

How to Password Protect a Folder in Windows 10

How to Password Protect a Folder in Windows 10

More often than not, you will have files and folders that require security. The content of the file is either sensitive or personal. If you share your computer with others, there is always a chance that someone will accidentally open a file. Or worse, someone might unwittingly delete your necessary files. The only way to protect your essential file is to store them in a secured folder. Ideally, it should be password protected.

Here are a few things that you can try to password protect a folder in Windows 10:

Password Protect a Folder without using a Third-Party Software

It is essential to take note of your Windows 10 version first. For Windows 10 Pro, the steps are pretty straightforward. The operating system has a built-in encryption tool called Encrypted File Service (EFS). Those with Windows 10 Home will need a couple of steps to accomplish the same security.

It is important to note that access to the encrypted folder only using the login credentials of the account you encrypted the file. Other user accounts will not have access to it. Take note of the password or write it down somewhere. Or else your data will remain inaccessible forever.

  How to Remove Password and Skip Windows 10 Login Screen

Windows 10 Pro

First, create a folder where your files will go. Right-click on the folder and choose Properties.

How to Password Protect a Folder

Go to the General tab. Click the Advanced button.

Advanced Option to Protect a Folder with Password

Under Compress and encrypt attributes section, check Encrypt content to secure data.

Encrypt - Password Protect a Folder

Click OK, then close the Properties window. Apply the changes to the folder, subfolder, and files when you see a prompt.


Backup Your Encryption Key

Create a backup of your encryption key for added security. Windows will ask you, to backup your encryption key right after you encrypt the folder.


Click Back up your encryption key pop up when you see the prompt. Choose Back up now.

Back up Now - Password Protect a Folder

Just follow the steps from the wizard. Enter your password when asked.

Enter Password

Choose a place where you’ll save your certificate. Give it a name and save it somewhere safe. Better yet, save it to a thumb drive or another device.

Save Certificate - How to Password Protect a Folder in Windows 10

Click Next then Finish.

  How to Bypass Windows 10 Password

Windows 10 Home

Windows 10 Home users will need to create a particular command to encrypt a file. Follow the steps below:


Open Notepad. Paste the following text:

cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Locker if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N) set/p “cho=>” if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren Locker “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” attrib +h +s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter password to Unlock folder set/p “pass=>” if NOT %pass%==Your-Password-Here goto FAIL attrib -h -s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” ren “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Locker echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :MDLOCKER md Locker echo Locker created successfully goto End :End

Find “Your-Password-Here”. Replace it with your actual password.

Replace password - How to Set Password to a Folder

On the notepad, go to File > Save As > select All Files. Add the name of your document and add the file extension .bat. Save this in a folder you want to hide.

Save bat File - Password Protect a Folder

Go to the folder where you saved your .bat file. Open it. The command prompt will flash quickly which is normal. It will create a folder where you will store your important documents.

File Locker Folder - Password Protect a Folder in Windows 10

Lock the folder by running the .bat file again. You will get a message “Are you sure you want to lock this folder? (Y/N)”. Type Y and press Enter. The folder will disappear.

Lock Folder Command Prompt

Once you need your files again, run the .bat file. Enter the password at the command prompt. Hit Enter and the folder will appear again.

  How to Remove User Passwords in Windows 10

Password Protect a Folder using Third-Party Tools

The steps above may be too difficult for some users. At times, native solutions are just not enough to protect your sensitive files. You can use third-party tools to password protect your folder. Here are our picks:

My Lockbox

My Lockbox to protect a Folder with password

My Lockbox is a small tool that enables you to hide, lock, and password protects almost any folder on your computer. It is a simple tool which protects your private files easily. My Lockbox has both a free edition and professional edition. The free edition protects one folder with an unlimited number of subfolders. On the other hand, professional edition protects an unlimited number of folders. Both versions have no limits on the size of the files in the folders. The installation is easy and lets you set your password right away. It also works even in Windows safe mode. Even users with a bit of technical knowledge may find it difficult to access your files.

Get My Lockbox

Anvi Folder Locker Free

Anvi Folder Locker

Anvi Folder Locker Free is a new and free security tool which allows you to protect your files. You can password protect several folders without any limitations. Additionally, you can add permissions to your files to stop anyone from modifying them. It can Hide, Lock, Read Only, Hide and Lock, or Password-Protect any folders or files that you add. The user interface is straightforward and easy to use. You can easily see which folders or files are added and protected by Anvi Folder Locker Free. Anvisoft also offers technical support through their website.

