

Drink One Glass Of Rice Water And See What Wll Happen To Your Body – You Will Be Amazed

Drink One Glass Of Rice Water And See What Wll Happen To Your Body – You Will Be Amazed

I don’t really think that someone drinks the rice water after we cook our rice. Well, this is probably because we didn’t know that this rice water is loaded with healthy nutrients and it can provide many health benefits for us and our health in general. Just a single cup of rice water a week can improve your health on so many levels.
In this article we are going to show you why you should waste this rice water and why you should drink it:

It is a good source of energy
Rice water is loaded with carbohydrates, which means that it will provide a lot of energy for the entire day. The human body needs carbohydrates for energy, so a glass of rice water in the morning is the best wat to start your day. You should also drink rice water when you feel tired or lack of energy.
It prevents constipation
You should also know that rice water is rich in fiber, which means that it’s very useful and beneficial for regular bowel movements. The starch in the rice water motivates the development of useful bacteria in the stomach.
Prevents dehydration
During the hot summer days, we lose a lot of water through sweating and rice water is perfect to prevent dehydration and loss of nutrients. This is why you should drink rice water, especially in the summer.
Effectively treats symptoms of viral infections
You should also know that rice water is often used as a natural remedy for fever, because it restores lost nutrients and loss of fluids. The rice water will accelerate the healing process and the patient will recover much faster.
Rice water relieves symptoms of diarrhea
Rice water turns out to be an amazing home solution for treating diarrhea. You should also know that it’s completely safe for children, even newborns, who are more susceptible to stomach discomforts. A recent study has found that rice water can effectively relieve the symptoms of diarrhea in infants
Prevents Cancer
You should also know that if you drink rice water more often, your organism will be much more powerful to fight against many ailments – even cancer. This means that rice water can prevent cancer.
Prevents Alzheimer
A recent study has found that drinking cooked rice water can prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. This is also one of the other great advantages of drinking cooked rice water.
Protection from Sun
Rice water contains high amounts of the compound – oryzanol. This powerful substance prevents the harmful UV beams from the sun. Use rice water to offer your skin some assistance with taking the sun’s heat.
How to make rice water:
You just have to follow the simple instructions. Here’s what you need to do – you just have to boil the rice in some fresh water. After it’s cooked well, strain the water in a separate container. Enjoy your rice water.

5 Reasons Why Your Stomach Is Bloated And How To Get Rid Of It!

5 Reasons Why Your Stomach Is Bloated And How To Get Rid Of It!

There is absolutely nothing appealing about a bloated belly that looks like a huge balloon that is about to explode.
Not to mention all the gases and pain. Bloating is common after heavy meals, but for some individuals it is a normal part of their everyday life.

What causes your stomach to bloat?
1. Insufficient water intake
Dehydration is a significant cause of various health issue. Extreme usage of coffee and alcohol only contributes to the issue. When was the last time you had 6-8 glasses of water during the day?
When the body lacks water, it uses the liquids from its tissues, which means that bloating might look like an outcome of fluid retention. So, aim to drink more water.
2. Constipation
Constipation is a rather unpleasant issue, and it suggests that you require more fiber-rich foods. The gasses that remain caught behind the feces will not stand still for a long time, you know.
Eat your fiber regularly, otherwise you will just make the problem even worse. Buy whole grain bread, and stay away from white bread. Enjoy shakes and berries. Sounds tasty, right?
3. Chronic stress
You may not believe it, but stress may trigger bloating. When you are under stress, your digestive system cannot perform its function appropriately. Your bloating may be caused by constipation and stomach ache. So, attempt to totally free yourself from the negative feelings, and you will resolve your problem for good.
4. Eating too quickly
Partially chewed food is slowly absorbed, and you get bloated. Simple as that. So, take little bites, and chew them well.
5. Carbohydrates
Extreme usage of carbohydrates might contribute to your bloated belly. Consider eating low-carb foods, and cut off your sugar intake and alcohol. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies.

