

How to Install Linux on a Chromebook

How to Install Linux on a Chromebook

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While it doesn't cost any money to put a Linux operating system on a Chromebook, it is nonetheless a complex process and not for the feint of heart. Once you've finished our walkthrough, you'll be able to toggle between Linux and Chrome OS with a keyboard shortcut. 

For this process, we're going to use Crouton, a flavor of Linux which supports a wide-range of Chromebooks. 

Before You Start

1. Back up any personal data or documents you have stored on the Chromebook’s internal drive. While your Google Drive-stored content is backed up, anything in your downloads folder may not be, and the same is true for information stored locally in downloaded Android apps. 
2. Set aside some time. This is not a quick process, and took 36 minutes for me to complete.
3. Come up with three passwords for your new system, as this requires you to create a regular password, an encryption passphrase, and an account password for Linux.

How to Install Linux on a Chromebook

1. While the Chromebook is on, hold ESC + Refresh and then click the Power button. Your screen will go dark, and you can then release the keys.
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2. Do not worry when you see a screen that says Chrome OS is missing or damaged, or one that asks you to insert a USB drive. Click CTRL + D.
3. Press Enter, and expect to watch a series of processes happen while you sit back and wait. You’ll get a 30-second countdown to change your mind and then the computer will start Preparing for Developer Mode. This will take several minutes and erases any data on the Chromebook’s solid state drive.
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4. Watch as your screen displays multiple messages that explain that the system is moving to Developer Mode, which deletes all of your local files, which I mentioned above.
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5. You'll see an OS Verification is Off screen. Continue to wait.
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6. Click Let's go, and then sign into your Google account and local network, as Developer Mode cleared your account and network information.
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7. Open Chrome.

8. Navigate to this URL:
9. Click the URL next to "Chromium OS Universal Chroot Environment." A Crouton file will download.


10. Click Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal window tab.

11. Type "shell" (without the quotations) next to crosh> and hit Enter.

12. If you're using a touchscreen Chromebook, type "sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -e -t touch,xfce" next to "chronos@localhost / $" and hit enter.
If you're using a non-touchscreen Chromebook, type "sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -e -t xfce" instead, and hit Enter.

13. Enter a new password you'll use for Chromium and click Enter.

14. Verify your new password by entering it again, and click Enter.

15. Enter an encryption passphrase, which is essentially a second password, and click Enter.
16. Confirm that passphrase by entering it again, and click Enter.
17. Time to watch a lot of code fly across your screen, and it lasts a while.  You're waiting for a prompt that asks you to enter a username.

18. Type in a username for your Linux account and hit Enter when prompted.
19. Type in a third new password, which will be the password for your Linux account, andclick Enter.
20. Retype that password to confirm, and click Enter.

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21. Type "sudo startxfce4" and hit Enter.
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22. You're now in Linux on your Chromebook!
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23. You can move between Chrome OS and Linux with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Back and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Forward. If you don't see a Forward key (it's not on our PixelBook), you'll use Ctrl+Alt+Back and Ctrl+Alt+Refresh instead


“Re-imaging” A Chromebook Is Incredibly Easy

“Re-imaging” A Chromebook Is Incredibly Easy

You forgot to enroll your Chromebook in the management console or the Chromebook is just acting weird.  How do you get it back to a nominal state quickly?  Chromebooks make this process incredibly easy (Google calls it wiping the device).
  1. Press Esc + Samsung Chromebook Refresh key + Power and the screen displays a yellow exclamation point.
  2. Press Ctrl + D to reboot and begin dev mode
  3. Press Enter and the screen displays a red exclamation point.
  4. Press Ctrl + D. The Chromebook deletes its local data, returning to its initial state. The deletion takes approximately 5-10 minutes.
  5. Press the spacebar
  6. then press Enter to return to verified mode.
    If Forced re-enrollment is enabled for the device you are attempting to wipe, the deletion process is shortened and the device will reboot into stable mode without needing to complete this step.
  7. Enroll the Chromebook before signing in to it.
The older process involved creating a USB recovery drive and plugging that in, but now you can just do it right from the machine.
Re-imaging is a common solution to get a computer back into circulation.  You won’t find the root cause of an issue doing this, but it is a great way to get the user back up and running in no time.

