In this article, we’re going to talk about a specific juice which is actually more effective than any type of modern medicine. It can successfully prevent gastritis, high blood pressure diabetes and many other serious diseases, including cancer. Raw potatoes are abundant in numerous benefits which people used for centuries. People used them in folk medicine, but, we all still think that we shouldn’t consume raw potatoes. In fact, we’re all mistaken as potatoes are very healthy and extremely useful, especially if we consume them raw.

Another important thing is that we still need to peel of some potatoes before eating. Immature potatoes with green skin and potato sprouts can be dangerous. Solana, the poison that exists in the germs and green parts of potatoes is really dangerous. Luckily, the peel of those potatoes is really easy to be removed.
There are numerous articles about the use of potato juice, but the most intriguing one comes from John Lesindzer and Dr. John Tucakov.
According to John Lesindzer, this juice is the best natural remedy for the treatment of gastritis which we know is one of the most common diseases of modern times.
Lesindzer recommends that the best thing would be to take 1 tablespoon of homemade potato juice with a little bit of water. Drink this homemade potato juice 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Take ½ a deciliter of potato juice on an empty stomach if you’re having stomach and duodenal problems and take ½ a deciliter 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.
Another expert who worked on potatoes is called Dr. Kagamine and is a professor of Medicine University of Akita, Japan. He has managed to isolate a substance from raw potatoes. This particular substance was effective in suppressing the growth of tumor cells in mice. The results of his study were published in the IC (International Congress) for the fight against cancer and the Congress was held in Germany.
Today, potatoes are considered to be an effective tool in the fight against diseases of the kidneys and liver, but there are also cases of high blood pressure, heart disease, lumbago, diabetes, rheumatism etc. where they also gave positive results.
Drinking juice of raw potato is an excellent tool for strengthening the complete immune system.

So, prepare a juice made of a single medium-sized potato, carrots and apples, twice a day in the morning and evening in case you feel exhausted. In only two weeks you will get back your excellent health condition!

Here are the greatest benefits of potato juice:

  • Treats skin diseases
  • Boosts immunity
  • Helps with gastritis and other stomach problems
  • Cleanses the body of toxins
  • Protects against cardiovascular disease
  • Lowers the blood sugar
  • Fights cancer
  • Aids in liver and kidney ailments
Potato peels can contribute to the detoxification of our body since they’re an excellent source of numerous nutrients.
Potato peel helps with the detoxification process in removing the harmful toxins from your body and it’s a source of many healthy nutrients. It is also full of high amounts of: Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, protein and a lot of carbohydrates. Potatoes lose their Vitamin C when they are cooked which is really bad, because there is 27 mg of Vitamin C in one medium sized raw potato, which makes 45% of the recommended daily intake for this vitamin!
Potatoes can also treat various skin problems. They make your skin clean, without any acne or blackheads and offer radiant complexion. Its antiseptic properties make it an excellent cleaner of skin problems. The high percentage of vitamin C and starch helps you nourish the skin and prevent its aging. Just grind some potatoes and apply them as a facial mask. Your skin will be clean and tightened! Potatoes are also efficient in the fight against cellulite. Just rub the area with cellulite using a potato slice!

How to Make Homemade Potato Juice

First, wash the potatoes and remove all the green parts and seeds from the crust. After that, cut the potato into this slices. Wrap them in a cloth and squeeze the juice out. You can also use a juicer for this.
It’s very important that you always drink fresh potato juice. You can also mix it with fruit and vegetables of your choice. For example, add some apples, carrots, lemon juice and some honey!
The Buddhist monk Tomizawa wrote a book called “The road to a healthy lifestyle: Cancer is nothing to fear” and there he claims that just by drinking 2 cups of potato juice every day you can greatly improve your health and in that way fight numerous illnesses and diseases as well as cancer!