

How I developed my first Android app

How I developed my first Android app

One of the best features of the modern web is that everything is so easy to try. Want your own blog? You can have one in three clicks. Want to learn about advertising? You can buy Facebook ads in a matter of seconds. Want to understand the app economy? That’s pretty easy too.
I’ve been getting into barbecuing for two years or so and, finally, this spring I grew tired of carrying around a stack of paper directions with me. I turned my grill instructions into a text file for my phone’s notepad but soon started thinking that — since I was going to be on my phone anyway — they should be in an app. I had never made an app before, so it seemed like I had the makings of a fun project on my hands. And the end result ismy first Android app.
At the time I wrote this article I had two apps published: my original BBQ app and a screen-based flashlight app. They are still under development and more are on the way.
This is the story of my journey from app user to app developer. I learned a lot in the process of building my first app, and almost as much as I built more. Most of all I learned that building an app isn’t too difficult if you are patient and you keep your goals modest.

Your platform and tools

Once you’ve decided to build an app, you need to pick your platform. Android made sense for me because I wanted maximum flexibility and to remove as many obstacles as possible. This completely comes down to personal preference, but the barrier to entry is lower in Google’s Play Store than Apple’s, plus with Android you can circumvent official app store’s altogether. There are a few other minor details to consider, such as the tools you’ll want to to work with, how much you are willing to pay for a developer account ($25 to Google vs. $99 to Apple), and what devices you have available for testing.
Ultimately I went with Android because testing apps is easier, I could send around APKs to my friends, and I could use the tools I wanted to. Also, with Android I knew that I’d be able to own my app and my account, not get caught up paying a service in order to maintain my software.
Once you’ve chosen your platform, you need to pick your toolset. It was important for me that I would be the sole owner of my app and that no one would charge me each month for it. A lot of these app builders have huge advantages for would-be app developers — such as zero coding skills required and multi-platform support — but they come at a price. The tradeoffs vary, but many will leave you without the ability to monetize your app, with a monthly fee, without the source code, and with built-in ads (that aren’t yours). That’s not to say that services like ormobincube are bad, they just didn’t fit my needs.
Knowing that I did not want a monthly fee and that I wanted full ownership of my app, I was willing to accept that I would be restricted to one app store and that my result might not be as slick as it otherwise could be. The tool I went with was MIT’s App Inventor 2, the tool Google originally built in order to promote app development. I had meant to try it out at the time of its release and never got around to it. AI2 is easy to use, no real coding skills are required aside from a basic understanding of syntax, and you fully own the end product. The tradeoff is that App Inventor 2 is pretty limited — you can’t insert ads, it doesn’t have access to some basic hardware, and there are a lot of Android tasks that it can’t do. Regardless, I knew what I wanted to do and it was clear that App Inventor could do it, so I was set.
Once I got my head around what App Inventor could handle, the building process is quite simple. AI2 uses a drag-and-drop set of blocks that makes app creation quite simple. It takes some time to learn the blocks and how they interact with one another, but there is excellent community support and a near unlimited number of tutorials online.

The build process is going to vary based on the tool you use, but if you are not a developer I’d simply stress that you find something you are comfortable working with that has a sufficient level of support (community or otherwise). If the app is never going to make a dime, you probably don’t want to spend any money on it, but if you are building it for you business then that monthly fee means nothing if it the result is good enough.

