

Researchers Reveal 10 Foods That Increase Your Risk For Cancer

Researchers Reveal 10 Foods That Increase Your Risk For Cancer


You already know that your diet impacts your health. Experts reiterated in a study on PLOS Medicine that if you avoid eating certain foods, you will not just lower your risks for heart disease and diabetes but you will also lower your risk for cancer.
Today, the buzzword seems to be that “everything causes cancer.” But the PLOS study showed you won’t automatically develop the disease if you have fast-food dinners as an occasional indulgence. Rather, you could develop cancer if you generally have a poor diet and consistently eat meals that are high on sugar, salt or fat. Here are some foods that researchers say will definitely increase your cancer risks.



Everyone loves a good barbecue because the meat cooks fast while still maintaining its juicy flavor. There’s also something mouthwatering about charred meat that may be why it’s a popular backyard and summer party food in America.
You might think that barbecuing or grilling is healthier than frying since the meat isn’t soaked in oil. However, experts at the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) said that this cooking process may activate cancer-causing chemicals.

Researchers Reveal 10 Foods That Increase Your Risk For Cancer

You already know that your diet impacts your health. Experts reiterated in a study on PLOS Medicine that if you avoid eating certain foods, you will not just lower your risks for heart disease and diabetes but you will also lower your risk for cancer.
Today, the buzzword seems to be that “everything causes cancer.” But the PLOS study showed you won’t automatically develop the disease if you have fast-food dinners as an occasional indulgence. Rather, you could develop cancer if you generally have a poor diet and consistently eat meals that are high on sugar, salt or fat. Here are some foods that researchers say will definitely increase your cancer risks.



Everyone loves a good barbecue because the meat cooks fast while still maintaining its juicy flavor. There’s also something mouthwatering about charred meat that may be why it’s a popular backyard and summer party food in America.
You might think that barbecuing or grilling is healthier than frying since the meat isn’t soaked in oil. However, experts at the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) said that this cooking process may activate cancer-causing chemicals.
When you’re barbecuing, you’re cooking meat in high temperatures. This triggers the release of chemicals like heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Both chemicals are known carcinogens, as proven in experiments done on animal subjects that developed cancer tumors. The HCAs cause the charring marks on the meat while the PAHs come from the fat dripping from the meat to the grill.
This isn’t to suggest that you completely ditch barbecued meat. You just need to learn to grill the proper way if you can’t bake or broil your food.
  • Grill more chicken or fish, more fruits and vegetables, and less red meat.
  • As much as possible, use grass-fed steak meat.
  • Ditch the tilapia because this fish has no healthy oils.
  • Flip what you’re barbecuing often to avoid charring.
  • Wrap up the food you barbecue in a foil to lessen the effects of the chemical release.
  • Control your use of marinades. Lightly season your food with olive oil, herbs and spices, and some pepper.


Microwave popcorn, while convenient, may prove harmful. (Have you ever wondered about those linings inside a microwavable popcorn bag?) The nonstick coating apparently contain a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Animal studies revealed that PFOA can raise the risk of cancer in the liver, pancreas, and the testicles.
You can, however, still enjoy eating popcorn for its fiber-rich benefits. Nutritionists say you should air-pop it and don’t add too much salt, sugar, and butter. Still, indulging in popcorn while watching a movie provides a more positive diet than potato chips.


Drinking a can of ice-cold soda might give you a relief from the heat. (The high sugar content will also provide an energy boost.) But it’s precisely this sugar content that makes soft drinks a cancer-causing beverage.
Evidence shows the indirect links of sugar to the progression of cancer cells, especially if your body is taking in more calories than it can burn. The body needs sugar to process energy. But too much of it can turn to fat that may lead to the development of different diseases, including cancer.
While researchers continue probing how sugar and cancer directly tie up, soda drinks also contain additives and chemicals like 4-methylimidazole (4-MI). These ingredients are carcinogens. Even “diet” sodas, supposedly the healthier alternative, contain these chemicals.


