



Feed your muscles with lentils, amaranth, hummus, and more tasty eats.
There’s no denying that our culture is obsessed with eating protein. So it should come as no surprise that vegans and vegetarians are constantly questioned about going meat-free—despite the fact that neither diet by definition is lacking in the muscle building nutrient. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, you know exactly what we’re talking about—and you’re tired of getting asked questions about the sources and quantity of your protein intake.

Here’s what you need to know: Incomplete proteins—like whole grains, nuts and produce—can join together and produce a complete protein, packed with all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own, so as long as you consume various sources throughout the day, you're all good! To help you stay healty and strong, we’ve compiled a list of the best vegetarian proteins for weight loss below. Incorporating them into your diet will ward off symptoms of protein deficiency—like low blood sugar and weakness—and fuel that flat belly fire! 
chia seeds
Protein, per tablespoon: 2.5 grams
Though chia seeds don’t contain that much protein, they do contain all nine essential amino acids. Thanks to the seeds’ blood-sugar stabilizing ratio of satiating protein, fats and fiber, they’re the perfect hunger-busting addition to your diet, and can help you lose inches. But that’s not all: ALAs, the specific type of omega-3s found in chia seeds, can decrease the risk of heart disease, according to a Pennsylvania State University study.
Eat This! Add chia seeds to yogurt or a homemade vegan smoothie to keep your energy levels soaring all morning long—or try any of these 40+ best chia seed recipes for weight loss!
Protein, per ½ cup: 2-21 grams
So many ways to eat soybeans, so little time! To get the most bang for your buck, make tempeh, a traditional Indonesian fermented soy product, part of your weekly lineup. A mere half-cup of the stuff packs in 21 grams of protein. Another solid bet: dry roasted soybeans. With a half-cup serving up a whopping 18 grams of protein, it’s one of the best snacks around. Steamed soybeans (4 g protein/0.5 cup), tofu (10 g protein/0.5 cup) and soy milk (2 g protein/0.5 cup) also provide a solid hit of complete proteins and magnesium, a mineral that’s essential to muscle development, energy production and carb metabolism.
Eat This! Eat roasted soybeans solo as an on-the-go snack, or add them to homemade trail mixes. Slice and pan-fry tempeh and use it in lieu of meat on a sandwich, order edamame (steamed soybeans) as an appetizer next time you’re at a Japanese restaurant, or add soymilk to your oeatmeal.


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good.3
hemp seeds
Protein, per tablespoon: 3.3 grams
The hemp seed — marijuana’s edible, non-intoxicating cousin — is gaining recognition as a nutritional rock star—and for good reason. Studies suggest that hemp seeds can fight heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, likely because they’re rich in fiber and omega-3s.
Eat This! Simply sprinkle the hemp seeds into salads and cereals, or add hemp protein powder to your post-workout shake. No time to cook?
Protein, per ½ cup: 4 grams
With more than 1,400 quinoa products currently on the market, it's safe to say that the ancient grain is here to stay. Quinoa is higher in protein than most other grains, packs a hefty dose of heart-healthy unsaturated fats and is also a great source of fiber, a nutrient that can help you feel fuller, longer. It gets better: The mild-tasting grain is also a good source of the amino acid L-arginine, which has been shown to promote muscle over fat gain in animal studies, explains Gina Consalvo, RD, LDN, Eat Well with Gina. Though we can’t be sure findings will hold true in people, it can’t hurt to add more of this healthy grain to your plate.
Eat This! Give quinoa bowls a try or pair the ancient grain with veggies beans to create a well-balanced meal, use the grain to make a veggie burger or up the flavor and nutrient content of a green salad with a scoop.
sprouted bread
Protein, per slice: 4 grams
“Made with sprouted grains, wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt, Ezekiel Bread contains 18 amino acids—including all of the nine essential amino acids,” says Consalvo. That’s something most other bread products can’t claim. Making this your go-to sandwich base ensures you get at least 8 grams of complete proteins every time you sit down to lunch.
Eat This! Use Ezekiel Bread any way you’d use traditional bread; it’s extremely versatile. (That’s just one of the reasons why we named it one of our favorite healthy breads.)