Publishing an Android app

Once you have a working app, it’s time to get it on devices. App Inventor works in a tethered mode for testing, in the Android emulator, or as a APK file that it delivers to your smartphone via QR code. I did the majority of my testing with APKs as I wanted to test with the full app, not something interpreted through an emulator or another intermediary. Once I felt the app was done it was time for the Play Store, but I could have just as easily put my APK in a Dropbox folder or on a website and distributed that way, albeit in a more limited manner.
Putting your app on the Play Store and/or Amazon App Store is a simple process. You take some screenshots, fill in a few forms, hand over some information, and in a few hours your app is available. You’ll need to make some decisions about pricing and similar matters, but if you aren’t trying to make a living off of your app there isn’t much to worry about here.
One fact I had to learn the hard way was that you need to be very careful with security, even if this isn’t even remotely an issue for your application. In retrospect these look obvious, but they were easy to overlook at the time, so take notice.
First, permissions are a hassle. Both Summer of BBQand Red Telescope Flashlightare extremely basic apps that ask for almost no information or access. The app permissions ask for more than that though, and I’m not entirely sure how to fix them. From the best I can tell the extra permissions were added in when I was testing out features that didn’t make it into the final app, but when I killed the features the permissions persisted. This is something I’ll fix in the future.
Secondly, if you take a look at the URL from Summer of BBQ, you’ll see that it’s downright ugly: How’d that happen? I used App Inventor to build the app, my publisher name is my name, and the internal name I used for the first published version was BBQ_10 (a computer-friendly version of BBQ 1.0). After publishing and realizing my mistake I assumed I would be able to change the app name in order to clean up the URL and to fix the name that appears below the icon on phones… but you can’t. The only way to fix this would be to delete the app and publish it again with my fixes.
There are tools that can make the changes I need but these generally change your keystore, which means the Play Store’s security won’t allow you to re-upload the app (a changed keystore sets off all sorts of red flags). So at this point I’m stuck with an app icon that says BBQ_10 below it, or I need to unpublish my app and start fresh.

It’s all about the marketing

Ask anyone who has run a site, written a book, or published an app and they’ll let you know a universal truth: aside from your wife and parents, no one will just find your article/book/app. The internet is too big and the environment is too competitive for people to simply stumble on your work. Even if you have a product that is search-friendly and free you’re out of luck because so do a thousand other developers. So if you don’t have a personal fan club of 10,000, your download number is going to be pretty uninspiring unless you do something about it.

Marketing is the most difficult and, for most people, the least rewarding part of the job, but the good news is that you don’t need to do it. If you are happy with simply having an app that people can download then there is nothing to worry about, but if you’d like to make a few bucks or inflate your internet ego by having a respectable number of installs, then you’ll need to figure something out.
So far I’ve limited my marketing to linking to the app on social networks and my success has been limited. To date I’ve pulled in 110 combined downloads and $0. I have some plans for increasing exposure to the apps and possibly generating some income but at this point I’d take downloads over money.

Development for dummies

At this point I’d hardly consider myself a developer, but I can say that I’ve learned a lot about app development and I’ve had more fun than I expected. I’ve been able to build apps to solve my own problems, and then released two of them to the public, because why not?
In the future I’d like to investigate the feasibility of app development as a source of income (read: beer money), using more advanced tools like Android Studio, and increasing my download numbers. The app development process has been filled with hurdles, but ultimately it’s been much more rewarding than I expected. I think a major part of this has been due to my choosing Android over iOS as the openness of the platform, the strong community support, and the ease of development have all made the process a much better experience than I would have otherwise expected.
By  Jul. 15, 2014 9:30 am


