

Chrome for Windows, Limited to Web Store Extensions

Chrome for Windows, Limited to Web Store Extensions

Now that Chrome is very popular, many applications bundle Chrome extensions. I've recently installed a security suite from Kaspersky,  which bundled 5 Chrome extensions. Chrome's menu shows notifications if there are extensions added by other apps, so the extensions are not installed automatically.
When Chrome added support for extensions, any app could install them automatically and you could easily install. crx files from any site.  Google changed this and made it more difficult to install extensions outside the Chrome Web Store.

Apparently,  there are some Windows Application that found some loopholes and bypassed Chrome's security features, so Chrome's engineers decided to block almost all Chrome extensions from other sources than the Chrome Web Store.

"Many services bundle useful companion extensions, which causes Chrome to ask whether you want to install them (or not). However, bad actors have abused this mechanism, bypassing the prompt to silently install malicious extensions that override browser settings and alter the user experince in undesired ways, such as replacing the New Tab Page without approval. Since these malicious extensions are not hosted on the Chrome Web Store, it's difficult to limit the damage they can cause to our users. As part of our continuing security efforts, we're announcing a stronger measure to protect Windows users: starting in January on the Windows stable and beta channels, we'll require all extensions to be hosted in the Chrome Web Store."

There are some exceptions to this rule: developers and power users will still be able to instal unpacked extensions and business users will still be able deploy extensions. Everyone else will have to install extensions from the Chrome Web Store, where extensions have to comply with Google's terms and conditions and where users can rate extensions and post reviews.

While this new rule is limited to extensions and Chrome for Windows, it's interesting to notice that Chrome is closer to the walled garden approach from iOS than the more open Android style. Even though Android has bigger security issues than Chrome, it still allows you to install APK files from any site, so you can even use third-party app stores. Google's Android team chose to disable this feature by default and to also add a tool that checks the files you install, while the Chrome team increasingly limited the support for extensions installed outside the Store.

Chrome Web Store is a great place, but not all extensions belong there. Some break Google's terms by allowing you to download YOU TUBE Videos, download music files from services like Grooveshark or allow you to use Pandora outside US. From the store's policies:  "we don't allow products or services that facilitate unauthorized access to content on websites, such as circumventing paywalls or login restrictions. We also don't allow products or services that encourage, facilitate, or enable the unauthorized access, download, or streaming of copyrighted content or media". No nudity, no online gambling, no gratuitous violence, no hate speech and the rules can always change to include other restrictions.

Fortunately, the developer option will still work: replace the crx extension with zip, extract the files to a new folder, go to the Chrome extensions page, enable developer mode, click "load unpacked extension" and select the folder you've created.


Слава Севрюкова-предсказания за България ...

Слава Севрюкова-предсказания за България-Когато нахлуе злото и всичко
изглежда погубено, ще настане обрат

