

The Amazing Meridian Energy Pen - English

The Amazing Meridian Energy Pen - English

The human body has a bio-energy-circulation system similar to the blood-circulation system. The bio-energy flows along 12 main meridians, or channels. These are symmetrical on each side of the body, each pair being related to a specific organ.

In addition, there are two single meridians following the midline of the body, one at the front and the other along the spine. Many points are distributed along the meridians. These points are essentially transformer stations through which bio-energy flows into the muscle structure to allow organized activity to take place.

Which Diseases Can be Helped by Acupuncture?

In disease, imbalances develop in these energy flows, causing some of the transformer points to become irritated or congested. This results in pain or weakness in the surrounding muscles. Stimulating these points with special electro-acupuncture helps to normalize impaired conditions.

A main problem in healing is the balancing of the energy flows. Usually, this balancing occurs unrecognised as a by-product of other successful treatments. However, healing can be initiated and accelerated by deliberately treating the meridians with the express purpose of balancing.
Each Time we do a newsletter on Acupuncture many clients ask "is it easy?", the answer is With the modern forms of needleless electronic Acupuncture, systems its very simple,and mostly very efective...
Meridian with the time of maximum activity
Associated symptoms

Bladder (B) 3-5 p m.
bladder problems, headache, eye diseases, neck and back problems, pain along the back of the leg
Very Easy to Use Chart

Circulation (C) 7-9p.m.
poor circulation, angina, palpitation, diseases of the sexual glands and organs, irritability, pain along the course of the meridian

Conception (Co)
diseases of the urogenital system, hernia, cough, breathing difficulties, breast problems

Gall bladder (G) 11 p.m.-I a.m.
Gall bladder problems, ear diseases, migraine, hip problems, dizziness, pain along the meridian

Gland Meridian (Gd) 9-11 p.m. (Triple Warmer)
diseases of the thyroid and adrenal glands, ear problems, sore throat, abdominal distension, oedema, swelling of cheek, pain along the meridian

Governing Meridian (Gv)
spinal problems, mental disorders, fever, nose problems, headaches

Heart (H) 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
heart problems, dryness of the throat, jaundice, pain along the course of the meridian

Kidney(K) 5-7 p.m.
kidney problems, lung problems, dry tongue, lumbago, oedema, constipation, diarrhoea, pain and weakness along the course of the meridian

Large Intestine (Li) 5-7 a.m.
abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, sore throat, toothache in the lower gum, nasal discharge and bleeding, pain along the course of the meridian
“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” - Hippocrates
Liver (Lv) 1-3 a.m.
liver problems, lumbago, vomiting, hernia, urination problems, pain in the lower abdomen and along the course of the meridian

Lung (L) 3-5 a.m.
respiratory diseases, sore throat, cough, common cold, pain in the shoulder and along the meridian

Small Intestine (Si)

1-3 p.m.
pain in the lower abdomen, sore throat, swelling or paralysis of face, deafness, pain along the meridian

Spleen (Sp) 9-11 a.m.
problems of the spleen and pancreas, abdominal distension, jaundice, general weakness and sluggishness, tongue problems, vomiting, pain and swellings along the course of the meridian

“The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.” - Plato
Stomach (S) 7-9 a.m.
stomach problems, abdominal pain, distension, edema, vomiting, sore throat, facial paralysis, upper gum toothache, nose bleeding, pain along the meridian

The Meridian Energy Pen is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and meridian therapy in combination with bio-engineering technology, developed into a high-tech health and beauty electronic unit. The Meridian Energy Pen is a major breakthrough in Chinese medicine history.It can stimulate the skin surface with electrical pulses, activating the tissue, firming sagging and aging skin , promoting blood circulation, detox the meridians, helps reduce muscle pain, . It is a great product for daily beauty and health care.This portable machine is very convenient and easy to use

Main Features:

Health care functions: The probe stimulates the skin, through vibration. The pen electrophysiologically stimulats our body, directly into the body tissues, organs, regulating bio-electric field, and the adjustment of biological cells, essentially regulate the body's absorption, conduction, balance, metabolism, immune functions, and health care.

Meridian functions:The joints plays an important role as crossroads in the human body,it is where physiological waste like cold, wet, heat, toxins accumulate.That is possibly the reason why our bodies get muscle and joint pains..When using the acupuncture pen on joints,the physiological waste can be eliminated, increasing ones feeling of well being.

Beauty care effect: the meridian energy pen can give a face lift effect, removing pouches, dark circles and wrinkle, making a difference to the apperance of the facial skin.Can be very effective if used with professional beauty products.

Facial skin Massage:Use this unit after applying cream on your face and begin the massage.
1)Select Facial Massage Ball with flat round end
2)Stimulate the face for 5 minutes.
3)Remove the cream from the face.

Using the Amazing Meridian Energy Pen

. Put a gel (Aloe vera gel etc not provided)onto the skin (gel enables good electrical contact).Select one of the metal heads.
Click the start button, screen shows "0", hold the trailing end of the pen, put the probe gently on the skin (as shown in instuctions), then slide slowly.