Бирена мая

Soma, Бирена мая + Витамини А, С, Е, 125 табл.

Soma, Бирена мая + Витамини А, С, Е, 125 табл.Biolabor Bierhefe Tabletten

  • Високоефективна формула за здраве и красота.
  • Под формата на таблетки.
  • Активни съставки - бирена мая + витамини А, С, Е.
  • Естествен източник на важни витамини, минерали и микроелементи.
  • Пречиства кръвта.
  • Укрепва имунната система и съпротивителните сили.
  • Действа общоукрепващо.
  • Оказва благоприятно въздействие при някои кожни проблеми /акне, екзема и др./
  • Придава мекота и еластичност на кожата.
  • Прави косата блестяща и мека.
  • Заздравява ноктите.
  • Подпомага бързото възстановяване след тежък физически труд, спорт или заболяване.
  • Хранителна добавка.
  • Производител - Германия.

 Bierhefe на немската компания за натурални хранителни добавка Soma, е разкошен продукт за здравето и красотата, съчетаващ силата на бирената мая с редица важни витамини. Не, това не е някаква сложна комбинация от съставки, всъщност цялата сила на продукта се крие в уникалните свойства, които "носи" бирената мая. Всяка таблетка Bierhefe съдържа 500 мг. бирена мая.
Бирената мая е позната още от древността с прекрасните си лековити свойства. Богата на протеини, аминокиселини, витамини и минерали, тя е всъщност като "витаминен коктейл"осигуряващ всичко необходимо на организма.
Бирената мая укрепва имунната система и съпротивителните сили на организмаВъзстановява силите след тежък физически труд и спорт илислед продължително заболяване. Действа общоукрепващо. Притежава изключителен детоксикиращ ефект - пречиства кръвта и насърчава здравословната чревна флораИзглажда кожата и я изчиства от несъвършенства. Прави косата лъскава и гладка и заздравява ноктите. Действа благоприятно върху развитието на младия организъм особено по време на пубертета. 

Начин на прием: По 2 таблетки 3 пъти дневно с малко течност. При тежък физически труд и при активен спорт - до 3 пъти по 5 таблетки на ден.

Съдържание в 1 табл. Бирена мая + Vitamin A, C, E:

Състав:в 100 g                         в 1 таблетка
витамин С1000 mg5 mg
витамин Е160 mg0.8 mg
витамин А92 mg0.46 mg
витамин В112 mg0.06 mg
ниацин120 mg0.6 mg
витамин В220 mg0.1 mg
пантотенова киселина10 mg0.05 mg
витамин В60.4 mg0.002 mg
биотин50 µg0.25 µg
фолиева киселина200 µg1 µg
витамин В120.6 µg0.003 µg
холин320 mg1.6 mg
фосфор1480 mg7.4 mg
натрий50 mg0.25 mg
калций1150 mg5.75 mg
магнезий114.6 mg0.573 mg
калий2000 mg10 mg
цинк10 mg0.05 mg
манган500 µg2.5 µg
желязо4.6 mg0.023 mg
Хранителни стойности:                            
белтъчини48 g240 mg
въглехидрати37 g185 mg
мазнини5.2 g26 mg
Енергийни стойности:1618 kJ8.09 kJ
382 kcal1.91 kcal

Съхранение: Да се съхранява в затворена опаковка, на сухо място, при температура под 25ºС

Възможни са разлики в цените и наличностите на продуктите в онлайн аптеката и във физическите ни обекти!