Get Anvi Folder Locker Free

Folder Guard

Folder Guard

Folder Guard is an excellent tool if you need to protect your computer more than password-protecting some of your folders. It is a paid solution which offers various security services. It hides your folders and files and makes them invisible to Windows applications, Office, and even MS-DOS programs. Moreover, the tool can restrict access according to file types. You can also set your files to Read-Only to protect against any modification or deletion. Folder Guard also disables your Control Panel and other Windows configuration tool from being accessed by other users. This protects your overall system configuration. Folder Guard starts at $39.95 with a 30-day money back guarantee.

Get Folder Guard


Дафинови листа

 "Дафинови листа"

Много хора добавят дафинови листа към храните, особено ориза jollof (нигерийски), червено месо и домашни птици, но знаете ли защо дафиновите листа се добавят към храната?
Когато ги попитат защо, някои отговарят: да добавят вкус към храната 👐
Знаете ли, че свариш ли няколко дафинови листа в чаша вода и го опиташ, няма да има вкус?
Сега защо слагате дафинови листа в месото?
Добавянето на дафинови листа към месото преобразува триглицеридите в мононенаситени мазнини, а за експериментиране и потвърждение:
Разрежете пилето наполовина и гответе всяка половина в тиган и поставете върху единия дафинов лист, а другия без дафинов листо и наблюдавайте количеството мазнина в двата тигана.
Щом имаш дафинови листа, няма нужда от аптека. Последните научни изследвания показват, че дафиновите листа имат много ползи и помагат да се отървете от много сериозни здравословни проблеми и заболявания.
Ползите от дафиновия лист са: -
*Дафинов лист лекува храносмилателни разстройства и помага за премахване на бучки, киселини, киселинност и запек.
*Помага за регулиране на движението на червата чрез пиене на горещ чай от залив.
*Понижава кръвната захар и дафиновият лист също е антиоксидант
*Позволява на тялото да произвежда инсулин, като го яде или пие дафинов чай в продължение на месец.




Eyes are everywhere online.

The websites you visit often track where you came from and watch where you head off to next.

A VPN – or virtual private network – helps you browse the internet more anonymously by routing your traffic through a server that is not your point of origin.

It is a bit like switching cars to shake off someone who is tailing you.

There are plenty of companies offering services with varying degrees of security and varying degrees of cost, but if you are willing to roll your sleeves up and get technical with some basic coding and a £30 Raspberry Pi computer, you can build your own VPN server at home.

You can then connect external devices like a smartphone to this VPN tunnel to browse the internet more securely through your home network, and access shared files and media on your home computer.

Make no mistake, this is not a quick and easy process.


Watch this Tip Shared on BBC CLick   ---

Below is a step-by-step guide you will need to follow to the letter, symbol and space if you want to follow in my footsteps.

To follow this guide you will need:

  • 1 x Raspberry Pi/Pi 2
  • 1 x 8GB micro SD card
  • 1 x SD card reader
  • 1 x 5 volt mini USB power supply (a suitable phone charger will do)
  • 1 x HDMI monitor (your TV or computer monitor)
  • 1 x USB keyboard
  • 1 x Ethernet network cable

Prepare to install your operating system

Insert the micro SD card in your card reader.

If you are reusing an old SD card make sure it is fully formatted to remove any old files using the free tool at

Install Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi

Download NOOBS (New Out Of the Box Software) from the Raspberry Pi website ( This is an easy operating system installation manager.

Open the .zip you downloaded and select all files, then just drag and drop them onto your SD card.

Insert the SD card in the Raspberry Pi then connect a monitor, keyboard and power cable.

Connecting the power will cause the Raspberry Pi to boot up and the green and red LEDs on the board should light up.

If the files are copied properly onto the SD card the green light will start flashing as the computer reads the data.

After a few seconds you will see a window open on the monitor with a range of operating systems to install – use the arrow keys on the keyboard to choose Raspbian and hit ENTER to install.

N.B. If you have trouble getting the NOOBS installation manager to work, you can also install Raspbian by copying the disk image of the operating system onto your micro SD card. Follow the instructions at to do this.

Change the default password

Before you go any further, make sure you change the default password, or anyone who knows the default will be able to access your home network.

You can do this from the options screen you are shown the first time you boot up your Raspberry Pi after Raspbian is installed.

When you next reboot your Raspberry Pi the login will be “pi” and the password whatever you have set.

Give your Raspberry Pi a static IP address

The IP address is what tells devices where to find your Raspberry Pi on your home network.

Networks usually issue a dynamic IP address, which can change each time you power up the device. If you want to be able to consistently connect to your Raspberry Pi from outside your home network you need to fix its IP address so that it is always the same – a static IP address.