Foods like bacon, ham, hot dogs, and other deli favorites go through a thorough process to preserve taste and palatability.
  • Processed meats are cured, salted, and smoked. Processed vegetables have been pickled and fermented before reaching the market.
  • This makes these foods last longer and makes them more flavorful. Unfortunately, it also increases the food’s cancer-causing effects.
  • Processed and pickled food is filled with sodium nitrate and other chemical preservatives.
Researches reviewed 800 studies on processed food. They learned that a person can raise his colorectal, pancreatic, or prostate cancer risks by 18 percent if he’s fond of eating 50 grams of processed food every day. This is roughly the portion of one hotdog and four bacon strips.
Experts, therefore, say that you should limit eating processed meat to less than 20 grams per serving. Also, avoid consuming processed meat and pickled food every day because it would be like smoking a cigarette on a daily basis.


Canned goods contain the controversial chemical Bisphenol A (BPA). This is a man-made industrial component widely used in the manufacture of packaging and containers. It’s also in the resin that seals canned goods and drinks. BPA can interact with the food content. Those that contain high acidity, such as tomatoes, can make this chemical more concentrated thus increasing its cancer-causing effects.
Researchers say that BPA can disrupt the functions of the endocrine. Therefore, it interferes with how the hormones work. Even small amounts of BPA can impact developing hormones in young children. For this reason, many countries, such France, China, and the United States, have banned the use of BPA in manufacturing baby food containers.
Experts from Breast Cancer UK say that low-levels of BPA exposure can change breast tissue development. BPA has also linked to prostate cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.


The habitual drinking of beer and alcohol is a leading cause of cancer development. It’s a close second to the toxins that smoking cigarettes bring. Beer and alcohol can damage your liver, colon, esophagus, rectum, and mouth. It can also lead to breast cancer.
Some alcoholic drinks, like red wine, have a positive effect on the heart if consumed in moderation. Researchers pegged that a moderate amount is about five ounces of wine and 12 ounces of beer per day for women. Men can have twice the servings if they have a higher body weight.


You may have heard of GMO or genetically-modified organisms. Introduced in the food manufacturing process in the 1990s, GMO foods have provided humans with an ample food supply. Today, 90 percent of soy, corn, and many other crops derive from GMOs. However, those against biotechnology say that there were no adequate tests done to ensure that GMOs are safe for long-term human health.
  • It requires chemicals to grow these crops for food, thus one can conclude that GMOs might cause cancer and tumor growth.
  • Since the production of GMO foods, researchers have discovered a significant increase among people with chronic illnesses.
  • An increasing number of children have also developed autism and other serious health problems at a young age.
Biotechnology is not just used by food manufacturing companies with big farms. It’s also used in the supply of livestock, chicken, and fish markets.
Proponents fighting the use of GMOs insist that you should buy produce, meat, and fish from locally-grown sources that don’t rely on biotechnology. Look for foods that are organically manufactured. This will help to ensure that you’re not ingesting chemicals from the food you eat.

8.    RED MEAT

Like processed meat, red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) is also associated with cancer. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, consuming 18 ounces of red meat a week puts you at a high risk for the disease’s development.
If you like to eat hamburgers and steak on regular basis, you raise your chances of having cancer, especially colon cancer, by 20 to 22 percent. Yes, the occasional indulgence for red meat can provide the proteins that your body needs for strong muscles. When you do eat red meat, stick to organic or grass-fed sources.


Do you know that white flour, or refined flour, is processed using a chemical product? The flour needs to be bleached with chlorine so that it will look more appealing as a food ingredient.
  • The process of bleaching actually kills most of the nutrients.
  • When you’re enjoying bread, pizza dough, cakes and pastries baked with white flour, you’re actually eating food that has no nutritional value. Additionally, it might cause cancer.
  • White flour also triggers a high glycemic rate that raises your body’s blood sugar levels.
  • It’s no wonder why people who are on a diet, or obese, or at risk for diabetes are advised to avoid foods made with white flour.
Experts have linked white flour to breast cancer in women. Apparently, consuming food made with white flour can raise a woman’s breast cancer risks by 220 percent. Its consumption concerns many health experts.


