

Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

7 Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

Cannabis Sativa is a natural herb that has its origins in Central Asia. Commonly known as “cannabis” or “marijuana”, it has been used by traditional cultures for many thousands of years to treat health conditions. Cannabis products are derived from the parts of the cannabis sativa plant that contain high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - the cannabinoid most commonly known for its psychoactive properties. For this reason, cannabis products are often shrouded in controversy and heavily regulated in many countries around the world.
During recent decades there has been a concerted global push for the legalization of cannabis-derived products and their introduction into conventional medical treatment. So what benefits can this ancient herb provide and how might it be used to treat common ailments in the 21st century?

1. Stress & Anxiety

In a busy modern society, stress has risen to prominence as one of our most substantial health risks. Our ancestors experienced stress in short bursts, in times of excitement or danger, such as while pursuing prey or running from predators. Conversely, we have imposed upon ourselves an almost ever-present form of stress through a combination of many different lifestyle and dietary factors. Conventional prescription medications for chronic stress and anxiety are dangerous, while most natural alternatives are often quite ineffective. Enter, cannabis oil.
study published in 2013 found that treatment with cannabinoids in the wake of some form of traumatic or stressful experience might help to control a subject's emotional responses. Researchers discovered that cannabinoids could be effective in minimizing stress receptors in the hippocampus - the part of the brain responsible for these emotional responses.
A more recent review which was published in 2015 observed that cannabis therapies were also effective in reducing stress and restlessness in military veterans who suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
These studies provide promising grounds for the use of cannabis oil in treating stress and anxiety.

2. Asthma

For thousands of years, cannabis has been used to treat respiratory ailments in traditional Chinese and Indian cultures. Thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic effects - including an ability to dilate the bronchial tubes, allowing a better flow of oxygen - cannabis oil might be an effective natural solution for the millions of people worldwide who currently suffer from asthma.
In the 1970s there were several studies carried out which investigated the bronchodilatory impacts of cannabis on people suffering from asthma. Many of the subjects involved showed very positive reactions to the treatment.

3. Heart Health

Cannabis oil contains antioxidant properties that could provide beneficial treatment for heart-related ailments.
Animal studies have demonstrated that treatment with cannabis oil may prevent some cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. A 2014 British research team found that the results of these animal studies were also applicable to human heart conditions. They demonstrated that cannabinoids could cause the blood vessels to relax and dilate which allowed for improved circulation and reduced blood pressure.

4. Pain Relief

One of the most significant traditional uses of the cannabis plant was to ease pain, allowing a more comfortable state for healing. This application extends back thousands of years; however, there is now new evidence that cannabis products can be effective in alleviating discomfort by hindering neural transmissions in the body’s pain pathways. They also have the potential to ease most forms of inflammation, which is why many cancer patients choose to take them while undergoing chemotherapy.
A Canadian study which was published in 2010 demonstrated that cannabis could be used to treat those who were suffering from chronic pain. The study involved 23 adult subjects who were experiencing neuropathic pain as a result of surgery or trauma. Over the 2-week duration, subjects were selected at random and treated with cannabis in 4 different levels of potency. The results demonstrated that when taken 3 times each day, cannabis was able to significantly decrease the severity of pain, as well as improve sleeping patterns.

5. Skin Protection

Cannabis oil can be applied topically to promote healthy skin appearance. When used in this way, the oil can help stimulate the shedding of older skin cells and encourage the growth of new ones to replace them. It can also assist in the production of lipids, which help to combat chronic skin conditions including acne and psoriasis. Additionally, thanks to its ability to reduce stress, cannabis oil can help prevent some types of skin diseases that break out during times of anxiety such as eczema or rosacea.

6. Seizures

There is some evidence beginning to emerge from small-scale studies and anecdotal reports that cannabis oil might be effective in preventing seizures and could potentially become a treatment for epilepsy in the future.
Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence at this stage to warrant commercial use for these ailments and reviews of studies published so far have been unable to reach a decisive conclusion.