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good.6
Protein, per ½ cup: 4.67 grams
Quinoa isn’t the only “ancient grain” that comes loaded with health perks. Amaranth, a naturally gluten-free seed, is a good source of digestion-aiding fiber, as well as calcium and bicep-building iron.
Eat This! Amaranth takes on a porridge-like texture when cooked, making it a great alternative breakfast option. Whip up a batch and be sure to top off your bowl with some tasty, nutrient-packed oatmeal toppings—they work well in all types of hot cereals, including porridge.
Protein, per egg: 6 grams
With 6 grams of protein a pop, eggs are an ideal food for vegetarians and omnivores alike who want to stay swimsuit-ready all year round. Their protein fuels your muscles, boosts metabolism and keeps hunger under control, aiding weight loss. Eggs are also one of the most nutrient-filled vegetarian protein sources around. “Eggs contain a host of health-promoting and flat-belly nutrients including choline, a major fat-burning nutrient that also plays an important role in brain health,” says Consalvo.
Eat This! Eggs can anchor a breakfast, slide into a sandwich at lunch, beef up a dinnertime salad, or even serve as a protein-filled snack on their own.
Protein, per tablespoon: 1.1 grams
“Garbanzo beans are high in lysine, and tahini is a rich source of the amino acid methionine. Individually these foods are incomplete proteins, but when you combine the two together to make hummus, they create a complete protein,” explains Consalvo. Just be aware that not all store-bought hummus brands contain tahini. One that does: Pacific Foods Organic Classic Hummus. It’s not only tahini-infused, but also shelf-stable, making it ideal for on-the-go snacking.
Eat This! Spread hummus onto sandwiches in lieu of mustard, mayo and other spreads, or use it as a dip for raw veggies.
Protein, per ½ cup, cooked: 3 grams
Every half-cup serving of this gluten-free seed packs three grams of protein, two grams of belly-flattening fiber (which is more than you’ll find in oatmeal) and half the day’s magnesium, a mineral that's essential to muscle development and carb metabolism. What’s more, a 2013 study in the Journal of Nutrition found that higher magnesium intake was associated with lower levels of fasting glucose and insulin, markers related to fat and weight gain. Fill up your plate with the nutritional powerhouse to maintain your flat stomach.
Eat This! Add buckwheat-based Japanese soba noodles to stir-fries or whip up these savory buckwheat pancakes—the tomato avocado salsa with which it’s paired is overflowing with flavors you’re sure to love.
Protein per cup, cooked: 5 grams
One cup of spinach has almost as much protein as a hard-boiled egg—for half the calories! Maximize its nutrition by steaming spinach instead of eating it raw: That helps retain vitamins, facilitate absorption of calcium and wards off the veggie’s bloating effects.
Eat This! Add spinach to your salads, stir-fries and omelets. It’s super versatile.


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. 
best high protein foods for weight loss - sun dried tomatoes
Protein per cup: 6 grams
Tomatoes are brimming with lycopene, an antioxidant which studies show can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, and reduce your chances of developing coronary artery disease. They're also rich in fiber and contain ¾ of your RDA of potassium, which is essential for heart health and tissue repair.
Eat This! Throw ‘em onto sandwiches and burgers or add them to a homemade salsa.
best high protein foods for weight loss - guava
Protein per cup: 4.2 grams
The tropical highest-protein fruit, guava packs more than 4 grams per cup, along with 9 grams of fiber and only 112 calories. With 600% of your DV of Vitamin C per cup — the equivalent of more than seven medium oranges! — it should merengue its way into your shopping cart ASAP.
Eat This! Add guava to your morning fruit salad or enjoy it solo as a snack.
best high protein foods for weight loss - artichokes
Protein per medium vegetable: 4.2 grams
Eating foods high in protein and fiber are key to turning off your body's hunger hormones. The artichoke is a double winner: It has almost twice as much fiber as kale (10.3 g per medium artichoke, or 40% of the daily fiber the average woman needs) and one of the highest protein counts among vegetables.


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. 
best high protein foods for weight loss - peas
Protein per cup: 8 grams
It's enough to make Popeye do a spit take: Peas might seem wimpy, but one cup contains eight times the protein of a cup of spinach. And with almost 100% of your daily value of vitamin C in a single cup, they’ll help keep your immune system in tip-top shape.
Eat This!Add peas, onion, garlic and some low-sodium chicken stock to a greased saute pan and season with salt and pepper. Cook until veggies are wilted and warm and serve as a side dish.
Protein per 1/2 cup: 7-10 grams
Not only are beans rich in protein and nutrients that benefit your heart, brain and muscles, they digest slowly, helping you feel fuller longer. They're asuperfood you should eat daily.
Eat This! Beans make a great addition to salad and homemade veggie burgers.


