

Българска лечителка лекува и най-страшните болести

Българска лечителка лекува и най-страшните болести 

Напредъкът в медицината е осезаем, но въпреки него лекарите нерядко вдигат ръце. Обаче има лечителка, която е върнала към живота безнадеждно болните

В поредицата „Ничия земя“ по Нова ТВ, авторът Даниела Тренчева ни отведе в село Крибул, където живее баба Юлия, която стана една от най-известните лечителки след няколко предавания за нея.
Баба Юлия наследила дарбата да лекува от своята майка.
Тя лее куршум, чете молитви и отвежда болните до една скала, през която трябва да минат, за да оздравеят.
Баба Юлия боледувала от рак на черния дроб и на дебелото черво.
Тя дала обет, че ако оздравее, ще помага на хората. Дала обет, че няма да поиска и една стотинка.
Хората оставят каквото пожелаят.
Но хората днес са много болни, вече почти всеки втори човек страда от рак.
Дневно минават по 50 човека през дома й и се докоснат до лечебните практики на баба Юлия.
Най-голямата радост за баба Юлия е, когато се върнат оздравелите хора и кажат, че са добре.
Наскоро 200 чувала с дрехи и конци били събрани от дърветата и били изгорени.
Поне веднъж в годината на човек трябва да му се лее куршум, който прочиства от лоши енергии.
Малко дете проговорило на място. Това е една от най-големите радости за баба Юлия.
Мястото е високо енергийно. Правени са изследвания с модерна техника.
В Родопите има много силни места, но този камък е най-силен, обяснява баба Юлия.
Баба Юлия казва, че никой не се е обадил, че не е оздравял.
Много хора са получили диагноза, че ще умрат.
Отиват при добрата лечителка баба Юлия и после оздравяват.
В скалите живее змия.
Имало една жена преди време и змията не й позволила да мине.
Баба Юлия смята, че е била някоя безверница, затова не са я допуснали да премине.
Преди да отидете при лечителката трябва да вземете 3 л. брашно, 1 л. сол и червен конец с дължината на вашия ръст.
С десния крак влизате в камъка, а излизате на лявата страна. После връзвате стара дреха на дърво наоколо, за да остане болестта там завинаги.
Може да бъдат занесени дрехи на болни близки, без те да присъстват лично.
Запознайте се баба Юлия от видеото на Нова ТВ.
Не пропускайте и видеото на ТВ 1 долу, посветено на добрата лечителка баба Юлия.



How To Detect Fake Honey (It Is Everywhere), Use THIS Simple Trick

How To Detect Fake Honey (It Is Everywhere), Use THIS Simple Trick 

Honey is the most natural and healthy product made from the bees. They work all day to make something amazing. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake /misleading advertising that makes people think whatever honey they buy is a pure one.