7. Cancer

Cancer is perhaps the most controversial disease in recorded history, with many alternative practitioners claiming that natural cures already exist. Understandably, there is a substantial amount of excitement surrounding the potential for cannabis oil to be used in cancer treatment.
Scientists have discovered that some cannabinoids have a variety of positive effects under laboratory conditions, including:
  • Triggering the death of cancer cells through apoptosis
  • Preventing the division of cancer cells
  • Preventing new blood vessels from becoming tumors
  • Reducing the risk of cancer cells spreading through the body and penetrating healthy neighboring tissue.
Although it is not yet commercially recognized as a cure, there is strong evidence to suggest that cannabis products can have very positive effects on the healing process for those suffering from cancer.

Superfoods That Are Actually Healthier Than Kale

Superfoods That Are Actually Healthier Than Kale

When you think of superfoods, the first food that probably comes to your mind is kale. And while kale is such an incredible food because it does so many amazing things for your body, it is not the only food that has super powers. In fact, are other superfoods that surpass kale.
Superfoods That Are Healthier Than Kale:
Romaine Lettuce
Romaine lettuce is a superfood that is healthier than kale. It is packed with high levels of folic acids, vitamin B and vitamin K, which help to prevent high cholesterol levels. You can also find high levels of folate in romaine lettuce, which helps to fights off depression.
Parsley is a great superfood that can help you meet your daily requirement of vitamin K. Parsley is also rich in vitamin C and offers prevention from rheumatoid arthritis. Fresh parsley is recommended over dried because it possesses super flavor.
Collard Greens
Collard greens are well known for their ability to support the digestive system and make it healthy. Collard greens contain vitamins A, K and C. These vitamins are essential to the body. Eating collard greens also helps you to lower high cholesterol, especially when they are steamed. For better results, select collard greens that are fresh. You can eat them raw or steam them lightly for about 5 minutes.
Spinach provides a high amount of iron to your body. Iron is vital in maintaining muscle health and transporting oxygen throughout your body. Spinach contains a compound known as thylakoids that is found in the leaf membranes. This compound is an effective appetite suppressant, which helps to reduce food cravings and promotes healthy weight loss.
Rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C and beta carotene, watercress is a healthy superfood. It has the ability to prevent various cardiovascular illnesses. Its nutritional value and density is much more than that of kale.
Chard offers protection against diabetes as it contains several polyphenol antioxidants that include anthocyanin, which also works as an anti-inflammatory. It works by regulating the  glucose levels in your blood.
Leaf Lettuce
Leaf lettuce is another superfood that can be an alternative to kale. Two cups of leaf lettuce provides vitamin K that aids in keeping your bones strong and healthy.
If you thought that kale was the only source of rich nutrients, now you have an added list of superfoods that are also incredible sources of nutrients and are healthier than kale.
Which one’s your favorite? Share with us in the comments below!
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Ginger Water – Recipe to Lose Weight, Burn Fat on Waist, Hips, Thighs

Ginger Water – Recipe to Lose Weight, Burn Fat on Waist, Hips, Thighs

Ginger, the root of the Zingiber officinale plant, originated in Asia and has been used as a spice and herbal medicine for thousands of years. Ginger water, or ginger tea, is made by boiling fresh ginger root in water, then cooling and straining the liquid. Although it’s most often considered a treatment for digestive discomfort, ginger may hold the key to numerous health benefits.
Although you may have heard of many effective weight-loss recipes, this one is probably the most health beneficial of all. Apart from burning the excess fat that’s built up on you waist, hips and thighs, ginger infused water can improve your health on several different levels.


  • In a tall pan put 1-1.5 liter of water and add the chopped ginger root and place it on high heat to boil.
  • Let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes on low heat.
  • Then cool and strain the liquid.


Drink ginger water throughout the day every day. Drink at least 1l a day.
Store the drink in a thermos and take it everywhere you go.
For optimal weight loss results make sure your ginger water is always freshly made.
For best health benefits and to completely cleanse your body of toxins from this drink, continue with the treatment for a minimum of six months.


