

Dates Are The Healthiest Fruit And Also A Cure

Dates Are The Healthiest Fruit And Also A Cure
Dates are undoubtedly one of the healthiest fruits on the planet and they offer numerous health benefits, including:
Dates improve digestion
Dates are rich in fibers and thus help digestion, but they are also high in numerous other nutrients, and treat various ailments. They treat heart issues, prevent strokes, regulate cholesterol levels, and prevent cancer. A
lso, they suppress appetite, n the sugar they contain can be a substitute for white sugar.
Dates are rich in iron
They are a rich source of iron and thus treat anemia. 100 g dates provide 0.90 g iron or 11% of the recommended daily intake. Iron also improves the oxygen flow to the brain.
Prevent strokes
The high potassium content protects the nervous system, and in sufficient levels, it lowers the stroke risk by 40%.
Brain food
Dates are rich in phosphorus which supports the function of the brain.
Treat diarrhea
Dates are high in calcium, which refreshes the gut flora, creates gut bacteria in the gut, and treats diarrhea.
Treat constipation
Dates detoxify the body, help digestion, and treat constipation as well. In the evening, leave a few dates n some water to soak until the morning, and they will release juices that act as laxatives. Eat the dates to support intestine health and accelerate metabolism and digestion.
Improved libido
To improve your sex life and drive, soak some dates in goat milk and in the morning, add honey and cardamom to the mixture. This will boost your energy and potential.
Strengthen heart
You should soak dates in water, and blend them in the morning. Drink the smoothie to support heart health.
Weight loss
Dates regulate appetite and provide nutrients which help you lose extra pounds. Yet, note that they are high in sugar and consume them in moderate amounts.
Reduce high blood pressure 
Only 5-6 dates provide 80 mg magnesium which dilates blood vessels. Studies have shown that you need 370 mg magnesium on a daily basis to lower high blood pressure and keep it regulated.
Support eye health
Dates contain vitamins that boost eye health, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for the eye retina and macula. They improve eyesight and prevent damage of the macula due to aging.
Help delivery
A team of scientists at the Jordan University of Science and Technology found that the regular consumption of dates for 4 weeks soothes the pain and reduces bleeding before the due date and ease the delivery.
Moreover, it prevents postpartum depression signs and provides more milk in the mother’s breasts.

Toxic Tooth—How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick

Toxic Tooth—How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick

Root canal is a commonly performed procedure in most adults. But is it a wise one? Dr. Robert Kulacz, a dentist, has spent a significant portion of his professional career trying to answer this question.
What he discovered profoundly changed his life, and led him to write a book about his findings called, The Toxic Tooth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick, which I think is among the best available on this subject.
Dr. Kulacz began practicing dentistry in Brewster, New York. After six years as an associate, he opened his own practice in Somers, New York in 1992, where he performed all the conventional procedures of dentistry, from restorations to extractions and root canals.
"I did a lot of root canals for many years," he says. "Everything was going smoothly until one day, a patient of mine said to me, 'You know, I heard from my physician that root canals may be bad; that root canals may cause or contribute to other diseases in the body.'
And I said, 'You're crazy. Who is telling you this? That's impossible.' He said, 'You got to look at this information.' He gave me websites of organizations like the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) to look at.
I went on to explore this topic so I could come back to him and say, 'Here is where you're wrong, here's where your physician is wrong, and here is where the American Dental Association (ADA) is right.'
Lo and behold, I found out they're right; I was wrong.
I looked at Weston Price's work, the work of Rosenow, and others. I decided to go to an IAOMT meeting... Dr. Boyd Haley's lecture on root canals and how toxic they are changed my life. I realized I was wrong... From that day on, I changed my practice."