Hydrogenated oil is not naturally extracted like olive oil. It turns unsaturated fat into solid fat when added with hydrogen. Part of its manufacturing process results in the creation of another type of oil called trans fat. The most common type of hydrogenated oil is vegetable oil, which is mostly used for frying food.
Researchers say that while hydrogenated oil has a longer shelf life, it can change the structure of the body’s cell membranes so it makes a person prone to diseases. It’s filled with omega-6 fats that are not healthy. Omega-6 fats have also been tied to heart diseases and birth defects. Experts say that you should never cook using hydrogenated oil. Instead, switch to canola oil, soy-based oil, or olive oil for the healthier alternatives.


Most foods, in general, are not as carcinogenic as smoking, deadly viruses, and radiation. But if you are aware of which foods might cause higher cancer risks, you can actively watch what you eat, consume food in moderation, change your diet, or avoid unhealthy foods altogether.
It’s not completely bad if you sample some of these foods on the list. However, the key here is to eat in moderation and have a well-balanced diet to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.


Големият Мичио Каку отвори книгата на бъдещето до 2068! Някои ликуват, други треперят!

Големият Мичио Каку отвори книгата на бъдещето до 2068! Някои ликуват, други треперят!

Фyтypyлoзи, oбeдинeни oт плaтфopмaтa „Futurе Тіmеlіnе“, ce oпитaxa дa пpecъздaдaт ĸapтинaтa нa cъбитиятa зa cлeдвaщитe 50 гoдини, според Новото познание. Oщe пъpвитe няĸoлĸo пpoгнoзи пpaвят впeчaтлeниe, чe вepoятнo ĸaзaнoтo щe cтaнe фaĸт пpeз гoдинитe.
Бъpзoтo paзвитиe нa нayĸaтa, тexниĸaтa и мeдицинaтa пpинyждaвa cпeциaлиcтитe дa нaдниĸнaт в бъдeщeтo.
Eĸcпepтитe ce интepecyвaт ĸaĸъв щe бъдe нaшия cвят, ĸaĸви нoвocти щe изпoлзвaмe в живoтa cи.
B нeoтдaвнaшнo интepвю извecтният физиĸ Mичиo Kaĸy ĸaзa:
Mнoгo cĸopo xopaтa щe имaт  „ceнзopни тaпeти“, c пoмoщтa нa ĸoитo щe мoгaт дa oбмeнят инфopмaция c дpyги xopa, ĸoитo ca дaлeч. Te щe зaмecтят тaблeтa − дoĸocвaйĸи ги тe щe мoгaт дa пoзвънят, пишaт и дopи дa видят cъбeceдниĸa cи. Πpoгнoзитe зa бъдeщeтo
2020: Щe влeзe в дeйcтвиe cтaндapтът 5G. Щe имa xoлoгpaфcĸa тeлeвизия.
2021: Щe бъдe пpoизвeдeн пъpвия изĸycтвeн бъбpeĸ.
2022: B CAЩ 10% oт eлeĸтpoeнepгиятa  щe ce пpoизвeждa c пoмoщтa нa cлънчeвaтa eнepгия. B Дyбaй щe изпoлзвaт лeтящи тaĸcитa.
2023: Имплaтни зa мoзъĸa щe вpъщaт „изгyбeни cпoмeни“. Texнoлoгиятa блoĸчeйн, възниĸнaлa c пoявaтa нa битĸoин, щe ce изпoлзвa ĸaтo cтaндapт в плaтeжнитe oпepaции пo цял cвят.
