

All Pharmaceutical Companies Have Hide Far From Us The Fruit That Treats Cancer. Everyone Should Know About This Fruit!

All Pharmaceutical Companies Have Hide Far From Us The Fruit That Treats Cancer. Everyone Should Know About This Fruit!


All Pharmaceutical Companies Have Hide Far From Us The Fruit That Treats Cancer. Everyone Should Know About This Fruit!:
Numerous experts claim that this fruit is the most potent cancer-fighter on the planet, and it is completely natural!
What’s best, it has been found that it is 10,000 times more powerful than any of the other conventional cancer treatments.
Unfortunately, the miraculous properties of this fruit have been kept a secret by the pharmaceutical companies, as they can reduce their profits, and they would no longer sell their products and medicines.
This fruit is known as Guanabana or soursop and is a low-growing tree. Its fruits are sweet and large, and can be consumed raw, or are used in the production of pastries, drinks, etc.
The tree can be planted in the yard, and its juice can effectively prevent cancer. Also, it is important to note that the soursop does not cause any of the negative side-effects of chemotherapy.
It is believed to be extremely useful in the case of cancer, but it also provides various other health benefits.
It is a broad spectrum antibiotic and has powerful antiparasitic and antifungal properties. Soursop can effectively treat nervous disorders, stress, depression, and regulates blood pressure levels.
In the last five decades, more than 20 lab tests have shown that the extract of soursop effectively kills cancer cells in the case of 12 types of cancer, including pancreatic, ovarian, colon, breast, and prostate cancer.
The miraculous components of this fruit inhibit the growth of cancer cells 10,000 times more efficiently than Adriamycin, which is a popular chemotherapeutic agent.
Furthermore, the most important thing about its activity is that it does not affect healthy ones, but destroys cancer cells only, unlike the conventional cancer treatments.

Cabbage Is Your Secret Weapon Against Cancer And Heart Disease!

Cabbage Is Your Secret Weapon Against Cancer And Heart Disease!

As any other fermented food, sauerkraut has surprisingly strong health benefits and can remain fresh for longer period of time.
Health Benefits of Sauerkraut:
-Improves digestion: Sauerkraut is good source of fibers, which is very important for the health of our digestive system. It prevents constipation, improves the bowels’ function and prevents cramps and bloating. Regular consummation of sauerkraut disables development of severe diseases such as colon and stomach cancers.
-Increases energy levels: Thanks to the high content of iron, this food increases energy, boosts circulation and metabolism. It prevents anemia and fights against headaches and fatigue.
-Strengthens the immune system: Sauerkraut is rich in vitamin C, which is one of the greatest boosters of our immune system. The high levels of vitamin C help in the regeneration of cells, production of white blood cells and collagen (crucial component for every vital organ).
-Strengthens the bones: This food is rich in vitamin K, which strengthens the bones by helping in the production of protein which regulates bones’ mineralization. Vitamin K is helpful in preventing of osteoporosis.
-Reduces inflammation: Sauerkraut contains antioxidants, which are known as anti-inflammatory agents. Regular consummation of sauerkraut relieves pain in the inflamed parts of our body.
-Prevents cancer: According to some studies, the powerful antioxidants contained in sauerkraut are capable of destroying the free radicals, which are crucial factor for the development of cancer cells.
-Improves the heart health: Due to the high concentration of fiber, sauerkraut is extremely beneficial for our heart’s health. Fibers prevent the negative effect of cholesterol in our arteries, which is very important in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
-Improves vision and skin health: Vitamin A is very beneficial for our vision and skin. Sauerkraut is rich source of vitamin A. This vitamin reduces macular degeneration and development of cataracts. Vitamin A reduces redness and wrinkles.
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How to Get Rid of a Headache in 5 Minutes Without Pills

How to Get Rid of a Headache in 5 Minutes Without Pills

When you have a headache and the pill you need isn’t at hand, the situation seems hopeless. But it isn’t so. There’s a scientific way to get rid of a headache called acupressure.
Today Bright Side will tell you about this technique which removes a headache effectively and quickly.
Acupressure is a kind of massage, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. By its nature, it’s a form of acupuncture and reflexotherapy, but it doesn’t require special medical knowledge.