When you find the right points, the pen vibrates strongly,(If not, please continue to slide the pen to find out acupuncture points, shown as photo.) and shows the electric pulse. You can see it in the digital display.(At this moment you can slide the probe in a small area along the meridian channels until the muscles have a strong vibration feeling around.)

There are seven number shown on the display,0-6.It means the strength of electrical pulse output. ("0" weakest, "6" the strongest) Continue press the start button to increase the strength of electrical pulse output.(Shown as photo)

The following is an excerpt from an official WHO document entitled “Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials.” Compiled by John A. Amaro D.C., FIAMA, Dipl.Ac, L.Ac.. Email:

Pain Function: 
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) currently is one of the most commonly used forms of electroanalgesia. Hundreds of clinical reports exist concerning the use of TENS for various types of conditions, such as low back pain (LBP), arthritic pain, sympathetically mediated pain, bladder incontinence, neurogenic pain, visceral pain, and postsurgical pain.

It is applicable for pains in cervical vertebrae, shoulders, waist, feet, etc. And serves as an adjuvant therapy for various diseases such as frozen shoulder, arthritis and neuro-musculo pain, etc.
Relieve the pain :
shoulder pain
Chronic Lower Back Pain
Muscle pain
Knee pain
Ankle pain
Tennis Elbow Pain
Nerve Pain and many more

What conditions are most often treated with acupuncture?
In veterinary medicine, there is evidence of the success of acupuncture for treating disorders of the reproductive, musculoskeletal, neurologic, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and dermatologic systems. The most common conditions that are treated include traumatic nerve injuries, intervertebral disk disease, degenerative myelopathy, epilepsy and other central nervous system disorders; asthma, allergic dermatitis, lick granulomas; and chronic pain such as that caused by degenerative joint disease.

Accessories and Functions:

Ball type: strong strength feature, with good effect; 
Dome type: contact with the body area, softer feature; 
the most convenient one to click points on various parts of the skin. 
A function switch and intensity control button. 

1.The essence of Chinese medicine, health promotion; 
2.Fusion of modern biotechnology; 
3.Without piercing the skin to do acupuncture;
4.Simple operation, easy to carry; 
5.Safe and effective, with no side effects; 
7.Transient pulse; 
8.Accurate physical therapy; 
9. Two types of heads for choose and possess three main functions:
(1) Dome type:Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification; 
(2) Node type: Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains; 
10.Affordable family use

Main technical parameters:
Dome type:Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification.
Node type: Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains.
Spheroidal: Partial therapy, which is applicable for quickly alleviating pain .
Size: 200x30mm
Battery: 1 x AA battery (not included)
Package Includes:
1 x Meridian Energy Pen
1 x Ball Type Head
1 x Dome Type Head
2 x Cases of gel
1 x User Manual

Amazing Meridian Energy Pen
Package Includes:

1 x Meridian Energy Pen
1 x Ball Type Head
1 x Dome Type Head
2 x Cases of gel
1 x User Manual

PDF Files for a basic Acupuncture Understanding
Please do not use the pen with the following electronic medical equipment:
(1) Pulse regulator and other internal transplante use medical equipment;
(2) Artificial heart, lungs and other life-sustaining medical electronic equipment;
(3) Electrocardiography or other wearable medical devices. There are risk happened before.

The Amazing Meridian Energy Pen

The Amazing Meridian Energy Pen

Човешкото тяло има система за биоенергия циркулация подобна на системата за кръвообращението.Био-енергийните потоци по 12 основни меридиани или канали. Това са симетрично от двете страни на тялото, като всяка двойка е свързан към специфичен орган.

В допълнение, има две единични меридиани следните средната линия на тялото, един отпред, а другият протежение на гръбначния стълб. Много точки са разположени по меридианите. Тези точки са по същество трансформаторни станции чрез който био-енергийни потоци на мускулна структура да позволяват организираната активност да се осъществи.

Кои заболявания могат да бъдат подпомогнати от Акупунктура?

В заболяване, дисбаланси развиват в тези енергийни потоци, което води до някои от точките за трансформаторни да стане раздразнена или претоварване. Това води до болка или слабост в околните мускули. Стимулиране на тези точки със специален електро-акупунктура помага да се нормализира обезценените условия.

Основен проблем в изцелението е балансирането на енергийните потоци. Обикновено това се случва, балансиране непризната като страничен продукт от други успешни лечения. Въпреки това, на рани може да се започне и да се ускори чрез умишлено лечение на меридианите с ясната цел балансиране.
Всеки път, когато правим бюлетин на Акупунктура много клиенти питат: "че е лесно?", Отговорът е със съвременните форми на безиглена електронен Акупунктура, системи за самото му прости, и най-вече много efective ...
Меридиан с времето на максимална активност
свързани симптоми

на пикочния мехур (В) 3-5 р м.
проблеми с пикочния мехур, главоболие, очни заболявания, проблеми с врата и гърба, болка по протежение на гърба на крака

Много лесен за използване Chart

Circulation (С) 7-9p.m. 