The Importance of Informed Consent

Dr. Kulacz stopped performing root canals in 1995. He doesn't promote a ban on root canals across the board, but stresses the importance of informed consent.
The American Dental Association states that root canals are a safe procedure that cannot cause any systemic diseases, and according to Dr. Kulacz and others who have spent time investigating the matter, that's simply not true.
"If a patient is informed that these root canal teeth remain infected; that bacteria can indeed travel to other sites in the body, and that bacteria in root canal teeth and the surrounding bone release potent toxins, then the patient can decide to have a root canal or not," he says.
Many dentists believe they can sterilize a root canal tooth and that the act of instrumenting and irrigating the canal will eliminate all the bacteria, but that's not the case.
"I've done biopsies on every root canal tooth that I have extracted. Almost all of them have remnants of necrotic debris still in that canal meaning that they were not thoroughly cleaned. Microbiological cultures of the surrounding bone showed infection almost 100% of the time." Dr. Kulacz says.
According to the ADA, any remaining bacteria will be "entombed" within that tooth, but that's not true either. The gutta-percha, the filling material used to seal the canal, is not getting into the tiny lateral canals that branch off the main canal, so leakage is almost always possible, especially since the tooth is porous.
And even a perfectly sealed root canal cannot prevent the small molecule exotoxins produced by the bacteria inside the root canal tooth from easily migrating out of the tooth and into the body.
The bulk of the tooth structure is composed of dentinal tubules, hollow structures that run from the main canal outward. If you were to put these tubules end to end from just a single rooted tooth, they would stretch for about three miles.
But they're big enough to harbor bacteria three across, which you can never remove or sterilize. A tooth is more like a sponge than a solid structure.
"If you had a solid tooth structure that was like steel or a metal, you were able to clear out the main canal of that tooth, there were no tributaries, and you can perfectly seal it, and eliminate the residual infection in the surrounding jaw bone a root canal would be great. But we can't do that," he says.
"Now, it doesn't mean that all root canal teeth are going to cause disease. It depends upon the type of bacteria that are in there, what kind of toxins they produce, and the immune system health of the individual.
p>But with 25 to 30 million root canals done per year, multiply that by how many years a person is alive, there's a lot of root canals out there. And a lot of them are not good."

Bacteria from Root Canals May Worsen Other Diseases

Since root canal teeth are chronically infected, they may contribute to a number of different health problems, including heart disease. While the ADA insists bacteria from root canal teeth can never travel to distant sites in your body, Dr. Kulacz disagrees, explaining:
"Heart disease is caused by the damage to the inside lining of the blood vessel (the cholesterol is a secondary byproduct). The primary cause of heart disease is the damage of the intima lining of the blood vessel and migration of macrophages and cholesterol inside that artery.
Inflammation causes plaque to rupture into the lumen, into the space of the blood vessel, causing a blood clot and a heart attack. [A] study done in 2013... compared the bacterial DNA in blood clots and arterial plaque in heart attack patients to the DNA of the bacteria in the mouth.
The same bacteria found in the root canal teeth and in gum disease are found in the plaques in coronary arteries and in the blood clots that caused the heart attack.
These bacteria move from the mouth into other sites of the body like the arterial plaques. They've also found the same bacteria in the pericardial fluid or the fluid that surrounds the heart... In heart disease you don't want infection and inflammation in an arterial plaque.
The presence of oral bacteria from root canal teeth and gum disease in the arterial plaque and blood clots of heart attack patients points to direct causation, rather than correlation between oral infection and cardiovascular disease."

All Root Canal Teeth Will Become More Infected Over Time

Because root canal teeth no longer have a blood supply, the bacteria remaining inside all root canal teeth are effectively "hidden" from the immune system. To make matters worse, the root canal tooth becomes more infected over time due to the influx of bacteria from the gum tissue surrounding the tooth.
Other research has shown pathogenic bacteria from infected root canals destroy or kill the white blood cells designed to eliminate them, which is why the surrounding jaw bone can harbor such chronic infection. The bacteria can also evade your immune system by:
  • Bacterial mimicry; mimicking your body's own bacteria, which your white blood cells will not attack
  • Disabling your antibodies and white blood cells
  • Forming sticky biofilms

Decisions... Decisions...


