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Край на очилата! Тази народна рецепта сваля диоптъра и спасява очите
Край на очилата! Тази народна рецепта сваля диоптъра и спасява очите
С народна рецепта за зрение може да се постигне наистина много в леченито на очите!
Тези, които носят очила, могат да си отдъхнат. Те ще бъдат спасени с народна рецепта за зрение, която е истинска витаминна бомба.
Става въпрос за смес, която съдържа възможно най-полезните за очите съставки. Тя е в състояние да свали изцяло диоптъра на хора с очила и така да излекува очите им.
Съставки на еликсира: сок от алое (100 мл.), мед (300 гр.), натрошени орехи (500 гр.), лимони (4 бр.).
Приготвянето е възможно най-лесно. Орехите се смилат в блендер и се добавят към сока от алое и изстискан лимонов сок. Накрая се слага и медът.
Всичко трябва по най-добрия начин да се смеси и да се разбърка много обилно. Целта е получаване на единна суспензия. Преди да се консумира се държи в хладилника за 10 дни.
Приемът става три пъти дневно и по 1 суп. л. След консумация не бива поне половин час да се яде нищо.
Целият ефект е в съставките. Сами по себе си те имат голяма полза върху очите. Те съдържат много витамини, които автоматично усилват зрението.
Тази напитка по въпросната народна рецепта трябва да се пие 3 месеца. След това диоптърът на лекуващия трябва напълно да е заличен. В най-лошия случай ще бъде максимално занижен.
Този еликсир действа при всякакви проблеми с очите. В това число са катаракта, възпаление на клепачите или просто някакво възпаление на окото. С него се премахва и болка по очите, която може да бъде предизвикана от различни фактори.
“Имах диоптър от 2.8 и се увеличаваше все повече, понеже работя на компютър. Тогава попаднах на една народна рецепта и се преродих. Само след 3 месеца махнах очилата, почувствах се нов човек.” – споделя един от щастливците, използвали рецептата.
Тази напитка влияе положително и на мозъка. Тя заздравява паметта и концентрацията. Това е още една причина да бъде пита.
СБОГОМ, ОЧИЛА! Това природно лекарство маха диоптри за 30 дни (РЕЦЕПТА)
СБОГОМ, ОЧИЛА! Това природно лекарство маха диоптри за 30 дни (РЕЦЕПТА)
Супер лек за по-добро зрение прави фурор навсякъде, където бива изпробван!
Повече от половината население в България носи очила. Това е тревожна тенденция, която трябва да бъде променена. Можем да я променим с едно природно лекарство, което лекува повреденото ни зрение.
Благодарение на този лек се понижават диоптри, а ако са до два, могат и да изчезнат напълно. Това става по най-лесната рецепта, която може да съществува.
Съставките й са само четири: сок от алое вера (100 гр.), мед (300 гр.), натрошени орехи (500 гр.) и лимони (3-4).
Приготвяне: Сокът от лимоните се изстисква добре, а орехите и алое вера се слагат в блендер, където стават една обща суспензия. Към сместа се прибавя сокът, а накрая и медът.
Така се получава това уникално лекарство за зрение. То е много мощно и с уникален ефект за очите.
Тази лечебна смес трябва да се приема точно 3 пъти дневно. Това трябва да се случва 1/2 час преди хранене. Дозата е точно 1 суп. лъж. Приема се в 30 последователни дни.
Важно условие е, когато забъркате сместа, да престои в хладилника 10 дни. После вече е годна за консумация.
Само след месец ще забележите как вашето зрение се е подобрило значително. Без очила ще започнете да виждате неща, които преди не сте и предполага, че ще успеете да видите от далечно или близко разстояние (в зависимост от проблема ви).
Тайната на този велик лек е в свойствата на неговите съставки. Лимонът съдържа огромно количество витамин С, което засилва имунитета в пъти. Това помага и на очите.
Орехите като цяло са от изключителна полза за мозъка и мисловната дейност. Това ги прави добър стимулатор и на доброто зрение.
Медът е извор на витамини, който е полезен за всяка една част на човешкото тяло, включително и очите.
Wash It with THIS 2-Ingredient Face Wash for 30 Days!
See What Happens to Your Face If You Wash It with THIS 2-Ingredient Face Wash for 30 Days! (Video)!

Dirt, perspiration, bacteria, and dust often collect on your skin and make it more prone to various health problems. All these impurities can clog the pores, thus leading to the development of many skin issues.
Therefore, your skin requires a deep cleansing routine. You should wash your face properly at least twice on a daily basis to keep your facial skin healthy and glowing.
But, it actually depends on what type of product you use to wash your face.