The truth is, a lot of honey products in the market has been through numerous alteration and contain chemical substance to lower the price.
According to a public research study conducted by food safety news, up to 76 percent of all honey available in the market has been subjected to a process called ultra-filtration. Unfortunately, other than eliminating impurities like wax traces, the filtration process also remove the pollen in honey.
According to the manufacturers, the filtration process is necessary to prevent crystallizing and extend the shelf life of the product. However, customers do not know that actually, pollen is very important and provide a lot of benefits to our bodies.
Researchers discover that the filtration process makes it hard to determine the geographical origin of the honey. For this reason, they advise to avoid this kind of honey as in case of pollen contamination, it is important to trace and analyze the origin of the honey.
For instance, Chinese honey often contaminated with illegal antibiotics and even some metal because the producers process honey with the filtration process to import it and its origin become unknown.
Here are some guides to avoid purchasing honey with lack pollen:
1.Do not purchase honey sold at Walgreen’s and CVS Pharmacy as they do not contain pollen.
2.Honey that can be found at KFC and McDonald do not contain pollen.
3.Honey Winnie the Pooh which you can purchase at Walmart does not have pollen.
4.Avoid honey which is sold at Costco, Target and Sam’s Club because 77% of them do not have pollen.
5.Other than honey that lack of pollen, there are also other type of honey which have been combined with glucose and others that are high in low-quality mead. Honey that are not in its purest form is called adulterated honey.
Ways to Recognize Fake Honey:
-Pure honey will crystallize over time. If the one you buy do not crystallize when kept in the fridge, possibly, it is not a pure honey
-Read the labels before you buy. If the honey contains high fructose corn syrup or commercial glucose, do not purchase it.
-Mix a few drops of iodine with a glass of water then add some honey into it. If the color of your honey turns into blue, then it has been combined with corn starch.
-Mix a few drops of vinegar with a glass of water then add some honey into it. If you see some foam, means your honey has been adulterated with plaster.
-Burn your honey with a match or phosphorus and see if it ignites. Pure honey will ignites under this condition.
-Add a spoon of honey into a glass of water. If the honey dissolves in water, means it’s a fake or poor quality honey. Pure honey does not dissolve in water.
You can avoid purchasing adulterated honey by using the guideline above. Remember that in order to take most benefit of honey, you need to buy a pure one that still contains pollen.
We know this article will help you recognize the false honey from the real one, and we hope you share this with your friends and family. Thank you!

Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!

Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!

Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!
The Food and Drug Administration, American Cancer Society, and American Medical Association have stopped people from writing books, engaging in public meetings, and shooting documentaries on the anticancer properties of vitamin B17.
Physicians who tried to save the lives of their cancer patients through the application of theories based on vitamin B17, were prosecuted.
Scroll down for Video:
But one woman decided to take her life into her own hands, so she tried to cure her cancer with vitamin B17.
As soon as she started taking this vitamin, her cancer went into remission.
However, her cancer returned when she stopped with the administration of this vitamin, which is in fact a concentrated form of apricot kernels.
If we take it in the proper amount, it is extremely beneficial for our health.
The woman avoided chemotherapy, and continued with vitamin B17.
She was taking 500mg twice a day, and in a period of 10 weeks, she destroyed her 5 malignant tumors, and was completely free from cancer.
Her doctors were shocked.

To learn more about this, take a look at the video below!


За пушачите: Пийте отварата 3 месеца и лекарят ще си скъса дипломата! (руското чудо за белите дробове)

За пушачите: Пийте отварата 3 месеца и лекарят ще си скъса дипломата! (руското чудо за белите дробове)


Името звучи силно, но ефектът от отварата е наистина чудо за пречистване на белите дробове на пушачите!
Ако сте пушач, то в никакъв случай не пропускайте тази статия. Защото благодарение на нея или по-точно на отварата, ще постигнете пълно пречистване на белите дробове и като нищо може да накарате личния си лекар да си скъса дипломата.
Наричат отварата руското чудо и макар да звучи силно, то наистина е такова. Ефектът от него е необясним досега и за медиците, тъй като след три месеца употреба, то спомага за цялостното пречистване на белите дробове. А какво по-важно от това за хората, които така и не могат да се откажат от цигарите.
Тази отвара се прави от билката живовляк, която е призната като една от петте най-добри билки за пречистване на белите дробове. Той е употребяван повече от стотици години, а свойствата му да облекчава и лекува кашлицата, са известни в цял свят.
Освен това живовлякът успокоява бързо възпалени мукозни мембрани, ако имаме такъв проблем и като цяло лекува безотказно възпаленията на белия дроб.
Може бързо да си приготвите въпросната отвара у дома като указанията са съвсем елементарни. Трябва просто да се сдобиете с една шепа ситно начукани листа от билката живовляк и да ги сложите в стъклен буркан.
Отгоре ги залейте с половин литър непременно вряща вода, затворете буркана и оставете отварата да престои на плота или някъде другаде за два часа – не и в хладилника обаче.
След като срокът изтече, прецедете отварата и започнете употребата й. Вие си преценявате по колко пъти и кога да пиете, но задължително трябва да изпиете цялата течност за деня. На следващия ден правите отново и така три месеца, след които се спира, за да се направи почивка.
След три месеца наистина ви съветваме да отидете на лекар и сами да констатирате положителната промяна в дробовете си. А най-важното, което следва също от пиенето на отварата е, че след първото тримесечие много пушачи сами спират цигарите. Просто, защото изпитват непоносимост към никотина. И най-голямото чудо – не напълняват от това!