Слава Севрюкова е родена е в Нова Загора. На 16 години се омъжва за белогвардейски
емигрант.Степан Севрюков е от Харков и е ранен в крака. Лекуват го в лазарета, който е съвсем близо до дома на Слава, която ходи редовно да помага на болните войници. Там
двамата се запознават и по-късно се женят. Слава смята, че той няма да приеме странните й
способности, затова тя не ги признава пред него. Всички благоговеят пред нея, но мъжът й е невъздържан и много ревнив. Семейството се заселва в София, в района на квартал Овча купел.
След 9 септември 1944 г. за Слава Севрюкова настъпват трудни времена. Тя е  предупреждавана от тогавашната милиция да преустанови "съмнителната дейност“, но все
по-често я посещават и важни особи, родни и чужди. Силно впечатлени, след това довеждат и съпругите си. След 10 ноември 1989 г. най-сетне името й изгрява в родния печат. Дава интервюта, а по Националната телевизия се излъчват два научно-популярни филма за нея. В
последната година на земния си път софийската пророчица излиза от сянката на
Най-популярните книги за феномена Слава Севрюкова са на пловдивския писател
Христо Нанев. Цитатите по-долу са от третата книга („Зеница към вселената“, 2007) и
се отнасят предимно за бъднините на България.
Пророчицата сочи пръстите на ръцете си: „Два пъти по ей толкова правителства ще се
сменят, докато се яви човек, който да не мисли единствено и само за собствения
„Не ще погине нацията ни в изпитанията. Знайте, онези, които останат и които ще
дойдат после, все ще се зоват българи.“
„Не бойте се, България никога няма да се изгуби от света, за разлика от други
„Не мислете, че земята ще е все българска. Някога значителен къс болезнено ще се
изтръгне от живата й жилава плът. Югоизточната.“
„Това ще са тежки изпитания. България ще е пред опасност от загуба на държавността.
Ударът обаче няма да се приеме толкова страдалчески от народа, защото границите
между държавите няма да са ясни…“
„В тежкия период ще ни помогнат хората с необичайни способности. Единствено
духовността ще ни възроди.“
„След позорния акт на разделяне на страната, загрижената за собственото
благоденствие политическа класа изведнъж ще се стресне и посъживи. Ще се осъзнае
и замилее за позабравеното „отечество любезно“. Родната ни карма ще приключи,
когато парче земя се откъсне от България. Горчива орис. Едва подир това ще настъпи
известно благоденствие за измъчения народ.“
„Ще дойде време населението в България силно да оредее. Мнозина ще я напуснат. Но
по земите ни все ще има хора, зовящи се българи, говорещи родния език. От най-
старите народи в Европа сме, няма да ни затрият. Докато има живот на Земята,
българите не ще изчезнем. Затова, казвам ви, богоизбрани сме. Други народи ще се
заличат, ние не.
„Въпреки упадъка трябва да се гордеем с народността си. Открай време сме
изпращали в забвение най-страшните поробители. Не трябва да търсим признание, че
носим горд дух, а да го заслужим. Предстои да бъдем почитани в Европа и по света! От
племето ни ще излязат умни същества. Ще го прославят извън пределите на страната.
Радвайте се, че живеете в България!“
„На Земята винаги има две крайности, Светлина и Тъма, продължава прорицателката.
Те владеят Човешкия дух. Да, у нас неведнъж е вилняла непрогледна Тъма, но по-
често благоденства томителна Светлина. Душите, които са на българска земя, се
извисяват. Племето ни е белязано от Бог. Тук се въплъщават еволюирали, заедно с
най-пропаднали ниски духове, за да се развиват. Будни сме, с борбен дух, но
поради ярката индивидуалност на хората, не сме единно племе. И все пак, колкото и да
намаляваме, пак повтарям, не ще се изгубим от лицето на Земята.“
„Ще изтекат черните времена. В България нещата ще се променят към добро. Когато
нахлуе злото и всичко изглежда безвъзвратно погубено, ненадейно ще настане обрат.
Като прогонени от подивели ветрове, ще се разпилеят разбойниците, които с
десетилетия са грабили държавата. Ще дойдат честни хора, милеещи за нея. Затова ви
казвам: Гласувайте, кой как желае, но гласувайте! Отреденото ще стане, ала всеки
трябва да поеме и лична отговорност, за да извърши България своята нелека мисия!“
„Държавата ще се срине. Ще се изредят да я управляват много партии, но нищо няма
да постигнат. Напротив – ще я крадат. Ще минават тия, ония… И ще дойде жена, която
ще оправи нещата. Това ще стане към 2017-2018 година. България ще се изправи на
крака едва тогаз.“
„Много лидери и правителства ще се сменят. Най-сетне начело ще застане жена. Ще
възвърне в политическия живот родолюбие и забравените истински ценности. Това ще
е белег за изплащане на българската карма. Тогава ще се оттласнем напред. Ще
настъпи неудържим разцвет във всички области.“
„Ще настане чудо през XXI век в Родината.“
„Помнете, няма да сме държава, която е ей тъй (сочи ръка надолу). Не ще бъдем
народ от ниска класа. Ще имаме авторитет. Но никога не ще успеем да се издигнем
икономически. България ще я спаси не толкова възстановената икономика, колкото
възвърнатата Духовност. Трябва да се стремим да бъдем център на Светлината.“
„И в най-тъмни години не угасват лъчите сред будните синове на нашето племе. Все
има проблясъци. Но българинът е склонен към леност. Обогатили се материално,
забравя духовното. Тъй е и при другите народи. Затуй сме в недоимък. Но тази период
няма да е безкраен. Кармата ни най-сетне ще свърши. Предстои да станем като
Швейцария, та и повече.“
„Да знаете – духът на библейския Давид вече се е превъплътил в България.“ (През
1980-те е бил момче на 7-8 години.) „Държавата ни ще изпадне в критично състояние
на границата на оцеляване. Когато е на ръба, духът на превъплътения Давид, тогава
неин водач, ще я спаси. В негово лице България ще даде на света значим политик. Той
ще направи много за страната и за Европа.“
„Страната ще преодолее кризата. От народа ни ще се роят бъдещи духовни водачи.
Това не е случайно – писмеността на славянското племе преди повече от хилядолетие
се яви чрез нас. Предстои ние да разширим неговата култура. Това е кармично
„Помнете, ще удивим Човечеството. Родените сред нас открития ще впечатлят света.
Тепърва ще се узнае и за приносите ни в историята. Ще дадем на човешкия род големи
умове. В областта на науката, та дори и в омразната напоследък политика. И това ще
стане, но вече по-късно във времето, когато се превърнем в равностойни членове на
Европа.“ (Записано през 1990.)
„Хората ще заживеят обединено. Границите ще отпаднат, но отделните народи ще
запазят самобитност. Едва тогаз България ще роди значими политици-обединители.
Големи умове, помнете, предстои да излязат от нашето племе. Със световен принос в
много области на човешкото знание – наука, философия, изкуство. Тогава страната ни
ще е повече от Швейцария. Ще се превърне в малък примамлив световен оазис.“
„Българското племе никога, ама никога не ще бъде заличено от лицето на земята.
Други народи, както ми се разкрива, ще изчезнат, ние – не. Помнете – никога!
Събудената мощ на духа на българина е голяма. Родината ни ще се превърне в райска
градина. Тези, които сега я напускат един ден горчиво ще съжаляват.“
„Точно страната ни ще се пооправи и светът ще тръгне на зле. Но ние тогава вече ще
бъдем защитени от онова, което иде… То ще трае наполовина на времето на Втората
световна война…“
„Разпънати на кръст между Изтока и Запада, между Севера и Юга, пред нас се откроява
един единствен избор – Духовността. Към него нито Западът, нито Изтокът ще ни спрат,
защото свише сме предопределени да обогатим света. А и в миналото сме го
„Рано или късно предстои обединение на славянството. То ще предостави велики
завоевания. България ще е резерват на Духовност. Нашият народ ще реализира докрай
благородна месиянска роля към славяните.“
„Не бойте се, най-тъмно е преди зазоряване. Тежката мрачна българска карма, вече е
на привършване.