In fact, there are many different types of face washes and cleansers on the market. Most people do not look at the ingredients of these products since they think the products are all-natural and 100% effective.
However, a great number of commercial face washes or cleansers possess many harmful chemicals that may contribute to skin irritation. In other words, these skin and facial care products can cause more harm than good. That’s why you should always read the labels prior to buying anything.
Luckily, there are various natural alternatives to these store-bought skin care products that are a healthier and safer option for your skin.
Homemade face washes can leave your skin feeling hydrated, refreshed, and clean. They do not contain any added harsh chemicals. Also, they are easy to make. These homemade face washes are mild on your skin, and do not lead to any side effects.
Plus, they are inexpensive. The ingredients found in the homemade face wash recipe presented below are probably available in your kitchen.
This homemade face wash recipe includes only 2 all-natural ingredients, such as coconut oil and baking soda. Both ingredients work together to eliminate your dead skin cells, excess dust and dirt and get rig of scars, acne, redness, etc.
These ingredients are actually suitable for any type of skin, including sensitive skin.
Here Are the Health Benefits of Both Ingredients:
– Coconut Oil
Here Are the Health Benefits of Both Ingredients:
– Coconut Oil
Despite being highly nutritious oil, coconut oil also acts as an all-natural skin care product. Coconut oil contains incredible properties that can feed and moisturize your skin. It can clean your face as well as balance your skin’s pH levels.
The topical application of the oil can eliminate many of the harmful ingredients applied to your skin along with commercial skin care creams and lotions. Coconut oil enters your skin more deeply than any other skin care product as a result of its low molecular weight and the way it bonds with proteins.
– Baking Soda
– Baking Soda
Baking soda can act as a natural cleaning product, and an alternative to toxic and harmful commercial face cleansers. It can provide instant sunburn relief.
This ingredient also provides beneficial effects in the treatment of acne since it acts as an amphoteric compound. This means that the ingredient has an ability to keep optimal skin’s pH levels and prevent the formation of acne.
Baking soda can also exfoliate your face, thus making your skin feel soft.
Homemade Face Cleanser Recipe
Homemade Face Cleanser Recipe
Half a cup of baking soda
Half a cup of raw, organic coconut oil
Half a cup of raw, organic coconut oil
First of all, you should warm the coconut until it turns into a liquid.
Then, mix both ingredients until you get a homogenous paste.
Apply some of the mixture on your face and scrub it with circular movements.
Leave it on for a while and then rinse it off by using warm water.
You should repeat the same procedure 3 times in a week for maximum benefits.
Leave it on for a while and then rinse it off by using warm water.
You should repeat the same procedure 3 times in a week for maximum benefits.
Check out the video below for extra tips:
Tighten Your Breasts In 2 Steps
Tighten Your Breasts In 2 Steps

All the women try different methods and remedy or even plastic surgery to make their body more attractive.In this article we will present you 2 simple and natural steps how to tighten your breast.
This formula is 100% successful and fix the skin of the breasts making them firm, plum and splendidly enthusiastic! You have to take two steps after accompanying his mission to look better and feel better about yourself. Take after these steps and start at this time on the off chance that you need quick results.
This is simple and natural steps and works for sure to help you with your problem.
I absolutely assure you that these two tips work, so you would want to get started right away.
Here is the simple exercise. Repeat the steps one by one:
- Lay on your back on a bench (use your bed or a mat if you don’t have access to a bench)
- Take one 5-pound weight in each hand
- Raise your arms straight above your chest
- Then, lower them out to your sides as far as you can, like you’re an airplane
- Now raise them up again, back above your chest
- Repeat
You’re going to do 3 sets of 10 of these every other day. This is for the muscles under the breasts, in your upper chest, and in your underarm area. In about one month, you’ll start to see the difference!
And the recipe for natural remedy that should be used in the combination with the exercise for perfect results.
Tip 2: The Home Remedy
The only ingredient for this is virgin olive oil..
Put some pillows behind you and lay on your back. In both of your hands put some olive oil and rub on the breasts. Place one hand on each breast and make small circles around both of them in a massaging motion. Make 10 circles around each breast, and you’re done!
If you’ve got lots of excess oil, you can take it off with a towel but leave some on because the oil makes your skin more elastic .
All the women try different methods and remedy or even plastic surgery to make their body more attractive.In this article we will present you 2 simple and natural steps how to tighten your breast.
This formula is 100% successful and fix the skin of the breasts making them firm, plum and splendidly enthusiastic! You have to take two steps after accompanying his mission to look better and feel better about yourself. Take after these steps and start at this time on the off chance that you need quick results.