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. 16
Protein per cup: 18 grams
If you're an anti-meathead, you should warm up to lentils ASAP. One cup has the protein of three eggs, with less than one gram of fat! Their high fiber content makes them extremely satiating, and studies have shown that they speed fat loss: Spanish researchers found that people whose diets included four weekly servings of legumes lost more weight and improved their cholesterol more than people who didn't.
Eat This! Toss ‘em into a soup—we’ve got some awesome, high protein recipes you’re sure to love.
Protein per 2 tablespoons: 7 grams
Although eating too much peanut butter can widen your waist, a standard two-tablespoon serving provides a solid dose of muscle-building protein and healthy fats. According to a 2014 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming peanuts can prevent both cardiovascular and coronary artery disease — the most common type of heart condition. Look for the unsalted, no sugar added varieties without hydrogenated oils to reap the most benefits.
Eat This! Add PB into your go-to weight loss smoothies for a creamy treat.
Protein per 1/4 cup: 7 grams
This obscure grain is ready for its close-up, and it'll help your beach body get there too. It's rich in essential amino acids, calcium and vitamin C—a nutrient not typically found in grains.
Eat This! To reap the benefits, trade your morning oatmeal in for a protein-packed teff porridge, or cook it up as a side dish anytime you'd usually go for quinoa or rice.
Protein per 1/4 cup: 6 grams
While you may have never heard of this hearty whole grain before, it may become your new favorite. This wheat-rye hybrid packs 12 grams of protein per half cup and is also rich in brain-boosting iron, bloat-busting potassium, magnesium and heart-healthy fiber.
Eat This! Use triticale berries in place of rice and mix it with soy sauce, fresh ginger, cloves, shiitake mushrooms and edamame to make a healthy, Asian-inspired dish. If you prefer to firing up the oven to using the stove, use triticale flour in place of traditional flour in your baking. And speaking of making healthier treats, be sure to check out these 20
Protein per 7 oz: 20 grams
If you're looking to lose weight and/or build muscle, yogurt should be a staple in your diet. A study printed in the Journal of Nutrition found that probiotics like the ones found in yogurt helped obese women lose nearly twice the weight compared to those who did not consume probiotics. Choose wisely: Skip over low-fat and fat-free—they're skimmed of nutrients and satiating power—and flavored yogurts, which can contain almost as much sugar as a dessert.


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. 
Protein per cup: 8 grams
Milk is one of the foods you should always buy organic. Organically raised cows aren't given the same hormones and antibiotics that conventional cows are, and grass-fed cows have been shown to have higher levels of good omega-3 fatty acids and two to five times more lean muscle-building CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) than their corn- and grain-fed counterparts. Although skim milk is low-cal, many vitamins are fat-soluble, which means you're cheating yourself out of their benefits unless you opt for at least 1%.
Protein per oz: 9 grams
If you only think of pumpkin seeds as gourd guts, you're in for a literal treat. They contain energy-boosting magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. And surprise, surprise, they’re filled with protein.
Eat This! Throw them into salads and rice dishes or eat them raw. Want more delectable ways to eat pumpkin? 
best high protein foods for weight loss - almonds
Protein per oz: 6 grams
Think of almonds as a natural weight-loss pill. A study of overweight and obese adults found that combined with a calorie-restricted diet, consuming a little more than a quarter-cup of the nuts can decrease weight more effectively than a snack of complex carbohydrates and safflower oil—after just two weeks! (And after 24 weeks, those who ate the nuts experienced a 62% greater reduction in weight and BMI!)
Eat This! Eat your daily serving before you hit the gym. Because they're rich in the amino acid L-arginine, almonds can help you burn more fat and carbs during workouts, according to a study printed in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
Protein per oz: 5 grams
You probably know that almonds are a great go-to snack, but you should mix cashews into the rotation. They're a good source of magnesium—which helps your body relieve constipation, boosts the immune system and supports cognitive function—and biotin, which helps keep your hair and nails healthy.


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. 
Protein per 2 oz: 14 grams
This delicious pasta, made with chickpeas, has double the protein and half the carbs of traditional noodles. It also has 8 grams of fiber and 30% of your iron RDA per serving.
Eat This! Cook and eat the same way you’d enjoy “regular” pasta.
Protein per scoop: 15 to 20 grams
Eating veggies—and supplementing with vegan protein powder shakes—is one of the best ways to burn fat. A study in Nutrition Journal found that “plant protein intakes may play a role in preventing obesity.” We love Vega One All-in-One Nutritional Shake, Vega Sport Performance Protein, and Sunwarrior Warrior Blend.


That’s all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie—a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good.

What Is Amaranth Good For?

What Is Amaranth Good For?

Cultivated by the Aztecs 8,000 years ago and still a native crop in Peru, the ancient history of amaranth can be traced to Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. Today, it's grown in Africa, India, China, Russia, throughout South America, and emerging once again in North America.
Somewhat of an unknown quantity to many, amaranth is tall - often six feet – with broad green leaves, bright red or gold flowers, and around 60 different species. The flowers are made up of miniscule, grain-like buds, one reason why this plant often falls into the "grain" category. But amaranth isn't technically a grain like oats, wheat, or rice. It's sometimes referred to as a "pseudo-cereal" because its nutritional profile is very similar.
One of the most important aspects of this tiny grain is that it's gluten-free. When ground, the flour is generally a pale ivory shade, although the red "buds" can be ground as well for a red-tinged and very healthful grain.
Being extremely dense, amaranth is too heavy to be used by itself. It's best used with other grains for a lighter texture, and with a proven combination of ingredients like guar gum to impersonate gluten.
Cooking amaranth is comparable to cooking pasta or rice: boil plenty of water (six cups of water per one cup of amaranth), measure the grain into it, cook and stir for 15 to 20 minutes, drain, rinse, and eat. 
Amaranth can be used as an exceptional thickener for sauces, soups, stews, and even jellies. Eaten as a snack, amaranth can have a light, nutty, or peppery-crunchy texture and flavor. Best of all, amaranth is even more nutritious than its true-grain counterparts.