32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (and how to get it)

32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (and how to get it)

Who would have thought that the lack of only one nutrient can have an enormous impact on the overall health?
The American diet has drastically changed over the years, which has resulted in a rise in health issues which could be hardly seen earlier. Deficiencies in certain nutrients have become very common, out of which magnesium is the most common
Nowadays, it has become much more difficult to get magnesium from food sources, which is really bad if we take into consideration the fact that magnesium is a key mineral in the human metabolism.
32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (and how to get it)
32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (and how to get it)32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium (and how to get it)
Earlier, it has been much simpler to get the recommended dosage of magnesium on a daily basis. In fact, the consumption of produce was enough to supply you with the magnesium you needed. Unlike today, magnesium was prevalent in the soil years ago. The erosion and modern farming practices take their toll, leaving tiny amounts of magnesium in the soil.
Another reason for magnesium deficiency is the fact that people consume unhealthy diets and rarely eat foods like beans, seeds, mackerel, nuts, and dark leafy greens, all of which are excellent sources of magnesium.

32 Signs That You Have a Magnesium Deficiency

1.  Anxiety
2. Asthma
3. Blood clots
4. Bowel disease
5. Calcium deficiency
6. Confusion
7. Constipation
8. Cystitis
9. Depression
10. Difficulty swallowing
11. Dizziness
12. Fatigue
13.  Fertility/childbearing issues: Getting or staying pregnant, preeclampsia, preterm labor
14.  High blood pressure
15.  Heart issues
16.  Hypertension
17.  Hypoglycemia
18.  Insomnia
19.  Liver and kidney disease
20.  Memory loss
21.  Migraines
22.  Muscle cramps
23.  Nausea
24.  Osteoporosis
25.  Personality changes: often similar to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders
26.  Potassium deficiency: may cause extreme thirst, fluid retention, and irritability
27.  Raynaud’s syndrome: may cause cold fingers or toes, color changes in skin due to temperature changes, and numbness in extremities
28.  Respiratory difficulties
29.  Seizures
30.  Tooth decay
31.  Tremors
32.  Type II diabetes

How to Fix This Problem?

As mentioned above, magnesium is a key factor in the human metabolism and it is used it over 300 bodily processes and chemical reactions. Therefore, deficiency in magnesium negatively affects the overall health.
The best way to boost your magnesium intake is to consume more magnesium-rich foods, such as the ones listed above.  Another option is to take supplement containing supplement, making sure you pick a supplement that is good for you, as some of them contain fillers with no nutritional value.
Many people recommend Women’s MULTIpro, as it meets other nutritional needs as well, such as iodine, biotin, zinc, chromium, vitamin B1, and vitamin A.

Science Says, Nagging The Heck Out Of Your Daughters Will Help Them Succeed In Life

Science Says, Nagging The Heck Out Of Your Daughters Will Help Them Succeed In Life

New studies conducted by researchers at a university in the United Kingdom revealed that being a nagging parent, especially a nagging mother is not such a bad thing after all. The study was conducted by a group of researchers led by PhD candidate Ericka G. Rascon-Ramirez, who interviewed and observed over 15,000 British teenage girls over a period of 10-years and the results showed that daughters of nagging mothers appeared to have successful careers and personal lives than girls who didn’t grow up with nagging mothers.
Hence, the study proves that daughters of nagging mothers are less likely to become pregnant during teenage, are less likely to drop out of college and likely to make intelligent career choices.
So all you successful ladies, don’t forget to thank your mother for giving you a hard time growing up.