Drinks For Belly Fat Removal

Drinks For Belly Fat Removal

If you need to lose the extra fat and pounds of the belly, healthy food and workout is a good start. But sometimes even that is not working enough. But, you can try some drinks that aid in fat burning better and the 7 drinks are:

This water makes the metabolism faster and you burn calories more. Have at least 16 oz cold water daily.
This water has electrolytes and the best ones even. The more of them, the more you are hydrated. No more artificial flavors and sugary drinks, take this instead. Not just electrolytes, but also you get energy for faster metabolism.
When you have this milk, you make the body fats break down faster and better. So, no worries on this anymore. Nutrition experts say that when you have this milk, you lose even 70% more fat than with other dairy items. Have a glass per day.
Veggies are amazing for you as we know and have to be consumed daily. You gain a lot from them even with just a small glass of such juices. They give satiety and refresh you. The more such veggie juices, the more healthy calories and less bad ones even by 133 calories less!
They are healthy and have good effects on our bodies. But this is not all. Also weight is lost with them since they give satiety and keep you full. But always talk with a doctor before buying such items to see if they are fit for your health.
You already must have heard on the benefits of these teas for weight loss. Green tea for a fact makes the metabolism faster up by 43%. Is the same with black tea, ideal for slimming and waking up.
This smoothie is good for the belly, but only if you DO NOT ADD SUGARS. It is the top best smoothie for hydration and tastiness. It is low in calories and has loads of water. Also it gives you arginine, an amino acid that lowers fat and makes more muscle mass.
Have these drinks for the waistline and you won’t crave unhealthy snacks all day long!

Signs your Liver Is Full Of Toxins

Signs your Liver Is Full Of Toxins

The liver is one of the most hard-working organs in your body since it performs many vital functions, including filtering the blood, detoxifying harmful substances, and metabolizing nutrients.
However, when fat begins to accumulate in the liver, it can fail to eliminate the toxins from your body, which is commonly caused by a poor diet.

Signs your Liver Is Full Of Toxins

Signs your Liver Is Full Of Toxins

This can lead to inflammation, scarring of the liver, as well as permanent liver damage. There are several warning symptoms which indicate that you have an underperforming liver. Here are 15 signs that your liver requires cleansing in order to function properly.

How to Detect If Your Liver Is Not Functioning Properly?

The symptoms of underperforming liver vary in each individual. Nevertheless, if you are dealing with at least three of the following ones, it means that your liver is struggling to do its job.
  • Chronic joint or muscle pain
  • Headaches or migraines behind your eyes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Acne or other skin conditions
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Allergies
  • Brain fog

How to Restore Your Liver Health?

Certain easy lifestyle changes can help you to restore the health of your liver. Here are some simple tips that can help you to improve your liver function.
  • Follow a balanced diet which consists of natural grains, healthy fats, fermented foods, high-quality proteins, and lots of seeds and nuts.
  • Consume foods that are rich in fiber, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, avocado, chia seeds, flax seeds, and artichokes.
  • Eat foods that are high in healthy fats, like grass-fed butter, hemp, avocado, coconut oil, and red palm oil.
  • Drink enough water. In order to determine how much water you should be drinking on a daily basis, you should divide your weight in pounds in half. That number should be your water intake in ounces.
  • Eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables. These vegetables will increase your levels of magnesium, vitamins B and C, and folic acid.
  • Avoid using unnecessary oils, such as corn, canola, sunflower, and vegetable oils.
  • Buy organic foods instead of GMO products.
  • Don’t drink alcohol. The alcohol can be responsible for causing an irreparable damage to your liver.
  • Avoid consuming refined sugars, such as white or brown sugar, cane juice, cane sugar, and beet sugar.


Elixir of Life

Mix Dried Figs With This Ingredient and Get the Elixir of Life

To tell the truth, we all know that the residents from the coastal areas are known for their well prepared traditional recipes, so in this article we are going to provide you with one of the best ones you’ve seen so far.

This is a recipe with all natural ingredients, and is proven to be quite beneficial when treating different health issues.