Health Benefits of Amaranth

One reason amaranth is emerging into the forefront among grains is because of its remarkable nutrition. It's higher in minerals, such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, and carotenoids, than most vegetables. It has truly remarkable protein content: cup for cup, 28.1 grams of protein compared to the 26.3 grams in oats and 13.1 grams in rice.
Amaranth is a great source of lysine, an important amino acid with protein content comparable to that of milk, more easily digested; neither can be said of other grains. To support this positive aspect of amaranth, it also contains primary proteins called albumin and globulins, which, in comparison with the prolamins in wheat, are more soluble and digestible.
One cup of raw amaranth contains 15 milligrams of iron, while white rice contains only 1.5 milligrams. One cup of raw amaranth also contains 18 milligrams of fiber; in comparison, white rice contains 2.4 grams.
At 105% of the daily value per serving, the manganese in amaranth is off the charts, yet it contains fewer carbohydrates. Amaranth contains more than three times the amount of calcium and it's also high in magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Amaranth contains 6 to 10% oil, predominantly unsaturated, or around 77% unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid, required for optimum nutrition. Not least in this list, amaranth is the only grain with documented vitamin C content.

Amaranth Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 4.9 ounces (139 grams), raw
 Amt. Per 
% Daily 
Calories from Fat113 
Total Fat14 g21%
Saturated Fat3 g14%
Trans Fat0 g0%
Cholesterol0 g0%
Sodium8 mg0%
Total Carbohydrates127 g42%
Dietary Fiber13 g52%
Sugar3 g 
Protein26 g 
Vitamin A0%Vitamin C15%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Studies Done on Amaranth

A study on amaranth reported that its seeds contain not only important nutritional properties, but also phytochemical compounds like rutin and nicotiflorin, and peptides with the ability to help lower hypertension and incidences of cancer.
Researchers suggested further investigation on the function of health-beneficial peptides in amaranth, particularly lunasin, which was previously identified in soybeans and thought to have cancer-preventing benefits, as well as lowering incidences of chronic diseases, such as inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
As cardiovascular disease (CVD) is linked to high blood cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, scientists reported that reducing saturated fat while increasing unsaturated fatty acids can prevent CVD. Amaranth was studied in relation to these findings and found it to be potentially beneficial for CVD patients.
Test results also concluded that amaranth oil could be a functional food product for preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases.

Amaranth Healthy Recipes: 
Tabbouleh-Style Amaranth Salad

Amaranth Healthy Recipes

1½ cups cold water
½ cup uncooked whole-grain amaranth
2 cups diced unpeeled English cucumber
½ cup thinly sliced celery
½ cup finely chopped red onion
¼ cup chopped fresh mint
¼ cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
¼ cup pine nuts, toasted
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper
½ cup chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
1 cup (4 ounces) feta cheese, crumbled
Lemon wedges (optional)
  1. Bring 1 1/2 cups cold water and amaranth to a boil in a medium saucepan; reduce heat, cover, and simmer 20 minutes or until water is almost absorbed (it will have the appearance of mush).
  2. While amaranth cooks, combine cucumber and the next 11 ingredients in a large bowl.
  3. Place amaranth in a sieve, and rinse under cold running water until room temperature; drain well, pressing with the back of a spoon. Add to cucumber mixture; toss to blend. Add cheese; toss gently. Garnish with lemon wedges, if desired.
Note: It's important that the amaranth is placed in a fine mesh sieve. The grain is so tiny that it will slip through a traditional strainer. If one is not available, place the cooked amaranth on a large baking sheet, and spread it in a thin layer so it will cool without clumping together.

Amaranth Fun Facts

In Mexico, a bon-bon of sorts is made from popped amaranth mixed with sugar or honey, and called "dulce de alegria" or “sweet delight." They're formed into little skull-like confections and distributed during the Mexican "Día de Muertos" or "Day of the Dead" celebration.


Named after the Greek word “amarantos,” which means “one that does not wither," colorful amaranth flower buds stay vibrant even after drying. Cultivated by the Aztecs 8,000 years ago, amaranth is still popular in many cultures, and becoming more so in recent years. It can be popped like corn, cooked similar to rice or pasta, or ground to flour.
The amazing thing about amaranth is how it compares nutritionally to other grains: far more iron, calcium, protein, manganese, fiber, and other phytonutrients than wheat or rice. Amaranth is one of the most protein-rich of any plant-based food, rivaling that of animal-based foods like cheese.
Ultimately, amaranth is a true powerhouse, known to help prevent a number of chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Luckily, it can be found in most supermarkets.


Забравете за запълване на кариесите: помогнете на зъбите си натурално Връзка към публикацията: Забравете за запълване на кариесите: помогнете на зъбите си натурално

Забравете за запълване на кариесите: помогнете на зъбите си натурално
Ако имате кариес, може би ще искате да опитате т. нар. „повторен растеж“ на собствените си зъби, преди да отидете на зъболекар за поставяне на пломба. 