  • Ginger water can regulate your cholesterol levels
  • Ginger water has strong ,anti-inflammatory effects
  • Ginger water is a powerful antioxidant
  • Ginger water can protect against cancer

Nausea Relief

Throughout history, ginger has been widely used to relieve nausea. It’s commonly used to prevent seasickness. It has been used as a treatment for nausea and vomiting associated with a variety of conditions, including chemotherapy and pregnancy. A study published in “Support Care Cancer” in July 2012 noted that daily ginger supplementation significantly reduced severe chemotherapy-induced nausea in cancer patients.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Drinking ginger water may help to decrease inflammation, joint swelling and pain experienced in conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism. An article published in “Journal of Medicinal Food” in the 2005 summer issue noted that during the past 25 years scientists have provided scientific support for the long-held belief that ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidants Properties

Ginger is a source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful substances that protect your body against free radicals, which are unstable molecules that may cause damage to healthy cells. An article published in “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” in July 2010 noted that the results of a study done on the composition and antioxidant power of ginger revealed that fresh and dried ginger contain powerful antioxidants. The results suggested that ginger can be used as source of natural antioxidants in foods.

May Protect Against Cancer

Ginger water may be effective in helping to prevent and inhibit cancer growth. The mechanisms responsible are substances in ginger, including antioxidants, which have been shown to kill and decrease the spread of cancer-causing substances in the body. An article published in the “British Journal of Nutrition” in February 2012 noted ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and has been observed to slow the spread of certain cancers, indicating that ginger may play a promising role in the prevention of cancer.

Ginger for Weight Loss – the Studies

According to the ancient practice of Ayurveda, eating and drinking ginger root can help keep your weight under control and research has confirmed this as well.
In a study published in the Journal of the Science and Food of Agriculture in 2014, researchers found that overweight rats who were given gingerol (a compound found in ginger) were able to lose weight after a 30-day supplementation period. The rats also showed improvements to blood sugar levels and leptin levels.
Leptin is a compound that plays a role in feeling full and satisfied after a meal and I’ve already covered in great detail the importance of leptin for weight loss.
The researchers concluded that that ginger supplementation suppresses obesity induced by a high fat diet and it might be a promising adjuvant therapy for the treatment of obesity and its complications.
Another study published the prior year in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences showed that ginger supplementation had an equal impact on rat weight loss as a popular weight-loss medication, Orlistat. Additionally, the ginger caused noteworthy improvements to blood cholesterol level, with “good” cholesterol levels (HDL) up from their baseline level.
With ginger’s power to help you feel full and help you properly digest your food, it’s no wonder that it shows such a strong impact on weight loss.

How Ginger Helps Battle Belly Fat

Not only can ginger help with weight maintenance in general, it can also keep that pesky belly fat at bay. Ginger can target the main reasons that belly fat accumulates, such as overeating, hormonal changes and low energy leading to lack of exercise.
Ginger helps you to feel full, so eating ginger or drinking ginger water can help curb the urge to overeat.
Hormonal changes and chronic stress can cause spikes in levels of blood cortisol, which throws the immune system and metabolism out of balance. According to an article in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin of 2004, ginger suppresses cortisol production.
Elevated levels of cortisol may contribute to weight gain, especially making it hard to lose belly fat and I’ve mentioned it in my post on how to reset your hormones to lose weight and in my posts on how to lose belly fat without exercise.
Consuming ginger can help bring the internal balance back in tune and promote well-being and weight loss. Ginger’s sharp, distinctive flavor can also help naturally boost your energy levels, both physically and mentally.

How to Use Ginger for Weight Loss

If you want to use the healing powers of ginger to lose weight, here’s what to do.
Before eating, chew on a thin slice of ginger root. This will help in regulating metabolism, stimulating digestion, reducing cortisol production and increasing energy.
You can also grate a small piece of ginger and add a squeeze of lemon juice and a dash of salt, then mix the ingredients. Eating a couple of small pinches of this mixture before you eat each of your meals helps to control appetite and aid digestion.
Alternatively you can make this ginger lemon tea as lemon can also aid weight loss and I’ve mentioned it in my post on how to use lemons to lose weight.
Don’t limit your ginger intake to before meals—use ginger as a spice in your cooking whenever you can to increase your ginger intake. Cooking ginger for a short period of up to 6 minutes actually enhances its health benefits (as you can read in my article about the health benefits of cooked and dried ginger). Luckily, ginger has a tasty flavor that doesn’t need to be “masked” in order to reap the rewards the plant has to offer.


Защо не знаем нищо за плода, който лекува рак?