This is simple and natural steps and works for sure to help you with your problem.
I absolutely assure you that these two tips work, so you would want to get started right away.
Here is the simple exercise. Repeat the steps one by one:
- Lay on your back on a bench (use your bed or a mat if you don’t have access to a bench)
- Take one 5-pound weight in each hand
- Raise your arms straight above your chest
- Then, lower them out to your sides as far as you can, like you’re an airplane
- Now raise them up again, back above your chest
- Repeat
You’re going to do 3 sets of 10 of these every other day. This is for the muscles under the breasts, in your upper chest, and in your underarm area. In about one month, you’ll start to see the difference!
And the recipe for natural remedy that should be used in the combination with the exercise for perfect results.
Tip 2: The Home Remedy
The only ingredient for this is virgin olive oil..
Put some pillows behind you and lay on your back. In both of your hands put some olive oil and rub on the breasts. Place one hand on each breast and make small circles around both of them in a massaging motion. Make 10 circles around each breast, and you’re done!
If you’ve got lots of excess oil, you can take it off with a towel but leave some on because the oil makes your skin more elastic .
Do this everyday or at least 3 times a week and it will make your breasts more firm.
Secret Kitchen Hacks, Which Only Chefs Know
Secret Kitchen Hacks, Which Only Chefs Know

Cooking can be a really joyful activity if you know certain hacks; otherwise, it can become a bit boring and for some people even difficult. Therefore, in order to make cooking a more enjoyable process, we’ve made a list of 10 amazing kitchen tricks that will come in handy while you cook and they will definitely ease your time spend in the kitchen. Let’s take a look:
In order to have crystal clear ice cubs, boil the water before freezing it.
If you want to check whether the eggs you’ve bought are good for consumption, you should put them in water and watch what’s going to happen. If the egg floats on the water’s surface, it means that the egg is very old; if the egg is fresh, it will fall horizontally on the bottom of the vessel, if it’s one week old, it will fall with the upper side downwards, and, if the egg is stale, that is, 2 to 3 weeks old, it will fall with the upper side downwards in a vertical position.
You can also cook eggs in the oven; just set the temperature to 160 degrees and cook them for 15 minutes.
In order to juice lemons easily, roll it with the hand for a while.
If you want to check whether the eggs you’ve bought are good for consumption, you should put them in water and watch what’s going to happen. If the egg floats on the water’s surface, it means that the egg is very old; if the egg is fresh, it will fall horizontally on the bottom of the vessel, if it’s one week old, it will fall with the upper side downwards, and, if the egg is stale, that is, 2 to 3 weeks old, it will fall with the upper side downwards in a vertical position.
You can also cook eggs in the oven; just set the temperature to 160 degrees and cook them for 15 minutes.
In order to juice lemons easily, roll it with the hand for a while.
If you want to keep the wine cold and undiluted, put some frozen grapes in the glass.
Did you know that you can easily peel a ginger with the help of a spoon? It works like charm!
If you’re tired of having to peel garlic, you should know that there is another way to do this; just place the cloves in a bowl, shake the bowl, and the peels will fall off on their own.
In order to prevent the ice cream from freezing too much and becoming too hard, you should put the box in a plastic bag and then put it in the freezer.
To prevent the water from boiling over, put a wooden spoon across the cooking pot.
To enrich the taste of grilled fish, put couple of lemon slices under it.
Did you know that you can easily peel a ginger with the help of a spoon? It works like charm!
If you’re tired of having to peel garlic, you should know that there is another way to do this; just place the cloves in a bowl, shake the bowl, and the peels will fall off on their own.
In order to prevent the ice cream from freezing too much and becoming too hard, you should put the box in a plastic bag and then put it in the freezer.
To prevent the water from boiling over, put a wooden spoon across the cooking pot.
To enrich the taste of grilled fish, put couple of lemon slices under it.
Amazing, right? We hope that your time in the kitchen will be easy and fun. Don’t forget to share these tips with friends and family; they will thank you, that’s for sure!
We Tested 10 Popular Weight Loss Tricks, Here’s What Worked
We Tested 10 Popular Weight Loss Tricks, Here’s What Worked

Embarking on a weight loss journey, whether it be your very first, or fifth time (let’s be genuine)– can be both frustrating and even discouraging, specifically if you feel as if you are not getting the outcomes you should have.
To make matters worse, there are a great deal of not-so-good methods floating around on the Internet, which can damage weight loss efforts. It’s challenging to understand exactly what you need to trust or which weight loss tricks really work, here is one investigation of some of the leading ‘weight reduction techniques’ out there.