How to massage acupressure points

First, take a comfortable position and relax. The massage doesn’t take much time: from 30 seconds to 1 minute on average.
Massage a point with light pressing or circular movements. Usually, the headache disappears during the massage or 5-10 minutes after it.

There are 6 main points to get rid of a headache

The point of the third eye, or Yintang, is situated between the eyebrows in the place where the bridge of the nose passes into the forehead. This point is also responsible for eye fatigue removal.

These symmetrical points are located at the base of the inner edge of the eyebrows. Massage of this area also relieves a runny nose and improves visual acuity. Massage for 1 minute by pressing or circular movements.

These points are located on both sides of the nostrils in line with the eyes. To find them, feel a dimple in the bottom of the cheekbones. It helps to open sinuses, reduce headache and toothache, and relieve stress.
The points are located in the back of the head in the middle, between the ear and the beginning of the spine. Massaging these points helps to relieve nasal congestion, pain in the eyes and ears, severe headache, and migraine.

The Shuai gu points are situated 2-3 cm from the beginning of the hairline in the temple area. Feel a small dimple to find this point. Pressure applied to this area relieves pain in the temporal region and eye fatigue.

These symmetrical points are located on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger. Pressure applied to this area also relieves back pain, toothache, and tension in the neck muscles.

Втрийте я в някой белег или бръчки, и те бързо ще изчезнат!

Втрийте я в някой белег или бръчки, и те бързо ще изчезнат!

Белег, който ни се иска да изчезне, издайнически бръчки, старчески петна – всеки има някакъв недостатък, от който иска да се отърве


За да придадете на лицето си онзи безупречен вид, за който само сте мечтали, ще ви помогне една маска за лице. Рецептата е отпреди 30-а години. Маската е прилагана от дългогодишна софийска козметичка, която малко след демокрацията емигрирала в Канада. я публикува с любезното разрешение на нейната дъщеря.
Маската се нарича „Нектар на боговете“. И това не е случайно, тъй като тя се състои от наистина мощни и чудодейни съставки! Не е сложно да си набавите съставките. Приготвянето на маската е малко по-трудно, но така изглежда само на пръв поглед. Практиката ще ви научи с времето да приготвяте тази маска за броени минути.
Маска против бръчки, белези и старчески петна
Първият компонент е мед. Сладкият нектар, естествено произведен от пчелите, е безотказен природен антибиотик. Той дезинфекцира кожата и ускорява процеса на зарастване на възпалението. Медът е много ефективен при кожни проблеми. Ето защо той е основна съставка при една голяма част от маските за лице. Лимонът е не по-малко полезен от меда. В този случай, той ще помогне за избелване на петната или белезите.
В маската е включена и ароматната канела. Тя намалява риска от заболявания, причинени от бактерии. Канелата има противогъбични, противовирусни и антимикробни свойства. И щипка индийски орехче. Този забележителен продукт може да помогне при акне и може лесно да се справи с почти всеки обрив по лицето.

Ето и точната рецепта за маската, която бързо заличава белези и бръчки, чисти старчески петна и пъпки

1 ч.л. мед
1 ч.л.. лимонов сок
1/2 ч.л. канела
1/2 ч.л. индийско орехче
Смесете всички съставки заедно, докато се получи гладка каша. Ако случайно стане прекалено гъста, може да я разредите с малко минерална вода. При положение, че кожата ви е много суха или прекалено чувствителна, не добавяйте лимоновия сок.
Нанесете маската на лицето, като избягвате очите и устните. Оставете за 30 минути. Ако в началото чувствате парене, не дръжте маската повече от 10 минути върху лицето. Изплакнете внимателно с топла вода.
След процедурата се прилага овлажнител за лице. Също така, маската може да се използва като мехлем, ако я направите по-гъста. С него може да натривате стрии и други белези. Не се притеснявайте, ако чувствате изтръпване – това означава, че маската работи!
По този начин, маската „Нектар на боговете“ ще ви помогне да се отървете от стрии, бръчки и белези от акне. След второто прилагане ще може да се насладите на резултата! Опитайте и ще разберете, че тази рецепта наистина си струва.