The World’s No 1 Food Against Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

The World’s No 1 Food Against Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

If you have been wondering what is the most beneficial food in the world, you shouldn’t seek answers no more – it’s dates. Yes, the delicious fruit is indeed the most beneficial and healthy food you can eat thanks to the presence of numerous essential nutrients.

The World’s No 1 Food Against Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

Dates are recommended against heart problems, stroke, heart attack, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and they will also boost your metabolism and digestion, which will result in weight loss. Here are some of the main health benefits of dates:
Regulate cholesterol
Dates can reduce the levels of the bad (LDL) cholesterol in your blood and keep your blood vessels clean, effectively preventing blood clots and cardiovascular problems.
Keep your weight in check
Eating dates every morning on an empty stomach can help you burn the excess fat on your body. They have no cholesterol, but they are rich in sugar, so make sure to eat them in limited amounts.
Prevent diarrhea
Dates are rich in potassium, a mineral that can regulate the intestinal flora and prevent diarrhea and other digestive problems.
Prevent constipation
Besides diarrhea, dates can also prevent constipation. Just soak a handful of them in water overnight, then eat the fruit in the morning to boost your digestion and relieve the problem.
Strengthen your heart
Soak some dates in water overnight, then strain them in the morning and pit the seeds and eat them. This will strengthen your heart health and prevent any problems.
Prevent strokes
Dates contain a lot of potassium, an important mineral that can boost the health of your nervous system and prevent strokes. Consuming 400 mg. of potassium a day is enough to protect your heart from damage, so make sure to eat dates every day.
Rich in iron
Dates are rich in iron among other minerals, which is great for children, pregnant women and anemia sufferers. 100 gr. of dates contain 0.9 mg. of iron, which is about 11% of the daily recommended allowance of the mineral. Besides treating anemia, iron plays a role in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which makes it very important for your overall health.
As you can see, dates are very healthy for you, which is why they should become a part of your daily diet. Eating them constantly will protect your heart from damage and boost your digestion, which will effectively result in better health.

Coconut Oil and Lemon Mixture: It Turns Gray Hair Back to Its Natural Color

Coconut Oil and Lemon Mixture: It Turns Gray Hair Back to Its Natural Color

Gray hairs are a nightmare for many women as they are considered to be the first sign of aging. Therefore, women are ready to try anything to cover the gray hairs. There are many products and hair dyes, which can cover the gray hairs. However, their effects are only temporary and they come with a vast number of side effects.
First and foremost, you should know that premature graying of hair can be triggered by numerous health conditions and poor dietary choices. For instance, this cosmetic issue may be caused by hormonal fluctuations, smoking, pollution, stress, use of unsuitable hair products, chronic colds, sinusitis, and thyroid disorders. Moreover, gray hairs may appear as a result of low amounts of melanin.
So, instead of using products full of harsh chemicals, which do more harm than good, you can try some natural alternatives instead. The most important thing you should do is consume a healthy and nutritious diet. Moreover, you can try the following natural remedy which is based on two available and powerful ingredients.

Coconut Oil and Lemon Mixture

  • organic coconut oil (the amount will depend on the length of your hair)
  • 3 teaspoons organic lemon juice, freshly squeezed
You should mix the two ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture. Then, apply the mixture to your hair and massage it into your scalp. Let it act for at least one hour. Finally, wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this treatment once a week.

Why is this remedy so beneficial?

The two ingredients used in this remedy are one of the most versatile and beneficial nature gifts. Coconut oil is packed with anti-microbial properties, lauric acid, and medium-chain fatty acids, which can treat and improve the condition of your hair. Hence, coconut oil can condition the scalp, promote hair growth, strengthen the hair, treat damaged hair, and reverse gray hair. Moreover, it can fight dandruff and it leaves the hair smooth and soft.
On the other hand, lemon juice can prevent premature graying. Due to the vitamin B, vitamin C, and phosphorus content, lemon juice nourishes the hair and treats the cause of gray hair.