Телата ни постоянно се подновяват и макар да не е много известно, ние можем да подновим нашите зъби също. 

В действителност, повторен растеж на зъбите ни е за предпочитане, защото повечето пломби тези дни са естрогенни (белите пломби отделят естроген и допринасят за хормонални проблеми.) 

Освен това, повторният растеж на зъбите е прост. 

Ще ви трябват само две неща: корен от черен оман и черупки от органични яйца. 

Яйчените черупки се използват, защото съдържат 27 минерала и огромно количество калций, така че те съдържат идеалните строителни материали, за подновяване на вашите зъби. 

В действителност, съставът на яйцата е много подобен на състава на зъбите и костите. Коренът от черен оман се използва, защото той ускорява растежа на кости, зъби и тъкани. 

За целта трябва да  консумирате по една яйчена черупка всеки ден. 

Можете да смесвате черупките в свежи плодови шейкове, защото смесването им води до разпадане на малки частици, които лесно се консумират. 

Шейкове с банани са идеални, защото бананът ще пази частиците, като не им позволява да потънат на дъното на чашата. 

След счупване на яйцата, черупките се варят във вода в продължение на пет минути, за да убият всички патогенни микроорганизми, преди употреба. 

Докато реминерализирате и добавяте достатъчно калций на тялото си с черупките от яйца, вие също трябва  да използвате корен от черен оман  за вашите зъби и венци. 

Пресен или сушен корен от черен оман ще свърши работа, но ако е изсушен се вари в продължение на десет минути, за да се хидратира отново. 

След това смесете около 2 см от корена с няколко супени лъжици вода, за да се направи течност и жабурете за около 20 минути. 

Когато сте готови, просто я изплюйте. 

Най-добре е това да се прави веднъж на ден и най-вероятно ще видите напредък в рамките на няколко седмици. 

Много кариеси могат да бъдат напълно излекувани в рамките на месец или два с редовна употреба. 
Най-добрата част е: можете да лекувате зъбите си, без да оставяте токсични метали или хормонални смущения в устата  за останалата част от живота ви. 

Черният оман може да е малко труден за черния дроб, така че ако имате проблеми с черния дроб, ще трябва да се избегне използването му.

Heal teeth with eggshells and comfrey – Interview with Dani Katz

Heal teeth with eggshells and comfrey – Interview with Dani Katz
This interview is with Dani Katz. Dani is an artist who draws cartoons, writes and explores the magical sparks  of languge. I found her over her video on healing teeth with comfrey and eggshells. You find the video here
I asked Dani a bunch of quesitons. Here comes her respond:
Yes, when I was told I had infected, receding gums, I started coating my dental floss with tea tree oil, and the infection cleared up within less than a week. I also engaged a morning oil-pulling regimen wherein I swished with a heaping tablespoon of unrefined, virgin coconut oil in my mouth for twenty minutes first thing in the morning. Because my gums were infected, I added wild oregano oil to the coconut oil for the first three days of the practice to help kill any bacteria lurking in my mouth. When I went back to the dentist 6 months later, she informed me that my gums were perfectly healthy.
I regrew four decaying teeth, which the dentist wanted to drill and fill, by eating eggshells and swishing with comfrey root. My friend, Ross, eats eggs daily, so I asked him to start saving the shells for me. He quickly collected quite a few, which I put in a large pot with water and brought to a boil to kill off any lingering chicken bacteria. I then put them in the oven on low heat to dry completely, and then grinded them in the spice grinder until they were pulverized into a fine powder. I add a half teaspoon of eggshell powder to my smoothies ever morning. I have no plans to stop, as I am clear that the eggshells help strengthen my existing teeth.
I purchased dried comfrey root at the health food store. I added two tablespoons to a quart of water and, after bringing it to a boil, let it simmer for half an hour. I then strained the tea, and transferred it to a large container, which I kept in the refrigerator. Every night before bed, for two months, I swished a large mouthful of comfrey root tea in my mouth. Because comfrey root is taxing on the liver, I stopped after two months. If I were to get another cavity, or manifest some sort of bone issue, I would start swishing again, because I am clear that it is a very effective tool.
Nine months later, I still do oil pulling when I wake up, and I still eat an eggshell a day. As far as what motivates me to stick with the protocol, I am used to maintaining a handful of daily practices, including meditation and yoga. I consider myself a very disciplined person, which I learned growing up as a competitive gymnast. I believe in showing up whole-heartedly for my life, and that means taking excellent care of myself – of this body, this heart, this mind and this spirit. Because I am so sensitive, and am very connected to my body, and I can feel how supportive it is for me to meditate, to exercise daily, to get enough rest and to eat healthy, the effort that these things take is well worth it for me to feel as good as I can feel in my body, and to be as effective as possible in all my days.
I prefer to take my self-care and my health into my own hands because I know myself better than any doctor or healer possibly could. And, I believe in the healing power of food and plants and herbs, and prefer to put my trust in Mother Nature, than in chemicals and pharmaceutical companies. I also believe in miracles, limitless potential and my body’s ability to heal anything of its own accord. As such, when I was told I had four cavities, I decided to engage as much research as possible, and to put in the effort to regrow my teeth, because that made more sense to me than to have my teeth permanently drilled away. I asked myself: Would I rather have four whole teeth, or four fillings? The answer was a no-brainer, and so I engaged this process, inspired by the idea of healing my mouth and optimizing my teeth and gums without the disempowering (and costly) process the dentist was recommending.
Yes, I do think that joy, laughing, hugs and friends are important to healing anything and everything, and having the support of my friends who were fascinated by my process definitely encouraged me to keep going and to see what I could accomplish with the right tools and a positive mindset.
On this end of it, and whenever I take my healing into my hands, I feel empowered by the journey, and inspired by the simple perfection of easy-to-gather tools like eggshells and comfrey root that neither harm the earth nor my body, while helping to regrow healthy, happy teeth.