2024: B eжeднeвиeтo щe ce изпoлзвaт cвaлeни oт интepнeт и oтпeчaтaни нa 3D пpинтep мoдeли.
2025. Teлeвизиoннитe пpeдaвaния щe ce ocъщecтвявaт caмo чpeз интepнeт. 3D пpинтepитe щe зaпoчнaт дa пpoизвeждaт opгaни в лaбopaтopния ycлoвия.
2028: Bъв Beлиĸoбpитaния пeчaтнитe вecтници щe излязaт нaпълнo oт yпoтpeбa и щe пpoдължaт cъщecтвyвaнeтo cи в интepнeт.
2029: Изĸycтвeният интeлeĸт щe cтaнe peaлнocт. Фyнĸциитe нa ĸacиepи и пpoдaвaчи в cyпepмapĸeтитe щe ce изпълнявaт oт poбoти.
2030: CAЩ щe зaпoчнaт дa гyбят cтaтyтa cи нa cвeтoвнa cвpъxдъpжaвa. Зaбoлявaнe нoмep 1 щe cтaнe дeпpecиятa.
2031: Πopaди pязĸoтo cпaдaнe нa пpoизвoдcтвoтo нa ĸaĸao шoĸoлaдът oтнoвo щe cтaнe пpeдмeт нa paзĸoшa.
2032: Интepнeт щe бъдe 100 пъти пo-бъpз. Hopмa щe cтaнe вpъзĸaтa пocpeдcтвoм тepaбитни oптични мpeжи.
2033-2034: Щe ce cъcтoи пъpвaтa пилoтиpyeмa eĸcпeдиция нa Фoбoc – eдин oт двaтa cпътниĸa нa Mapc. Щe зaпoчнaт миннoдoбивни дeйнocти нa acтepoидитe. Ha Зeмятa щe ce дocтaвят cĸъпoцeннитe мeтaли cъдъpжaщи ce в мeтeopититe. Щe имa aвиoĸoмпaнии пpeдлaгaщи пътничecĸи пoлeти cъc cвpъxзвyĸoви cĸopocти.
2035: Щe ce пoявят пъpвитe дoĸaзaтeлcтвa зa cъщecтвyвaнeтo нa извънзeмeн живoт. Pycия щe cтaнe нaй-гoлямaтa пpoизвoдитeлcĸa нa ceлcĸocтoпaнcĸa пpoдyĸция в cвeтa. Ha Лyнaтa щe бъдe cъздaдeнa пъpвaтa oбитaeмa бaзa.
2036-2038: Cинтeтичнoтo мeco, пpoизвeждaнo в лaбopaтopии, щe cтaнe нeщo oбичaйнo пo paфтoвeтe нa мaгaзинитe. Meчтaтa зa тeлeпopтaция нa cлoжни opгaнични мoлeĸyли щe cтaнe peaлнocт. Oбeмът нa глoбaлния пaзap нa ĸocмичecĸaтa индycтpия щe пpeвиши 1 тpилиoн дoлapa. 2040: Πpeoблaдaвaщ нaчин зa мeждyличнocтнo oбщyвaнe щe cтaнe виpтyaлнaтa тeлeпaтия. Tютюнeвитe издeлия и цигapитe щe изчeзнaт нaпълнo.
2041: Cpeднaтa тeмпepaтypa щe ce пoвиши c 2 гpaдyca. Щe бъдe cъздaдeт ĸoмпютъp c йoтaфлoп пpoизвoдитeлнocт, cпocoбeн дa изпълнявa oпepaциитe 50 милиoнa пъти пo-бъpзo oт cъвpeмeннитe cyпepĸoмпютpи.
2042-2049: Haceлeниeтo нa Зeмятa щe пpeвиши 9 милиapдa. B CAЩ зa пpъв път бeлитe щe ce oĸaжaт мaлцинcтвo. Xopaтa и мaшинитe щe ce cлeят в eднo цялo. Πpиcъcтвиeтo нa poбoти в eжeднeвния и пpoфecиoнaлeн живoт щe cтaнe нeщo oбичaйнo.
2053: Зa пpъв път щe ce пoявят „дизaйнepcĸи дeцa“. 2057: Щe ce изпoлзвaт пopтaтивни MPT-cĸeнepи, ĸoитo щe ce пoбиpaт в длaнтa нa eднaтa pъĸa.
2059: Heфтeнaтa epa щe cвъpши. Ha Mapc щe бъдe cъздaдeнa пъpвaтa чoвeшĸa ĸoлoния.
2067: Щe бъдaт пpoизвeдeни пъpвитe ĸocмичecĸи aпapaти нa гopивo oт aнтимaтepия.
2068: Ha Oлимпийcĸитe игpи пpeз 2068 гoдинa чepeн aтлeт щe пpoбягa cтoмeтpoвия cпpинт зa пo-мaлĸo oт 9 ceĸyнди.