Fluoride has become enemy number one and has been the main subject of discussion worldwide
Its negative effects have become even more severe and brought to life by experts all over the globe. After warning the general populace about its negative effects on the human health, people became more and more demanding in discovering the true damage fluoride can do.
Public water products contain fluoride. This is a serious health threat for people’s health. Even though many may say that fluoride is healthy for the dental health in humans, according to numerous researches, the contrary has been proved.
Fluoride has a negative effect on the human nervous system. Instead of improving people’s health, it harms people’s dental health.
Regardless of what we think of it, fluoride is almost unavoidable. For this reason, it is extremely important to pay attention to the type of water we drink during the day, and look carefully for fluoride-free bottled water brands, which are optimal for our health.
It is important to be informed about the health risks that fluoride rich products may cause.
Fluoride Side Effects
The excessive exposure to fluoride during this time can cause fluorisis, which is the most threatening health risk. Fluorosis represents a condition of full teeth decay and malformation.
This condition generally develops in the first eight years of a person’s life, when the teeth are most susceptible to growth and formation.
The symptoms are: teeth stains of different size and color (yellow, brown), teeth decay and cavities, as well as distorted tooth growth and development.
Additionally, other symptoms can be cognitive problems in children and IQ retardation.
According to one Chinese study, children who were exposed to day-to-day consumption of fluoride showed lower IQ results, compared to the children who have not been exposed to the substance as much.
Philippe Grandjean, a well known author and study developer, claimed that children exposed to fluoride-rich products, could develop certain brain disorders and cause body toxicity.
“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us,” stated Grandjean.
Here is a list of some bottled water brands that do not contain fluoride:
  • A Better Water
  • Agromas Natural Mineral Water
  • Albertsons
  • Alpina
  • American Fare
  • American Star
  • Appco
  • Aqua Fresca
  • Aqua Panna
  • Aqua Pure
  • Aquarius Natural Mineral Water
  • Arbor Springs
  • Arlington Springs
  • Aquafina Water
  • Aqua Systems
  • Aqua Von
  • Artesian Wells
  • Augusta Medical – Daniels
  • Badger Water
  • Besco Pure Premium Drinking Water
  • BIOTA Colorado Pure Spring Water
  • Bio-2
  • Black Berry Farms
  • Blue Ice Natural Mineral Water
  • Boney’s
  • Bountyland
  • Buches
  • Calistoga
  • Callaway Blue
  • CAPA
  • Cascade
  • Century Springs
  • Chemung
  • Chippewa Spring Water
  • Citi Stop
  • Classic Selection
  • Clearly Arctic
  • Clear Mountain Spring Water
  • Clover Company Limited
  • Coach
  • Cold Country
  • Cohutta Mountain Spring Water
  • Cowboy Squeeze
  • Crowne Plaza Drinking Water
  • Crowne Plaza Natural Mineral Water
  • Cruel Jacks Spring Water
  • Crystal Mountain Spring Water
  • Crystal Point
  • Crystal Ridge
  • Crystal Spring Natural Spring Water
  • Culligan Water
  • Dakota Splash
  • Dannon
  • Deep Rock
  • Deep Rock Crystal Drop
  • Deep Rock Fontenelle
  • Deja Blue
  • Desert Quench
  • East Phils
  • Eco Quest
  • Elite
  • Equatorial Natural Mineral Water
