

The Top 25 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

The Top 25 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

The Standard American Diet is full of junk foods, processed, and genetically modified foods, and it is a huge burden for our body to process it.
Also, it lacks nutrients and contains numerous harmful ingredients, which disturb the pH balance in the body.
The environment in the body should be alkaline, and the consumption of such unhealthy foods makes it acidic, and thus more prone to diseases, as the immune system is significantly weakened.
Therefore, you should increase the intake of alkalizing foods and improve your overall health.
These are the best alkaline foods you can consume:
  1. Olive Oil
Olive oil is high in vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids.
  1. Melon
Melons cleanse the colon, and are super alkaline, as their pH level is 8.5. Also, watermelons are rich in fiber and are 92% water in content.
  1. Flax Seed
Flax seeds are rich in vitamin E and fiber. They alkalize the body, soothe inflammation, and reduce hot flashes in menopause.
  1. Swiss Chard
This alkaline food has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties and also prevents damage caused by free radicals.
  1. Buckwheat
Buckwheat is an excellent wheat replacement and is great for a breakfast to energize your body and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
The following list contains 20 other alkalizing foods you can consume:
– Carrots – They are rich in beta-carotene and improve eyesight.
– Mango – It cleanses the colon.
– Sauerkraut – Fermented foods are high in probiotics.
– Pineapple – It helps weight loss.
– Cucumber – Its 90% water content moisturizes the skin, keeps the body hydrated, and supports skin health.
– Grapefruit – Good source of numerous vitamins.
– Parsley – It cleanses the intestines.
– Quinoa – Regulates blood sugars.
– Berries – they are a rich source of antioxidants.
– Papaya – It acts as a laxative and cleanses the colon.
– Avocado – it is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats which support heart health.
–Bananas – Ripe bananas are amazing healthy superfoods.
– Brussels Sprouts – Might prevent cancer.
-Alfalfa Sprouts – They balance hormones, provide enzymes, and are easy to digest.
– Garlic – It has numerous health properties, including blood pressure control.
– Broccoli – Steamed broccoli lower cholesterol.
– Seaweeds – They are rich in iron and alkalize the body.
– Grapes – They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and lower blood pressure.
– Spinach – This is the vegetable with the highest amounts of vitamins.
– Lemons– Lemons are rich in vitamin C, and fight the flu, colds, and cough.


Honey as a Potential Natural Anticancer Agent: A Review of Its Mechanisms

Honey as a Potential Natural Anticancer Agent: A Review of Its Mechanisms

1. Introduction

Annually cancer is diagnosed in approximately 11 million people causing 7.6 million deaths worldwide. Cancer is a multistep process. It starts as an onset from a single transformed cell. Its genesis is characterized by the swift proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. This dynamic process is activated by various carcinogens, tumor promoters, and inflammatory agents. The whole modulation is controlled through the transcription factors, proapoptotic proteins, antiapoptotic proteins, protein kinases, cell cycle proteins, cell-adhesion molecules, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and other molecular targets.
The standard treatments against cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. These modalities are beset with serious side effects. New targets for cancer treatment focus on interfering with specific targeted molecules needed in carcinogenesis.
Natural products such as honey have potential anticancer effect. Honey is composed of various sugars, flavonoids, phenolic acids, enzymes, amino acids, proteins, and miscellaneous compounds (Table 1). Its composition varies according to floral sources and origin. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant, and antitumor effects. The phenolic contents of honey have been reported to have antileukemic activity against different types of leukemic cell lines. Its anticancer activity has been proved against various cancer cell lines and tissues, such as breasts, colorectal, renal, prostate, endometrial, cervical and oral cancer.

Table 1

Average composition of honey-source reference,Honey potentiates the antitumor activity of chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide. Studies exhibiting anticancer effect of honey range from tissue cultures and animal models to clinical trials. Polyphenols in honey are considered as one of the main factors responsible for the anticancer activity of honey.
This review presents current progress in understanding the mechanism of anticancer activity of honey.