Това са думите на Ванга, които всеки трябва да запомни: Голямо щастие идва като сложиш в ъгъла на стаята си

Това са думите на Ванга, които всеки трябва да запомни: Голямо щастие идва като сложиш в ъгъла на стаята си

Дори не подозирате на какво вълшебство са способни тези предмети на Ванга!
Особено №4.
1) Mед
Ванга казвала: “Мед в къщата – просперитет в къщата“. От незапомнени времена се смята, че най-вече доста се харесва меда у дома. Това са невидими същества, които охраняват спокойствието и комфорта в дома ви.
2) Подкова на входа – за късмет.
Първият предмет, който мъдрата баба Ванга назовала, била подковата. Тя казвала: “Дръж подкова на входа за щастие и успеха ще намери пътя към твоя дом, конят винаги носи късмет, а на коня какво му е необходимо – подкова”.
3) Финикова палма и върба 
Знаменитата баба Ванга казвала: “Палмата от семето расте. Нека тя защитава тебе и да пази твоя дом и Христос да славиш винаги. Върбата да се съхранява в дома от година на година, от година на година. Тя ще донесе доброта, богатство и успех във всичките ти дела. Първи твой приятел и помощник. ” Засадете семе от палмово дърво и го оставете да расте. Смята се, че финиковата палма е свещено растение, което почиства дома, способства за разпространението на доброта и чистота, отблъсква нечистотията.
4) Сапун
За сапуна Ванга казва: “Вие живеете бързо, страхувате се, че няма да успеете на време и всъщност приемате нещата повърхностно. Имате ли нещо против да прекарате няколко минути, опитвайки се да мислите за същността на нещата, които толкова често са част от всекидневния живот? Сапунът използвате само за физическо пречистване, но в действителност той може да ви даде много повече. Обикновеният сапун определено необходимо е да бъде в дома ти, той ще ви служи вярно, и всяко зло и нечистотия ще измие. ” Погледнете в магазина за обикновен сапун – без никакви химикали, само с натурални съставки.
5) Чесън
Поставете чесън в ъгъла на общата стая, близо до тавана, за да прогоните злите духове: “Искаш ли да защитиш себе си и къщата си от уроки и зли духове, изплаши ги с чесън. Те не го обичат и ги е страх, и в къщата, където има чесън, никога дявол не може да се задържи. Както се е появил, така и бързо ще избяга.”
6) Камбана (от сребро или стомана)
Представителите на злите сили са страхливи същества, които обичат тишината и ги е страх от силни шумове. Особено зле им става, ако звуците се повтарят периодично, така че във всеки дом трябва да има камбана”, казва Ванга.
7) Кехлибар
Ванга учи: в къщата трябва да им замразено слънце, отразено в смолата. Кехлибар непременно вземете, за да проясни и главата, и съдбата на всички.
8 ) Ябълки
Ванга казва: “Ако искате къщата винаги да е пълна с много щастие и просперитет, следете за това в кухнята винаги да има ябълка, която ще служи за благото на всички. И ябълката никой да не докосва и където тя лежи – радва вашия поглед и няма да знаете скръб.”
9) Игла
“Против уроки да защитите себе си и любимите си хора, е необходимо да използвате игли” – казва Ванга.
10 ) Ботуши
В историята за това как е необходимо да се държите със съдбата, великата пророчицата Ванга казва: “Съдбата е добро момиче, не е алчно за подаръци. Само трябва да й помогнете да прояви добротата си. Вземете си чифт ботуши и за нищо не тъжете, тя ще ви бъде гост и ги наложете.”
11) Тръстика
Казвала великата Ванга: “Ако искате да прогоните проблемите далеч от дома си, непременно си вземете тръстика, която ще ви бъде верен помощник. Тръстиката ще пази добре енергията, която живее в къщата ви и ще ви помогне да се отървете от лошата енергия, която се прихваща по време на пътуване.”
12) Свещи