The video above was recorded about four years ago. In it, I discuss some of the health effects I suffered from an infected tooth, which were resolved after having the tooth extracted. It's important to recognize that the reason you get cavities and/or infected teeth in the first place is related to your diet—primarily eating too much sugar.
If your diet is inadequate, your immune function will be compromised, and if your immune system is weakened, the bacteria's ability to wreak havoc is magnified. So does this mean you have to extract all of your root canal teeth? No, Dr. Kulacz says.
"We can't become so closed-minded that we ignore mainstream dentistry or mainstream medicine just because we don't believe one part of it. Just saying that we're going to extract all root canal teeth and we're going to cure all disease is not valid. That's as bad as saying that root canal teeth can't cause any problems. We have to find the balance... we have to evaluate objectively and then come to a reasonable conclusion and protocol on what to do with these root canal teeth."
If you're considering having a root canal done, evaluate the data and your personal situation, such as your health risks, before making your decision. I would also suggest considering ozone therapy prior to root canal or tooth extraction. Ozone therapy is typically administered through a syringe, right into or around to the base of the tooth. Multiple visits are usually needed to address the infection. Ozone is directly toxic to infectious material, and it also stimulates your immune system.
I was able to prevent a root canal by using ozone therapy not too long ago. However if the pulp tissue has completely died due to infection, nothing, including ozone, will bring the tooth back to life. It took about five treatments. It's safe, non-toxic, and relatively inexpensive, so it may be worth considering before taking more drastic measures. 

If you decide to have the tooth extracted rather than doing a root canal, there are several options on how to restore that missing tooth. The first and least expensive option is with a removable appliance or partial denture. You need to take it out at night, put it back in in the morning, and keep it clean. It's the least invasive way to restore missing teeth.
The second and considerably more expensive alternative is to do a bridge. The teeth on either side of the missing tooth are prepared for caps or crowns, and the missing tooth is attached to those two abutment teeth. The bridge is permanently put in as one unit. The problem is you have to cut down a lot of the enamel on the adjacent teeth, which causes trauma to those teeth, potentially risking the need for another root canal over time.

What You Need to Know About Dental Implants

The third option is a dental implant, where a screw is inserted into your jawbone after a healing time of between three and six months to ensure a base of solid, healthy bone in the jaw. Then a tooth is built upon the top of the implant. The implant functions as your root would have and you have a permanent crown that functions like your real tooth. While that may sound ideal, there potential problems to consider. 

First, if you use a titanium implant, you're placing metal into your jawbone, which can cause a galvanic or battery response with other metals in your mouth. There are reports in the literature of allergy and tissue toxicity to the metal used in dental implants that can also negatively impact health. At the very least, if you are considering a titanium dental implant, have an allergy test to all the metals present in that implant. This is especially true if you have a known sensitivity to metals.
Dr. Kulacz prefers zirconium implants, as they do not have metallic ions found in titanium implants. However, if an implant is placed into the bone where a previous root canal was done, and the bone was insufficiently cleaned out when the tooth was extracted, then your bone may still be infected. In such a case, you're placing an implant into a chronically infected bone, which is inadvisable.
"It's critical when you extract the root canal tooth that you remove the periodontal ligament (the little sling that holds the tooth to the jawbone), the lamina dura or socket bone (the only purpose of that socket bone is to support the tooth), and then a small amount of bone outside that space. That's done with a slow-speed, round dental bur with copious or lots of sterile sealing and irrigation to keep the bone healthy.
If you do that, you remove the infection, you induce good blood flow into the jawbone – without blood, there is no healing – and you have a non-infected, healthy, and healed bone to which you can then place your dental implant," he says. "Bacterial cultures and tissue biopsy of the surrounding bone after thorough socket cleaning can uncover any residual infection that may remain. This is why I do not favor immediate placement of a dental implant into the socket of a root canal tooth, preferring to wait for the results of the cultures and biopsy as well as adequate bone healing."
Gum disease is also a common problem associated with implants. An infection or an inflammation in the gums is very similar to having an infection or inflammation in the bone or the root canal tooth. Natural teeth have a barrier against the migration of bacteria into the surrounding bone.
They are full of fibers that insert from the gum into the root of the tooth and the bone, which prevents the bacteria from getting in to the bone area. Dental implants don't have that. They rely on a sticky coating secreted by the gum around the cuff of the collar of the post that supports the crown.
That cuff of tissue has to be maintained with good oral hygiene to prevent inflammation that might otherwise loosen the tissue around the tooth. If you have gum disease and don't clean the implant post thoroughly, the gum disease around implants will progress much more rapidly than around a natural tooth. If you have a dental implant, it's imperative to follow strict oral hygiene, or you may quickly end up with gum problems.