Защо не знаем нищо за плода, който лекува рак?Гуанабана или плода от дървото гравиола

Image result for гуанабанаImage result for гуанабанаImage result for гуанабанаImage result for гуанабанаImage result for гуанабана

Плод, който лекува рак и ефектът му е 10 000 пъти по-силен от химиотерапията. Те не искат да знаем, защото най-големите производители на лекарства вече няма да могат да продават ужасните си продукти …

Най-силният антиканцероген на тази планета. Гуанабана или плода от дървото гравиола – това е вълшебен продукт, който убива раковите клетки. Защо не знаем за това?
Защото има организации, заинтересовани от производството на синтетични варианти, което им позволява да правят страшно много пари. Сега можете да помогнете на ближните си, като им разкажете, че трябва да пият сок от гуанабана, за да предотвратят болестта. Той е приятен на вкус и неговото използване не води до ужасните последици от химиотерапията. Можете да посадите това дърво в двора. Всичките му части са полезни.
Гуанабана е нискостъблено дърво и не заема много място. То е известно като гравиола в Бразилия, гуанабана в Латинска Америка, и Soursop на английски език. Плодовете му са едри, сладки, консумират се сурови, използват се за производството на напитки, сладкиши и т.н.
Интересът към това растение се свързва с неговите силни противоракови ефекти. То притежава много други качества, но най-интересното нещо е въздействието му върху тумори. Това растение е с доказано лечебно действие върху рак от всички видове. Някои твърдят, че е полезно при всички форми на рак.
Смята се също така, че растението е и широкоспектърен антибиотик, има антигъбични и антипаразитни свойства, регулира кръвното налягане, действа като антидепресант, помага при стрес и нервни разстройства.
Източник на тази информация е един от най-големите производители на лекарства. От 1970 г. са направени повече от 20 лабораторни тестове, които показват, че екстрактът унищожава злокачествени клетки на 12 видове рак, включително дебелото черво, гърдата, простатата, белия дроб и панкреаса …
Съединенията на това дърво забавят растежа на раковите клетки 10 000 пъти по-ефективно от адриамицин (известно химиотерапевтично средство).
И което е още по-изненадващо – терапията с екстракт от гравиола унищожава само раковите клетки и не засяга здравите клетки.

¿Como Reafirmar La Piel Suelta Sin Someterse A Cirugía?

¿Como Reafirmar La Piel Suelta Sin Someterse A Cirugía?


La presentación que más se habló en este año 2016 fue la de el especialista dermatólogo Alan Cortés (que trabaja para el Centro Médico Dermatológico de Las Vegas, Nevada y dentro de los prestigiosos laboratorios Real Skin Labs), El cual dejó en shock a sus colegas y a la prensa con la noticia de su sorprendente avance contra el envejecimiento.
El cirujano dermatologo dio a conocer lo que es, oficialmente el primer tratamiento en el mundo que se puede aplicar en casa para disminuir la flacidez de la piel. En los ensayos clínicos, se ha encontrado que esta técnica inusual levanta con eficacia la piel que se encuentra "colgando" alrededor de los brazos, el cuello, la mandíbula, el pecho y otras áreas.
Según su investigación, la piel floja agrega significativamente más años a la apariencia de una persona, incluso más que las arrugas, las líneas de expresión o los cambios de pigmentación en la piel. Por eso, ellos se han enfocado en buscar la solución a ese problema en particular.
¡Gracias a este Tratamiento, Nuestros Lectores Lucen 10 Años Menos!
Y cuando los médicos demostraron lo rápido y efectivo de su tratamiento en voluntarios de la audiencia, se hizo evidente que su descubrimiento es poco más que revolucionario.
Anteriormente, la única manera de aliviar el aspecto de la piel flácida era a través de procedimientos altamente invasivos, es decir, quirúrgicos. Pero ahora Alan Cortés ha hecho posible la lucha contra los efectos de la gravedad, usando un proceso simple, de acción rápida, que hasta los pacientes pueden auto-administrarse.
No hay más que decir, la presentación fue recibida con aplausos, dejando a la audiencia con varias preguntas.
Pero la historia no termina ahí, poco tiempo después de la conferencia, el Dr. Alan dio a conocer un video en el cual podemos ver los resultados de la efectividad del producto. 
Lo mejor de todo es que, desde la semana pasada, la versión en video de la presentación (elaborada personalmente por el Dr. Cortés y la cual expuso ante profesionales de la industria cosmética) se puso a disposición de todo el público a través de Internet.
El video se está convirtiendo en un “boom” en la red por la cantidad de visualizaciones y comentarios que ha generado, y a continuación tú también podrás verlo y conocer su trabajo.