Here are 10 Attempted & Tested Popular Weight Loss Tricks:
To make matters worse, there are a great deal of not-so-good methods floating around on the Internet, which can damage weight loss efforts. It’s challenging to understand exactly what you need to trust or which weight loss tricks really work, here is one investigation of some of the leading ‘weight reduction techniques’ out there.
Here are 10 Attempted & Tested Popular Weight Loss Tricks:
We Tested 10 Popular Weight Loss Tricks Here’s What Worked
10 Weight Loss Tricks That Work
10 Weight Loss Tricks That Work
Technique # 1– Measure Your Weight Daily
What does it cost? You value yourself must not be identified by a number on a scale. There is no wrong way to have a body. Your weight can change between in between 2-5 pounds throughout the day, and healthy weight-loss can never ever be accomplished in one to two days– after all, healthy weight reduction is a process, so why do we feel likely to get on the scale many times a day?
Being a scale hawk is an obsessive tendency and these negative idea patterns that come up when you see an increase of 0.2 pounds or 5 pounds bring on the feels. Be a supportive good friend to yourself. This isn’t really simply a ‘viewpoint’when it concerns healthy weight reduction– studies really show that when we put focus in the process of losing weight instead of being focused with the variety of the scale, we can really have better luck in reaching our goal.
Decision: #BadAdvice– retire the scale. Cliche quote, but; ‘it will disappoint you your true worth’.
Trick # 2– Consume Lots of Mini Meals Throughout the Day
I may hear some reaction with this one. The theory of eating smaller sized and more regular meals throughout the day is a popular among weight loss tricks. Said to ‘supercharge’ the metabolism. Studies are very important, and the research study really shows that consuming five to six meals a day is really no much better than having a strong three, in fact– consuming more frequently has really been shown to increase cravings and the desire to eat.
Verdict: This might work for some, however I more than happy with less meal preparation and less time considering when I have to have my next meal.
Technique # 3– Cooking from Scratch
Food choices are without doubt key to reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Not only does cooking from scratch offer us to manage over which ingredients we use, however, the time and energy it takes to prepare a meal, in fact, changes us from a customer to a manufacturer. You have the tendency to consume more mindfully as you value the effort that entered into the entire cooking process. When you prepare meals from scratch, you get to choose just how much you have to consume. On the other hand, fast food, takeaway, restaurant meals as well as those ‘much healthier’ ready-to-eat meals have a one size fits all method.
Decision: Bottom line is– if you really wish to get away the dieting world and really much better your health, begin purchasing and cooking more of your own food.
Technique # 4– Do A Juice Cleanse
I recommend giving food digestion a ‘reset’ through the ways of juicing natural veggies, herbs, and low-glycemic fruits. But a juice clean is not a sustainable weight loss plan. Sorry to bear problem, but any weight you drop on a juice clean will probably come back as soon as you’re back to eating routine meals. Juicing is a wonderful technique for improving your body with raw nutrients and enzymes to support natural detoxification and much better health, but the advantages of juicing far exceed the short-lived weight reduction side-effect and they ought to not be idolized for it.
Verdict: Adding a green juice to your routine has lots of advantages, but sustainable weight loss includes a lifestyle change, not a 1-week all liquid cleanse. You have to discover the best ways to reduce weight WHILE consuming to obtain long-term results.
Trick # 5– Snap A Photo
If you needed to send out a photo of your meals to a nutritionist every day, you would likely be committed to making the healthiest and most visually attractive plate, ever! I like this one– begin an image meal journal, it may sound silly– but you are going to believe more carefully about you’re about to eat because it’s going to be on video camera. This idea helps you generate more awareness regarding exactly what you are in fact fuelling yourself with.
Verdict: If you’re embarrassed to have photo-proof of that extra big birthday cake piece, possibly reduce that portion size and take pride in that ‘peace of mind’ reward, or turn it down completely (you’re sweet sufficient). Develop your healthy balance.
Trick # 6– Take Weight reduction Supplements
You will never ever be able to out-supplement an inadequate; diet plan, workout regular or state of mind. Unfortunately taking magic pills each day is most likely equivalent to flushing your loan down the drain. I am not bashing supplements, at all– there are many that support healthy weight reduction and optimal health in general. But you can’t just pop a handful of chlorella tabs and call it a detox. These boosters are designed to supplement a currently healthy diet and way of life, not change the need for one. It takes work for real results, sorry– however trust me– it feels so great when you do it ideal!
Decision: Prevent the weight loss supplement area in the health food shop. You’re going to find the results in your kitchen. If hormone imbalances, high-stress levels or certain health conditions are preventing you from slimming down– it’s best to work carefully with a certified professional who can make the appropriate supplement suggestions.
