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Тази стара рецепта е доказана през годините! От ангината не остава и помен!
Тази стара рецепта е доказана през годините! От ангината не остава и помен!
Есента е може би най -трудното време в годината за нашето тяло. То няма време да премине към новата температура, която се влошава с всеки изминал ден.
Следователно, веднага щом сте заобиколен от студен вятър и завали и дори ако просто пиете глътка ледена вода, тогава започват неприятните заболявания.
Едно от най-неприятните болести е възпаленото гърло, а за съжаление по- голямата част от хората ги удря точно там. Постоянната болка в гърлото, трудно преглъщане, температура, слабост и главоболие, а дори и тежки усложнения, ако не се излекуват на време, е изключително депресираща картина.
Но можете да се справите с това, ако действате още на първите симптоми ! Лечението ще спести не само ангина, но и от фарингит, трахеит и други заболявания, затова не чакайте да стане късно
Полза от домашната рецепта за лечение
Основният компонент на лекарството е кимион. Тези подсладени пикантни зърна имат огромен спектър на действие , но най-важното е, че облекчават възпалението, убиват инфекцията и улесняват отхрачването, пише „За жената“.
В допълнение, кимионът увеличава имунитета и помага да се възстанови здравината след заболяването.
Това средство за защита е измислено в Монголия, където се използва местен алкохол за приготвянето му. Но в нашата реалност можете да добавите коняк: той също ефективно се бори срещу настинки . Ако подготвяте продукт за деца, не добавяйте алкохол.
Прием и направа
Какво ще ви трябва?
- семената на кимион 1,25 л вода 1 супена лъжица коняк
- Как да готвя и използва
- Сложете 1 пакет кимион във вода и кипнете в продължение на 15 минути до получаване на вискозна маса, подобна на кафето.
- Отстранете от топлина, изсипете коняка.
На половин час пийте по 1 супена лъжица от домашния медикамент След 2 часа болката намалява, преглъщането ще бъде опростено. И след 4 – лечение и може да завърши. Но ако случаят е в по- напреднал стадий е необходимо да пиете по-дълго, до 3 дни.
Това просто лекарство се подготвя бързо и точно толкова бързо, помага при заболяването. Уверете се като изпробвате този инструмент и споделяйте рецептата му с приятелите си!
Foods That Help To Get Rid Of Headaches
Foods That Help To Get Rid Of Headaches
Be it a bothersome tension headache or a debilitating migraine, it's good to have an all-natural toolkit on hand when the pain hits you. Fortunately, all it takes is a quick trip to the supermarket to stock up on some everyday foods. Choose spices like ginger, fruit like pineapple and cherries, or even some coffee or tea. Eating foods rich in magnesium and vitamins B2 and B3 (like nuts and green leafy vegetables) can also help your cause. And, of course, don't forget to drink plenty of water!
Foods That Relieve Headaches
- Magnesium rich foods like legumes, beans, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, almonds, pine nuts
- Vit b2 rich foods like eggs, milk, nuts, green vegetables, meat
- Water
- Caffeine
- Pineapple
Traditional headache medication can come with plenty of unwanted side effects. Fortunately, some natural remedies found right in your kitchen can help ease that head pain, reducing both the intensity and frequency of headaches. Here’s a roundup of the best that nature has to offer!
Feed Your Head: Foods For Headache Relief
Certain types of food can treat a headache or even prevent one. This is especially the case when a headache or migraine is due to a deficiency of certain nutrients.
1. Foods Rich In Magnesium
According to some estimates, as many as half of all migraine sufferers may have a deficiency of magnesium. It is believed to influence the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters and the platelet hyperaggregation linked to migraines. Cortical spreading depression, which causes certain neurons in the brain to go quiet, triggering migraines, is also connected to magnesium deficiency.1
Getting enough magnesium can help you prevent headaches and migraines. One study of 81 test subjects prone to migraine attacks found that taking 600 g of magnesium daily for a 12-week period helped reduce migraine headache frequency by nearly 42 percent. The duration and intensity of each attack also reduced a little (but then not significantly).
3. Foods Rich In Vitamin B3
Niacin or vitamin B3 is needed by the body to boost circulation and suppress inflammation, factors that play a role in migraines. Oral intake of niacin or vitamin B3 has even been known to help relieve tension headaches as well as migraines.
What to eat: Organ meat like liver and kidney, as well as fish like salmon, tuna, and swordfish, are all rich in vitamin B3. You can also find the vitamin in beets, sunflower seeds, peanuts, brewer’s yeast, and fortified breads and cereals.