Elixir of Life

Elixir of Life

With this recipe you can treat anemia, constipation, hemorrhoids, asthma, bronchitis, high c
Put the lid on the jar and leave it like that for 40 days. Your dried figs by then would have absorbed a great amount of the oil. Eat each one before a meal to relieve you from your condition.
But why the figs? Well, they are filled with calcium, making them perfect for those who are intolerant to dairy.
They are rich in fiber and in potassium, which means that they can stimulate a healthy process of weight loss.They contain nutrients that will lower the blood pressure.
The omega 3 fats and the omega 6 fats will keep the blood pressure normal, and prevent any coronary heart attacks. Moreover, studies have shown that consuming two medium sized dried figs will stimulate the activity of the antioxidants in the body.
Finally, they are perfect if you have a hard time passing a kidney stone. Take 6 of them and boil them in 200 ml of water. Take this remedy each day in order to help you pass your kidney stones in a faster manner.
So, you see? Home remedies are sometimes the answer to an issue. Don’t run to the doctor immediately if you see something unusual about yourself. Just try with a home  medicine, they are bound to work, always!
holesterol, stomach issues, and even infertility.
Here are the ingredients you are going to need. Provide yourself with olive oil and 40 dried figs. Put the figs in a jar, and make sure they are fully covered with extra virgin olive oil.



Cinnamon and honey are one of the healthiest ingredients found on this Earth. Their healthy and amazing properties date back from ancient Egypt.
Egyptians used the combination of these powerful ingredients to treat wounds. The ancient Greek on the other hand used them to prolong their lives, and Indians believed it helps them to have a control over their body balance.

Prolong your Life

Prolong your Life

Modern medicine nowadays, even though far from that time still placed beliefs in this natural combination and found many other benefits of it.
Many health experts and nutritionists have tried this powerful mix and found a cure in the treatment of different diseases and illnesses.

Where honey and cinnamon take effect

Perfect in relieving colds
Combine a tablespoon of honey with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and consume it daily. Taking regard the anti-inflammatory properties of both ingredients it will easily relieve the chronic cough, sinus congestion and colds.
Boosts the immune system
This powerful mix consumed daily protects your overall organism from the viral and bacterial infections. Keeping the organism strong and ready to battle every disease that tries to invade. Boosting the immunity to the maximum level.
Reduces cholesterol levels
If you find your cholesterol levels increased, just mix three teaspoons of honey with two tablespoons of cinnamon in a glass of water and drink it.
Wait for several hours until the mixture has a full effect on the body. In around two hours the cholesterol levels should drop up to ten percent.
It fights against cardiovascular diseases
If you practice consuming a spread made of honey and cinnamon on a regular basis, instead of a a jam or marmalade one, you will definitely lower the risk of getting a cardiac arrest. And this at the same time reduces the cholesterol level in the blood.
Used as a treatment for gallbladder infections
The remedy for this is quite simple too. Take a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of cinnamon, add it to a glass of boiling water and drink it.
Even chronic arthritis issues can be treated with these miraculous ingredients
Add a tablespoon of cinnamon along with two tablespoons of honey in a glass of boiling water and drink it. Practice drinking this remedy twice a day. Every morning and evening. It will give amazing results.
Mother Nature has granted us with the most powerful medicines there are. No chemistry can stand against their healing effects.
The only thing is to recognize the pearl among them in the appropriate situation and don’t be afraid to leave your health in the hands of Nature. You will be not only faster, but better cured too.

Epsom Salt

Amazing Uses and Benefits of Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate, which has been long used as a natural remedy for numerous ailments.

Benefits of Epsom Salt

Benefits of Epsom Salt
This mineral is effective in relaxing the nervous system, soothing pain, easing muscle strain, treating colds and congestion, healing skin problems, and promoting detoxification of the b

Protects Your Skin

The Epsom salt is an excellent exfoliant and moisturizer that can significantly improve your skin’s quality. In order to remove the dead skin cells and to maintain your skin’s moisture levels, you should mix some Epsom salt with a face-cleansing cream or a liquid soap. Rub the mixture on your skin, and rinse it off with warm water afterward.

Improves Your Hair

If your hair gets greasy very fast, you should put a handful of Epsom salt into your regular shampoo. Wash your hair with the shampoo as usual, and you will instantly notice a reduction of its greasiness.
Also, you can use the Epsom salt to increase your hair volume. Mix some salt with your conditioner and warm this mixture over the stove.
Massage your hair with the conditioner from the roots to the tips, let it stay for 20 minutes, and then wash it off. Apart from boosting the volume of your hair, this treatment can help you to prevent an appearance of split ends.

Relieves Headaches

The Epsom salt is helpful in relaxing the muscles and releasing any tension, which makes it effective in treating headaches.
In case you suffer from a headache, you should take a bath with some Epsom salt. By doing so, you will immediately soothe the pain.