Come conservare il basilico sott’olio

Come conservare il basilico sott’olio

Ecco qui un metodo che mi ha insegnato mia nonna che spiega come conservare il basilico e poterlo gustare come fresco per tutto l’inverno. Il metodo più conosciuto è quello che consiste nel congelare le foglie della pianta. Personalmente trovo che conservare il basilico sott’olio sia il metodo migliore per mantenere inalterati il colore e il profumo della pianta. Oltretutto, con questo metodo, si ottiene anche un delizioso olio aromatizzato che può essere utilizzato per condire insalate, verdure o altre pietanze. Vediamo il semplicissimo procedimento.
-  foglie di basilico fresco;
- olio extra vergine q.b.;
- sale fino q.b.
Lavare bene le foglie di basilico in acqua fredda. Più l’acqua è fredda e meglio è: in questo modo le foglie della pianta non rischiano di perdere il loro bel colore verde intenso.
Asciugare le foglie di basilico con un asciuga insalata, o in alternativa, distenderle su un canovaccio e lasciarle asciugare completamente senza strizzarle..
Nel frattempo, sterilizzare il barattolo (meglio se con chiusura ermetica) nel forno a 110 gradi per un quarto d’ora.
Quando il barattolo si è raffreddato e le foglie di basilico sono asciutte, stendere un primo strato di basilico all’interno del barattolo. Spolverare con un po’ di sale e aggiungere un cucchiaio di olio. Proseguire con un altro strato e così via, fino a terminare il basilico. Pressare bene le foglie tra uno strato e l’altro.
Terminare aggiungendo tanto olio necessario a coprire anche l’ultimo strato di foglie di basilico: è importante che tutte le foglie siano coperte dall’olio, in modo da poter essere perfettamente conservate.
Per questo motivo vi consiglio di collocare un piccolo peso sopra le foglie, perchè quelle in superficie tenderanno a galleggiare sull’olio. Basterà un piccolo piattino o una retina.
Sigillare il barattolo e utilizzare le foglie nei mesi successivi, come preferite. Ecco svelato il metodo per come conservare il basilico per l’inverno.
Conservare il barattolo in dispensa o in frigorifero, come preferite, l’importante è che le foglie siano sempre coperte dall’olio (se necessario, fare qualche rabbocco ogni tanto).
Consiglio: è bene utilizzare le foglie verdi del basilico e scartare quelle giallastre e rovinate.


Quiet Surprise

Quiet Surprise
I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back.. 
I asked - "why?"... 
The angel said: - "Angels don't watch over angels!"
Twenty angels are in your world. 
Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message. 
Please read..... 
Not joking.....
God has seen you struggling with something. 
God says it's over. 
A blessing is coming your way. 
If you believe in God, send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. 
God is going to fix two BIG things tonight in your favor. 
If you believe in God, drop everything and pass it on. 
Tomorrow will be the best day ever. 
Send this to ten friends, including me, if I don't get it back, I guess I'm not one of them. 
As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you.


They're not happy in Gaza .. 
They're not happy in Egypt .. 
They're not happy in Libya .. 
They're not happy in Morocco .. 
They're not happy in Iran .. 
They're not happy in Iraq .. 
They're not happy in Yemen ... 
They're not happy in Afghanistan ... 
They're not happy in Pakistan .. 
They're not happy in Syria .. 
They're not happy in Lebanon ... 
They're happy in Australia .. 
They're happy in Canada .. 
They're happy in England .. 
They're happy in France .. 
They're happy in Italy .. 
They're happy in Germany .. 
They're happy in Sweden .. 
They're happy in the USA .. 
They're happy in Norway .. 
They're happy in Holland .. 
They're happy in Denmark .. 
Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that 

Not Islam. 
Not their leadership. 
Not themselves. 
AND THEN - They want to change those countries to be like,  
Excuse me, but I can't help wondering... 
How damned dumb can you get? 
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim 
Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide. 
Lets have a look at the evidence: 
- No Christmas 
- No television 
- No nude women 
- No football 
- No pork chops 
- No hot dogs 
- No burgers 
- No beer 
- No bacon 
- Rags for clothes 
- Towels for hats 
- Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower 
- More than one wife 
- More than one mother-in-law 
- You can't shave 
- Your wife can't shave 
- You can't wash off the smell of donkeys 
- You cook over burning camel shit 
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you 
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey 
- Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"??? 

Well No Shit Sherlock!.... 

It's not like it could get much worse!


10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Bulgaria

10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Bulgaria

Bulgaria? Why visit Bulgaria? Bulgaria is a beautiful country, with majestic mountains, sandy beaches, picturesque villages, good food, and hospitable people. And, it's incredibly affordable.
If you don't know anything about Bulgaria, here are ten reasons you should visit.
1. Roses - Bulgarian roses are not only stunningly beautiful, but a major export item as well. The petals reportedly produce as much as 85% of the world's rose oil, an essential ingredient in the production of perfumes. Gathering the roses is very labor intensive. Visit the country in May and June to see the colorful harvest.