4. Water
According to the National Headache Foundation, mild to moderate dehydration can cause headaches and even migraines. When this happens, you may also be irritable and find it hard to concentrate. Replacing lost fluid as well as electrolytes can alleviate the problem.
In one study, drinking an average of 500 ml of water helped bring complete relief from a headache in just half an hour. Others in the study required a bit more time (1 to 3 hours) and water (750 ml on average) to experience relief.
What to have: Besides plain water, you can also ensure adequate fluid intake by consuming vegetables and fruit that contain a lot of liquid – like cucumbers, watermelon, celery, green leafy vegetables, and citrus fruits – or by enjoying a freshly made juice.
5. Fatty Fish
Migraines are an inflammatory disease and the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish can help battle the problem. Small studies have found that consuming fish oil daily helped reduce both the frequency and the severity of migraine headaches as quickly as within 6 weeks of starting the regimen. Other research has noted that the frequency of migraine attacks is higher if dietary intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is lower.
What to have: Trout, salmon, herring, and mackerel have good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
6. Caffeine
Caffeine is a double-edged sword: Some people find it triggers their headaches, while others find it relieves them. How can it help? Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it can help narrow your blood vessels, easing the pain caused by the enlarging of blood vessels during a headache. This restricted blood flow is what can help treat a headache for some people.But since this varies from person to person, you will need to see how you react to it.
What to have: Coffee and tea, of course. Just be sure to balance your caffeine intake with adequate amounts of water to avoid a dehydration headache.
7. Cherries
Cherries can also help treat a headache naturally. They are rich in antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory effects that can ease the symptoms of a headache.
In one study, the pigment cyanidin responsible for the red color of cherries was found to have better anti-inflammatory effects than aspirin, a traditional anti-inflammatory medication.
What to have: Eat cherries as a snack on their own or toss some into a healthy dessert. You could also stew cherries to top on your oatmeal or yogurt.
8. Pineapple
Thanks to its pain-fighting enzyme bromelain, pineapple can also help cure a headache. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also ease the inflammation associated with headaches.Just be warned that pineapple may also be a trigger for migraines in some people. So you’ll need to see how it works for you.
What to have: Eat some freshly cut pineapple as a snack or pizza topping or add it to a salad; drink up a glass of pineapple juice; or grill some for a delicious side dish.
9. Ginger
Ginger has broad anti-inflammatory properties that help with migraine relief. It also eases nausea and vomiting, side effects people with migraines sometimes suffer from.
In one study, patients who experienced acute migraine headaches saw the severity of headaches decrease significantly within 2 hours of taking ginger powder. This was not unlike the effects of sumatriptan, a medication normally suggested for cluster headaches and migraines.
What to have: You can easily incorporate ginger powder into your cooking. Just add a teaspoon here and a pinch there. You can also add it to juice or soup.
Headache Triggers: Foods To Avoid
Now that you know what foods can help with headaches, it’s just as important to know what foods to avoid. Certain foods are common triggers for headaches, though not all of them may cause a problem for you.
Watch for signs after eating these foods to see if they lead to a headache. If a certain food disagrees with you, you may want to decrease your intake of it or completely avoid it – it may be the simplest solution to find respite from your headaches!
Foods You Are Sensitive Or Allergic To
Sometimes your body is sensitive to foods that don’t cause problems for anyone else. Though you may not have an allergic reaction to them – this is when your immune system kicks in – they may still cause abdominal discomfort, flatulence, or pain when consumed. In some cases, you might even develop a headache. These foods may include:
- Gluten-Containing Foods: If you are sensitive to the protein gluten, you would do well to consume smaller amounts of gluten. If you have celiac disease, you’ll want to avoid it completely. Switch to a gluten-free diet if you experience very severe headaches and digestive issues. Gluten-containing grains include wheat, barley, and rye.
- Dairy: Lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy can trigger headaches in addition to gastrointestinal symptoms. Limit your intake of milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, and other dairy products. Have only small amounts at a time to reduce the burden on your system.
Foods That Are Migraine Triggers
Some foods can cause migraines for some people. You may want to check if any of the following foods work as a migraine trigger.- Chocolate
- Nuts
- Peanut butter
- Cheeses
- Dairy
- Onions
- Citrus fruit
- Bananas
- Avocados
- Fermented foods, pickled foods
- Nitrate-containing meats like hot dogs, bacon, and salami
- Foods that contain tyramine (an amino acid) like smoked fish, chicken livers, aged cheese, red wine, and figs
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG), an ingredient used in some restaurants
Researchers Reveal 10 Foods That Increase Your Risk For Cancer
Researchers Reveal 10 Foods That Increase Your Risk For Cancer
You already know that your diet impacts your health. Experts reiterated in a study on PLOS Medicine that if you avoid eating certain foods, you will not just lower your risks for heart disease and diabetes but you will also lower your risk for cancer.