лоша циркулация, стенокардия, сърцебиене, заболявания на половите жлези и органи, раздразнителност, болка по време на меридиана 

Концепция (СО) 
заболявания на урогениталната система, херния, кашлица, затруднено дишане, проблеми гърдата 

жлъчния мехур (G) 23:00 -I съм 
проблеми жлъчния мехур, заболявания на ухото, мигрена, хип проблеми, световъртеж, болка по меридиана

Жлеза Meridian (Gd) 9-11 часа (Triple Топъл) 
заболявания на щитовидната и надбъбречната жлеза, проблеми ухо, болки в гърлото, подуване на корема, оток, подуване на бузата, болка по меридиан 

Управителния меридиан (GV) 
гръбначния проблеми, психични разстройства , треска, проблеми в носа, главоболие 

Heart (H) 11 ч-1 ч 
сърдечни проблеми, сухота в гърлото, жълтеница, болка по хода на меридиана 

Бъбрека (K) 5-7 ч 
проблеми с бъбреците, проблеми с белите дробове, сух език, лумбаго, оток, запек, диария, болка и слабост по време на меридиан 

дебелото черво (Li) 5-7 ч 
болки в корема, запек, диария, болки в гърлото, зъбобол в долната дъвка, секреция от носа и кървене, болка по протежение на разбира се на меридиана
"Природни сили вътре в нас са истинските лечители на заболяване." - Хипократ

Черен дроб (LV) 1-3 ч 
чернодробни проблеми, лумбаго, повръщане, херния, проблеми при уриниране, болка в долната част на корема и по време на меридиана на 

белия дроб (L) 3-5 ч 
респираторни заболявания, болки в гърлото, кашлица, обикновена настинка , болка в рамото и по меридиана

Тънко черво (Si)
1-3 ч
болка в долната част на корема, болки в гърлото, подуване или парализа на лицето, глухота, болка по меридиан

далака (SP) 9-11 ч
проблеми на далака и панкреаса, подуване на корема, жълтеница, обща слабост и мудност, проблеми на езика, повръщане, болки и отоци по време на меридиана
"Най-голямата грешка при лечението на заболявания, е, че има лекари за тялото и лекарите за душа, въпреки че двете не могат да бъдат разделени." - Плато
Стомаха (S) 7-9 ч 
стомашни проблеми, болки в корема, подуване на корема, отоци, повръщане, болки в гърлото, парализа на лицето, горната част на дъвка зъбобол, кървене от носа, болка по меридиана

СХЕМА НА акупунктура меридиани
Енергийната Pen Меридиан се основава на традиционната китайска медицина теория и меридиан терапия в комбинация с био-инженерни технологии, разработени в хай-тек здраве и красота електронен блок.

 Меридиан енергетиката Pen е важен пробив в китайската медицина history.It може да стимулира повърхността на кожата с електрически импулси, активиране на тъканта, стяга увиснала и стареенето на кожата, насърчаване на кръвообращението, детоксикира меридианите, помага за намаляване на болки в мускулите,. 

Той е страхотен продукт за ежедневна красота и здраве care.This преносима машина е много удобен и лесен за използване

Основните функции:
функции и болнични заведения: Сондата стимулира кожата, чрез вибрации. 
Писалката електрофизиологично stimulats нашето тяло, директно в тъканите на тялото, органи, регулиращи биологични електрическо поле, и корекцията на биологични клетки, по същество регулира абсорбция, проводимост, баланс, метаболизъм, имунни функции, и здравеопазване на тялото.

Meridian функции: Фугите играе важна роля като кръстопът в човешкото тяло, това е мястото, където физиологичен отпадъци като студено, влажно, топлина, токсини accumulate.That вероятно е причината, поради която телата ни получават мускулни и ставни pains..When помощта на акупунктурата писалка на ставите, физиологичното отпадъците могат да бъдат елиминирани, увеличаване такива чувство за благосъстояние.

Естетически грижи ефект: меридиана на енергия писалката може да даде лифтинг ефект, премахване на торбички, тъмни кръгове и бръчки, като разликата до че ​​появата на лицевите skin.Can бъде много ефективна, ако се използва с професионални козметични продукти.

Масаж на лицето кожата:
Използвайте тази единица след прилагане на крем върху лицето си и да започнете масажа. 
1) Изберете масаж на лицето топка с плосък кръг край
2) Стимулиране на лицето в продължение на 5 минути.
3) Премахнете крема от лицето.

Използване на Невероятно Meridian Energy Pen

, Поставете гел (гел от алое вера и т.н. не са предвидени) върху кожата (гел позволява добър електрически контакт) .Изберете един от металните глави. 
Щракнете върху бутона старт, екран показва "0", задръжте свободния край на писалката, сложи сондата нежно върху кожата ( както е показано на instuctions ), след това се плъзга бавно.