Петър Димков - Глобална рецепта

"Глобалната" рецепта на народния лечител Петър Димков

Една от най-известните рецепти на народния лечител Петър Димков е така наречената "глобална" рецепта.
Нарича се така, защото се препоръчва при различни заболявания като сърдечни и нервни проблеми, високо кръвно налягане, атеросклероза и много други.
Продуктите, необходими за нейното приготвяне:
  • 20 грама валерианова тинктура;
  • 20 грама тинктура от глогов цвят;
  • 15 грама розова вода;
  • 1 грам камфор на прах;
  • 20 ментови капки;
Всичко това се смесва и се разбърква добре до получаването на хомогенна смес. 20 капки от нея се капват върху бучка захар. Приемат се 20 минути преди закуска, преди обяд и вечеря.
Петър Димков препоръчва капките винаги да се приемат с отвара - смесват се 70 грама босилек и ирландски лишей, 50 грама бъзов цвят, маточина, буков мъх, мащерка и балканска чубрица.
Две супени лъжици от тази отвара и една чаена лъжичка наситнени кори от портокал се запарват в половин литър кипяща вода (добре е да изсипят в минутата на възвирането), после съдът се отмества на тих огън за още 10 минути. Прецедете отварата, след като изстине. Пийте от тази лечебна напитка по една винена чаша 10 минути преди закуска, обяд и вечеря, винаги след капките с бучката захар.


Google Chrome OS

Google Chrome OS

Welcome to the Chrome channel. Google's operating system started off in December 2010 as being little more than all Chrome, all the time. Updates made since then have given Chrome OS users better file format support, faster navigation, revised menus, dramatically improved offline abilities, and a traditional-looking desktop.
But if you loathe the Chrome browser, it's still highly unlikely that you'll enjoy this operating system. On the other hand, if you love Chrome, then Chrome OS is a big heaping helping of Chrome with some extra Chrome on the side and more Chrome for dessert.
Like Chrome the browser, Chrome-the-OS has a freely available open-source sibling, called Chromium OS. If you like coding and developing, this is likely going to be your best bet for exploring what makes Chrome OS tick.
Please note that because of the similarities between the Chrome-the-browser and the Chrome OS, parts of the Chrome review have been reproduced here where applicable.