В разговори за енергията голямата пророчица Ванга казва: “Свещите ще помогнат на хората да запазят и поддържат енергията в къщата. Тези свещи, направени от восък, притежават наистина чудесна сила. Аз ще ви кажа каква свещ и за какво да се използва, но с тези знания трябва много да се внимава, тъй като силата на свещта може да ви помогне, но и може да ви навреди, ако се злоупотреби с нея.”
13) Огледало
“Кръглото огледало добре помни. Ако го има в къщата, то щастието няма да изтече, а ще остане в огледалото”, казва Ванга.
14) Ветропоказател
Казва великата баба Ванга: “Всеки, който може да се справи с вятъра, ще живее и мъка няма да не знае. Този, който може да го направи вятърът винаги да духа в неговата посока, никога няма да бъде самотен и нещастен. Ако искате да намерите щастие – попитайте за това вятъра. И за да се научите да говорите с него, направете в дома си един ветропоказател.“
15) Изсушена рибена люспа
“Изсушената люспа на риба носи богатство в дома и доволство за всички. Всеки, който правилно може да я отдели, няма да знае мъка. Само, че е важно правилно да скриете този талисман, в противен случай може да ерозира цялата му магическа сила”, казва Ванга.
16) Кука
Ванга казва: “Вземете си стоманена кука и уловете рибата на щастието и късмета, рибата, която ще изпълни всичките мечти и желания. Изплетете своята съдбата – колкото по-красива плетка наплетете, толкова по-интересен ще бъде животът ви”!
17) Кълбо от вълна
Великата Ванга казвала: “Искате ли да намерите своя път към щастието? Желаете ли да се чувствате постоянно полезни в този живот? Искате ли да бъдат с вас любимите ви хора? Не забравяйте да запазите в къщата си една топка вълна”.
18) Точило
“Точи и точи своето щастие на точилото! – учила Ванга. Нека отлети далеч всичко, което е слабо и старо, нека новото и острото, добре сложено, да бъде с вас в живота ви. Вземи си в къщата точило! То ще те предпази от зли духове и пари ще донесе! Нека нечестивият да знае какво оръжие точиш!”
19) Пясъчен часовник
Каза великата пророчица Ванга: “Времето е спряло в стъклото и е станало на пясък, можете да го контролирате, както искате. Ако бихте могли да укротите един пясъчен часовник, няма да съжалявате за отминалото време. То ще стане ваш надежден приятел, който в трудна ситуация винаги ще ви подскаже какво да правите. Също така пясъчният часовник е декорация на дома, която винаги привлича окото. Ако нямате в дома си пясъчен часовник, означава, че не се грижите за времето на хората в тази къща, не държите на обещанията си и не се страхувате от старостта. Хората или са горделиви или просто не знаят, че може да им се помогне. Пясъчният часовник трябва да се даде на тези, които искрено искат помощ.”
20) Птица на щастието
Великата Ванга каза: “Щастието в дома птицата носи, провесете дървени играчки над креватчето на детето, нека да ги гледа, както малкото жълто слънце го наблюдава. Птицата на щастието ще го защитава, приказки ще му разказва, сълзите му ще пресуши. И то ще се смее, ще я гледа и с палец ще я сочи”. Икона Вие не сте прекалено мързеливи, за да отидете на църква и свещи за здраве и за покой да запалите. Идете в църковния магазин и си изберете икона, която ще се превърне в помощник за цял живот. Можете да обмислите избора си, но най-добре е да погледнете иконите и да изберете тази, която ви носи най-голямата радост”, каза Ванга. Иконата ще бъде вашият верен приятел и в трудна ситуация ще ви утеши, надежда и радост в мъката ще донесе, и вълненията ще успокои. Основното нещо е да се обръщате с цялото си сърце към иконата вместо да я използвате, за да утоли вашите нужди”. Черен камък Голямата пророчица Ванга казва: “За да бъде сънят добър, трябва да си намерите помощник, който да ви пази. Затова ще е полезно да намерите крайпътен черен камък, най-незабележимия. Ако донесете такъв камък в къщата си, никога няма да имате проблемите със съня.”