Когато намерите правилните точки , писалката вибрира силно, (Ако не, моля, продължете да се плъзга на писалката, за да разберете акупунктурни точки, показани като снимка. ) И показва електрическата пулса. Можете да я видите в дигиталния дисплей. (В този момент можете да плъзнете сондата в малка площ по протежение на меридиан канали, докато мускулите имат силно чувство вибрации наоколо.)

Има седем номер се изписва на дисплея, 0-6.It означава силата на електрическа мощност на импулса. ( "0" най-слабото ", 6" най-силната) Продължи натиснете бутона старт за увеличаване на силата на електрически импулсен изход.

По-долу е откъс от длъжностно лице, което документ, озаглавен "Акупунктура:. Преглед и анализ на докладите на контролирани клинични изпитвания" Съставител Джон А. Amaro DC, FIAMA, Dipl.Ac, L.Ac .. Email: DrAmaro @ IAMA. EDU

Болка Функция: 
транскутанен електрическа стимулация нерв (ТЕМ) понастоящем е една от най-често използваните форми на electroanalgesia. Стотици клинични доклади съществуват относно използването на десетки на различни видове състояния, като болка в гърба (LBP), артритна болка, симпатиково медиирана болка, незадържане на пикочния мехур, неврогенна болка, висцерална болка и следоперативна болка.

Тя е приложима за болки в Гръбначните прешлени, раменете, кръста, краката и т.н., и служи като адювантна терапия за различни заболявания, като замразено рамо, артрит и нервно-мускулно болка и т.н. 
облекчаване на болката на: 
болки в рамото 
Хронична Долна болки в гърба 
Мускулна болка 
болка в коляното 
болка в глезена 
Тенис лакът болка 
нервни болки и много други

Какви условия, най-често се лекуват с акупунктура? 
В ветеринарната медицина, има данни за успеха на акупунктура за лечение на заболявания на системите за репродуктивни, мускулно-скелетни, неврологични, белодробни, стомашно-чревни и кожни. Най-общите условия, които са лекувани, включват травматични нервни наранявания, междупрешленните диск заболяване, дегенеративно миелопатия, епилепсия и други нарушения на централната нервна система; астма, алергичен дерматит, близане грануломи; и хронична болка, като тази, причинена от дегенеративни ставни заболявания.

Аксесоари и функции:

Тип топка: силна сила функция, с добър ефект; 
Тип Dome: контакт с областта на тялото, по-мек функция; 
най-удобния за да кликнете точки на различни части на кожата. 
Функция превключвател и контрол интензивност бутон.

1.The същност на китайската медицина, промоция на здравето; 
2.Fusion на съвременните биотехнологии; 
3. Без пробиване на кожата, за да се направи акупунктура; 
4.Simple работа, лесен за носене; 
5.Safe и ефективно, без странични ефекти; 
7.Transient импулс; 
8.Accurate физическа терапия; 
9. Две видове глави за да изберете и да притежава три основни функции: 
(1) тип Dome: Повърхностен терапия, която е приложима за здравеопазване и лицева разкрасяване; 
(2) тип възел: терапия възел, който е приложим за частични болки в тялото; 
10.Affordable семейно ползване

Основни технически параметри:
Тип Dome: Повърхностен терапия, която е приложима за здравеопазване и лицева разкрасяване.
Тип възел: терапия възел, който е приложим за частични болки в тялото.
Сферографитна: Частично терапия, която е приложима за бързо облекчаване на болката.
Размер: 200x30mm
батерията: 1 х батерия АА (не са включени)
Пакетът включва:
1 х Meridian Energy Pen
1 х топка глава тип
1 х Dome Type Head
2 х случаи на гел
Ръководство на потребителя 1 х

Невероятно Meridian Energy Pen

Пакетът включва:

1 х Meridian Energy Pen 
1 х топка глава тип 
1 х Dome Type Head 
2 х случаи на гел 
Ръководство на потребителя 1 х

PDF файлове за основен Акупунктура разбирателство
Моля, не използвайте писалката със следния електронен медицинско оборудване се:
(1) Pulse регулатора и друга вътрешна употреба transplante медицинско оборудване;
(2) Изкуствен сърцето, белите дробове и други животоподдържащи медицинско електронно оборудване;
(3) Електрокардиограма или други носене медицински устройства. Има риск случвало и преди.


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Student from Stanford University Cuts 130lbs On University Budget!