She Found How To Treat Arthritis and Decided to Share it With the World

Numerous people suffer from arthritis these days, and this condition affects people of all ages, even children.
It is manifested by debilitating pain and inflammation in the joints, and other common symptoms include swelling, stiffness, and reduced range of motion.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that about 52.5 million adults and 300,000 children in U.S. were diagnosed with some kind of arthritis in a period of two years, from 2010 to 2012.
It also suggests that by 2040, there will be around 78 million adult arthritis sufferers.
The intensity of arthritis can range from mild to severe, and if severe, it greatly interferes with the daily activities of a person, making it extremely difficult to walk, climb stairs, and the like.
Arthritis can be of more than 100 types, including rheumatism, gout, and fibromyalgia, but the two most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Today, we decided to present Susie’s story, a woman who suffered from arthritis. Her hands started swelling as soon as a weather change was about to happen, so her friends often called her “the weather”.
However, Susie managed to fight this painful condition and restore her optimal health by making a simple lifestyle change. Namely, she stopped consuming milk and other dairy products which contain animal protein.
After two months of following this diet plan, she noticed great improvements, as she no longer felt the extreme pain. Nowadays, she claims she feels her body as new.
Her theory is that everyone who suffers from arthritis should avoid dairy products and meat, as animal protein has a huge impact on the body acidity.
Excessive acidity in the body is one of the main culprits for the incidence of arthritis. She also says that it is of high importance to be physically active and maintain a healthy body weight.

Легендарен лечител ни даде убиеца на рака! Върна 45 000 човека от смъртта с тази могъща смес!

Легендарен лечител ни даде убиеца на рака! Върна 45 000 човека от смъртта с тази могъща смес!


Лекарят Рудолф Бройс измислил метод на хранене от 42 дни, тази диета се състои от сокове. Той в своята книга “ The Breuss Cancer Cure “ посочва като с този метод излекувал над 45 000 души от рак и левкемия.
55% червен корен цвекло, 300 мл
20% моркови, 100 мл
20% корен от целина, 100 мл
3% суров картоф, от 10 до 30 мл, опция
2% от черна ряпа, от 10 до 30 мл
След като направите сока, трябва да го прецедите с цедка или тензух, защото все още са останали власинки от зеленчуците. Те се усвояват лошо, а и биха биха подхранвали раковия тумор.
Ако сте използвали сокоизстисквачка, може би няма нужда да прецеждате сока.
Ракът се храни само от твърди храни и за това, 42 дни трябва да сте само на сок и чай. Туморът ще умре и човек може да продължи да живее. По време на лечението, може да загубите от пет до петнадесет килограма, но пациентът се чувства добре. Сам съм провел този курс и никога не съм бил толкова работоспособен, както по времето на лечението. Добре е да пиете сока няколко дни пред да започнете лечението, за да привикнете. За нормалният живот е необходимо да пиете от 1/8 до ¼ литра на ден, но можете да достигнете доза от ½ литра. Не гълтайте веднага сместа, а я задръжте в устата. Освен това, можете да пиете, от време на време, сок от кисело зеле, тъй като е много полезен.
Картофите не са задължителни с изключение при рак на черния дроб, където те играят важна роля. Ако в състава на сока не фигурира картофът, Бройс съветва между приемите да се пие настойка от картофени кори. Няколко дни преди гладуването, Бройс препоръчва да се пие четвърт литър от сместа, за да свикне болният с вкуса й. Много е важно да се използват и специалните настойки от билки, способстващи възстановяването на обмяната на веществата. Курсът завършва със специален чай за бъбреци, заедно с настойки от градински чай и здравец. Бройс препоръчва и настойка от невен, известен, между другото, много отдавна, като средство против рак.
Тази терапия може да се направи с домашно приготвени сокове. Не пийте повече от половин литър на ден от този коктейл с цвекло, моркови, целина, корени, черни репички и картофи. Сокът трябва да се прецежда, за да няма твърди частици.
Освен тези сокове може да се приема сок от една ябълка, лимонов сок с вода, и сок от кисело зеле, но малко.
Преди да започнете лечението опитайте с 1/4 литър сок на ден с нормалното хранене. Приемайте този сок с лъжица, за да не се поглъща веднага, за да може да се стимулира отделянето на слюнка.
След 30 до 60 минути по-късно приемете две чаши топъл билков чай от жълт кантарион, мента (Mentha piperata) и маточина (Melissa Officinalis). След още 30 до 60 минути приемете малко зеленчуков сок.
Петнадесет до 30 минути по-късно още една глътка зеленчуков сок. Трябва да приемате по малко зеленчуков сок 10 до 15 пъти през цялата сутрин, само когато чувствате, че се нуждаете.
Този, който е провел курса правилно, губи малко от теглото си.
Начинът на проведете леечнието е следният:
– Рано сутрин бавно изпийте половин чаша хладък чай за бъбреци.
– След половин час една до две чашки топла настойка от градински чай с жълт кантарион, маточина и мента.
– След още 30-60 минути, изпийте на малки глъдки сок, като не го гълтате веднага, а го дръжте малко в устата си! – – След 15-30 минути-отново глъдки зеленчуков сок.
Пийте само тогава, когато имате желание.
В първата половина от деня отпийте 10-15 глътки. В промеждутъка между приема на сок отново настройка от градински чай, като вече го пиете хладък и колкото поискате.
Не употребявайте захар!