  • Essentia Water
  • Eureka
  • Evian
  • E Water
  • Family Pantry
  • Famous Ramona Water
  • Flowing Springs
  • Food Club
  • Founders Square Bank
  • Fresh Brands Artesian
  • Fresh Brands Distilled Water
  • Fresh Brands Drinking Water
  • Fresh Market
  • Get-N-Go
  • Glacier Bay
  • Glen Summit Springs Water
  • Glen Summit Distilled Water
  • Glenwood Inglewood
  • Gordon Food Service
  • Great Bear
  • Great Value
  • Harvey’s
  • H2O4U
  • Henry’s
  • Hidden Valley Natural Mineral Water
  • Hillcrest Distilled Water
  • Hillcrest Drinking Water
  • Hillcrest Spring Water
  • Hilton PJ Natural Mineral Water
  • Hinckley Springs
  • HINT
  • Hi-Sprint Drinking Water
  • Hi-Sprint Natural Mineral Water
  • Hog Wash
  • Hon Less Natural Mineral Water
  • Ice Jam
  • Inland
  • Istana Natural Mineral Water
  • Joe Muggs
  • Joe Ragan’s Pure Water
  • Junior Johnson
  • Just Squeezed
  • KLGCC Natural Mineral Water
  • Kroger Bottled Water (Reverse Osmosis)
  • Krystal J Artesian Water
  • Krystal J Distilled Water
  • Laure
  • Leroy Jenkins Ministries
  • Logansport Savings Bank
  • Lowe’s
  • Martins
  • Masafi Pure Natural Mineral Water
  • Mercurio Produce
  • Mesra Drinking Water
  • Mesra Natural Mineral Water
  • Misty Mountain
  • Monadnock Mountain Spring Water
  • Montclair
  • Mountain Energy
  • Mountain Forest
  • Mountain Valley Spring Water
  • Mutiara Natural Mineral Water
  • Nantze Springs
  • New Frontier Bank
  • Niagra Mist
  • Nicolet Distilled
  • Northern Illinois University
  • Oasis Pure Drinking Water
  • Oasis Sparkling Water
  • Ogallala – Clear Cool Water
  • OUI Drinking Water
  • OUI Natural Mineral Water
  • Paiges
  • Parmer Pure H2O
  • Patriots Choice
  • Pelangi Natural Mineral Water
  • Penta Ultra Premium Purified Drinking Water
  • Piggly Wiggly
  • Polaris Water
  • Pristine Natural Artesian
  • Purely Sedona
  • Quick Stop
  • Rain Soft
  • Refresh Natural Mineral Water
  • Reiser Drinking Water
  • Request Foods, Inc.
  • Rip Time
  • Roundy’s “Purified Water”
  • Safeway – Refreshe
  • Sam’s Wine & Spirits
  • San Faustino Natural Mineral Water
  • San Pellegrino
  • Santee Springs
  • Scheopner’s Water
  • Sequoia Springs
  • Scotts
  • Shamrock
  • Shop-N-Cart
  • Shur-Fine
  • Silver Creek Purified Water
  • Silver Creek Spring Water
  • Sky Drinking Water
  • Smart Water
  • Snow Valley
  • Spinx
  • Stator Bros. Markets
  • Summit Mountain
  • Summit Springs
  • Summit Valley
  • T-Rex
  • Teton Mountain Lodge Spring Water
  • Tweetsie
  • United Dairy Farmers
  • Volvic
  • Vitamin Water
  • Veta Drinking Water
  • Valutime
  • Whistler Water
  • Whole Foods 365
  • Woodland Spring Water
  • Wyoming Machinery “Catipillar” Spring Water
  • Zodiac
There are a lot of options for non-fluoride waters, which implies to the fact that you get the chance to preserve your health and prevent grave health problems.
Here is a list of high risk bottled water brands, full of fluoride content, which you have to avoid:
  • Alhambra
  • Arrowhead
  • Belmont Springs
  • Crystal Rock
  • Crystal Springs
  • Deer Park
  • Diamond Springs
  • Hindley Spri
  • Ice Mountain
  • Kandiyohi
  • Kentwood Springs
  • Mayer Bros.
  • Mount Olympus
  • Nursery Water
  • Ozarka
  • Poland Spring
  • Pure Flo
  • Puritan Springs
  • Shenandoah
  • Sierra Springs
  • Sparkletts
  • Zephyrhills
You should avoid these brands, in order to stay sound and clear of any fluoride related diseases.