Today, the buzzword seems to be that “everything causes cancer.” But the PLOS study showed you won’t automatically develop the disease if you have fast-food dinners as an occasional indulgence. Rather, you could develop cancer if you generally have a poor diet and consistently eat meals that are high on sugar, salt or fat. Here are some foods that researchers say will definitely increase your cancer risks.
Everyone loves a good barbecue because the meat cooks fast while still maintaining its juicy flavor. There’s also something mouthwatering about charred meat that may be why it’s a popular backyard and summer party food in America.
You might think that barbecuing or grilling is healthier than frying since the meat isn’t soaked in oil. However, experts at the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) said that this cooking process may activate cancer-causing chemicals.
Researchers Reveal 10 Foods That Increase Your Risk For Cancer
You already know that your diet impacts your health. Experts reiterated in a study on PLOS Medicine that if you avoid eating certain foods, you will not just lower your risks for heart disease and diabetes but you will also lower your risk for cancer.
Today, the buzzword seems to be that “everything causes cancer.” But the PLOS study showed you won’t automatically develop the disease if you have fast-food dinners as an occasional indulgence. Rather, you could develop cancer if you generally have a poor diet and consistently eat meals that are high on sugar, salt or fat. Here are some foods that researchers say will definitely increase your cancer risks.
Everyone loves a good barbecue because the meat cooks fast while still maintaining its juicy flavor. There’s also something mouthwatering about charred meat that may be why it’s a popular backyard and summer party food in America.
You might think that barbecuing or grilling is healthier than frying since the meat isn’t soaked in oil. However, experts at the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) said that this cooking process may activate cancer-causing chemicals.
When you’re barbecuing, you’re cooking meat in high temperatures. This triggers the release of chemicals like heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Both chemicals are known carcinogens, as proven in experiments done on animal subjects that developed cancer tumors. The HCAs cause the charring marks on the meat while the PAHs come from the fat dripping from the meat to the grill.
This isn’t to suggest that you completely ditch barbecued meat. You just need to learn to grill the proper way if you can’t bake or broil your food.
- Grill more chicken or fish, more fruits and vegetables, and less red meat.
- As much as possible, use grass-fed steak meat.
- Ditch the tilapia because this fish has no healthy oils.
- Flip what you’re barbecuing often to avoid charring.
- Wrap up the food you barbecue in a foil to lessen the effects of the chemical release.
- Control your use of marinades. Lightly season your food with olive oil, herbs and spices, and some pepper.
Microwave popcorn, while convenient, may prove harmful. (Have you ever wondered about those linings inside a microwavable popcorn bag?) The nonstick coating apparently contain a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Animal studies revealed that PFOA can raise the risk of cancer in the liver, pancreas, and the testicles.
You can, however, still enjoy eating popcorn for its fiber-rich benefits. Nutritionists say you should air-pop it and don’t add too much salt, sugar, and butter. Still, indulging in popcorn while watching a movie provides a more positive diet than potato chips.
Drinking a can of ice-cold soda might give you a relief from the heat. (The high sugar content will also provide an energy boost.) But it’s precisely this sugar content that makes soft drinks a cancer-causing beverage.
Evidence shows the indirect links of sugar to the progression of cancer cells, especially if your body is taking in more calories than it can burn. The body needs sugar to process energy. But too much of it can turn to fat that may lead to the development of different diseases, including cancer.
While researchers continue probing how sugar and cancer directly tie up, soda drinks also contain additives and chemicals like 4-methylimidazole (4-MI). These ingredients are carcinogens. Even “diet” sodas, supposedly the healthier alternative, contain these chemicals.
Foods like bacon, ham, hot dogs, and other deli favorites go through a thorough process to preserve taste and palatability.
- Processed meats are cured, salted, and smoked. Processed vegetables have been pickled and fermented before reaching the market.
- This makes these foods last longer and makes them more flavorful. Unfortunately, it also increases the food’s cancer-causing effects.
- Processed and pickled food is filled with sodium nitrate and other chemical preservatives.
Researches reviewed 800 studies on processed food. They learned that a person can raise his colorectal, pancreatic, or prostate cancer risks by 18 percent if he’s fond of eating 50 grams of processed food every day. This is roughly the portion of one hotdog and four bacon strips.