A Root Canal Tooth Is Dead, and Necrotic Tissue Tends to Cause Problems

A root canal tooth is no longer alive. It's dead tissue, which should never be left in your body. If you have appendicitis, the surgeon just doesn't isolate it and leave it in there. He has to remove it. Yet when it comes to teeth, this rule is ignored.
According to Dr. Kulacz, many people who came to see him—often as a last resort—were able to resolve chronic health issues once their severely infected root canal teeth were extracted and/or the infection properly treated. Interestingly, Dr. Weston A. Price was even able to reproduce people's diseases in rabbits simply by implanting the person's root canal tooth beneath the rabbit's skin.1
"The ADA tries to refute Price's work, saying it lacks adequate controls and they used too much bacteria when they inoculated the bacteria into these rabbits. Well, that's not true. They took the actual root canal tooth and they implanted the same root canal tooth with no more bacteria than would have been found in the person from which it came.
That same tooth was implanted under the skin of rabbits. Lo and behold, they would find the same disease occur in the rabbits. The ADA says they repeated Price's work and found it to be invalid. Well, they never have. I've looked for it. I've emailed them. There is no repeat of Price's work. Further, current research supports Price's assertions that bacteria from root canal teeth DO travel to distant sites in the body."

More Information

To learn more about root canals, and/or to help educate your dentist, I strongly recommend picking up a copy of Dr. Kulacz' book, The Toxic Tooth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick. If your dentist is honest and sincere, he or she will likely come to the same rational conclusion as Dr. Kulacz. Granted, in many cases, you're likely to meet with resistance. This seems to be the norm before changes in thinking finally shift to the majority. In some cases the resistance can be severe.
Dr. Kulacz ended up losing his practice after the New York State dental board drummed up a series of charges against him, including "gross misconduct" for extracting root canal treated teeth. The dental board initially wanted to pull his dental license, but backed off when the prosecuting attorney admitted no dentist had actually reviewed the reams of data he'd sent in defense of his treatment—a case of misconduct on behalf of the dental board.
"I called the chancellor of the board of regents in New York State and said, 'Your dental board is corrupt. The prosecutor admitted to me that my case was not about justice. It was not about the truth. The dental board had an agenda. They already dismissed this patient's file as a cause of action.'
Now, I'm not a conspiracy guy. I never thought that this kind of thing could happen. In fact, if somebody would have told me in the years prior that this could happen, I would've thought they were crazy. But it did happen to me," Dr. Kulacz says. "The next day, the attorney from New York State called and said, 'The dental board is going to drop all charges if you will accept a records violation.' They had to have something, otherwise I could go after them for false prosecution."
Considering it would have taken several years and a quarter of a million dollars to continue fighting, he accepted the records violation—not realizing this would effectively put him out of business... He kept his dental license, but he never realized accepting the violation would increase his malpractice premium ten-fold—from $8,000 a year to $80,000. After being shut down for a year because of the board's action, he made the painful decision not to reopen. Dr. Kulacz' story is yet another example of what can happen to a professional who bucks the trend.
It's not very different from the case of Ignaz Semmelweis, an ob-gyn and surgeon who, about 150 years ago, was vilified for his theory that microbes cause infection. Semmelweis was labeled "insane" by his colleagues for having the audacity to suggest they should wash their hands between deliveries, and they fired him.
He tried to continue his research but was ostracized by the medical community. His mental health eventually did deteriorate, leading to his death in an insane asylum.
Fortunately for us, Dr. Kulacz wrote a book instead of mulling on the pain and frustration of losing a two decades long career. It's a great resource, with the details necessary to convince most rational individuals that root canals are not in the best interest of your health. And, if you have a root canal tooth, to be cautious and consider having it extracted if indicated. You can also learn more on his website,, or contact him via email at:

