази напитка, и сложете в подходящ съд, който е добре да съхранявате в хладилник.
5. В рамките на 3 седмици ежедневно изпивайте по 50 мл от напитката. Починете си за една седмица, а след това отново се повтаря курса на лечение за 3 седмици. Като превантивна мярка такова лечение е полезно да се извършва 2 пъти годишно.
Напитката подобрява кръвообращението , засилва имунната система, предотвратява образуването на тумори. Инструментът действа като антиоксидант и стимулира добрата работа на бъбреците и черния дроб. Но, като всички силни средства тази напитка има противопоказания за използването при: стомашна язва и дуоденална язва, бременност, лактация, епилепсия и алергия към някоя от съставките 


  Месо от бут и плешка, не е пържено желирано с вкус на русенско варено. Стерилизирано 4 часа, подправен с черен пипер и сол. Буркани 730 мл...