Trick # 7– Eat Less Calories
This depends on your starting point– are you overeating by a large amount? Then yes, taking note of your calories will be handy in the beginning. However, beyond a specific point, there are decreasing benefits.
When fewer calories are entering than going out, gradually the body may start to think that food is limited. While this can lead to short-term weight-loss, this can also add tension to your system and affect your body to keep fat shops as a type of protection. If you aren’t providing yourself with adequate food then the body begins working to save energy by lowering body temperature level, which in return can decrease your metabolic process!
This may likewise compromise food digestion, slow your pulse and thyroid function. This is a survival reaction– your body doesn’t recognize that you’re attempting to lose weight, your body feels in one’s bones that it is not getting enough energy to efficiently function and it starts to shut down to save energy.
Verdict: Simply counting calories without concentrating on the quality of food does not necessarily enhance our health, even if it assists us to lose weight. When you eat the right quality and balance of foods, your body can do the rest on its own. You do not have to count calories or go by the numbers to get results.
Trick # 8– Pay attention to Your Cravings
Don’t pay attention to your ‘cravings’ by binging on a bag of caramel corn. Understand that your cravings may be planning to inform you something different.
Fat yearnings: Are you getting inadequate healthy fats in your diet like butter, coconut oil, ghee, and avocado? Healthy fats are your good friend– and they do not make you fat!
Salt cravings: Your body desires chloride. Consist of unrefined salt or seaweed products in your diet plan. Salt cravings are also related to adrenal tiredness. When you’re residing in tension mode, you naturally lose more salt, and naturally, your body will crave salt to make up for that loss.
Sugar yearnings: Glucose is your primary source of energy and it had to fuel cellular energy production. When you have adrenal tiredness, your intake is too high or your consumption is not adequate– hello yearnings! Start by making healthy replacements and change the sweet processed treats with low-glycemic fruits, root veggies, natural sweeteners and nutritionist authorized sweet dishes.
Chocolate cravings: Cravings for chocolate can be linked to a requirement for magnesium. Magnesium is lost rapidly under our tension response, and it’s typical to have cravings for magnesium-rich foods. Attempt changing to dark chocolate made with raw cacao and include other magnesium-rich foods.
Decision: Learn to determine your food yearnings, they might be informing you something totally different than what you have analyzed.
Technique # 9– Do a Sugar Detox
Yes, this is also one of the most popular weight loss tricks. The ideal kinds of (natural) sugar can be really nourishing for your health. This isn’t a green light for a spoonful of Nutella. Our cell’s crucial task is to create energy to help satisfy the demands placed on your body every day! Your liver shops sugar through glycogen, and unless you are following a ketogenic diet, using fats for fuel– we NEED a steady flow of ‘sugar’ i.e. glucose, to keep glycogen shops complemented. Without a healthy storage of glycogen, your liver cannot convert thyroid hormonal agent T4 (inactive) to T3 (active form)– which SUSTAINS your metabolic process.
Verdict: A blanket declaration such as “all sugar is bad for you” is just as oblivious as stating “all fat is bad for you.” Know your sweet replacements and don’t be afraid of a yam!
Verdict: A blanket declaration such as “all sugar is bad for you” is just as oblivious as stating “all fat is bad for you.” Know your sweet replacements and don’t be afraid of a yam!
Trick # 10– A Balanced State of Mind
When you live and operate in a fear-based mindset of hate, obsession, control, stress and anxiety, stress, and anger, you are constantly feeding your body negativity. This negativity will typically manifest into negative habits that work against your body; influencing you to make poor food options, select food deprivation, and constraint and ignore exactly what you understand your body genuinely requires.
Plus, if you are constantly feeding yourself a stream of negative self-talk, your body changes, literally. When you have difficult ideas, your breath modifications, your tension hormones fire, and your body releases more cortisol. All this can push your body even more far from your health objectives.
Decision: Imagine for a second that all of the thoughts you have about yourself show up to the people and world around you. Would you change the way you think? Would you recognize that you are in fact very indicate to yourself? If your thoughts about yourself are something you would not say to a friend, it’s probably refraining from doing you any favors to think it. Respect yourself.
Plus, if you are constantly feeding yourself a stream of negative self-talk, your body changes, literally. When you have difficult ideas, your breath modifications, your tension hormones fire, and your body releases more cortisol. All this can push your body even more far from your health objectives.
Decision: Imagine for a second that all of the thoughts you have about yourself show up to the people and world around you. Would you change the way you think? Would you recognize that you are in fact very indicate to yourself? If your thoughts about yourself are something you would not say to a friend, it’s probably refraining from doing you any favors to think it. Respect yourself.