CNN: Ryan Haughman, a student at Stanford University, was able to drop 130lbs in 3 months without ever using a dime of his own money. Ryan is studying nutrition sciences at Stanford, and for a required research project Ryan thought it would be perfect to use university funds to find out how to 'hack' his weight loss. According to Ryan, "the most expensive piece of it all was actually finding what worked. But the actual solution only cost about $5."
"I had struggled with my weight my whole life. I tried things like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, which just didn't work as good as they promised. I am a single father with a kid at home and I am also working towards my degree, so I don't have any time to be at the gym. When I was assigned this big research project, I saw it as a perfect opportunity to get a deeper look at the natural weight loss opportunities that are out thise, and that is when I found out about combining Diet Green Natural Garcinia and apple cider vinegar. The best part of it all, I can tell that my daughter and dad are proud of me." - Ryan Haughman
Since the study, Ryan shared the Diet Green Natural Garcinia and apple cider vinegar combination with his close friend, Alex, who had also been struggling with his weight. Alex's results are just as impressive as Ryan's.

We sat down with Ryan to ask him more about how he found out about Diet Green Natural Garcinia and whether or not that is all that he used to lose 130lbs so quickly.
CNN: Tell us, how did you know where to start?
Ryan: To be honest, I really didn't. I was given a budget for the project by the university, and I spent nearly all of it researching everything under the sun. I looked into othis previous research, case studies, and even successful weight loss stories of others.
CNN: So, how did you find out about Diet Green Natural Garcinia and apple cider vinegar?
Ryan: It's sort of funny. I am a big fan of Jonah Hill, and while I was looking into weight loss stories of others I decided to see if I could find out more about how Jonah was able to lose so much weight so quickly. Surprisingly, even with all of the tabloids, it was pretty challenging to find concrete information on exactly how he did it. However, I was able to find a radio interview wheree he credited his entire weight loss to combining Diet Green Natural Garcinia with apple cider vinegar.
CNN: Was it expensive to get Diet Green Natural Garcinia?
Ryan: It actually was not very expensive at all, and thankfully so. By the time I had found out about Diet Green Natural Garcinia and apple cider vinegar, I had about $13 left in my project budget. Since Diet Green Natural Garcinia is a completely natural formula, the supplier doesn't spend a lot to manufacture it. Additionally, they actually provided me with a free 1 month sample and I just paid for shipping! So I got Diet Green Natural Garcinia for $5 and picked up a bottle of apple cider vinegar for $6 from a local grocery store, and I still had $2 left in my budget!
CNN: That's impressive! Could you explain how it works?
Ryan: There isn't much to it, and that is the appeal of it all. Every morning, I made a drink with 1 - 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a bit of cold water and took Diet Green Natural Garcinia with it. Other than that, I didn't change a single thing in my daily routine. 3 months later, I am down 130lbs and in better shape than ever before!

Why is Diet Green Natural Garcinia so effective?
Diet Green Natural Garcinia contains a blend of naturally occurring ingredients which boosts weight loss by boosting testosterone production while increasing resting metabolism by more than 130%. This combination makes the body go from a fat-gain to fat-loss state while resting.

Diet Green Natural Garcinia with apple cider vinegar has been clinically proven to:

  1. Increase Resting Metabolism More Than 130%
  2. Increase Muscle Mass
  3. Boosts Energy Levels and Increase Mood
  4. Increase Sex Drive

For our readers, Ryan Haughman has provided the week by week breakdown of his weight loss, the apple cider vinegar recipe he used, and the link to get a free 1 month sample of Diet Green Natural Garcinia.
Results - Ryan lost 130 lbs of pure body fat in just 3 months using Diet Green Natural Garcinia
1. Mix in a glass, 1-2 teaspoons of organic Apple Cider Vinegar with cold water.
2. In the morning, take one Diet Green Natural Garcinia capsule with your drink. 
Week One:
One week after combining Diet Green Natural Garcinia with apple cider vinegar every morning I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I wasn't even hungry. A welcomed side effect of Diet Green Natural Garcinia is its power to curb the appetite.
Best of all, I didn't even change anything about my daily routine. On Day 7, I got on the scale and couldn't believe my eyes. I had lost 9.5lbs and my muscles were looking a bit fuller. But I still wasn't convinced, since they say you lose a lot of water weight at the beginning of any diet. I wanted to wait and see the results in the upcoming weeks.
Week Three:
After 3 weeks, all my doubts and skepticism had absolutely vanished! I am down 2 pant sizes after losing another 16.5lbs. And I still have a ton of energy. Quite often, around the third week of other diets, I would tend to run out of steam. But with Diet Green Natural Garcinia my energy levels didn't dip, instead they remain steady throughout the day.
Week Four:
After the fourth week, my final results were shocking. I lost an unbelievable 45 lbs since starting with apple cider vinegar and Diet Green Natural Garcinia! I feel blessed to share this with o this people who are struggling with their weight as well. Using Diet Green Natural Garcinia in week 4, I lost an additional 11 lbs.

*EDITOR'S NOTE: Ryan Haughman has worked with the official suppliers of Diet Green Natural Garcinia to temporarily provide free 1 month samples for our readers!