Resources to Help You Find a Biological Dentist

The following organizations can help you to find a biological dentist specializing in mercury-free dentistry and other holistic approaches:
  • Consumers for Dental Choice
  • Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions(DAMS). E-mail them at: or call 651-644-4572 for an information packet
  • Holistic Dental Association
  • International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine (IABDM)
  • International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)
  • International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists
  • Talk International

This Vegetable Will Fix Everything Wrong In Your Body!

This Vegetable Will Fix Everything Wrong In Your Body!

Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetables on the Planet, as it provides powerful medicinal properties and relieves many health conditions and ailments. Its red color comes from the anthocyanins which at the same time provide anti-cancer properties.
Beet extract is studied for its anticancer properties in human breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. Furthermore, beets contain the natural anti-inflammatory agent called betaine, which supports heart health. They also contain essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B1, B2, B12, C, magnesium, copper, iron, potassium, iodine, phosphorus.
Beets are well-known for their folate content which prevents birth defects. This vegetable regulates cholesterol levels, improves blood flow, and supports proper liver function. They support the detoxification process of blood and liver.
This Vegetable Will Fix Everything Wrong In Your Body!
Thanks to the naturally occurring nitrates, beets are great for reducing high blood pressure. According to one study, drinking a glass of beet juice reduced systolic blood pressure by approximately 4 to 5 points.
They enhance the stamina, endurance, and performance during a workout, which makes them great for athletes. You can eat them raw, cooked, juiced, or steamed.
Instead of throwing away their green leafy tops, you may want to cook them as they contain high levels of potassium (half a cup contains 644 mg.), protein, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. In fact, these green tops contain more iron than spinach.
A few researches have shown that they might fight Alzheimer’s disease, boost the immune system and bone strength, thus preventing osteoporosis.
Many studies have shown that consuming foods rich in potassium, and elimination of sodium from your diet can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease by 21 percent.
Another health benefit of beetroots is prevention of cataracts and reduced risk of macular degeneration due to the presence of beta-carotene.
Beets are great energy boosters, so whenever you feel lack of energy prepare yourself a nice glass of refreshing beet juice.

японска техника за прочистване на червата

4 чаши – японска техника за прочистване на червата – резултатите са просто невероятни!

С тази рецепта за прочистване на червата ще помогнете за прочистването добрата работа и на черния дроб и жлъчката

прочистване на червата

Прочистване на червата се прави по много и различни начини. Днес ви предлагаме един ефикасен, лесен и доказано ефективен метод за прочистване на червата. Тази древна японска техника ще спомогне и за по-добрата работа на черния дроб и жлъчката.
Японците са признати столетници. Тяхното здраве наистина е за завиждане от хората в другите страни. Глупаво е да се губи време в завист, затова е по-добре да почерпим от източната мъдрост. Така ще подобрим своето здраве и ще придобием нови сили, с които адекватно ще посрещаме предизвикателствата на деня.
Всичко, което е необходимо за подобряване на здравето и профилактика на много заболявания е много просто – всяка сутрин трябва да се пие вода.
Японската медицинска асоциация потвърди лечебното действие на обилното пиене на вода сутрин. Този прост метод помага за лечение на главоболие, сърдечни проблеми, бронхит, стомашно разстройство и други заболявания.

4 чаши – японска техника за прочистване на червата – как се прави?