Oncologists Accidental Discovery – The Juice That Kills Cancer In 48 Hours!
Oncologists Accidental Discovery – The Juice That Kills Cancer In 48 Hours!

Recently, a group of Canadian scientists discovered that there’s an effective herb that can kill cancer naturally and without side-effects in just 2 days! Terrific news come from the University of Windsor, where scientists have been examining the effects of dandelion against cancer since 2009. The project started when one oncologist discovered a relation between dandelion root tea and lower risk of cancer.
Pamela Ovadje is a post-doctoral candidate at the University who found the benefits of the root. “One oncologist who worked with us, told us the unbelievable improvement in a patient’s daily drinking tea from dandelion root. We immediately began to investigate this tea to see how other patients respond to it, however we were pretty skeptical. I thought that dandelion grows all over, and if at all there is something great in it, people would have long ago found,” she remembers.
“Since we began this project, we were able to get out of dandelion root extract and use it to many types of human cancer in the lab. In the lab, we observed its effectiveness against leukemia cells, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. We’ve discovered that dandelion root has extremely strong effect on them without harming healthy cells. Furthermore, studies have validated the efficacy in mice transplanted human cancer cells,” Ovadje says.
Dandelion root extract has been approved for human trials since 2015 and is in the first phase of research for treatment of lymphoma and leukemia. Dr. Sciarra Pandi, a biochemist at the University and one of the leaders on the research, considers the extract one of the most effective natural remedies against the deadly disease.
The extract works by inducing apoptosis in the cancer cells. In simpler terms, it makes the cancer cells commit suicide without damaging the healthy cells in any way. Although the research is still in the beginning stages, it has shown a lot of potential and may be the base for a future treatment.
Six Tips for Removing Earwax at Home
Six Tips for Removing Earwax at Home

Earwax is a substance that is naturally found in the inner ear, which protects it from bacteria and other particles or organisms that can harm this delicate area. In addition, the wax acts as a natural lubricant for the ear and ear canal. But there comes a time when it accumulates in large quantities, which can cause discomfort for some as well as irritation, dizziness, loss of hearing, a feeling that there’s something stuck in the ear, and itching. That’s why you need to periodically clean your ears to remove excess earwax.
What causes earwax to build up?
Before we talk about the ways you can remove excess earwax at home, it’s important to know what’s causing the discomfort from your earwax buildup. Earwax can become annoying or irritating when it forms a blockage within the ear canal.
This blockage usually occurs when you use cotton swabs like Q-tips on a regular basis to clean your ears, forcing earwax to be pushed deeper into the ear canal and build up.
People who regularly wear earplugs or the popular earbud headphones are also at a higher risk for the excessive accumulation of earwax.
What are the symptoms of too much earwax?
When there’s too much wax built up in your ear, you’ll probably experience some of the following symptoms:
Itching inside the ear canal
Feeling like your ears are full or plugged up
Ringing in the ears
Drainage coming from the ear canal
Diminished hearing
Feeling like your ears are full or plugged up
Ringing in the ears
Drainage coming from the ear canal
Diminished hearing
Home remedies to remove excess earwax
To keep from suffering the above consequences of excessive earwax buildup, it’s important that you clean them on a regular basis and remove the earwax so it doesn’t create a blockage. We recommend that you avoid using Q-tips or other swabs, and instead try the following home remedies to remove earwax.
Saline solution is a great option for removing earwax. All you have to do is dissolve one teaspoon of salt (7.5 g) in ½ cup of water (100 ml). Then just soak a cotton ball in the solution and let a few drops fall into your ear while you tilt your head to one side. Hold this position for a few minutes to let the liquid penetrate the ear canal and soften the wax. Then tilt your head in the opposite direction and use a tissue to capture the liquid as it drains out.
Paraffin oil
One of the safest and most effective home remedies for earwax removal is paraffin oil, which is sold in most pharmacies. All you need to do is heat two to three tablespoons of this oil over a candle flame. Drop a few drops in your ear and lie still for a few minutes. Then use warm water to rinse out any traces of wax. Do this for three days in a row to completely dissolve the buildup.
Hydrogen peroxide
Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide with water. Make sure the hydrogen peroxide is the commercially available 3% strength variety. Place a few drops in your ear and shake your head gently to let it penetrate the ear canal. Leave the drops in for a few minutes before tilting your head to the opposite side as the liquid drains out.
Glycerin is a natural product that helps soften earwax for easy removal. You can find it in pharmacies and use four drops in each ear, three times a day for the best results.