Chrome OS updates: A real desktop, better file support (pictures)

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Installation is not an issue for the Chrome OS since it comes preinstalled. There is a simple setup procedure, however. When you start up your system, it's recommended that you sign in using a Google account. You're not required to, and if you'd prefer, you can opt for the Guest mode.
Guest mode in Chrome OS cleverly uses the Chrome browser's trackless browsing mode, called Incognito. Incognito prevents guest users from leaving any traces of their session, as well as keeping them from making any changes to your apps and other settings.
After choosing your log-in method, you're asked to read through and accept the EULA. This will only appear for the initial log-in; it won't show up for subsequent uses and users. Next, you can take a photo of yourself with the Webcam, use a provided icon, or use your current Google account avatar. Gone from previous versions is the mandated Webcam photo. It took our avatar about 30 seconds to synchronize our existing account avatar from the cloud.
Chrome then takes anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds to synchronize your Google settings, if any, and then the computer is ready to be used. There's no doubt that the EULA is annoying, but we've never seen another new, unused operating system start so quickly.
Google has clearly spent some serious time developing the new interface. It looks and feels like a personal computer, finally, where before it was little more than a full-screen browser. There's an actual desktop that looks a bit cribbed from Windows 7, with Chrome-the-browser pinned to the far left of the Launcher, and other apps pinned right next to it.
While most of the desktop has been designed to feel like modern personal computers, the App List brings a more mobile flair to the new Chrome OS layout.
While most of the desktop has been designed to feel like modern personal computers, the App List brings a more mobile flair to the new Chrome OS layout.
(Credit: Google)
The desktop itself shows only your background by default, but a Tic-Tac-Toe-style icon on the Launcher reveals all your installed apps over the desktop background. When you install an app, it'll appear here. The lower-right corner shows the time, Internet connection status, battery status, and shows your Google account avatar to indicate who's logged in. Click the avatar to show shutdown options and reveal more information and settings.
You can customize the background with one of several dozen options, or upload your own image. However, it must be either locally stored or in your Google Drive -- it won't pull in an image from a service like Facebook.
All the Settings have been moved to open in their own tabs, but you probably knew this from using Chrome-the-browser. Changes made in the browser tend to be reflected in Chrome OS about a month or so later.
The look of Chrome has changed remarkably little since its surprise debut in September 2008. Tabs are on top, the location bar -- which Google likes to call the Omnibar -- dominates the minimalist design, and the browser has few visible control buttons besides Back, Forward, and a combined Stop/Reload button.
On Chrome OS, the upper-right corner of the browser hosts a square icon and an X. The X is to close the browser window. Drag the box down to minimize the browser, drag it to the edges to "snap" it to the side and make it half the width of your screen, or click it to switch from windowed mode to full-screen mode. The window snap is another cue taken from Windows 7, but it's a clever and intuitive one, and works well in Chrome.
The interface's strongest point is also its weakness. What works well in the browser works well here, but the faults of one are reflected in the other, too. Some controls, such as page zoom, are readily available from the "wrench" options menu. Others, such as the extension manager, are hidden away under a Tools submenu. Hiding essentials like that remains an odd design choice to make. As is true about every aspect of this operating system, updates are much more likely to tweak the layout and design of the interface.
Chrome's extensions are fairly limited in how they can alter the browser's interface. Unlike Firefox, which gives add-on makers a lot of leeway to change the browser's look, Chrome mandates that extensions appear only as icons to the right of the location bar. The benefit maintains a uniform look in the browser, but it definitely restricts how much the browser can be customized.
Even with its limitations, the browser interface design has remained a contemporary exemplar of how to minimize the browser's screen footprint while remaining easy to use and versatile. The new desktop, on the other hand, finally brings to Chrome OS a sense of familiarity that is essential for any new PC experience.
Chrome OS isn't quite as reliant on the Internet as it was before, but it's still reasonably crippled without it. This is a vehicle, first and foremost, for leading a Web-based existence. As such, what Chrome OS does is create a space where Web-based applications can function and thrive. The operating system itself doesn't do much -- it's a browser.
Chrome has made great strides in the past year bringing console-quality games to the browser via HTML5 and Native Client.
Chrome has made great strides in the past year bringing console-quality games to the browser via HTML5 and Native Client.
(Credit: Google)
However, it's a heavily modded browser, and it achieves its main goal of getting you on the Web as fast as possible. This comes from both the solid-state drive (SSD) on your Chromebook or Chromebox, and the various optimizations that Google has been building into Chrome. This is where the second bit of genius in the Chrome OS comes in: because everything is Web-based, you can log in to any installation of the operating system and instantly have all of your apps, settings, and other personalizations at your fingertips. That's still an incredible feat.
It's an important one, too, as Chrome OS improves with each regular iteration of the operating system. In Chrome OS's first year, it updated eight times. Things that were buggy originally, such as touch pad support on the demo hardware Cr-48, started to work properly. Many Chrome-safe extensions that wouldn't install on the Chrome OS beta, but would on the browser, now work in Chrome OS. It's currently on a six-week update cycle.
Google has also leveraged its successes in other departments to benefit the Chrome OS. Google+ Hangouts, for example, come as a preinstalled app so you have video conferencing as an option right off the bat. Google's notorious for not always having good integration between its services, so this -- and solid Google Play integration for Books, Movies, and Music -- are welcome improvements.
Also welcome is Google's decision to expand everybody's Google Drive to 100GB when it detects a Chromebook associated with your account. The $250 price for the latest Samsung Chromebooks is nearly worth it for that upgrade alone.
The Chrome OS has a usable file-browsing system, accessible via Control-M or under the Tools submenu of the Options wrench. When you take a screenshot using the Ctrl-Next Window button, for example, you'll find it saved locally via the File Browser. It now supports a wide range of popular file formats, including PDF, PPT, DOC, ZIP, XLS and RAR, and the newer Microsoft proprietary versions of those formats like PPTX.