Cures a Hangover

The Epsom salt is one of the best natural remedies for treating a hangover. Mix 1 teaspoon of this salt into a glass of water. The consumption of this mixture will help you to bring your mineral and water levels back into balance.
ody. It has many health benefits, as well as various beauty and household uses.
One of the simplest ways to enjoy the health benefits of this salt is to soak in an Epsom salt bath since both the magnesium and sulfate are readily absorbed through your skin. However, there are some other ways in which you can use the magnesium sulfate. Here are 6 amazing uses and benefits of Epsom salt.

Removes Splinters

If you have a stubborn splinter, you can easily remove it by rubbing a small amount of Epsom salt on the affected area of your skin.
This salt will soften the skin, reduce the inflammation around the wound, and bring the splinter closer to the surface.

Treats Bruises

In order to heal a bruise, you should mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with water. Gently apply the mixture onto the affected area and let it stay for a few minutes. This mixture will help you to reduce the pain and swelling of the bruise.

Protects Your Skin

The Epsom salt is an excellent exfoliant and moisturizer that can significantly improve your skin’s quality. In order to remove the dead skin cells and to maintain your skin’s moisture levels, you should mix some Epsom salt with a face-cleansing cream or a liquid soap. Rub the mixture on your skin, and rinse it off with warm water afterward.

Improves Your Hair

If your hair gets greasy very fast, you should put a handful of Epsom salt into your regular shampoo. Wash your hair with the shampoo as usual, and you will instantly notice a reduction of its greasiness.
Also, you can use the Epsom salt to increase your hair volume. Mix some salt with your conditioner and warm this mixture over the stove.
Massage your hair with the conditioner from the roots to the tips, let it stay for 20 minutes, and then wash it off. Apart from boosting the volume of your hair, this treatment can help you to prevent an appearance of split ends.

Relieves Headaches

The Epsom salt is helpful in relaxing the muscles and releasing any tension, which makes it effective in treating headaches.
In case you suffer from a headache, you should take a bath with some Epsom salt. By doing so, you will immediately soothe the pain.

Cures a Hangover

The Epsom salt is one of the best natural remedies for treating a hangover. Mix 1 teaspoon of this salt into a glass of water. The consumption of this mixture will help you to bring your mineral and water levels back into balance.

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

The magnesium is a mineral which is a necessity in our body. Yet, most of the people are not aware of this fact. Sadly, almost 80% of the Americans suffer from magnesium deficiency and don’t even know about it.
This mineral is very important. An experienced doctor, Dr. Carl Dean, explains how important the magnesium is to the body.

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

She is considered to be an expert of the subject magnesium, and has received numerous awards and published several books.
As we said, she has been studying magnesium and published papers on it for the past 15 years.She explains what magnesium does to the body and how it helps us.
She claims that it activates the nerves and the muscles, working as a building block for DNA and RNA synthesis, improves the digestion of carbs, protein and fats.
It also generates the energy of the body through activating adenosine triphosphate, and acts as a precursor for serotonin.
And despite it’s tremendous importance, people are still not getting enough of it. On the other hand, minerals who minerals are known to people, such as calcium are taken by people every single day.
They even overdose themselves with it. It is not a good thing to do because there should always be a balance between minerals and vitamins intake.
So basically, if your body has excess amounts of calcium and magnesium deficiency, then heart problems and muscle spasms will occur.
When there is balance between the calcium and magnesium intake, the muscles work perfectly. This balance is not only required for the muscles, it is also important for the cardiovascular health.
When imbalance happens, it can end up in a heart attack or even death. Dr. Dean claims that the left ventricle of the heart is where there is the biggest amount of magnesium in the entire body, so normally, if there is magnesium deficiency, the heart does not function properly.
The past couple of decades are where the doctors everywhere have advised women to take extra calcium supplements in order to prevent the cases of osteoporosis from increasing.
But unfortunately, that did not happen. Even though women have taken calcium as recommended by their doctors, in bigger amounts, the osteoporosis cases continued to rise.
There has been a myth, telling that the calcium intake should be 2 times more than the magnesium intake. It later turned out that it was a misinterpretation.
The right amount of calcium and magnesium intake should be 1 to 1. Also note that the high dose of Vitamins K2 and D in the body can result in magnesium deficiency.
So basically, all of these nutrients, moderately combined together, are very important to the health. If one goes without the other, the damage can be fatal.
For an example, if imbalance happens, it could be the cause of Vitamin D toxicity. The Vitamin K2 makes sure that the calcium stays in place.
Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms
You should take all of these vitamins orally, and avoid taking too much of one and less of the other. The Vitamin K2 and magnesium balance each other, maintaining a normal blood pressure.
And what is the best way for you to take these supplements? When it comes to calcium, the best way to get your daily supply is through dairy products, deep green leafy veggies, seeds and nuts. Also a homemade bone broth can help.
And what about magnesium? According to Dr. Dean, a while ago the soil was so rich with magnesium that we got about 500 mg of it daily, and now we get about 200 mg at the most. This is why the supplements are really important.
The industrial agriculture has made it difficult to consume foods that are rich in calcium, giving the fact that they have drained the soil from it.
This is why it is important to eat biologically-grown organic foods, because they still contain the necessary amounts of magnesium.
Some of the richest sources of magnesium are the avocados, seaweed, nuts, seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and sesame) and green leafy veggies.
If you think that you have magnesium deficiency, there is not a specific test that could determine it, but there are several symptoms who can help you figure it out.
You will experience nausea, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and headaches. These symptoms could get worse if you do not get a proper treatment.
They can lead to personality changes, numbness, arrhythmia, tingling, cramps, muscles contractions, coronary spasms and seizures.
There are plenty of different ways through which you can have the proper magnesium intake. Be careful to see which one of them is the most efficient.
The magnesium is a mineral, making it easy to transform it into multiple types of supplements. Of course, you will never find a 100% magnesium supplement because it tends to bind to other substances.