Vinegar and alcohol solution
Mix equal parts white vinegar and rubbing alcohol in a small bowl. Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and apply a few drops to each ear.
Olive oil
Olive oil is another great ingredient that helps soften earwax and facilitate its removal. Put two or three drops of olive oil in the affected ear before going to bed, and try to sleep on the opposite side. Repeat this treatment for three or four nights in a row.
Treat Dry, Cracked Feet With Baking Soda
Treat Dry, Cracked Feet With Baking Soda

Dry, cracked, and calloused feet are not attractive at all, and you cannot hide your feet in socks anymore.
Do not panic, we have the perfect solution for you! You do not need to pay a small fortune in beauty salons, and this simple, home treatment will make your feet smooth and beautiful!
4-5l warm water
2 tbsp baking soda
soft scrub sponge/brush/pumice stone
lavender essential oil (optional)
2 tbsp baking soda
soft scrub sponge/brush/pumice stone
lavender essential oil (optional)
And that is pretty much everything you need!
Add the baking soda to the warm water and stir until it dissolves. For a nice scent and a real spa treatment, add a few drops of lavender essential oil.
It has a relaxing effect, which is great for those who had just came home from work. Soak your feet in for 15-20 minutes. Then, take a scrub brush, sponge or pumice stone and thoroughly rub the cracked area on your feet.
Apply a nice layer of your high-glycerin moisturizer, or just coat your feet with some coconut oil or vaseline. Put your socks on to seal the moisture in.
If you decide to do the treatment before bedtime, sleep with the socks on. Do the treatment once or twice a week, and once the condition of your feet improves, you can do it twice a month throughout the whole summer.
For a more intense effect, make a thick paste using baking soda and just a little water. Scrub your feet before you scrub them with the sponge!

All of us have already seen, on the web, thousands of natural solutions to lose weight. However, this powerful treatment with ginger water is different to all, and it really works.
Learn all the amazing benefits of ginger water to lose weight and burn the most difficult fats in the body.
The benefits of ginger water for slimming really are awesome. With this powerful treatment, you can easily burn fat from the thighs, hips and waist. In addition to being able to enjoy all the benefits of ginger water to lose weight, you can also ingest this powerful drink, to combat other ills of your health.
Regulates cholesterol: Ginger water is able to combat high cholesterol levels in the body, thus preventing all kinds of diseases related to this disease.
Hypertension: This powerful drink also helps regulate blood pressure and prevent and fight the formation of blood clots in the arteries.
Powerful natural anti-inflammatory: Ginger water, is able to successfully combat inflammation, joint problems and diseases such as rheumatism or osteoarthritis.
Powerful antioxidant: This fabulous drink also fights free radicals, which are often the cause of cancer.
Anti-cancer agent: Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger water is one of the most powerful natural remedies in preventing and fighting cancer.
-Some thin slices of ginger root
-1.5 liters of water
-Juice of a Lemon (optional)
-1.5 liters of water
-Juice of a Lemon (optional)
To prepare ginger water, you will just have to boil the water, and add the ginger slices. Let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the preparation from the heat, let it cool, strain it, add a little lemon, and go! Have a glass every day before breakfast and one before dinner.
Improves blood circulation
Ginger contains magnesium and zinc, which are key to improving blood circulation. In addition, it has properties that inhibit the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the liver, which could also prevent a large number of cardiovascular problems. Among other things, ginger is also useful for reducing fever and excessive sweating problems.
Improves nutrient absorption
When we consume ginger we guarantee a better absorption of essential nutrients in the organism, thanks to the stimulation of the stomach secretion and the pancreatic enzymes. In addition, if we have problems with the appetite, we can chew a little ginger before the meals to stimulate it.
Prevents colds and flu
Ginger has expectorant and antibiotic properties that could work effectively on cold and flu problems. This root has been used for centuries in the Asian continent as a powerful treatment against the flu, colds and cough. The University of Maryland Department of Medicine also confirmed this benefit and, through research, determined that ginger tea can reduce the symptoms of colds and flu in adults.
Improves digestion
Ginger, in addition to improving the absorption of nutrients in the body, also helps to relieve the abdominal pains that usually occur when there is an inflammation of the stomach. It also prevents and combats constipation, reduces intestinal gas and promotes better digestion.
Strengthens the immune system
Regular consumption of ginger strengthens the immune system and keeps the body’s defenses strong against possible infections, flu, coughs, colds or chronic diseases. It also reduces the risk of a stroke and is very useful for fighting intestinal bacterial infections.
Relieves joint pain
Ginger has important anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation of joints as well as other common ailments.