2. Yogurt - The yogurt in Bulgaria is reportedly the best in the world, with a unique taste because the bacteria used to make it, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, is only found naturally in Bulgarian air. Try the thick sheep yogurt made in the mountains with honey or fruit jam dripped on top.

3. Nod - When asking a Bulgarian a question, you might be confused with his reply. In the country, nodding one's head up and down indicates a negative response, while shaking your head horizontally actually means 'no'. To confuse things even further, when locals speak with foreigners, they often accommodate them by reversing the motions. It is primarily the older generation that continues the nodding tradition, which dates back to Ottoman days.

4. Shopska - Considered the country's national dish, this simple salad is composed of diced garden tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, raw or roasted peppers, and topped with a sprinkling of Bulgarian white brine cheese. The dish is often decorated with parsley and a light dressing of sunflower oil and red wine vinegar. Shopska became popular during the communist era when it was promoted by Balkantourist, the state tourism agency.

5. Cyrillic - Bulgarians read and write using the Cyrillic alphabet, and the country actually is the origin of the alphabet, having adopted its use before Russia. Credit can be given to Saints Cyril and Methodius, born in the 9th century. The two brothers were Christian missionaries who used their alphabet in efforts to improve literacy among the Slavic pagans in the First Bulgarian Empire. The two brothers are the most celebrated saints in the Bulgarian Orthodox church.

6. Bulgarian Jews - Bulgaria sided with the Nazis in World War Two, yet its entire Jewish population, constituting over 40,000 citizens, was spared the horrors of the Holocaust. The Bulgarian Orthodox church, politicians and ordinary citizens took a stand against possible deportation. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for over 11,000 Jews deported to the concentration camps from Macedonia, an area under Bulgaria's control during the war.

7. Gold - The oldest gold treasure in the world was discovered at a burial site west of Varna, not far from the Black Sea. Unearthed in 1972 by a tractor crew digging a ditch, the site proved to be a vast necropolis with nearly 300 graves dated to 4560-4450 BC. Some three thousand gold artifacts were found, proving that the settlement had trade relations with distant lands and that the community had a strong belief in the afterlife. Some of Bulgaria's gold has been on exhibition tours around the world.

8. Rakia - This alcoholic beverage can be considered the country's national drink. Made from fermented fruit, rakia constitutes anywhere between 40% alcoholic content (when produced by a distillery) to 80% or more (when homemade). The drink can be made from pears, plums, grapes, peaches, apricots, or even from mixed fruits. Typically rakia is served at the start of a meal along with shopska. When drinking rakia, Bulgarians toast each other by clinking their glasses and saying 'Nazdrave' (To your health!). Make sure to make direct eye contact when doing this!

9. Bagpipes - Bulgarians take pride in their gaida, a bag typically made of sheep or goat hide connected to a three-section pipe, a shorter pipe, and a blowpipe. The Bulgarian bagpipe is called the kaba gaida, which is larger and with a lower pitch than the gaidas of other southeastern European countries. In May 2012, 333 Bulgarian bagpipe players played a 9-minute medley of folk songs, setting a world record in bagpipe performance recognized by the Guinness Book of Records.
10. Martenitsa - If you happen to be in Bulgaria on March 1st, join in the celebrations ofBaba Marta (Grandmother March). On this holiday welcoming the upcoming spring, Bulgarians exchange small tassels and bracelets of white and red yarn called martenitsa. These adornments are pinned to clothing or worn around the wrist until the person sees a stork or blooms on tree, both harbingers of spring's arrival.

If these are not amazing enough reasons to visit Bulgaria, come to ski the slopes in winter or to relax on the sandy beaches in summer.


Джинджифил за зверско отслабване

Джинджифил за зверско отслабване

Джинджифилът подобрява храносмилането и ускорява изгарянето на мазнини.