Experts, therefore, say that you should limit eating processed meat to less than 20 grams per serving. Also, avoid consuming processed meat and pickled food every day because it would be like smoking a cigarette on a daily basis.
Canned goods contain the controversial chemical Bisphenol A (BPA). This is a man-made industrial component widely used in the manufacture of packaging and containers. It’s also in the resin that seals canned goods and drinks. BPA can interact with the food content. Those that contain high acidity, such as tomatoes, can make this chemical more concentrated thus increasing its cancer-causing effects.
Researchers say that BPA can disrupt the functions of the endocrine. Therefore, it interferes with how the hormones work. Even small amounts of BPA can impact developing hormones in young children. For this reason, many countries, such France, China, and the United States, have banned the use of BPA in manufacturing baby food containers.
Experts from Breast Cancer UK say that low-levels of BPA exposure can change breast tissue development. BPA has also linked to prostate cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
The habitual drinking of beer and alcohol is a leading cause of cancer development. It’s a close second to the toxins that smoking cigarettes bring. Beer and alcohol can damage your liver, colon, esophagus, rectum, and mouth. It can also lead to breast cancer.
Some alcoholic drinks, like red wine, have a positive effect on the heart if consumed in moderation. Researchers pegged that a moderate amount is about five ounces of wine and 12 ounces of beer per day for women. Men can have twice the servings if they have a higher body weight.
You may have heard of GMO or genetically-modified organisms. Introduced in the food manufacturing process in the 1990s, GMO foods have provided humans with an ample food supply. Today, 90 percent of soy, corn, and many other crops derive from GMOs. However, those against biotechnology say that there were no adequate tests done to ensure that GMOs are safe for long-term human health.
- It requires chemicals to grow these crops for food, thus one can conclude that GMOs might cause cancer and tumor growth.
- Since the production of GMO foods, researchers have discovered a significant increase among people with chronic illnesses.
- An increasing number of children have also developed autism and other serious health problems at a young age.
Biotechnology is not just used by food manufacturing companies with big farms. It’s also used in the supply of livestock, chicken, and fish markets.
Proponents fighting the use of GMOs insist that you should buy produce, meat, and fish from locally-grown sources that don’t rely on biotechnology. Look for foods that are organically manufactured. This will help to ensure that you’re not ingesting chemicals from the food you eat.
Like processed meat, red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) is also associated with cancer. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, consuming 18 ounces of red meat a week puts you at a high risk for the disease’s development.
If you like to eat hamburgers and steak on regular basis, you raise your chances of having cancer, especially colon cancer, by 20 to 22 percent. Yes, the occasional indulgence for red meat can provide the proteins that your body needs for strong muscles. When you do eat red meat, stick to organic or grass-fed sources.
Do you know that white flour, or refined flour, is processed using a chemical product? The flour needs to be bleached with chlorine so that it will look more appealing as a food ingredient.
- The process of bleaching actually kills most of the nutrients.
- When you’re enjoying bread, pizza dough, cakes and pastries baked with white flour, you’re actually eating food that has no nutritional value. Additionally, it might cause cancer.
- White flour also triggers a high glycemic rate that raises your body’s blood sugar levels.
- It’s no wonder why people who are on a diet, or obese, or at risk for diabetes are advised to avoid foods made with white flour.
Experts have linked white flour to breast cancer in women. Apparently, consuming food made with white flour can raise a woman’s breast cancer risks by 220 percent. Its consumption concerns many health experts.
Hydrogenated oil is not naturally extracted like olive oil. It turns unsaturated fat into solid fat when added with hydrogen. Part of its manufacturing process results in the creation of another type of oil called trans fat. The most common type of hydrogenated oil is vegetable oil, which is mostly used for frying food.
Researchers say that while hydrogenated oil has a longer shelf life, it can change the structure of the body’s cell membranes so it makes a person prone to diseases. It’s filled with omega-6 fats that are not healthy. Omega-6 fats have also been tied to heart diseases and birth defects. Experts say that you should never cook using hydrogenated oil. Instead, switch to canola oil, soy-based oil, or olive oil for the healthier alternatives.
Most foods, in general, are not as carcinogenic as smoking, deadly viruses, and radiation. But if you are aware of which foods might cause higher cancer risks, you can actively watch what you eat, consume food in moderation, change your diet, or avoid unhealthy foods altogether.
It’s not completely bad if you sample some of these foods on the list. However, the key here is to eat in moderation and have a well-balanced diet to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.
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