Why You Should Take Ashwagandha For Liver Health

Why You Should Take Ashwagandha For Liver Health

Ashwagandha prevents non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by eliminating risk factors like high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, diabetes, obesity, and PCOS. This antioxidant prevents and reverses liver damage from free radicals generated by toxins like carbendazim and drugs like gentamicin and paracetamol. It also improves liver function by balancing thyroid hormones. Take 1–2 tsps of its powder twice daily with meals.

The liver processes the food you eat, the liquid you drink, the air you breathe, and the beauty potions you rub on your skin and helps provide energy for your body. It identifies toxic substances, either processing or eliminating them, helps in blood clotting, when required, and regulates hormones.

Any disease or injury to the liver affects the bodily functions directly. If not treated on time, a liver problem may lead to the formation of scar tissues, which can affect liver functioning and result in fibrosis. If the fibrosis is mild, the liver can function and heal on its own. However, if the fibrosis gets worse, the scarred tissue may become cirrhotic. After this point, the liver damage cannot be reversed.
Since conventional liver medicines have adverse side effects and are very expensive, people typically look for alternative therapies for liver health. Ashwagandha is one of the preferred herbs to strengthen the liver.

How Ashwagandha Helps Your Liver

Ashwagandha or Withania Somnifera or Indian ginseng is a stress-relieving herb that is considered a potent medicine for treating depression and anxiety. It also protects the nervous system against degeneration and helps in treating a variety of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Ashwagandha has high antioxidant properties that seek and destroy free radicals, which cause rapid aging and a host of other conditions like cell damage and inflammation. This gives the herb its cancer-fighting and anti-aging properties along with its efficacy in fighting liver damage.

Protects The Liver Against Toxic Chemicals

Many toxins enter our body through the food we eat. Take carbendazim, for instance. Many of the fruits and cereals we eat are liberally sprayed with this fungicide, which affects our liver function.
In an animal study, rats showed liver lesions when infected with carbendazim. But when treated with powdered tuberous root of ashwagandha for 48 days, the rats were completely cured.
This study showed that ashwagandha can reverse carbendazim-induced changes in the liver.

Prevents Free Radical Damage Caused By Drug Overdose

Our liver is the most vulnerable organ when it comes to the harmful side effects of medication. Gentamicin, a common antibiotic, generates free radicals, the highly reactive molecules in our body that can trigger off a chain reaction, damaging the lipid membranes of the cells and the DNA and causing cells to malfunction or even die. Free radicals can be stopped by antioxidants, which react with them and stop the chain reaction.

Types Of Tea For Better Skin

Types Of Tea For Better Skin

Pop goes the…pimple. If you find yourself heaving heavily at the thought of it, you’re probably like the rest of us skin-troubled folk.