Famously, Google has killed the Caps Lock key and replaced it with a dedicated Search key. Tap it and a new tab will open, with the cursor ready in the location bar. What's less well-known is that you can remap the Search key to Caps Lock, and that Google makes it easy to do through the Settings menu under System, then Modifier keys. Here you can modify the bindings of the Control and Alt keys as well. But also missing is a dedicated Delete key to remove characters to the right of the cursor.
The default settings for the hot keys are among the best things about the Chrome OS. Hold down Ctrl and Alt with the question mark key to bring up a color-coded map of combinations that you can use. The map and colors change depending on which key -- Shift, Control, or Alt -- you're pressing.
Google is to be commended for building an operating system that goes from sleep to fully functional in what feels like a second. There's simply no lag time, and the updates have fixed previous lagginess in logging in and out. Your Chromebook or Chromebox may just be the fastest PC you've used when it comes to booting, shutting down, and logging in and out.
Two other low-profile but well-executed features in Chrome are autoupdating and translation. Chrome automatically updates when a new version comes out. This makes it harder to revert back to an older version, but it's highly unlikely that you'll want to downgrade this build of Chrome since this is the stable build and not the beta or developer's version. You can toggle the build among the three under About Chrome. The second feature, automatic translation of Web pages, is available to other browsers as a Google add-on, but because it comes from Google, it's baked directly into Chrome.
Google Plus hangouts now come as a default app in Chrome OS so you have video conferencing pre-enabled. The company doesn't always have good integration between services, so this is a welcome improvement.
Google+ Hangouts now come as a default app in Chrome OS so you have video conferencing pre-enabled. The company doesn't always have good integration between services, so this is a welcome improvement.
(Credit: Google)
Already mentioned a little bit, the biggest OS hang-up in the operating system is offline support despite the improvements. Chrome OS will support the core Google apps of Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Docs offline, but for most of your other apps, you'll be left in the dark. That might not be an issue on the Chromebox, Google's answer to the Mac Mini, but for the portable Chromebooks, prepare for a severely hamstrung experience. Anyone outside of the cloud crowd likely won't be comfortable with it.
You can print with Google Cloud Print, accessible via the common printing hot-key combo of Control-P. Google has anticipated the problems that still plague cloud printing, and so it offers instructions on how to do it. Still, most people will probably find the process way too fiddly because what's simple to print off a basic Windows 7 Netbook will take effort to set up properly from a Chromebook. Cloud Print does now come with access to FedEx stores in the United States, which is a nice improvement for remote printing.
Google says that security will not be a big concern in Chrome OS and that it's the most secure operating system ever shipped. There are some toggles via about:flags and the Settings menu that will allow you to restrict content that requires plug-ins. Cookies, image management, JavaScript, plug-ins, pop-ups, location information, and notifications can be adjusted from the Content Settings button. This includes toggling specific plug-ins, such as the built-in Adobe Flash plug-in and the Chrome PDF reader.
Google is basing most of its claim of a secure operating system on a new feature in Chrome OS called "verified boot." Chrome OS will check its own integrity when booting, and if it detects any changes, it will allow you to restore a last-known good configuration.
The following benchmarks are of the original version of the Chrome OS that shipped on the Cr-48. There have been significant improvements since then, and CNET will update the results below as soon as possible.
Chrome OS beta cold-boot benchmarks.
Chrome OS beta cold-boot benchmarks.
(Credit: Chart by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)
Benchmarking the first beta of the Chrome OS proved to be a bit tricky. It's hard to measure the impact of various essential programs, such as a productivity suite or media player, on the operating system because they exist largely in the cloud. However, because the operating system is also the browser, we were able to run browser benchmark tests against it and compare them against the same version of Google Chrome, but running on a Windows 7 laptop.
Average of three cold runs of Chrome v8 on the WebKit SunSpider v0.9.1 test.
(Credit: Chart by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)
These tests are admittedly not a direct apples-with-apples comparison. Google has not yet released the specifications of the Cr-48, saying only that it's running an Intel Atom processor. The Windows 7 x86 laptop we used is a high-powered Lenovo T400 laptop, running on an Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 at 2.53GHz, with 3GB of RAM. However, they do provide a snapshot of what the Cr-48 with Chrome OS is capable of at this time, and we can expect these numbers to improve as Google continues to upgrade both the Chrome OS and Chrome browser. The two laptops were running nearly identical versions of the Chrome browser. Tested in December 2010, the Cr-48 was running Chrome v8.0.552.341, whereas the Lenovo was running Chrome v8.0.552.215. (By comparison, the version of Chrome OS available in early June 2012 is 12.0.742.77.)
Average of three cold runs of Chrome v8 on the Mozilla Kraken test.
(Credit: Chart by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)
What we can see from these tests is that the hardware will have a massive impact on the performance of both the browser and the operating system. This isn't news, but the fact that the Cr-48's version of the Chrome browser was so dramatically affected in all three tests tells us that what hardware future computer makers choose to support Chrome OS on will almost definitely change how well the public receives it.
Average of three cold runs of Chrome v8 on the FutureMark Peacemaker test.
(Credit: Chart by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)
We were also a bit surprised that the full cold-boot and log-on procedure, not counting the time it took to type in the log-on password, averaged to nearly 30 seconds. Some Windows 7 computers have, anecdotally, been found to boot up cold in similar times. As mentioned earlier, this time had been cut in half by early June 2011.
Of course, the real time-saving feature of the Chrome OS is the resume from wake, which is practically instantaneous. As long as the computer isn't shut down, it will wake extremely quickly.
Although Chrome OS does update regularly, the current iteration is more usable than where the operating system was even six months ago. The quirkiness of a PC without the traditional touches of a PC desktop have been replaced by something recognizable and usable. As long as Google continues to support the project, Chrome OS will keep improving. One day, and perhaps sooner rather than later, it might even be ready for all.