You have probably heard the saying that one apple a day can keep the doctor away. This is certainly true because an apple is one of the healthiest and nutrition-dense fruits in the world. One apple provides an estimated 10 percent or more of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and fiber. Moreover, these nutrients have anti-cancer properties, boost the immune system, aid in weight loss, and prevent free radical damage.
Furthermore, apples contain phytochemicals, powerful vitamins and nutrients, and a wide range of antioxidants. The fleshy part and the peel of the apple have proven to prevent and help with many health conditions, including heart disease, lung cancer, asthma, obesity, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, among others.
The apple peel contains triterpenoids, which have significant anti-cancer capabilities, particularly when it comes to preventing liver, colon and breast cancer. Moreover, regular consumption of apples can lower the risk of particular types of cancers. However, did you know that the apple seed can also help with this dreadful issue?
Apple seeds are rich in vitamin B-17, something we don’t get a lot of. This nutrient can also be found in apricot kernels, buckwheat, strawberries, cashews, and other natural foods. The vitamin B-17 can help in the prevention of cancers. Moreover, it can even inhibit or reverse tumor growth.
Vitamin B17, also known as amygdalin or laetrile, is a glycoside nutrient which is often associated with cancer prevention. It comes from natural food sources and most abundant in the seeds of plants from the prunasin family, such as apricots and apples.
This vitamin interacts with other antioxidants and vitamins and eliminates harmful cells from the body. However, this vitamin is a natural cyanide-containing substance. Small amounts of cyanide can be detoxified by enzymes in your body, but large amounts can be dangerous.
Apple seeds contain amygdalin, a substance that releases cyanide into the bloodstream when chewed and digested. However, small amounts of apple seeds do not contain enough cyanide to cause harm.
This powerful vitamin becomes released in the body and targets mutated cells. Moreover, it may help with the regression and growth of cancerous cells and tumors. The compounds of vitamin B17 have the ability to kill cancer cells instead of the healthy ones.
Warning Signs Your Body is Full of Parasites and 7 Foods That Can Help Kill Them
Warning Signs Your Body is Full of Parasites and 7 Foods That Can Help Kill Them

One-third of the population in the U.S. have parasites in the digestive system. Parasites in the system might be the cause of numerous health issues and adverse health effects.
These are the ten most common signs that you have parasites in the body:
Painful muscles and joints
Sleeping difficulties and waking up during the night
Iron-deficiency anemia
Fatigue, apathy, and depression
Unexplained constipation, diarrhea, gas, or IBS symptoms
Digestive issues
Traveller’s diarrhea while traveling internationally
Teeth grinding while sleeping
Skin irritations, hives, rashes, eczema or rosacea
Constant hunger, even after eating
Sleeping difficulties and waking up during the night
Iron-deficiency anemia
Fatigue, apathy, and depression
Unexplained constipation, diarrhea, gas, or IBS symptoms
Digestive issues
Traveller’s diarrhea while traveling internationally
Teeth grinding while sleeping
Skin irritations, hives, rashes, eczema or rosacea
Constant hunger, even after eating
Yet, if you experience these signs, do not panic, as there are effective natural was to eliminate parasites from the body.
The following seven herbs provide quick effects, so you can add them to your diet, or complete a parasite cleanse a few times annually.
Clove essential destroys the eggs found left behind by worms in the intestines. It has powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Add it to baked goods, various dishes, teas, pickles, and cider.
Garlic is the most potent natural antibiotic, which offers strong antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-cancerogenic effects. Eat the garlic raw, add it to your green juices, or just add it to your cooked dishes.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is another effective way to kill parasites in the system. It is rich in antioxidants which prevent free radical damage and has potent antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can use it as an essential oil, tea, or a tincture.
Black Walnut Nuts and Hull
The nuts and green hulls of black walnut (Juglans nigra) cleanse the intestines and blood. The juice from the green hulls destroys parasites, and the black walnut hull treats fungal infections.
Use it in the form of a tincture.
Thyme destroys parasites in the intestinal tract, stimulates the thymus, which is a major gland of the immune system and boosts the natural defensive mechanisms of the body. Add it to your dishes, either dry or fresh, and enjoy its benefits.
Chinese Goldthread
Goldthread (Coptis chinensis) is a beneficial herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.
It contains berberine, which provides broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties and effectively treats bacterial, parasitic, and yeast infections. Prepare tea out of this herb and eliminate parasites from your body.
Both, the small yellow-green flowers of this herb (Artemisia absinthium), and its leaves soothe stomach issues and treat intestinal worms. It is also a strong antimicrobial agent. Prepare wormwood tea and drink the cleansing tea to treat your problem with parasites.
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