This is What Happens to Your Liver and Your Brain When You Drink Boiled Turmeric Water

This is What Happens to Your Liver and Your Brain When You Drink Boiled Turmeric Water

Turmeric is one of the most popular spices added to South Asian dishes, and it becoming growingly popular all around the world, due to its multiple health-boosting properties.
However, only a few know that its daily consumption improves the health of the liver and brain.
Turmeric for Liver health And Cancer Prevention
This spice has been commonly used to treat liver diseases for centuries. However, experts have started examining its effects in terms of liver protection twenty years ago.
What they found was that turmeric is extremely helpful due to its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It reduces liver damage due to cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), iron overdose, ethanol, high toxicity levels, and liver diseases (such as cholestasis).
Its active ingredient, curcumin, lowers the risk of liver cancer, as it reducing the effects of human carcinogens (such as thioacetamide) on the liver.
Turmeric For Brain Health
Recent studies have found that turmeric improves the function of the brain.
Namely, researchers have discovered that curcumin inhibits the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques, which are one of the primary causes of Alzheimer’s, by a shocking 40%.
Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties can be of great help in the case of Alzheimer’s, as they reduce the damage due to inflammation and oxidizing agents. Other studies have also confirmed that this miraculous spice is also helpful in the treatment of depression.
We suggest a few recipes so you can consume turmeric daily:
Turmeric and Oil/Fat- recipe
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 pinch black pepper
Method of preparation:
In a saucepan, heat the listed ingredients until the mixture boils. Then, remove it from heat and drink it warm. You can also add the mixture to your soups, curries, or other recipes.
Turmeric Water- recipe
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1-2 cups of water
Method of preparation:
First, boil the water, add the turmeric, and for 10 more minutes. Then, leave it to cool for a couple of minutes, and then you can drink it.

Woman who predicted 9/11 has some really BAD news for 2017 and beyond

Woman who predicted 9/11 has some really BAD news for 2017 and beyond

Baba Vanga successfully predicted: The election of President Obama, the Kursk nuclear submarine disaster, 9/11, the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, World War II, the date on which Tsar Boris III died, Boris Yeltsin’s election, the date of Stalin’s death, East and West Germany’s reunification, the conflicts in Syria and the separation of Crimea among countless other predictions.