Шест трикове за 10 години по-млад метаболизъм

Шест трикове за 10 години по-млад метаболизъм

"След 30-ата година вече нищо не е същото ..." много жени са съгласни с тази поговорка, когато се окажат в четвъртото десетилетие от живота. И наистина, след 30-тия рожден ден, процесът на обмяна на веществата в организма, известни като "метаболизъм" се забавя поради
което килограмите лесно се натрупват, а и трябва да положим много повече усилия, за
да се елиминират.
Следват шест прости трикове, които ще ви помогнат да запазите метаболизма от
"младите" дни, когато сте били на 20, а с това и стройната линия с по-малко труд.
- Сутрин пийте кафе без захар .
- Яжте варени яйца за закуска.
- Пийте вода или зелен чай през целия ден вместо сокове.
- Включете физическа активност дневно най-малко 30 минути.
- Яжте пикантни храни.
- Прескочете обичайната вечеря и я сменете с порция голяма сезонна салата, към
която можете да добавите пиле или сирене.
Само след няколко месеца ще бъдете приятно изненадани от отличните резултати,
които ще ви мотивират да продължите и занапред да следвате тези прости, но много
ефективни принципи

Perfect Military Abs


20 Tips for the Best Sex Ever

20 Tips for the Best Sex Ever

Has your sex life gone stale? Between  kids,work, the economy and other pressures, steamy sex may seem like a fantasy. (Although there’s a place for that too!) Are you ready to turn up the heat again? These 20 tips will help get you in 
the mood both physically and mentally...