How much Active Stem should I order?

On average, new customers order 3 bottles. That’s what we recommend to start. However, because it’s our best value, many customers enjoy our 6 bottle package.

What’s inside Active Stem?

Each serving of Active Stem contains a powerful 1400 mg blend of:
  • L-carnosine
  • Leucine
  • Vitamin D3
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Blueberry Extract
These 5 ingredients are vegetarian, and free of lactose, additives, gluten, and preservatives. The container is BPA-free, airtight, and resistant to heat and light.
Plus, LCR Health utilizes third party laboratory verification to guarantee purity, potency, and quality of ingredients.

What makes Active Stem different from other anti-aging supplements?

Whereas other supplements employ nutrients which may help with your immune system or provide heart support – Active Stem works on a cellular level by boosting the proliferation of adult stem cells – or “master cells” – in your body.
This repairs damage to your muscles, organs, skin, and brain. Specifically, the 5 ingredients in Active Stem have been shown to increase proliferation of human CD34+ and CD133+ cells, a vital part of your body’s cellular function.
And remember: Active Stem is the only supplement EVER to combine these 5 cellular boosting ingredients.
Lots of Active Stem users also take additional supplements such as resveratrol, glucosamine, fish oil, etc. – and it’s totally safe to do so, too.
These supplements will NOT interfere with the potency of Active Stem, because it works in an entirely different way.

How do I take Active Stem?

Just blend, stir, or shake-up one scoop of Active Stem with 12 ounces of water and drink daily (ideally on an empty stomach). Active Stem easily dissolves and has a delicious berry taste.
Rest assured, each ingredient in Active Stem is bioavailable, meaning once your stomach absorbs it — it will work to boost your cells all day.
(Note: You DO NOT have to refrigerate Active Stem. But if you do, it won’t impact its quality or effectiveness.)

Can I take it with my other medications?

All 5 of Active Stem’s ingredients are entirely natural nutrients and can be found in food products, as well as your own body.
Plus, Active Stem is third-party tested and proven safe, with no side effects. Still, always consult with a physician before starting any new supplements.

Who should take Active Stem?

One of the best things about Active Stem is it can work for anybody… at any age! That’s because this amazing formula is shown to boost YOUR adult stem cells, which fade as you age.
So if you are experiencing low energy, mental “fog,” loss of stamina, and just a general hard time doing the things you love… Active Stem is for you.

Is there a guarantee?

Of course! LCR Health offers a full Ironclad 90-Day money back guarantee on every one of our products. So if you’re not absolutely thrilled with Active Stem, just send it back and we’ll give you a full refund. Guaranteed. No questions asked.

What’s LCR Health?

LCR Health is a nutraceutical company in Los Angeles, California. We develop cutting-edge supplements to raise the quality of life for our clients. As always, we only use safe and effective ingredients. Each batch of Active Stem is tested not just at our lab, but at an independent third-party facility, too. So you know it’s safe and effective.
Plus, we are committed to amazing customer service. If you have any questions you can reach us by phone at (844) 650-5933 between 6AM and 6PM (PST) on weekdays, and between 6AM and 4PM (PST) on weekends.
Or you can email us at

When can I expect to receive my order?

We typically ship Monday through Friday, and always within 24 hours of receiving your order.
Depending on your location, please allow between 2 to 7 business days within the U.S.

THIS Vegetable Will Fix Everything Wrong In Your Body!

THIS Vegetable Will Fix Everything Wrong In Your Body!

Beets are extremely healthy as they have potent medicinal properties and offer relief in the case of various ailments and diseases.
The anthocyanins give them the red color and have strong anti-cancer properties.
Moreover, beets contain betaine, which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that supports heart health, as well as important vitamins and minerals including vitamins B1, B2, B12 and C, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and iodine.
Beets boost blood flow, regulate cholesterol levels, and support the healthy liver function.
Beets fight anemia and detoxify the body. They also decelerate aging and protect the blood vessels. They are high in antioxidants, cellulose, and pectin, a special type of fiber which boosts digestion. These healthy vegetable protect against liver disease fatty liver disease.
Beets also boost the endurance, stamina, and performance during a workout, so they are extremely beneficial for athletes.
Beets can be eaten raw, juiced, cooked, and baked. You should not throw away the leaves, but you can cook them as they are rich in potassium (644 mg. per ½ a cup).
Studies have shown that the consumption of potassium-rich foods and the elimination of sodium can lower the risk of heart diseases and the stroke risk by 21%.