1. Всяка сутрин се изпиват 4 не много големи чаши с вода със стайна температура. Може да разделите изпиването на водата на 2 пъти.


2. Не трябва да се яде и да се пие нищо в продължение на 45 минути след като водата е изпита. В началото ще е малко трудно да се справите с количеството, но с течение на времето се свиква. През това време може да си измиете зъбите, да направите гимнастика и да се приготвите за работа


3. След това може да закусите. Опитайте се да комбинирате пиенето на вода със здравословна закуска. Така ефекта ще бъде още по-голям.


4. След закуската не бива да ядете и да пиете нищо в продължение на 2 часа.
Ако не сте в състояние да изпивате 4 чаши вода веднага, не се насилвайте излишно. Започнете с малко, пийте по 1-2 чаши в началото, или разделете изпиването на 4-те чаши. Вие ще почувствате себе си по-здрави и ще искате да продължите експеримента!
Обилното пиене на вода подобрява не само здравето, но облекчава страданията на онези, които са болни. Пречистване с вода е техника колкото проста, толкова и ефективна.
Чрез използването на този японски метод за един месец ще бъдете в състояние да се справите с високото кръвно налягане. Ще подобрите и състоянието си, ако страдате от диабет. А само след три месеца ще забравите какво е това гастрит.
Японската хидротерапия няма странични ефекти. Защо не опитате да пиете повече вода? В края на краищата, водата е само на една ръка разстояние. Този полезен навик не струва нищо, но ползите от него са огромни.

People Go Crazy For This Recipe! It Heals Knee, Bone and Joint Pain

People Go Crazy For This Recipe! It Heals Knee, Bone and Joint Pain

As we age, our bodies slowly start to wear out and show the first signs of aging. One of the first symptoms of this process is the bone and joint pain. This pain usually affects our knees, one of the most important body parts.
Knees support most of the body weight during standing and are responsible for various movements. Because of this importance for the body’s vitality, they are most prone to damages over the years. They lose their flexibility which can significantly reduce our ability to finish the simplest tasks.
One of the most important things is not to leave this pain untreated because as aging progresses, things can become even worse. However, these are very common conditions that many people find difficult to treat by the conventional methods.
People Go Crazy For This Recipe! It Heals Knee, Bone and Joint Pain
In this article, we will show you a completely natural remedy which will reduce the pain and improve the vitality of your bones and joints. This natural miracle will soothe your pain and will allow you to move freely.

Natural Miracle for Knee, Bone and Joint Pain


  • 2 tbsp. of cayenne pepper powder
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar/ ½ cup of warm olive oil
  • ½ inch grated ginger

Method of preparation:

Add the grated ginger and the cayenne pepper to the apple cider vinegar or warm olive oil. Stir this mixture well until you get a fine paste.


Apply this paste on the affected areas two times a day and leave it for 20 minutes.
Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin, a powerful compound that reduces pain. It is also packed with potent natural analgesic properties that warm the area and relieve the discomfort and pain.
With a constant appliance, you will notice a significant improvement of your ligaments and tendons while the pain will be completely gone.

50 брутални истини за живота, които никоя книга или гуру по личностно развитие няма да ти каже

50 брутални истини за живота, които никоя книга или гуру по личностно развитие няма да ти каже