Forget Filling Cavities: Regrow Your Teeth Instead

Forget Filling Cavities: Regrow Your Teeth Instead

 If you've got a cavity, maybe you want to try regrowing your own teeth before heading for a filling. Our bodies are constantly renewing themselves and although it isn't commonly known, we can regrow our teeth too. In fact, regrowing our teeth is highly preferable to having them filled because most fillings these days either contain mercury (a known toxin that damages the brain and nervous system) or are estrogenic (white fillings release estrogen and contribute to hormonal problems.)

Besides, regrowing your teeth is simple. You'll just need two things: comfrey root and organic eggshells. Eggshells are used because they contain 27 minerals and loads of calcium, so they contain the ideal building materials to regrow your teeth. In fact, the composition of eggshells is very similar to the composition of our teeth and bones. Comfrey root is used because it accelerates bone, teeth and tissue growth. In fact, another name for comfrey root is knitbone, primarily because of its ability to knit - or regrow - bone together so quickly.

When you're regrowing your teeth, aim to eat one organic eggshell each day. Blending your shells into fresh fruit smoothies is a great way to consume them because blending breaks them into tiny particles that are easily consumed. Smoothies with bananas are ideal because the banana will keep the shell particles suspended instead of allowing them to sink to the bottom of your glass. After cracking the egg, just boil your shells in water for five minutes to kill any pathogens before use.

While you're re-mineralizing and adding plenty of calcium to your body with eggshells, you'll also want to use comfrey root on your teeth and gums. Either fresh or dried comfrey root will do the trick, but if it's dried, boil the root lightly for ten minutes to rehydrate it. Then, blend a square inch of the root with a few tablespoons of water to make a liquid - and swish the liquid in your mouth and between your teeth for about 20 minutes. When you're finished, just spit it out.

Using comfrey in this manner is best done once a day, and you'll likely see progress within a few weeks. Many cavities can be completely regrown within a month or two with regular use. The best part is: you can heal your teeth without leaving toxic metals or hormone disruptors in your mouth for the rest of your life.

As a note, comfrey root can be a little hard on your liver so if you have liver problems, you'll want to avoid using comfrey. After your teeth have regrown, you'll also want to end the use of comfrey so as not to over do it.

Зелеви листа

 Зелеви листа

Листата на прясното зеле приличат на магнит, който изтегля болестите от човешкото тяло. Научете повече и се лекувайте с този евтин и рационален лек

1. Зелеви листа при отоци от различни травми
Ако сте си ударили ръката или крака и мястото е започнало да отича, незабавно го наложете с листо от прясно зеле. Прикрепете листото с бинт или с шал, за да стои на едно място. Прясното зеле има широко външно приложение. Същата процедура правите ако имате изкълчен глезен, травма от счупено. Ако след гипсиране на определено място, травмата продължава да напомня за себе си или да отича. Най-добре е да стоите с такъв компрес през цялата нощ, за да има ефект от лечението. На следващата сутрин листото ще прилича на изцедено, защото неговите сокове са попили в кожата.
2. Зелеви листа, когато имате проблеми с вашата щитовидна жлеза (Вижте линка за още едно алтернативно решение на този проблем) Щитовидната жлеза е изключително важна, защото нейните хормони подпомагат растежа, метаболизма и обмяната на веществата, подпомагат действието на органите от храносмилателната система. Тя може да се разболее като изпадне в състояние на т. нар. хиперфункция – започва да произвежда големи количества от хормоните на растежа и се получава промяна в скоростта на метаболизма. С прясно зеле наложете разширените вени
За да бъде “укротена” щитовидната жлеза и тя да започне отново да работи нормално, на гърлото, където се намира щитовидната жлеза, се поставя компрес от зелеви листа. Трябва да сложите бинт или шал, за да задържите листото на място. Необходимо е да спите с този компрес и да го свалите на следващата сутрин.
3. При силно главоболие
Ако получите силно главоболие, възможно е причината да бъде проблеми с очите. Затова е необходимо да ви направят преглед при очен лекар (офталмолог). Ако главоболието ви не е поради очите, а е породено от някакъв стрес или от преумора, бихте могли да го облекчите с компрес от листата на прясно зеле. Наложете слепоочията и горната част на главата с листа от зеле. Задължително сложете шапка или някакъв шал, за да закрепите листата здраво. Сложете листа прясно зеле в сутиена, за да облекчи болката
4. Листата на прясното зеле са полезни при разширени вени
Не трябва да се надявате листата от прясното зеле да излекуват изпъкналите и разширените вени, но ако усетите болка или пък непоносимо парене, задължително ги налагайте с листа прясно зеле. Отново ги вържете, за да не падат.