Sweaty bodies, tangled sheets, moaning… it sounds X-rated, but it could be real life.

Read on for the top 20 tips for having the best sex ever.

Already having stupendous sex? There’s always room for improvement.

1. You’re entitled to fabulous sex. So what if you haven’t lost your baby weight, certain body parts are drooping or you have a pimple the size of a volcano. It doesn’t matter.

“When you’re in bed and making love, your partner’s not worried about any little imperfections a woman might have,” says Hilda Hutcherson, M.D., author of Pleasure: A Woman’s Guide to Getting the Sex You Want, Need and Deserve (Putnam). 
2. It doesn’t add up. Women have an average of four sex partners in their lifetime, says the National Center for Health Statistics. Which means many women have field-tested more than four guys.

Whatever your number, you’re neither a slut nor prude. As long as you feel good about yourself, pack protection and avoid embarrassing YouTube videos, who cares how many notches are on your lipstick case?

3. Make a date.
Scheduling sex might sound too anal to be fun, but sometimes planning is in order. You make time to work out and do errands – why not for sex?

“This is important, so you have to make room for it and push it forward,” Dr. Hutcherson says.

Reconnecting with your partner as a lover – not roommates or parents – is a reminder of why you were attracted to him in the first place.

And once you’ve made a sex appointment, the anticipation can be almost as titillating as the event. Kick it up a notch by trading racy texts or leaving a sultry voicemail on his cell.

Besides, his body probably isn’t perfect either. Does a guy ever let a large belly or back hair get in the way of a good time? Follow his lead.
4. Normal? Forget about it! 
Do furries float your boat? That doesn’t make you weird or freaky. Studies and surveys show that American women have sex in lots of ways:

  • 17% have tried bondage.
  • 20% have used a blindfold.
  • 30% have had anal sex.
  • 62% masturbate (usually three to four times a week).
  • 40% use vibrators.
  • 14% look at online porn.
  • 70% need clitoral stimulation to slide into home plate.
  • 18% opt for oral sex.

Your quirks aren’t so strange, so quit worrying and enjoy!

5. Porn positions are for the pros. Unless Jenna Jameson is your alter ego, your guy doesn’t expect you to do that reverse cowgirl with a half-gainer.

“There are a lot of ridiculous standards out there about how women should be or look or act,” says Michele Sugg, a certified sex therapist in Branford, Conn. “Let all that go. Reality is, men are turned on by you.”

Your partner will be aroused by seeing you turned on.

6. Lube up. The right lube can make so-so sex great. There are many lubes – water- or silicone-based – so experiment to see what works.

As a general rule, avoid anything that warms, cools or tastes like a fruit roll-up – they can irritate the skin, says Ellen Barnard, sex educator/counselor and co-owner of A Woman’s Touch  in Madison, Wisc.
7. Get squeaky clean.Use mouthwash and baby wipes. Like Tupperware for the bedroom, it keeps everything fresh.

8. Go fish.
Fish oil reduces inflammation, blood pressure and dangerous LDL cholesterol. But guess what? It also opens up those teeny blood vessels down there.

Plus, fish oils boost the testosterone in your body - yes, women have this hormone too - so “you notice your arousal more quickly,” Barnard says.

You can get a hefty dose of fish oil by eating salmon, mackerel, lake trout, sardines or herring twice a week. But it may be easier to take supplements.

9. Trade pleasure for pain. At least, not in the “ouch, ouch, OUCH!” way. Sex should feel amazing. If it’s painful, figure out why. It may be a simple matter of changing positions or adding lubricant.

But it could also be a yeast infection, an undiagnosed STD, endometriosis, painful bladder syndrome, vulvodynia or even cancer. Don’t try to diagnose it on your own – see your gynecologist. And check out Sex Rx for 5 Female Disorders.
If you’re still hurting and nothing is medically wrong, consider talking with a certified sex therapist.

“There can be emotional reasons for painful sex, particularly for women who’ve been raised in religious households or who’ve been sexually abused or raped," Sugg says.

10. Meds can turn you off. Some medications – antidepressants, blood pressure medications, even birth control pills – can blunt your sex drive.