10 симптома на глутеновата непоносимост

10 симптома на глутеновата непоносимост

Глутенови храни

И още: как да се тестваме за евентуалното му наличие и какво предупреждават специалистите?
Научен факт е, че причината на над 55 заболявания се крие в глутена – растителен протеин, съдържащ се в пшеницата, ръжта, ечемика и др. зърнени култури. Според световната здравна статистика се оказва, че 99% от хората, които развиват непоносимост към глутена или т.нар. заболяване целиакия, са неправилно и не добре диагностицирани.
По-долу са изложени 10 от признаците, по които самостоятелно можем да се ориентираме за евентуално наличие за глутенова непоносимост:
1. Храносмилателни проблеми като запек, газове, подуване на корема и дори стомашно разстройство. Всеки един от посочените неразположения - резултат на заболяването, се проявяват в една или друга степен според възрастта и индивидуалността на организма Запекът например е характерен симптом за глутенова непоносимост при малките деца.
2. Синдромът Keratosis Pilaris, известен също като "пилешка кожа", характерна за външната страна на ръцете и бедрата. Често синдрома може да бъде объркан с акне. Keratosis Pilaris обикновено е резултат на недостиг на мастна киселина и витамин А, както и на малабсорбция, причинена от глутеновото увреждане на чревната флора.
 3. Умора, замъгляване пред очите или чувство на отпадналост след хранене на продукти със съдържание на глутен
4. Диагностика на автоимунно заболяване като тиреоидит на Хашимото, ревматоиден артрит, язвен колит, лупус, псориазис, склеродермия или множествена склероза
5. Неврологични симптоми като световъртеж или дори загуба на равновесие.
6. Хормонален дисбаланс или неизяснен стерилитет
7. Мигренозно главоболие
8. Диагноза на хроничната умора или фибромиалгия
9. Възпаление, подуване или болка в ставите на пръстите, коленете и бедрата.
10. Резки скокове в настроението, проблеми като тревожност, депресия и чувство за несигурност

Как да се тестваме за евентуално наличие на глутенова непоносимост?
Според съветите на специалистите един от най-добрите начини да разберем дали имаме проблем с глутеновата непоносимост е, като се подложим на диета, в която да елиминираме и извадим от дневното си меню всички храни със съдържание на глутен. Достатъчно е да лишим организма си в продължение на 2 до 3 седмици и след това отново да се върнем на обичайния си хранителен режим. Ако по време на диетата се почувстваме осезаемо по-добре, а при връщането си към консумацията на глутенови храни състоянието ни се влоши, изводът е ясен. Проблемът с глутена е налице и единствената адекватна стъпка е той незабавно и завинаги да бъде ликвидиран от менюто ни – на 100%! Това ще рече, че за да се предпазим успешно от неговото коварно въздействие, ние трябва наистина да внимаваме не само какво ядем, но и какви добавки, лекарства и скрити носители на този протеин приемаме.
Предупреждението на специалистите
Трябва да знаем, че ако позволим на опасния за здравето ни протеин дори веднъж в месеца да проникне в организма ни, последиците могат да бъдат изключително сериозни. Установено е, че човек, страдащ от цьолиакия или с особено висока чувствителност към глутеновите храни, наруши за момент режима си на хранене, рискът от летален изход се увеличава на 600%!
Ето защо, ако се опасяваме, не сме сигурни за здравословното си състояние или имаме някои от гореизброените симптоми, е необходимо неотложно да потърсим помощта и експертното мнение на лекаря специалист!

If You See This Invasive “Miracle” Weed, Don’t Kill It, Eat It

If You See This Invasive “Miracle” Weed, Don’t Kill It, Eat It

Purslane is medicine, not a menace. It’s also a culinary delight making its way into farmer’s markets and fancy restaurants.

Purslane is one of many weeds in your garden that you might not want to kill. The super-food beloved by Ghandi, is now making a comeback in farmer’s markets and fancy restaurants.
It “sprouts from sidewalk cracks, invades gardens and earns contempt from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which classifies it as a “noxious weed”.
It’s also “a miracle plant,” Dr. Artemis Simopoulos told the Times.
President of the Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health, Simopoulos discovered while working at the National Institutes of Health that the plant had the highest level of Omega-3 fatty acids of any other green plant.
The tear-shaped leaves of this succulent plant are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Plus, they’re delicious

The cucumber-crisp leaves have a tart,  lemony tang, with a peppery kick, according to the chef-owner of Aldo’s Ristorante Italiano in Chicago Sergio Vitale.
Vitale grew up eating the weed in in southern Italy.”When you bite into it, it bursts,” he says.Purslane apparently tastes great in salads, stir-fries or straight out of the ground.If it’s not in your garden already, you can buy some seeds, toss them around, and watch them grow, like crazy.