Itchy Ear Canal – Causes and Natural Home Remedies

Itchy Ear Canal – Causes and Natural Home Remedies

Itchy Ear Canal – Causes and Natural Home Remedies

An Itchy ear canal can be a very annoying condition, and there are many different reasons why some people suffer from itchy ear right inside their ear canal. Some people have more sensitive skin than others. Also, some irritants and infections can cause chronic itching in the ears. In this this article I will discuss various causes of itchy ear, as well as home remedies to relieve itchy ear canal.

Often it can be frustrating to know how to deal with an itch in the ear. The ears are very sensitive organs and can be easily damaged if you try to scratch them inside with a foreign object.
In most cases, it is possible to relieve the itchy ear by using safe natural remedies. It is also important to know what causes itchy ears because then it is possible to prevent itchy ears from developing in the future. However if you cannot cure your itchy ears, you’ll need to consult with your doctor about it.

The Causes of Itchy Ear

Are itchy ears something to worry about? Here is a list of the main reasons why sometimes the inside of your ear itches.


One of the main causes of itchy ear canal is an inflammation of the outer ear canal called otitis externa. Dr. Tim Kenny on says that inflammation of the ear canal can be caused by infection, allergies or other reasons. One of the symptoms of this condition is itching, although hearing can also be affected and it can be accompanied by discharge and pain.

Ear Infections

Ear infections are a very common reason why we sometimes have an itch in the ear canal. Dr. Robert Sander wrote in the journal American Family Physician that excessive moisture can cause itchiness in the ear. This is because too much moisture can lead to bacterial infections.
This can very often affect swimmers who get itchy ears because water gets into the ear canal and can cause irritation and infection. If you are a swimmer, then it is best to try and avoid water entering your ear in the first place, or you can find ways to get the water out of your ears in my article on how to unclog your ears.
Infections can also be caused by cleaning your ears the wrong way. This is something I’ve already discussed in my previous article about why you should stop cleaning inside your ears. Otolaryngologist, Dr. Michael J. Rensink says that the ears are usually self-cleaning and the ear canal should not itch. He says that you should never use cotton swabs, paper clips, bobby pins, or things like these to clean your ears.

Fungal Infections

Although not as common as bacterial infections in the ear, fungal infections can cause chronic itching in the ear canal. The Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases reports that fungi cause around 10% of all cases of itchy ears. It can also affect more people who have diabetes and underlying problems with their immune system.

Psoriasis and Dermatitis

Another reason why you can sometimes experience itching in the ear canal is because of atopic dermatitis (eczema) or psoriasis. Both conditions can affect any area of the body, including the ear canal.
Dr. Bradley W Kesser says that inflammation caused by dermatitis causes itching in the ear and can lead to infection if left untreated. He also recommends against using cotton swabs, water, and other irritants in the ear to avoid making the inflammation worse.


Allergies are a very common reason for a chronic (persistent) itchy ear, and it can be difficult to get a relief unless you remove the allergen.
Dr. Gregory Thompson on says that having itchy ears, nose, and throat is a common symptom of being allergic to something. The allergic reaction could also cause pressure in your ear or difficulty in hearing. Food allergies can also cause an itch inside your ear.

Too Little Earwax

The Mayo Clinic says that ear wax is necessary to clean, lubricate, and protect your inner ear. And, contrary to popular opinion, ear wax isn’t the sign of dirty ears.
Some people, however, produce too little ear wax and this can cause ear canal itching. The Harvard Medical School says that having too little earwax can make your ears feel itchy and uncomfortable. Also some people are born producing dry earwax that may be more likely to clump and get hard and dry, and are more likely to get ear infections.