Разширява кръвоносните съдове, засилва метаболизма с до 20% и съдейства за

изхвърляне на токсините от тялото.

Всичко това го прави незаменим помощник в диетите.

Според тибетците, джинджифилът принадлежи към

горещите продукти, които загряват, стимулират

кръвообращението, ускоряват обмяната на веществата.

Традиционната медицина би казала, че

джинджифиловият чай за намаляване и отслабване

работи благодарение на етеричните масла, които се

съдържат в подправката – активните вещества в тях

усилват процеса на обмяна на веществата в организма и


Джинджифилът помага на кожата да остане млада по-

дълго време. От приготвения чай с джинджифил може да

изплаквате веднъж седмично лицето си и то ще изглежда

много свежо и младо.

Как да си приготвим чай от джинджифил за отслабване:

Сложете в термос (за работещите дами) тънко нарязан корен от джинджифил, залейте

го с гореща вода и пийте през деня (по всяко време или половин час да започнете да

се храните.

Тази рецепта на джинджифилов чай за смъкване на килограми и отслабване се

препоръчва за тези, които искат да отслабнат много килограми за по-кратко време.

Джинджифил, лимон и вода. Нарязвате джинджифила и лимона и заливате с гореща

вода. Оставяте така да престоят четвърт час. След това пийте чая през целия ден.