If you haven’t been feeling as frisky as you want, talk to your doctor about whether your prescriptions could be putting the chill on your libido. You might be able to use a lower dose or switch to a different medication.

11. Know thyself.
Forget what you see in movies: Only about 30% of women reach orgasm through penetration alone. That means a whopping 70% of us need hands-on help to cross the finish line.“It’s not all up to your partner,” Sugg says. “Share the responsibility and take on pieces of your own sexual pleasure.”

Touch yourself to bump up the heat, so you can have more – and better – orgasms, she says.

12. Give him instructions. He may not want you telling him how to drive, but he’ll appreciate direction about what pleases you.

Just don’t be bossy about it – unless he’s into that. A simple “It drives me wild when you (fill in the blank)” can work wonders.

Still not getting it? Take him by the hand and lead him down the path of your pleasure. Show him specifically where and how (lightly, firmly, slowly, quickly) you like to be touched.

The reward? A bone-shivering orgasm.
13. Cultivate a rich fantasy life. You’ve heard it before: The most important sex organ is your brain. So stock it with sexy images to get your motor revved.

“It’s one more tool to bring to your play,” Barnard says. “There’s plenty of tasteful stuff out there, so you don’t have to expose yourself to something that’s going to offend you.”

Catch a couple late-night movies on cable. Or peruse erotica at bookstores.

Still missing that spark? Create your own porn.

No, not that. Describe a fantasy in a diary or post it anonymously on a blog. Other people’s comments may help fuel new scenarios you can use.

14. Create a sexy space.You want your bedroom to feel like a place for good lovin’, not an office or nursery school.

Remodeling isn’t required. Simply clear out the kid toys, put away the work stuff and add small touches like candles or flowers.

15. Get some comic relief.Sex without gaffes only happens in movies. In real life, something’s bound to happen: One of you farts, you pull a muscle, the dog jumps in, you fall out of bed. The only thing you can do – after checking for broken bones – is just laugh and roll with it. The pressure to have “perfect sex” is a definite mood-killer.
16. Birth control that’s controllable.It’s impossible to let yourself go if you’re worried about getting pregnant or contracting a disease.

The best birth control? The one you use without fail. Fortunately, if you do slip up, there’s always Plan B (an emergency contraception pill that you can use up to five days after sex. It's available without a prescription for women 17 years and older.)

“Plan B is a backup for the condom that breaks or the diaphragm that’s 20 miles away,” says Bruce Rosenzweig, M.D., director of urogynecology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. “It’s not recommended as a primary form of contraception.”

17. Don’t curb your enthusiasm.Some physical conditions impact your sex life. Heart disease, hypertension and diabetes “can profoundly affect our sexual health and pleasure,” Barnard says.

What’s the connection? Blood flow, baby.

“Sexual arousal is completely dependent on the blood flow to the tiny blood vessels in our genitals, including the clitoris, which gets erect the same way a man’s penis does,” Barnard explains.

So anything that impedes the rush of blood to your nether regions can substantially curb your enthusiasm. See your doctor for help.
18. Catch some zzz’s.
About 67% of women have trouble sleeping, according to the National Sleep Foundation. And, as many working women know, when you’re tired, you’d rather sleep than have sex.

19. Get fit down there.
You’ve heard this before, but here’s why you should do your Kegels: “Orgasms are your pelvic floor spasming,” Barnard says. “If your pelvic floor muscles aren’t very strong, you’re not going to feel much.”

How do you do it?

Just squeeze and release. Make it more fun by squeezing them in sync to the music while you’re driving, recommends Lauri Romanzi, M.D., an urogynecologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center. Do several sets of 20-30 reps per day, she says.

To make sure you’re Kegeling correctly, put a mirror between your legs and watch as you squeeze.

“The perinea (the skin between the anus and vagina) should pull in, almost like someone’s pulling that skin into your body,” Dr. Romanzi says.
20. Take a Pilates class. Why Pilates and not another type of exercise?

“Pilates works a lot of ancillary pelvic floor muscles, like the transverse (or higher) abdominal muscles,” Barnard says.

Working your transverse abdominals will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles too, similar to what Kegels accomplish.

How Sexually Adventurous Are You? Would you, could you in a park? How 'bout in a car? Some women prefer their sex straightforward. Others aren't satisfied unless they're swinging from the ceiling. How sexually adventurous are you? Take our sex quiz to find out.

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