Как отглеждаме неблагодарници | Провалът на либералното възпитание

Как отглеждаме неблагодарници | Провалът на либералното възпитание

А когато остареем и грохнем, те ни захвърлят в старчески домове

Давид Ебeрхард е шведски психиатър, баща на 6 деца от три брака – последният е с медицинска сестра.
Той е автор на превърналата се в бестселър книга "Как децата взеха властта", която предизвика бурни полемики в света на възрастните. Защото никой не обича да го критикуват, а онези които нямат деца, винаги дават най­много съвети.

Но да се върнем на Ебeрхард. Неговите любими теми са свързани с възпитанието, лудостта на родителите и обществото, устремено да задоволи всички капризи на своите наследници. В шведската версия на книгата му "Как децата взеха властта", на корицата е малкият му син – надянал оранжева светоотразителна жилетка и каска, и здраво стегнат с автомобилен колан. В ръката си стиска меченце.

Пред журналист на "Цайт", шведският психиатър споделя своята философия за либералното възпитание и вредите, които то нанася на децата и техните родители. Интервюто започва с неочакван въпрос от журналиста:
Кога за последно ходихте с децата си на ресторант? ­
 Съвсем наскоро. Защо питате? – интересува се Еберхард. ­
Защото собствениците на заведения в Стокхолм са потресени от деца, които не умеят да се държат възпитано на обществени места. Едно от кафенета дори забрани посещения за семейства с деца. И всичко това се случва в обичащата деца Швеция.

Еберхард: Прекрасно разбирам за какво става дума. Винаги ще се намерят деца, които крещят, разливат и чупят, отварят и блъскат входните врати на ресторанти, не се съобразяват с нищо и никого... Родителите стоят наоколо и дори дума не обелват. На родителите им е много неприятно, когато някой друг критикува децата им. Преди години нашето общество беше общество от възрастни хора. Имаше единни ценности относно възпитанието на децата. Ако някое дете се държеше неприлично, на него някой веднага му казваше: "Престани!". А такава съгласуваност на действията вече няма.

Чудите се защо либералното възпитание е пълен провал? Защото родителите вече не се държат като отговорни възрастни хора. Те мислят, че са длъжни да бъдат най­добрите приятели на децата си. Те се поставят на едно ниво с тях, без да слагат никакви граници, страхувайки се да им противоречат. Те вече не взимат никакви решения, а искат да бъдат готини, бунтари – също като децата си. В днешно време цялото ни общество се състои от едни тинейджъри.

Немското възпитание и новата му свобода Да, немското възпитане също е в този кюп. Родителите неохотно се измъкват от проблемите с децата. Те казват: "О, у нас всичко е наред! Това не се отнася до нашето семейство!". Но в същото време постоянно ги гложде съвестта, защото осъзнават колко много неща правят неправилно. Вечер те се прибират уморени от работа и готвят за вечеря онова, което се харесва на децата им – защото не искат да влизат в спорове с тях. Позволяват им да стоят и гледат телевизия много по­дълго от уговореното време, просто защото искат да си осигурят покой. По време на отпуската те отиват там, където децата пожелаят и където при никакви други обстоятелства не биха отишли сами. Не казвам, че това не е правилно.

Казвам само, че животът на родителите не трябва да се върти единствено около децата им. Няма никакви научни доказателства, че това влияе положително на тяхното бъдеще, че те ще станат по­ успешни или отговорни като пораснат. Виждаме много млади хора, които са разочаровани от живота ­ очакванията им са твърде високи и животът им се струва твърде тежък. Това се проявява чрез душевни смущения на безпокойство и прояви на самоунищожение, които бележат впечатляващ ръст в Швеция.

Семейството и децата Баща съм на шест деца, а вие искате да знаете кой определя правилата в семейството ми? Аз, разбира се. ­

А демократичната семейна структура?

Еберхард: Не мисля, че изобщо трябва да има такава. Отношенията между възрастни и деца винаги са асиметрични. Това са отношения между учител и ученик. Единият учи – другият слуша. Родителите имат по­богат опит, затова могат по­правилно да оценяват обстоятелствата, имат повече знания. Затова правилата са тяхна грижа. Разбира се, човек трябва да изслушва децата си, но в Швеция нещата стигнаха твърде далеч. Стига се дотам те да решават всичко в семействата. А всъщност, най­важното на което трябва да научим децата си е как да се справят с трудностите.