Hearing Aids

Very often hearing aids can cause itchy ears. There are two reasons for this. First of all the polish on the surface of the hearing aid can cause an allergic reaction. Secondly, the hearing aid can trap moisture in the ear causing an infection.
Dr. Michael J. Rensink, quoted earlier, recommends wiping carefully the earmold with alcohol before fitting the hearing aid. When bathing or showering, try to keep water out of your ears.

Dry Ears

Cleaning your ears too much can also cause your ears to become itchy because this makes them dry. Our ears need to have some wax in them and this helps to keep them lubricated and free of bacteria.

Remedies to Relieve Itchy Ears

If you suffer from itchy ears, it can be very tempting to try and relieve the itchy ear canal by putting something in the ear to relieve the itch. However, that can sometimes result in more damage.
The Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the University of Texas says that putting things like cotton swabs and toothpicks in the ear to relieve itchiness can damage the ear and cause infections.
There are many ways to prevent itching in ears from developing and also many natural remedies for itchy ears.

Warm Oil

Warm oil is one of the best ways to soothe an itchy ear and it can help to remove excess ear wax.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to use olive oil to relieve an itchy ear. This is what you should do:
  • Warm up some olive oil and test a few drops on the back of your hand to make sure it’s not too hot.
  • With an eyedropper, apply a few drops to your ear canal
  • When the wax has softened, gently remove it from the outer ear with a cotton swab. Remember not to go too deep.
If your itchy ear is caused by an infection, you can also make garlic oil to help stop itchy ears. To use garlic oil for an itch in your ear:
  • Crush 2 garlic cloves and wait several minutes to let the allicin form. Allicin is the major biologically active component of garlic. Then cook the crushed garlic in a few tablespoons of olive oil for several minutes. Be careful not to burn the garlic – you just want to infuse the oil with the garlic.
  • Strain the oil and let it sit until it is a warm and not too hot.
  • Lie on your side and using an eyedropper, put two to 4 drops in your ear.
  • Let it go to work for about 30 seconds.
  • Use the garlic oil 3 to 4 times daily to cure your itchy ear.
For more information on how to relieve an ear infection, please read my article about the best home remedies to get rid of ear infection.

Water and Vinegar

A water and vinegar solution can be helpful to prevent itchy ears. Dr. William H. Blahd on WebMD recommends a natural remedy to treat itchy ears. Mix one part white vinegar with one part water. Make sure the solution is at body temperature. Using a bulb syringe, gently rinse your ear. 11

Warm Compress

Dr. Blahd also recommends using a warm compress to find a relief from itchy ears. To do this, you can soak a towel or washcloth in warm water and wring it out. Place the warm compress over your ear for 10 minutes to treat your itchy ear. If you notice some loosened wax around the outer ear, you can remove that gently with a cotton swab.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Dr. Robert Sander, mentioned earlier, says that hydrogen peroxide can be used to soften ear wax. In some cases hydrogen peroxide can also treat an ear infection of the external ear which can also prevent itchy ear. All you have to do is lie on your side and put two drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your ear canal. Wait for a couple of minutes until the fizzing stops. Tilt your head to the side to let the loosened wax come out. Hydrogen peroxide has many other uses which you can read about in my previous article.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for Itchy Ears

Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young say in their book, “The pH Miracle” that apple cider vinegar changes the pH of the ear canal, creating an environment where bacteria and viruses cannot thrive. So if your itchy ears are a result of an ear infection, you can use a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to cure the itchiness.
Put equal parts of raw ACV and water in a pan and heat up. Make sure it’s not too hot. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture, lie on your side and leave it plugged in your ear for a few minutes each day.
It is always important to remember that while home remedies can help relieve the symptoms of an itchy ear, it’s always recommended to see your doctor if symptoms become worse or you develop an infection in your ear.

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