Има реалности в живота, за които никой не иска да говори, защото знае, че никак няма да ти харесат. Ние обаче се осмелихме…
1. Как изглеждаш определено има значение.
2. Хората се интересуват единствено от това, какво могат да вземат от теб.
3. Да бъдеш мил и добър с всички няма да ти спечели нищо.
4. Всичко вътре в теб ще се бори за подобрение, но волята ти ще се противи.
5. Животът не е честен – никой не ти дължи нищо!
6. Да имаш всичко – пари, слава, успех – няма да те направи щастлив.
7. Никой не е отговорен за твоето щастие, освен теб самия.
8. Няма такова нещо като сродна душа.
9. Всички носят маска, освен когато спят.
10. Всички ще те съдят – постоянно.
11. Някои хора просто не са предназначени да бъдат в живота ти, без значение колко ти се иска да не е така.
12. Хората изчезват, спомените не.
13. Миналото вече е написано, но ако го препрочиташ отново и отново, следващият лист хартия от живота ти ще си остане празен.
14. Самотните хора са тези, които жадуват най-много за внимание.
15. Човекът, който искаш да бъдеш е този, без който ще си много по-добре.
16. Думата "завинаги" е надценена – никой не е щастлив или нещастен вечно.
17. На второто място винаги е най-големия губещ.
18. Хората, които веднъж са те третирали като боклук, но днес се отнасят с теб добре, го правят не защото са еволюирали, а защото ти си придобил повече авторитет.
19. Пиенето е последният подарък от първата любов на мъжа.
20. Някъде между увлечението и страстта се губи любовта.
21. Ако си с усмихнато лице и плачещо сърце, то тогава най-вероятно си пораснал.
22. След като се почувстваш отбягван от някого, никога повече не го безпокой отново.
23. Човекът, който те обича най-много има способността да те наранява най-много.
24. Ние си тръгваме само, за да видим дали ще ни спреш, ако те е грижа достатъчно.
25. Трудните моменти понякога са благословия под прикритие.
26. Някъде между мечтите и реалността живеем живота си.
27. Може да затвориш очите си за нещата, които не искаш да видиш, но не може да затвориш сърцето си за нещата, които не искаш да чувстваш.
28. Винаги ни липсва някой, надявайки се и ние да липсваме на него.
29. Не се страхуваме от високото, страхуваме се от падането.
30. Фокусираме се върху това, което искаме, губейки от поглед онова, от което наистина се нуждаем.
31. Не се страхуваш толкова от хората, колкото от опасността да бъдеш отхвърлен.
32. Ако отсъствието ти не рефлектира върху живота на някого, след като вече те няма, то животът ти е бил напразен.
33. Хората се чувстват добре, само когато омаловажават другите.
34. Всички преследваме пари, но казваме на света, че парите не са важни.
35. Почти никой не практикува това, което проповядва.
36. Хората около теб и тези, които познаваш, те карат да се чувстваш самотен.
37. Може да им дадеш още един шанс или можеш да ги оставиш и да дадеш на себе си по-добър шанс.
38. Хората рушат щастието на другите, само защото не могат да намерят своето собствено.
39. Много хора са заедно, но не са влюбени, докато други са влюбени, но не са заедно.
40. Само защото си зает не означава, че вършиш нещо.
41. Не се страхуваш да обичаш, страхуваш се, че ти няма да бъдеш обичан.
42. В момента се намираш някъде между неизречените думи и неизразените чувства.
43. Някъде между здравей и довиждане сме се научили да живеем нашия живот.
44. Половината от населението на планетата ни се опитва да отслабне, докато другата половина умира от глад.
45. На природата не ѝ пука за теб.
46. Имаш много малко истински приятели, без значение какво правиш за другите.
47. Най-вкусните хапки са най-смъртоносните.
48. Не можеш да угодиш на всички.
49. Винаги ще има някой по-добър от теб в това, което правиш.
50. Един ден ще умреш и всичко ще свърши – помисли върху това…


Никога не съм го знаела, че 7 скилидки чесън и 7 дафинови листа в бутилка могат да направят това ...

Никога не съм го знаела, че 7 скилидки чесън и 7 дафинови листа в бутилка могат да направят това ...

Никога не съм го знаела, че 7 скилидки чесън и 7 дафинови листа в бутилка могат да направят това ...

Магическите свойства на дафиновия лист са били познати още на древните гърци и римляни.

Митовете разказват, че Аполон се влюбил в красивата нимфа Дафне. Тя не отговорила на чувствата му, но богът на слънцето продължил да я преследва. Тогава, Дафне убедила баща си да я превърне в лавров храст, за да избяга от напористия си обожател.