За похвалите и света на илюзиите Много книги има написани за възпитанието, но родителите интерпретират прочетеното в зависимост от своите разбирания и своето ниво на възпитание и възприятия. Затова се получават криворазбрани модели. В това число и относно похвалите. Да дадем пример ­ ако дъщеря ми дойде при мен и ми покаже рисунката си, мога да кажа: "О, колко интересно! Ти рисуваш прекрасно!". Но това е неправилна комуникация, защото аз не съм такъв – и тогава защо да се преструвам? Родителите са длъжни да подбират всяка дума, преди да я произнесат пред децата си. Да направят така, че да не лишат детето от увереността му, да не го карат да се срамува, и още – да не подтиснат стремежа му към съревнование. Но каква е ползата, ако го излъжат и започнат да го уверяват в неговия талант, който всъщност липсва? Проблемът се отнася до хилядите морализатори и възпитателни експерти. Те се опитват да казват на родителите как е правилно или неправилно да се държат, какво да правят и какво да не правят. Търсейки ориентири по пътя, родителите възпитават в идеологии, от които после никак не е лесно да се избавят и пращат децата си в света на големите илюзии.

Ако Пипи Дългото Чорапче живееше в днешния свят Да, шведите все още са лудо влюбени в историята на Астрид Линдгрен и нейната идилична картина. Но помислете върху това, как всъщност са отраснали децата в тази книга. Те по цял ден бродят напред­назад без никакъв контрол, без шапки за слънце, без каски докато карат кънки или колело ­ напълно безпризорни. В днешно време това е напълно немислимо. Днес родителите са взели всичко на мушка. А в детската градина, децата ми са задължени да носят каски, докато се пързалят.

Питате ме дали има нещо лошо в това, децата да бъдат защитени? Защита – да, но не и свръхопека. Ако ние искаме да имаме компетентно дете, то ние трябва да му позволим да ходи само на училище. На 6­годишна възраст, това вече е напълно възможно – дори в голям град с натоварено движение. Родителите обаче не допускат това, а в същото време предлагат на детето си да взима решения или да обсъжда всички въпроси наравно с възрастните.

Много родители действат противоречиво, без изобщо да мислят за това. Ние лошо подготвяме децата си за живота им като възрастни, заблуждаваме ги, че с тях никога няма да се случи нищо лошо, че ние винаги ще сме до тях и ще им помагаме, че те са пъпа на Земята. В психиатричната ми клиника се срещам с млади хора, които са дошли, защото някой ги е изоставил или кучето им е умряло. Те имат огромни затруднения да се справят и преживеят обичайни неприятности.

Родителите искат медицинско обяснение за своята безпомощност. Диагнозата Синдром на дефицита на внимание с хиперактивност, те приемат с облекчение, защото са получили обяснение за поведението на децата си, и вече могат да спрат да винят себе си. Родителите са изумени, че децата им са толкова уморени, раздразнителни, хиперактивни, но никога не им идва на ум, че могат да ги накарат да си легнат по­рано или им забранят гледането на телевизия и безпаметното висене пред компютъра.

Равноправието на децата и крахът на училището Ние вече не контролираме либерализацията, а темата за равноправието се е превърнала в обществена догма. Всички вече даваме децата си на ясла, когато навършат 1 годинка. А майката и бащата работят по възможност по равно – никой не е длъжен да виси на врата на другия. Работата е единственият път за да станеш човек. В това възпитаваме децата си от малки. Родителството само по себе си, вече не е никаква ценност. Ако една жена си позволи да остане у дома, за да си гледа детето, веднага попада в графата "старомодна и реакционна изменница на своя пол". Това е от една страна. От друга е училището. Авторитетът на нашите учители е нищожен. Децата не считат за необходимо изобщо да ги слушат, така, както не слушат и собствените си родители.

Затова и резултатите в образованието са плачевни. Според изследване на Pisa, шведските ученици са първенци по бягане от часове, обиди към учителите и краен вандализъм. Но самочувствието им е огромно! Типично за деца, постоянно намиращи се в центъра на грижите и вниманието. После, тези "пъпове на Земята" стават големи хора, и отиват да речем, в тв шоуто "Идол". Там търсят певчески таланти, които на следващия ден ще се събудят като супер­звезди. И ето, те отиват там, без изобщо да могат да пеят. Но те дори не знаят за това. Журито, онемяло от изумление, пита: "Никой ли не ти е казвал, че не можеш да пееш?". А той огововаря: "Мама ми каза, че пея страхотно!".

И навярно, родителите на такова дете не са искали да го травмират. Но така израстват дръзките неблагодарници, които прекрачват света с напълно изкривена представа за собствените си способности. Да се фокусираш единствено върху децата си – не е най­добрия възпитателен метод. Ако беше така, децата ни щяха да ни обичат повече, отколкото къде и да било по света. А това не е така. Когато остареем и грохнем, те ни дават в старчески домове. В останалите страни, семействата живеят заедно, защото родителите, макар и престарели, все още са ценени и обичани.

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