Observa el video de este importante descubrimiento:


De hecho, este video contiene algunas revelaciones sorprendentes. Un espectador comentó: "Esto es simplemente increíble. Nunca he visto un acercamiento al envejecimiento como este. Lo que acabo de presenciar está muy por encima y más allá de mis expectativas".
No obstante, los avances del Dr. Alan también han causado cierta controversia.
Cuando fuimos con otros cirujanos cosméticos para conocer sus opiniones, muchos afirmaron que, al igual que con cualquier tratamiento recién liberado, las personas deben ser advertidas para ver el informe completo del vídeo, antes de probar una solución no convencional de esta índole.
"¿Funcionará para todo el mundo? Eso está por verse ", dijo Fernanda Padilla, una esteticista que había asistido a la presentación de ese año. "Pero, ¿los resultados pueden ser espectaculares? Basada en lo que observé de primera mano, ¡sí, por supuesto!".

HondroCream – Страдате ли от Болки в Гърба или Ставите?

HondroCream – Страдате ли от Болки в Гърба или Ставите?

Ако страдате от болки в гърба или ставите сигурно сте търсили много начини да се преборите с дискомфорта и да премахнете основната причини за появата им.

Тези проблеми са свързани както с възрастта, така и с различни травми и навяхвания. В такива случаи е препоръчително да имате продукт, който може да спомогне да преборите болката и да я облекчи.

Какво Представлява HondroCream?

Новият продукт, който ще Ви представим, е Hondrocream – крем за гръбначния стълб и невропатологията – вече наличен и на българския пазар. Не може да бъде закупен от търговската верига, а само онлайн.
По цял свят продуктът Hondrocream се използва активно в различни области. Всеки търси средството за облекчаване на мускулните спазми и успокояване възпалението и блоките от остеоходрози, артрози и травми, както и за възстановяване на ставния хрущял.
Този крем е специално разработен за облекчаване на болката и възпалението в ставите и подпомага възстановяването на хрущялна тъкан. Създаден е изцяло от натурални съставки. Облекчава също подуване и травми.

HondroCream Резултати?

В текущата HondroCream промо оферта средството за успокояване на болки в ставите вследствие на травми или напреднала възраст се предлага с -50% отстъпка от оригиналната цена.
Тези, които изберат да заложат на него, следва да побързат, ако искат да се възползва от промоцията, тъй като бройките, включени в нея, са ограничени, а кремът има силно облекчаващо действие и способността да помогне на страдащите от мъчителни крампи.
Ефекти и Предимства на Продукта
Успокояванете на възпаления, отоци и намаляване на мускулния хипертонус, подпомагане на регенерацията на хрущялната тъкaн и облекчаване болката – това са ефектите, които се търсят от всяко едно средство на пазара. Ходрокрем предлага всички от тях на потребителите.
  • Широк спектър на действие – лекува травми и заболявания на гръбначния стълб и ставите.
  • Без странични действия – качество и безопасно използване – еднократно или редовно.
  • Изцяло натурален състав – съдържа активни съставки и билки, без синтетични съставки
  • Проверено качество – кремът Hondrocream отговаря на стандартите за качество на този тип продукти.
Положителните ефекти се забелязват след първото прилагане на подобен тип кремове за облекчаване на болките, а когато се използват редовно може да забавят и да предотвратят появата на болки в ставите и гръбначния стълб.

Hondrocream – Начин на Употреба

За желани и бързи резултати се препоръчва честата употреба на крема. Hondrocream се нанася обилно, върху добре почистена и суха кожа, като се разтрива в дълбочина до пълното му абсорбиране. В продължение на един час след нанасянето на крема не бива да се отмива с вода. Прилагайте 2-3 пъти на ден.

Странични Ефекти

HondroCream може да се използва от хора на всякаква възраст без странични ефекти – той съдържа естествени съставки без химикали или вредни вещества. Продуктът съдържа основно активни съставки и екстракти от различни билки. Част от тях осигуряват ефекта на замразяване и намаляване на болката.