Our faces are (unadmittedly so) important to us. How we look (tired and old or fresh and youthful) can cause us to have many a sleepless nights and troubled days. Aging before you numerically do or having the exact opposite of clear, healthy skin is not a problem that you need to live with. You can brew your way through it. Not beer, we’re talking tea.
Know your teas before you discuss tea.
Tea is a popular beverage obtained by infusing dried leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis in hot water. However, now (and in the references below) it is used for any herbal infusion, not just of Camellia sinensis.
Depending on the way Camellia sinensis (the ‘normal’ tea) leaves are harvested and the extent to which they are processed, different colors of tea are obtained—black, green, and white. But note, the more processed the leaves, the lesser are their catechin (polyphenols that fight free radicals) content. Black is the most processed and white the least.
Don’t get overwhelmed. That was just some background info.
Dealing with the two major problems:
Collagen and elastin breakdown: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes that break down elastin and collagen, the glue that holds the skin firmly together. Some MMP activity is required and is normal. But excess activity is one of the factors that contribute to visible aging (wrinkles and sagging skin). So, inhibiting MMP activity can make a huge difference.
Free radicals: Free radicals damage cells and causes skin pores to get blocked with dead cell debris and other toxins. Flavonoids are plant compounds that have been proved to be strong antioxidants. Some types of tea have been found to be rich in flavonoids and can, thus, be used as a convenient solution to this ‘radical’ problem. Popular dietary flavonoids include catechin, quercetin, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).(Try and hold on to that.)
Cataloguing Our Expectations
Acne, acne scars, sun damage, wrinkles, sagging skin, allergic reactions, dark circles, dryness, skin cancer,…
The list goes on.
  • You want more collagen and elastin to tighten your skin and prevent aging (inhibition of excess MMP activity is one way).
  • You want cell-damaging free radicals to be neutralized and bacteria to be killed to prevent acne.
  • You want to suppress inflammation (think: redness/swelling of a pimple).
  • You want your skin protected from the damaging UVB radiations of the sun (again free radicals play a role).
1. Green tea:
From the plant Camellia sinensis
You have your colleague sipping on it all day long, your teenage daughter guzzling it down like water, and even your supermarket offering attractive bulk offers on it. Green tea’s famous catechin, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is a strong antioxidant. This makes it useful in sun protection and acne prevention. Green tea also moisturizes the skin.5
2. White tea: 
From the plant Camellia sinensis
White tea has similar properties as those of green tea.
Being the least processed of the black-green-white trio, it has the highest catechin content. It offers protection from free radicals and sun damage, suppresses inflammation, and inhibits MMPs.
3. Red tea or rooibos tea:
From the plant Aspalathus Iinearis
Red tea is rich in antioxidants including vitamin C (you probably already know how good it is for the skin) and potent polyphenols like aspalathin, quercetin, and nothofagin. 
Fighting off those obstinate free radicals is what it flamboyantly does.
It is also rich in AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) and zinc. AHAs nudge dead skin cells off your face while zinc helps build cell membranes and heal injured tissue.
Because red tea is caffeine free (unlike most of the other types of tea), it is a great alternative for those who make instant brain connections between ‘caffeine’ and ‘bad for health.’
This also means you can sip on a nice red cuppa before bedtime without having to worry about staying up all night.
4. Chamomile (or German Chamomile) tea:
From the plant Matricaria chamomilla
Chamomile tea’s active ingredients are α-bisabolol, apigenin, chamazulene, and quercetin.
α-Bisabolol has analgesic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, skin-soothing, and anticancer activities. It also lightens the skin, reducing your stress of being superfluously criticised by others (and yourself).
Apigenin induces cell suicide in cancer cells.
Chmazulene is anti-inflammatory.
Quercetin. You already know about this one.
Note: A very low percentage of people are allergic to Chamomile. Most allergic reactions are due to contamination with an unsafe version of Chamomile look alike (dog Chamomile). The FDA has categorized it under ‘generally recognized as safe.’
5. Dandelion root tea:
From the plant Taraxacum officinale
Vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as minerals, such as iron, potassium, and zinc all packed into those nettlesome weeds you are constantly trying to get rid of (that’s if you have a garden…and weeds).
Diuretic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties make the dandelion root tea a favorite among skin care advisers.The liver detoxes the body and gets rid of all the garbage (toxins) illicitly circulating through your system. Dandelion’s high potassium content makes it a natural diuretic, which means that it encourages removal of toxins in urine.Anything that supports the liver detox function is considered skin-friendly.
Note: Side effects in highly sensitive individuals may be an upset stomach or a rash. If that happens, just quit taking the herb.
6. Ginger tea: 
From the plant Zingiber officinale
The tea prepared using this popular rhizome contains potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds—gingerol and shogaol. It also serves as a diaphoretic, that is it makes you sweat profusely. This help in cleansing the skin pores and keeping your skin clear.
Note: Individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones or gallstones or individuals with a bleeding disorder or under blood thinner medication should avoid ginger.
7. Tulsi tea: 
From the plant Ocimum tenuiflorum
The active ingredients in tulsi are eugenol, linoleic acid, and ursolic acid.
Eugenol is antimicrobial and, thus, helps prevent acne and skin infections.
Urosolic acid restores elasticity in the skin and removes wrinkles. This helps the skin stay healthy and supple.
Tulsi tea also helps balance your hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol. That’s elimination of another major trigger of acne.
That got your attention back, didn’t it?
What are you waiting for? Sip your troubles away.

Movement Of Qi

The Movement Of Qi And Its Association With Sleep Cycle

More often than not, we are told to swallow some pills if there is something wrong in our bodies, but that does not necessarily fix it; as there may be a deeper, more psychological issue that is manifested into the physical ills we have.

Traditional Chinese Medicine And Qi

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) says that your body runs on a clock with energy highways or meridians called ‘Qi’, which also run everywhere on Earth. The Qi in our bodies transport and keep vitals such as, blood, adrenaline, and other fluids in constant circulation, including carrying emotional elements.
So, when your body is well, it means that your body’s Qi is flowing smoothly, but when you are sick or ill, it means that your Qi is being blocked in some parts of your body or is low in circulation overall.1

The Movement Of Qi

Qi is said to move every two hours, stopping at different parts of the body each time, till the organ reaches its optimum level, and then it goes to the next stop. However, when one organ reaches its peak, an organ or body part in the opposite side of the body reaches the lowest level, to balance the act.

The Transfer Of Energy – Yin and Yang

Likewise, when ‘Qi’ passes through, what takes place during those two hours is, Yin – getting energy and Yang – releasing energy. Yes, this is one of the many meanings of Yin-Yang, that black and white circular symbol you so often see.
As ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ take place, they carry the natural elements (Earth, Fire, Wood, Metal and Water) throughout the body, each of which hold certain emotions and energies. They are:
  • Earth is known to balance giving and receiving, including emotions of sympathy and empathy.
  • Metal carries loss, sadness and grief.
  • Water holds anxiety and fear.
  • Wood possesses resentment, jealousy, anger, stress and frustration.
  • Fire has love, happiness and hatred.

Qi And Our Body Clock When We Are Asleep

Qi repairs and re-energizes us when we are asleep, based on the various situations we face when we are awake.
So just like a train moving around our bodies, here are the organs and times at which our Qi is moving through, along with their meanings.