Оттогава лавровото дърво се е превърнало в предпочитано от много народи. Смята се, че това растение носи победа, щастие , пари и успех. Опитайте и Вие да ги привлечете в дома си, с помощта на тази древна рецепта !

Как да привлечем късмет и пари в къщата

7 скилидки чесън
7 дафинови листа
1 литър минерална вода
Вземете една бутилка или буркан ,
 излейте вътре минералната вода и добавете 7 скилидки чесън.

След това поставете във водата 7 дафинови листа.
Затворете капачката на бутилката/ буркана.
Скрийте съда в някакво уединено кътче на къщата.
От сега нататък сместа от дафинов лист и чесън ще бъде истински магнит за привличане на добрия късмет.
За да запази действието си, тази отвара трябва да бъде заменяна периодично с нова, защото може да се развали или да плесеняса.
За да привлечете парите и късмета наистина, трябва да вярвате в действието на отварата!
Опитайте, най‐малкото няма да Ви навреди, а ползите ще усетите сами!
Ето какво се случва с тялото Ви 10 часа след като си лакирате ноктите!

Ето какво се случва с тялото Ви 10 часа след като си лакирате ноктите!

 Дори и най‐съзнателните относно здравето си хора може да пропуснат да вземат предвид как лакът за нокти влияе на тялото им.
Но наскоро проведено научно изследване откри, че много от най‐популярните марки лак за нокти в Америка са много по‐вредни, отколкото бихте предположили.
Какво показва изследването
Учените наскоро изследваха за признаци на химически токсини 24 жени, участващи в изследването им.

Те откриха доказателства за наличието на токсини в тялото на всяка една от тези жени. Кой е източникът натези химикали?
Лакът за нокти.
Резултатите показват, че 100% от участничките показали признаци за наличие на трифенил фосфат само 10 часа след нанасянето на лак.
Този вид категоричен резултат е забележителен, а също така и тревожен. В последващо изследване, същите учени изследват 10 различни лака за нокти за трифенил фосфат и откриват химикала в 8 от тях.
При два от тези лакове за нокти с положителен резултат за наличието на химикала, той не бил посочен върху етикета.
Това може да означава, че до 20% от лаковете за нокти, продавани в САЩ съдържат опасен химикал, който не е посочен като съставка. Какво е трифенил фосфат?
Една от най‐големите тревоги относно трифенил фосфата (или ТРНР ) е че той е известен с това, че разрушава ендокринната система на човека – системата, която контролира всички наши хормони.
Главният изследовател, д‐р Хедър Стейпълтън изрази притесненията си, казвайки „Има нарастващи доказателства, които показват че ТРНР може би засяга регулирането на хормоните, метаболизма, репродуктивността и развитието”.
Това е особено вредно за малките момичета, които редовно използват лак за нокти, понеже здравословното хормонално развитие е изключително важна част от растежа им.
Но, ТРНР представлява сериозен риск за здравето за всеки, който се излага на него. Той е също така е известен с това, че е:
Невротоксин (с последици за развитието) Ендокринен токсин (трови ендокринната система)
Полов токсин (трови репродуктивната система)
Дразнител на кожата и алерген
Други заплахи за здравето съдържащи се в лаковете за нокти Формалдехид .
Формалдехидът е добре известен канцероген, който се разтваря във водата и във въздуха (познат ви е силния мирис на лака за нокти, нали?)
Излагането на този химикал може също така да доведе до симптоми като дразнене в гърлото, астма и затруднено дишане.
Хората с хронични заболявания са особено податливи на натравяне с формалдехид. Толуен .
Този химикал е известен с това, че спира развитието при децата (а учени откриха следи от него в кърма!)
Освен това, той може да дразни кожата при излагане.
Дибутил фталат .
Някои марки лак за нокти заменят ТРНР с този фталат, но той не е по‐полезен за здравето ви.
Всъщност, той води до същите рискове за здравето като токсините, разстройващи хормоните и репродуктивната система.