Here are 8 reasons to include purslane in your diet:

1. Omega-3 fatty acids. Purslane is a great source of the omega-3 fatty acids that are so scarce in the American diet, but so essential for brain and heart health. If you’re a vegan, this is one of the best sources you’ll find.

2. Antioxidants. Purslane is loaded with antioxidants, such as glutathione which protect cells from damage and slow aging.

3. Minerals. Purslane is a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, folate and selenium, all lacking in the Standard American Diet and essential to good health.
4. Vitamin C. Great source of this immune-boosting vitamin.

5. Beta-carotene. Purslane is rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which most of us are seriously lacking in.

6. Melatonin. Purslane is a rare plant-source of melatonin, a hormone essential to regulating sleep.
7. Lowers cholesterol. Purslane contains betalain, an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol from damaging blood vessels and has a positive effect on LDL cholesterol levels.

8. Tryptophan. Purslane contains this important amino acid that regulates mood and fights depression.
For more on the benefits of invasive weeds, check out the book Invasive Plant Medicine:

Natural Toothache Remedies That Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Natural Toothache Remedies That Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Tooth pain was as common before modern dentistry as it is now, but then people had no other option but rely on natural remedies to address their pain. While modern medicine comes with its own options, natural remedies can help avoid the dentist and their solutions as long as used properly.

Tooth Pain Causes

Although cavities is believed to be the underlying cause of tooth pain, there are many other causes, too. Among them are:

Repetitive motions, such as chewing hard foods or grinding teeth
Infected gums/ Gum disease
Tooth decay
Tooth eruption ( in small children)
An abnormal bite
Abscessed tooth
Tooth fracture
A damaged lling
As for the symptoms, some of the most common include a sharp, throbbing or constant pain, fever, headache, and swelling around the teeth.

12 At Home Toothache Remedies

1. Clove Oil

Clove oil is packed with eugenol, a compound with potent antiseptic and anesthetic properties which is used in modern dentistry t kill germs and relieve gum pain. According to one study, eugenol is as effective as benzocaine in numbing pain. Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with a few drops of clove oil and apply the solution to the area of pain with a cotton ball. Remove the ball when the area is numb, and rinse the mouth well. Another option is to simply chew a few cloves using the affected side of the mouth.

2. Ginger Cayenne Paste

This paste helps reduce swelling, alleviate pain, ght off infection, and keep bleeding in check. To make it at home, mix ginger and cayenne in equal amounts along with a little bit of water. Soak a cotton ball in the formula and apply onto the affected tooth. Let it work as long as possible.

3. Salt Water Gargle

This solution is made of a teaspoon of salt and a cup of boiling water. It combats infection and alleviates throat pain. It also helps ease swelling and ush away debris. Allow to water to cool and swirl it around the mouth for half a minute.

4. Peppermint Tea

According to a 2013 study, peppermint oil is very effective antiseptic solution against oral pathogens. For optimal results, drink peppermint tea containing a teaspoon of peppermint leaves steeped for 15- 20 minutes. This delicious tea will also alleviate bad headache and bad breath, both of which are typical side effects of tooth pain.

5. Myrrh

“Myrrh’s astringent properties help with inammation, and a rinse can offer the added benet of reducing bacteria,” writes RDH. For DIY myrrh rinse, simmer a teaspoon if myrrh in two cups of water. Allow it to cool and use a few times daily.

6. Raw Garlic

Garlic has the ability to combat fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Its active ingredient called allicin doesn’t respond quite well to health, so it is recommended to use raw garlic when using it for medicinal purposes. Crush a garlic clove and let it sit for a few minutes to activate its compounds. Combine it with a bit of salt and apply onto the painful tooth. Another option is to chew the clove a few times daily using the affected tooth.

7. Vanilla Extract

Vanilla works in two separate ways: its scent acts as soothing agent to help ght off anxiety linked to a toothache, and its alcohol content acts as numbing agent. To use it to alleviate a toothache, dab vanilla extract on your nger and rub it onto the affected tooth. Repeat the procedure twice daily.