Baba Vanga—as she was commonly referred to— lost her sight when she was just 12 years old. After being swept away by a storm, the young girl somehow survived—covered in dirt and stones.
Vanga made her first predictions when she was sixteen years old, as she helped her father find a sheep which got lost from the rest. Somehow, the young girl managed to give her father a detailed description of the yard where the animal was being kept.
By the time she turned thirty years of age, Vanga was without a doubt one of the most successful prophets of the Balkans.
As news about her ability spread across Europe, Baba Vanga was visited by countless statesmen, even Hitler.
Interestingly, Baba Vanga was visited by King Boris III in 1942 and 1943. She told the King that he would die on August 28, 1943. In February of 1943, she told the king that she could see a red flag waving above his palace. It turns out that her predictions came true. King Boris III died on August 28, and the red flag was raised above Sofia in the autumn of 1944.
Baba Vanga died in 1996, but she predicted some of the most incredible events in the human history. The blind mystic managed to predict the 9/11 Terror Attacks and the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and also seemed to have warned the world with her predictions about the rise of the terrorist group ISIS decades ago.
Incredibly, in 1980 she predicted the sinking of Russian nuclear submarine the Kursk in 2000:
“At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.”
Future predictions made by Baba Vanga are that in 2023 the Earth’s orbit would change, which would “melt the poles” and set fire in the “Middle East”. She also predicted that a “great Islamic war” would begin in Syria culminating in complete control of Rome, in 2043.
Furthermore, According to the prophetess, China will become a world power in 2018. But, as many agree, she’s probably out a few years here as China is already an economic and military powerhouse.
The blind mystic said that A new energy source will be created and global hunger will start to be eradicated between 2025 and 2028. A manned spacecraft to Venus will be launched.
She made a couple of very exotic and apocalyptic predictions as well:
Vanga assured that there will be no survivors on Earth, circa 3797, and that aliens will help man to live underwater in 2130, or a possible war on Mars in 3005.

Here’s a list what the Blind mystic managed to correctly predict:

  • The Kursk nuclear submarine disaster
  • Global warming
  • 9/11 – “Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.”
  • The 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami – “A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice.”
  • A “great Muslim war” beginning with the Arab Spring and culminating in the rise of Isis
  • The election of Barack Obama – She predicted that the 44th President would be an African American. She also predicted he would be the last US President.
  • World War II
  • The date on which Tsar Boris III died
  • The break-up of Czechoslovakia
  • The break-up of the Soviet Union
  • The break-up of Yugoslavia
  • East and West Germany’s reunification
  • Boris Yeltsin’s election
  • The Chernobyl disaster
  • The date of Stalin’s death
  • The conflicts in Syria
  • The separation of Crimea

The future seems extremely interesting if anything:

2023: The Earth’s orbit will change (nobody really knows what this means).
2025: The population of Europe will reach almost zero.
2028: Mankind will fly to Venus, in hope of finding new sources of energy.
2033: World water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt (this is already happening).
2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete. Rome is named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule.
2066: America will use a new climate change weapon for the first time in a bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.
2076: Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world.
2084: Nature is reborn (nobody is really sure what this means).
2100: Man-made sun illuminates the dark side of the planet (This is already in the pipeline — since 2008, scientists have been working on creating an artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology).
2130: With the help of the aliens, civilizations will live underwater.
2170: Major global drought.
2187: Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.
2201: Temperatures drop as the sun’s thermonuclear processes slow down.
2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.
2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in more drought.
2480: Two artificial suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark.
3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.
3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.
3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.
3803: A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people – they mutate.
3805: The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.
3815: The war is over.
3854: The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.
3871: New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.
3874: New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.
3878: Along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.
4302: New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.
4302: The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.
4304: Found a way to win any disease.
4308: Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
4509:  Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.
4599: People achieve immortality.
4674: The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.
5076: A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078: The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.
5079:  End of the World.


  Месо от бут и плешка, не е пържено желирано с вкус на русенско варено. Стерилизирано 4 часа, подправен с черен пипер и сол. Буркани 730 мл...