What Your Sleep Interruption Time Tells You

Based on the above information, the time at which your sleep gets interrupted can predict the probable ailment your body has. They are mentioned below:

Between 11 pm To 1 am

Organ Affected And Association

Gall bladder issues. It is usually associated with being let down or disappointment.


Need to work on accepting and forgiving yourself, life and others.

Between 1 am To 3 am

Organ Affected And Association

Liver problems. It is associated with anger or having grudges.


  • Need to drink a lot of cold water and balance your mind.
  • Accept the situation and channel your anger into something productive.

Between 3 am To 5 am

Organ Affected And Association

Lungs issues. It is related to sadness.


  • This means that there is a need for you to let go of these emotions, and reconnect with a more positive side of yourself.
  • Think of this low mood as a trying reason for you to find a higher purpose in life, and uplift your spirits.

Between 5 am To 7 am

Organ Affected And Association

Large intestine issues. It is associated with emotional blocks such as regret, guilt, lethargy, or being stuck in a constant emotional state.


  • Drink enough water.
  • Do some stretches.
  • Regulate the times you use the bathroom.
  • Eventually, set a sleeping routine.
Things are never always what they seem and if we are waking up at odd hours of the night, these could be some reasons for that wake-up call. The key is to interpret and see what these signs mean, try to get to the root of the issue and smoothen the Qi again, beyond just popping a pill to fix everything.


13 неща които ви дърпат назад в живота! Отървете се от тях!

13 неща които ви дърпат назад в живота! Отървете се от тях!

Защо едни хора са по-щастливи от други? Защо са по-успели, защо нещата винаги им се получават? Може би е късмет, може би е съдба, а може би е просто въпрос на нагласа и… правилно поведение! Затова се отървете от няколко много вредни навици , които пречат на щастието ви. 
1. Спрете да общувате с хора, които сриват самочувствието ви! Особено, ако всячески се мъчите да ви харесат.
2. Спрете да живеете в миналото. Не може да го върнете, нито да го поправите.
3. Спрете да се опитвате да контролирате всичко. Никой не е успял, вие също няма да успеете.
4. Спрете стремежите си да угодите на всички!
5. Не се страхувайте да поемете риск. В крайна сметка, по-добре да опиташ и да не успееш, отколкото никога да не си опитал.
6. Научете се да казвате „Не“ и „Не мога“!
7. Спрете да мислите „Ама, какво ще кажат хората?“ Хората ВИНАГИ ще говорят, без значение до колко ще съобразявате действията си с тяхното мнение.
8. Спрете да прекарвате свободното си време между четири стени. Оставете компютрите, изгасете телевизорите и излезте навън!
9. Спрете да се тъпчете с боклуци! Те съвсем не са „сладката страна на живота“.
10. Спрете да събирате ненужни вещи! Изхвърлете всичко, което не ви е влизало в употреба повече от година.
11. Спрете да се оплаквате! Никой не ви е виновен за каквото и да било. Вие сами сте взели решение да се доверите, да постъпите по даден начин или да се обвържете с определени хора.
12. Спрете да се мръщите! Не знаем дали позитивното мислене  със сигурност ще помогне да ви се случват хубави неща. Но със сигурност знаем, че отрицателното няма да помогне!
13. Спрете да съдите! Всеки си има своята история, своята истина и своя начин на мислене. Вие също!

Cancer is a fungal infection, is treated by ordinary baking soda in this way!

Cancer is a fungal infection, is treated by ordinary baking soda in this way! 

In these therapies have we nothing to lose. 
We have to prove that modern oncology unable to answer the questions and needs of those who are suffering from cancer and therefore it is our moral and ethical obligation to try to find the right solution for even the most painful diseases of our time. 
Cancer is common fungus which can be treat with baking soda. Baking soda is treat by the acidity of the body, which is one of the causes of cancer. 
About 100 years old, the basic theory of cancer is based on the hypothesis of defective genes. This view implies that cancer is intracellular. However cancer is a fungal infection, and one special cell phenomenon. 
In the plant world, cancers are cause by fungal invasion. it can be said that the same thing happens and in human beings too.
They create cancer, weaken the immune system and then attack the whole organism. Each type of cancer is cause by fungi of the genus Candida, which was identify in other studies. Over time, the tissue becomes exhausted and produces only undifferentiated (same) cells. Cancer is also “resistant abscess (boil)”, where the colonies are formed in the center and initiate a reaction many cells all around her. 
Classic anti-fungal drugs are ineffective in treating tumors as solid colonies can be attacked only on the surface of their range, and after the first administration of the drug they become resistant. Strong infection is much stronger than one bacteria. Therefore, a simple yeast infection can last forever. There are many publications that describe the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate on cancer, and conclusions in them are always 
 accurate because they assume intracellular, less frequently than antifungal action.

Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers

  Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers   Tomatoes  are a popular choice for home gardeners due to their versati...