1.Lower Your Blood Pressure
Drinking beet juice may help to lower blood pressure in a matter of hours. One study found that drinking one glass of beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure by an average of 4-5 points.
The benefit likely comes from the naturally occurring nitrates in beets, which are converted into nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide, in turn, helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
2.Boost Your Stamina
If you need a boost to make it through your next workout, beet juice may again prove valuable. Those who drank beet juice prior to exercise were able to exercise for up to 16 percent longer.The benefit is thought to also be related to nitrates turning into nitric oxide, which may reduce the oxygen cost of low-intensity exercise as well as enhance tolerance to high-intensity exercise.
3.Fight Inflammation
Beets are a unique source of betaine, a nutrient that helps protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress. It’s also known to help fight inflammation, protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, enhance performance, and likely help prevent numerous chronic disease As reported by the World’s Healthiest Foods:
“[Betaine’s]… presence in our diet has been associated with lower levels of several inflammatory markers, including C reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. As a group, the anti-inflammatory molecules found in beets may eventually be shown to provide cardiovascular benefits in large-scale human studies, as well as anti-inflammatory benefits for other body systems.”
4.Anti-Cancer Properties
The powerful phytonutrients that give beets their deep crimson color may help to ward off cancer. Research has shown that beetroot extract reduced multi-organ tumor formations in various animal models when administered in drinking water, for instance, while beetroot extract is also being studied for use in treating human pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancers.
5.Rich in Valuable Nutrients and Fiber
Beets are high in immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle function) and manganese (which is good for your bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas). Beets also contain the B vitamin folate, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects.
6.Detoxification Support
The betalin pigments in beets support your body’s Phase 2 detoxification process, which is when broken down toxins are bound to other molecules so they can be excreted from your body. Traditionally, beets are valued for their support in detoxification and helping to purify your blood and your liver.

За девет седмици може да ви пораснат нови зъби с тази иновативна технология!

За девет седмици може да ви пораснат нови зъби с тази иновативна технология!

За девет седмици може да ви пораснат нови зъби с тази иновативна технология!

Протези и импланти скоро може да се превърнат в минало, тъй като учени твърдят, че е възможно на челюстта на пациента да пораснат нови зъби!

Досега единствената възможност да се компенсира загубата на зъби беше протеза или имплант, но тъй като и двата метода могат да се отразят неблагоприятно на здравето, учените са изследвали как естествено хората давъзстановят зъбите си.

"Стоматологични протези могат да причинят инфекция, нараняване или увреждане на околните тъкани, нерви, а дори и синусите. Също така, имплантите са склонни да бъдат много неудобни и пречат на пациентите по време на хранене. Също така, може да предизвика дразнене или инфекция на венците и устата ", казва експерт.

"Това е необходим медицински напредък, тъй като до 74‐годишна възраст, дори 26 процента от възрастните губят всичките си зъби", казват изследователите.

 Новата техника, разработена от д‐р Джереми Мао и професор Едуард Зейгър заедно с екип от експерти в Колумбийския университет, работят със стволови клетки на тялото на триизмерна платформа, която е отговорна за фактора на растеж на нови зъби.

По този начин, когато се инжектират в челюстта, зъбите започват нов растеж и напълно се отглеждат само за 9 седмици!

"Ключов фактор за регенериране на зъбите е да се намери подход, който ще бъде в състояние да се прилага дори и при пациенти, които не са добри кандидати за зъбни импланти или не могат да си ги позволят", каза д‐р Мао.

Изследването е публикувано в списанието на Dental Research, водещо списание в света в областта на денталната медицина.


  Месо от бут и плешка, не е пържено желирано с вкус на русенско варено. Стерилизирано 4 часа, подправен с черен пипер и сол. Буркани 730 мл...