Magnesio: proprietà benefiche e alimenti che lo contengono

Magnesio: proprietà benefiche e alimenti che lo contengono

Sono molte le proprietà benefiche del magnesio e per questo è importante conoscere quali sono gli alimenti che lo contengono. Basti pensare che esso è implicato in più di 300 reazioni biochimiche che coinvolgono il nostro organismo. Il magnesio contribuisce alla funzionalità nervosa e muscolare, rafforza il sistema immunitario e il tessuto osseo, regola il battito cardiaco, lapressione del sangue e i livelli di glucosio. Inoltre è coinvolto nel metabolismo e svolge un ruolo non secondario nella sintesi delle proteine. Proprio per questo, quando se ne ha carenza, è necessario ricorrere a degli integratori, come il cloruro di magnesio.
Regolazione della digestione
L’assunzione di magnesio svolge un ruolo di primo piano nella regolazione della digestione e interviene sia nei casi di diarrea che di stipsi. Il magnesio riesce ad agire sulla muscolatura della parete intestinale, regolando il PH e alleviando le infiammazioni. Per queste sue proprietà esso è utile in caso di colite e di spasmi digestivi. Inoltre possiede un lieve effetto lassativo.
Effetti sul sistema nervoso
Il magnesio è in grado di agire anche sul sistema nervoso, aiutando nei casi di stanchezza mentale e fisica. Interviene in tutti i processi enzimatici che riguardano la produzione di energia e per questo riesce ad essere benefico nei casi di affaticamento. Riesce a calmare lo stress e tutti i sintomi fisici collegati ad esso, come i dolori allo stomaco, il colon irritabile, la tensione muscolare, il mal di testa e l’aumento del battito cardiaco. Inoltre riesce ad agire contro il nervosismo e l’ansia. Ecco perché il magnesio è indicato nel trattamento della depressione, nell’ipocondria e negli attacchi di panico.
Il minerale in questione è fondamentale anche per attivare il buonumore, visto che stimola la produzione di serotonina. Per questo motivo spesso viene raccomandato l’uso di alcuni integratori appositi. Fra questi possiamo ricordare Magnesium 375. Si tratta di un prodotto che, integrato nella nostra alimentazione, permette di calmare la tensione nervosa e gli sbalzi d’umore ed è soprattutto utile nella fase premestruale, quando l’organismo della donna è sottoposto a sbalzi ormonali che hanno ripercussioni anche sull’umore.
Utile nei dolori mestruali
Il magnesio risulta utile in caso di dolori mestruali. In particolare interviene nella sindrome premestruale, riducendo l’irritabilità e gli sbalzi d’umore. Agisce sui meccanismi biochimici che regolano le vampate di calore in menopausa, risolvendo anche stati di ansia e depressione legati a questa fase della vita femminile.
Rafforzamento delle ossa e funzionalità del sistema muscolare
Il magnesio aiuta le ossa a rafforzarsi, fissando calcio e fosforo e intervenendo nelle cellule specializzate nella costruzione del tessuto osseo. Previene l’artrite e l’osteoporosi. Inoltre aiuta a prevenire l’insorgenza di crampi e di contratture neuromuscolari.
Effetti sulla pelle
Il magnesio riesce a purificare la pelle. Proprio per questa sua caratteristica, viene usato nei trattamenti dell’acne. E’ un antibatterico e un antinfiammatorio naturale, per questo riesce ad agire contro i brufoli, visto che questi ultimi sono causati da infiammazioni cutanee provocate dai batteri.
Regolazione del metabolismo
Il magnesio interviene nella regolazione del metabolismo. Viene utilizzato nel trattamento dell’obesità e come aiuto per dimagrire. Diminuisce i livelli di trigliceridi nel sangue e mantiene elevati quelli del colesterolo buono. Regola il glucosio. Svolgendo un’azione calmante sul sistema nervoso, evita l’eccessivo consumo di cibo dovuto allo stress.
Aiuta contro il rischio cardiovascolare
Un gruppo di ricercatori giapponesi dell’Università di Osaka in Giappone ha condotto uno studio, pubblicato su Atherosclerosis, sull’importanza del magnesio per la salute dell’uomo. La ricerca, durata ben 15 anni, ha coinvolto 58 mila adulti con un’età compresa tra i 40 ed i 79 anni. I ricercatori hanno sottolineato la differenza di efficacia di questo nutriente, nelle donne e negli uomini, ed anche in base all’età.
Inizialmente si sono messi a confronto gruppi di donne che assumevano alte o basse concentrazioni di magnesio. Le volontarie che consumavano circa 274 mg di magnesio al giorno, rispetto a quelle che ne assumevano circa 174 mg, presentavano un rischio cardiovascolare più basso del 36%.
Questo per quanto riguarda le donne; per gli uomini, invece, un alto consumo di magnesio è risultato inversamente associato ad un rischio di emorragia cerebrale. Quello che gli studiosi intendono sottolineare è il potere protettivo che ha nei confronti di alcune patologie, molto diffuse e responsabili di molti casi di complicazioni e di decessi. Tra le proprietà del magnesio va ricordato che è in grado di ridurre l’infiammazione che sta alla base dell’arteriosclerosi, controllare la pressione arteriosa e ridurre le aritmie cardiache.
Insomma, il sistema cardiovascolare grazie all’azione di alcuni nutrienti, compreso il magnesio, che possiamo introdurre con la dieta, può essere protetto da molti disturbi.
Alimenti che lo contengono
Molto utile per il nostro organismo è soprattutto il magnesio supremo, che si presenta sotto forma di carbonato di magnesio: si tratta di un composto che ha un alto grado di assimilabilità da parte dell’organismo.
Gli alimenti che contengono il magnesio sono soprattutto i cereali integrali, la crusca, i legumi, come la soia e i fagioli, la frutta secca, come le mandorle, le noci, le nocciole, le arachidi e i pistacchi, il cioccolato amaro, i frutti di mare e alcune verdure.
Fra queste ultime ci sono quelle a foglia larga, i cavolfiori, i broccoli, le melanzane, le rape, le patate e i pomodori.
Fra la frutta, sono da privilegiare le arance, le fragole, le ciliegie, i lamponi, le more, l’uva, l’ananas e il melone.
Quanto magnesio è necessario introdurre con l’alimentazione
Secondo alcune statistiche americane i giovani con un’età compresa tra i 19 ed i 30 anni dovrebbero assumere circa 400 mg di magnesio al giorno, gli uomini dai 31 anni in su circa 420 mg. Per quanto riguarda le donne 310-320 mg al giorno.
E dato l’effetto protettivo che questo nutriente ha nei confronti di patologie che si presentano, soprattutto, dopo una certa età (difendono l’organismo dai radicali liberi) anche gli anziani dovrebbero assumere quantità giuste di magnesio.
Le concentrazioni sono ancora oggetto di discussione tra studiosi e studiosi; è certo che l’alimentazione deve contenere anche il magnesio per proteggere la propria salute.