8. Turmeric Paste

This paste is packed with antiviral and antibacterial properties, which makes it able to ght bad breath, gum redness, irritation, and tooth stains. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil, a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a few drops of peppermint oil. Brush your teeth with this paste just like you would do with a regular one. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off.

9. Chewing Gum

Losing a lling or breaking a tooth is extremely painful, particularly near the newly exposed area. In order to alleviate the pain, even temporarily, chew a gum on the opposite side of the mouth and apply the chewed gum onto the affected tooth.

10. Ice

Applying ice or a cold compress on the cheek on the painful tooth helps relieve pain and swelling prior undergoing any conventional treatment.

11. Acupressure

Simply apply pressure to the hand on the affected side, at the point where the base of the index nger and the thumb meet. Hold for a few minutes to release the pain-relieving endorphins.

12. Essential Oils

According to a 2014 study, “Essential oil rinses are found to be equally effective in inhibiting plaque. A study carried out by Pizzo et al. on plaque inhibitory effect of amine uoride/stannous uoride and essential oils showed no signicant difference in ecacy of both. As chlorhexidine causes staining of teeth on long term use, essential oils can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine rinse. Essential oils have shown to possess antimicrobial activity against subgingival periopathogens, too.” It is recommended to use oils like cinnamon, clove, tea tree oil, spearmint, peppermint, and myrrh.



We all love that divine smell of air sprays, but that sweet smell could lead to a whole range of health issues. One of such products is Febreze. According to EWG the Febreze products score a D or an F. Air fresheners cause lung cancer, asthma and respiratory issues, skin allergies and irritation, development and reproductive toxicity.
Did you know that when the air spray was put to an air pollution test, it released 87 toxic ingredients?


Did you know that both tobacco and air freshener companies don’t disclose all ingredients they use in their products? In fact, there are  over 600 ingredients that are used to make cigarettes.  and over 3,000 chemicals used to make air fresheners.  Scary!  When you see the word  “fragrance” as one of the ingredients, that means it’s a mixture of several dozen to several hundred chemicals.
There are eleven common ingredients from air fresheners and cigarettes. Seven of these chemicals cause cancer, 6 are toxic to your respiratory system, 2 are toxic to your reproductive system and 2 are toxic to your cardiovascular system.


-Acetaldehyde – Known as a carcinogen, toxic to reproductive health, immunotoxin, non-reproductive organ system toxin, skin, eye and lung irritator
-“Fragrance” – One of the three ingredients that is actually disclosed, it’s a neurotoxin, immunotoxin and allergen. Fragrances can be comprised of any number of over 3,000 ingredients. Some have never been tested for safety.
-Propylene Glycol – May cause cancer, allergies, toxic to immune system, builds up in the system, non-reproductive organ system toxin, is classified with “enhanced skin absorption” and I can irritate the skin, eye and lungs.
-Methyl pyrrolidone – Toxic to the reproductive system and development, allergen and immunotoxin, non-reproductive organ system toxin and skin, eyes and lung irritator.
-Butylphenyl methylpropion al – allergen, immunotoxin and skin, eyes and lung irritator
-Ethyl acetate – cause developmental/reproductive toxicity and neurotoxicity. Skin, eyes and lung irritator
-Geraniol – Cause allergies, organ system toxicity and skin, eyes and lung irritation
-Benzaldehyde – neurotoxin, and skin, eyes and lung irritator
-Ethylhezanol – Skin, eyes and lung irritatant and reproductive toxin


Air fresheners cause lung cancer and more that’s why you must detox. The most effective and inexpensive way to detox your body is to take spirulina. According to many recent scientific studies, spirulina helps support healthy detoxification of  built up toxins from the body by binding to  them. Thus, these toxins are  carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination.


Diffusing essential oils is a natural way to help purify the air in your home all while adding therapeutic benefits. Diffusing essential oils also improves your immunity and even mood.  Learn more about essential oils here 

Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers

  Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers   Tomatoes  are a popular choice for home gardeners due to their versati...