Connect your Raspberry Pi to your router with an Ethernet cable.

At command prompt type:


A bunch of information will come up and you need to note down what it says for your set against the following:

inet addr [Current IP Address]

bcast [Broadcast Range]

mask [Subnet Mask]

Next at the command prompt type:

sudo route -n

This tells you information about your router. Note down:



You now have all the information you need about your current IP set up and can edit the network configuration file to make the IP static.

At command prompt type:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Look for the line that reads “iface eth0 inet dhcp” or “iface eth0 inet manual”.

The “dhcp” bit is requesting a dynamic IP or if your file says “manual” it is a manual setting, so use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the cursor so you can delete this and replace it with “static”.

Next put your cursor at the end of this line and hit Enter, then add the following lines directly below the line you just altered, filling the [square brackets] with the information you just noted down.

address [your current IP address]

netmask [your subnet mask]

network [your destination]

broadcast [your broadcast range]

gateway [your gateway]

To save the file press CTRL and X together, when prompted to save type “y” and hit Enter to accept the file name without changing it.

At the command prompt type:

sudo reboot

Your Raspberry Pi will now restart with the new, static IP address.

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Смърт на гъбичките с един удар – домашен мехлем решава проблема завинаги


Смърт на гъбичките с един удар – домашен мехлем решава проблема завинаги

Натуралната и традиционната медицина става все по-популярна напоследък, а причината най-вероятно се крие във факта, че ако можем да излекуваме или облекчим здравословните проблеми, използвайки естествени съставки, които защитават тялото ни, защо тогава да не го направим?

Това просто лекарство против гъбички със само 3 съставки ще накара гъбичките по ноктите да изчезнат завинаги.

Домашен мехлем – смърт на гъбичките


  • Етилов спирт 90 градуса
  • Кислородна вода
  • Бял ябълков оцет


Първото нещо, което трябва да направите, е да разбъркате в съд, за предпочитане в чаша, етиловия спирт и кислородната вода в равни количества, след което добавете малко бял оцет.


Използвайте памучно тампонче, за да нанесете лекарството върху повърхността на засегнатите нокти поне два пъти на ден.

Прилагайте средството ежедневно, докато гъбичките изчезнат. Трябва да сте настойчиви и търпеливи, резултатите ще ви изненадат.

Липов цвят – какви са лечебните му свойства?


Липов цвят – какви са лечебните му свойства?

При зъбобол или проблеми със съня – чай от липов цвят

Има ли някой, който да не обича аромата на липов цвят и който да не е опитвал липов чай с мед и лимон?

Липови дръвчета можете да видите в градините, по улиците, в гората, покрай пътищата.

Всяка година, когато цветовете им разцъфнат навсякъде се понася ухания аромат на липов цвят.

Липата е едно от най-полезните, медоносни и ароматни растения.

Тя има изключително много полезни качества, които намират широко приложение.

В медицината липата се използва за лекуване на различни болести, а в козметиката – за производство за различни средства за разкрасяване.

Липовият цвят съдържа в себе си етерично масло (0,06%),танин, гликозиди, витамин С, провитамин А, сапонини, агликони, горчиви вещества, захари, восък и други.

Особено полезен е чаят от липов цвят.

Той се препоръчва през всички годишни сезони.

През зимния период – за обща употреба като превантивна мярка, за лечение на настинки, грип и други простудни заболявания.

През летния период може да се пие като студена напитка подсладена с мед и резенче лимон.

Освен, че е изключително ароматен, той действа добре при възпаления на горните дихателни пътища, действа благоприятно при бронхити, пневмонии и други.

Липовият чай укрепва имунната система, действа тонизиращо, успокоява нервите и помага за намаляване на главоболието.

Народната медицина препоръчва при болки и спазми в корема, анемия, алергични заболявания, възпаления и камъни в бъбреците да се пие отвара от липов цвят.

При зъбобол народната медицина препоръчва да се прави гаргара с отвара от липов цвят.

Чая от липов цвят с мед помага и при безсъние. При проблеми със съня, пийте вечер по една чаша топъл липов чай и ще заспите сладко – сладко.

Всички тези лечебни свойства на липата я правят универсално лекарство и което е още по-хубаво – липов цвят можете да си съберете и сами.

Липовият цвят се бере, когато цветовете са напълно разцъфнали.

Трябва да внимавате и да събирате цвета заедно с присъцветията.

Събраните цветове се сушат на проветриво място, а когато изсъхнат напълно се съхраняват в хартиени пликове.

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