In Addition we Give You Some of The Substances and Their Properties

  • Magnesium Sulfate & Magnesium Hydroxide – these two are commonly used as laxatives, making them easy to overdose with. This is why they are taken with specific directions.
  • Magnesium Glycinate – if you want a supplement with highest level of absorption, then this one is definitely the one for you.
  • Magnesium Oxide – this supplement softens your stool and contains about 60% of magnesium in it.
  • Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Lactate – though it contains about 12% of magnesium, it has higher levels of absorption.
  • Magnesium Threonate – a relatively new kind of magnesium supplement, very capable of entering the mitochondrial membrane.
  • There are also the magnesium citrate and the magnesium taurate. These two are helpful for both the mind and the body.
Dr. Dean claims that the every day stress we endure and prescription drugs we take are the main cause of the magnesium deficiency.
When you are under high levels of stress, the body loses much more magnesium than usual. And that is bad because the magnesium prevents anxiety and depression, and relaxes the muscles.
So, if you are losing magnesium, it will lead to tightening of the muscle vessels, thus increasing the blood pressure.
If you go to the doctor complaining of a high blood pressure, you will receive diuretic. It will lower your blood pressure level, but it will also drain your body from magnesium.
You will be back at the doctor’s office within a month, still complaining of a high blood pressure. Then the doctor will give you calcium channel blocker.
After several months, you will be tested again to make sure that you are not doing any damage to the liver.But, you will experience high levels of cholesterol and blood sugar.
The doctors may not know that they have actually caused this, so they will give you another bunch of medications.What Dr. Dean tries to explain is that to take care of the magnesium levels, you have to take care of your cholesterol.
Furthermore, it is crucial to know that the drugs that people who suffer from diabetes take can also cause magnesium deficiency.
This usually happens when the drugs contain fluoride. When the magnesium comes in contact with the fluoride, it creates magnesium fluoride, lowering the level of magnesium in the body.
This is why it is of utmost importance to make a balance between the magnesium and calcium intake. One does not go without the other, because if it does, then severe consequences may follow.