Баба Ванга

Баба Ванга

"Няма човек, който да е роден само за щастие. Ето - един е роден отличен работник, но няма щастие в семейството. Друг има и двете, но пък няма здраве. Трети е здрав, но пък децата са му болни и т. н. Във всеки човек има и добро, и зло. Така е устроен светът...
...Някой си мисли, че като има пари, може да си купи и любов, но това е вятър работа. Любов с пари не се купува. Или пък си мисли, че като стане богат, всичко ще му е наред, но и това не е вярно. Работи, работи човекът, трупа пари и вещи и после вземе, та умре и остави всичко на друг. Който много събира, никога не го използва. Друг събира плодовете на труда му. Затова по-правилно е така: не трупай, парите са средство за живот, използвай ги всеки ден...
...За всеки човек идват периоди на трудности. Дори и за най-богатите и за най-силните. Затова човек трябва да се стреми да бъде смирен, за да не умре в прегръдките на злото...
...Човек никога няма да спечели пари, ако не се занимава с подходяща работа. Той трябва първо да разбере какво най-много му харесва да прави, а не да робува на мода или нечии съвети...
...Не роптайте срещу страданието, което преживявате. Страданието е пречистващо средство, като една дреха, която не е чиста, ако не се изпере...
...В тежки времена живеем. Хората помежду си нямат един с друг нищо общо. Майките раждат деца, но нямат мляко да ги кърмят. Казват, защото били нервни. Не е това. Просто децата нямат нищо общо със своите майки, те само са дошли на света чрез тях. Нищо не получават децата от майките: нито мляко, нито топлина. Дават ги съвсем малки в детски ясли, вечер ги слагат да спят отделно, рядко виждат усмивката на майчиното лице.
Майките са недоволни, че съпрузите им не ги почитат достатъчно. Съпрузите пък смятат, че са се оженили само защото е трябвало да минат по реда си. Възрастните са недоволни, че младите не ги уважават. Никой с никого не е близък. Хората вече се интересуват само от пари. Мислят, че ако имат пари, всичко ще им е наред. Не знаят, че един ден тези пари няма да им служат за нищо...
...Бедността е цвете, на богатството не се радвайте. Бедността дава да се радваш на деца, приятели, роднини. А от богатството душата се разболява...
...Който краде, за здраве ще плаче...
...Понякога съм много нервна, а хората мислят, че съм лоша. А аз виждам обкръжението и обръча, който постепенно се стеснява около земята, преживявам мъките на всички хора и не мога, а и не смея да го обясня, защото един много строг глас непрекъснато ме предупреждава да не се мъча да обяснявам каквото и да било, защото хората заслужават живота, който водят. Как да помогна на тези хора, които все повече не зачитат никого, надпреварват се да придобиват пари и вещи...
...Не искайте много – не можете да му платите цената...
...Няма хитрец, дори и най-големият, който да е надхитрил съдбата си. Ще хитрува толкова, колкото му е дадено от Бога. И после няма право на снизхождение!...
...Нека знаят всички, че нищо не остава неизплатено на този свят. Хората вършат престъпления и мислят, че никой не ги е видял. Не е така! Всичко се вижда и идва време, когато провинилият се трябва да плати!...
...Работете сутрин и през деня. Никога вечер. Силите свише не помагат вечер, а без тяхна помощ нищо велико не може да се роди..."
Баба Ванга

Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers

  Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers   Tomatoes  are a popular choice for home gardeners due to their versati...