There are numerous health benefits that rice can offer such as providing fast and instant energy, improving bowel movements, stabilizing blood sugar levels, slowing down the aging process, while it is also a rich source of vitamin B1 for the human body.
Moreover, it is great for your skin, your metabolism, blood pressure, and your immunity.
Rice is a fundamental food in many cultures around the world, especially in the eastern cultures. It is pretty easy to prepare and it does not take a lot of time.
Rice abounds in resistant starch, which reaches the bowel in an undigested form. Resistant starch stimulates the growth of the good bacteria in the bowels, and helps in normal bowel movements.
Rice is also a powerful diuretic which can help you lose the excess water weight and get rid of all the toxins from the body that accumulate through the food.
It also high in fiber and as a result it increases bowel movement and it can protect against various types of cancer as well as lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
However, contrary to other cereals, rice has one disadvantage – it does not help you losing weight, so you can add a few extra pounds and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
That is because white rice is processed so that the bran is removed, which is the outer part of the rice. As a result that rice has a lot of calories and poor nutritional value.
In fact, one cup of white rice contains 200 calories which is mostly pure starch and not a lot of healthy ingredients.

You can Make White Rice Healthier

Recent studies have shown that there is a way you can improve the value of white rice. It is a simple trick in the process of cooking it which adds to its nutritional value.
One of the doctors who conducted the study on the nutritional value of rice said that he put the rice in the boiling water and added some coconut oil in it.
He added about 3% of the amount of rice and after the rice has been cooked he left it in the fridge for 12 hours.
How does this Trick Improve the Quality of White Rice?
The boiling water that the rice is cooked in makes the rice, i.e. the starch in the rice, easy to digest. Your body converts the starch into sugar and then glycogen, so it can be stored as fat.
This process is made faster by putting the rice into boiling water, instead of frying it or preparing it in other ways which makes the rice hard to digest.
The coconut oil reduces the proportion of starch that can be easily digested. You can any other lipid, any cooking fat to achieve that. The oil actually changes the structure of the starch and makes it even more digestible.
The cooling process is the last stage and this process lowers the calories in the rice. When you put the rice in the fridge for 12 hours after you have cooked it, you are making it possible for the starch to be stiffened up in its ‘harder’ form, and even if you heat the rice again, it will have a lot less calories.

What is Kidney Failure and how to Solve it

What is Kidney Failure and how to Solve it

Do you know how important the kidneys are to the body? They filter about 150 quarts of blood every single day. They keep the blood flow stable and thus control the function of every organ in the body.
They prevent the building up of extra waste or fluids in the body. They regulate the blood pressure, keep the bones strong and healthy and produce red blood cells.

Kidney Failure

So, you will probably guess right – that if the kidneys stop functioning properly your body will weaken. So, for you to keep your body healthy and strong you must not overlook the signs a broken kidney sends to you. Here are some symptoms of a poorly functioning kidney.

  • One symptom of failing kidneys can be the swelling of the arms, legs, feet, ankles. This means that the kidneys cannot remove the excess fluids from the body.
  • You will notice some changes in the urination, like for an example, you are going to pee blood, your urine may be dark and in smaller amounts or pale, but in large amounts. Furthermore, it can be foamy, you may experience difficulties urinating and that may often happen in the middle of the night.
  • When the kidneys cannot remove the toxic waste from the body, they transfer the toxins throughout the entire body and the first sign of it the appearance of a skin rash. The skin will become dry and irritated, and ointments may help, but in the long term, the best solution is to visit your doctor for further instructions on how to treat the kidneys in order to get your skin back to normal.
  • The kidneys produce a hormone that with the help of the red blood cells carries oxygen through the body. So, when the kidneys are not functioning as they should, number of red blood cells decreases and that leads to fatigue and even anemia. This can also lead to shortness of breath as well.
  • You are going to have a metalic feeling in your mouth. It will make your food taste different, it will lead to a bad breath, and you are going to experience some food preferences or even loss of appetite.
  • When the kidneys are failing, the upper back reacts with an extreme pain and spasms.
  • Finally, when kidney failure occurs, there is not enough oxygen flow to the brain so you can get memory loss, dizziness and you will lack focus and concentration.
But, in order to change all of this, you can consume foods which are good for your kidneys and they can help you get their function back to normal. The first thing you should definitely do is drink plenty of water during the day.
Our bodies are mostly made up out of water, so dehydration plays an important role in the health of the kidneys. You can add some lemon or cucumber slices to the water it you like.
Next, from the food department we have red peppers, every kind of cabbage, onions, basically every food that is low in potassium.
You can eat them raw or serve them to the side of any meal, or even cook them as part of the ingredients in a healthy meal.
Foods filled with antioxidants are the way to go. These are the kidney friendly foods that you should definitely consume on a daily basis. Take care of yourself, add some good nutrition into your body every day.


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