2. Honey and Its Apoptotic Activity

Two characteristics of cancer cells are uncontrolled cellular proliferation and inadequate apoptotic turnover. Drugs which are commonly used for cancer treatment are apoptosis inducers. Programmed cell death or apoptosis is categorized into three phases: (a) an induction phase, (b) an effector phase, and (c) a degradation phase. The induction phase stimulates proapoptotic signal transduction cascades through death-inducing signals. Effector phase is committed to bring cell death via a key regulator, mitochondrion. The last degradation phase comprises nuclear and cytoplasmic events. Nuclear change includes chromatin and nuclear condensation, cell shrinkage, DNA fragmentation, and membrane blebbing. In the cytoplasm, a complex cascade of protein cleaving enzymes called caspases is activated. The cell is finally destined into fragmented apoptotic bodies which are phagocytosed by macrophages or other surrounding cells.
The apoptosis usually follows two pathways: the caspase 8 or death-receptor pathway and caspase 9 or mitochondrial pathway(Figure 1).
Figure 1
Apoptosis following caspase 8 and caspase 9 pathways; source []. Bcl-2: B cell lymphoma 2 protein; Bid: Bcl-2 associated X proteins; Cyt. C: cytochrome C; Apaf-1: apoptotic protease activating factor; IAP: inhibitor of apoptosis proteins; Caspase 3-caspase ...
Honey induces apoptosis in various types of cancer cells via depolarization of mitochondrial membrane. Honey elevates caspase 3 activation level and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage in human colon cancer cell lines which is attributed to its high tryptophan and phenolic content. It also induces apoptosis by upregulating and modulating the expression of pro- and antiapoptotic proteins in colon cancer cell lines. Honey increases the expression of caspase 3, p53, and proapoptotic protein Bax and downregulates the expression of antiapoptotic protein Bcl2 (Figure 2). Honey generates ROS (reactive oxygen species) resulting in the activation of p53 and p53 in turn modulates the expression of pro- and antiapoptotic proteins like Bax and Bcl-2. Honey as an adjuvant therapy with Aloe vera boosts the expression of proapoptotic protein Bax and decreases the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 expression in Wistar rats. Manuka honey exerts its apoptotic effect on cancer cells through the induction of the caspase 9 which in turn activates the caspase-3, the executor protein. Apoptosis induced by Manuka also involves induction of DNA fragmentation, activation of PARP, and loss of Bcl-2 expression. The apoptotic property of honey makes it a possible natural substance as antic-cancer agent as many chemotherapeutics currently used are apoptosis inducers.
Figure 2

The effect of honey on apoptotic pathway. Honey exerts apoptotic effect through upregulation and modulation of proapoptotic proteins (p53, Bax, caspase 3, and caspase 9) and downregulation of antiapoptotic proteins (Bcl-2). Bcl-2: B cell ...

3. Honey and Its Antiproliferative Activity

Epithelial cell divides throughout life. The cell cycle comprises three distinguished phases known as G0, G1, S, and G2 M. All the events in the cell cycle are regulated and monitored by several different proteins. The control panel of cell cycle comprises cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases. The G1/S phase transition is a vital regulatory point where cell's fate is destined for quiescence, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Overexpression and dysregulation of cell cycle growth factors such as cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) are linked with tumorigenesis. The loss of this regulation is the hallmark of cancer. The nuclear protein Ki-67 is a novel marker to probe the “growth fraction” of cell proliferation. It is absent in the resting phase (G0) but expressed during the cell cycle in all the proliferation phases (G1, S, G2, and mitosis).
Honey has been shown to affect cell cycle arrest. Administration of honey mixed with Aloe vera solution showed a marked decrease in expression of Ki67-LI in tumor cells in rats. It suggests that honey therapy could lead to lowering tumor cell proliferation by arresting cell cycle.Honey and its several components (like flavonoids and phenolics) are reported to block the cell cycle of colon, glioma, and melanomacancer cell lines in G0/G1 phase. This inhibitory effect on tumor cell proliferation follows the downregulation of many cellular pathways via tyrosine cyclooxygenase, ornithine decarboxylase, and kinase. The results of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and the trypan blue exclusion assays have confirmed that anti-proliferative effect of honey is a dose- and time-dependent manner. Honey or its components mediate inhibition of cell growth due to its perturbation of cell cycle. Cell cycle is also regulated by p53 which is involved in tumor suppression. Honey is reported to be involved in modulation of p53 regulation.

4. Honey and Its Effect on Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), have been shown to mediate tumor initiation, promotion, and progression. The proinflammatory effect of TNF is linked to many diseases due to its ability to activate NF-kB. It activates NF-kB, leading to the expression of inflammatory genes like lipoxygenase-2 (LOX-2), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), cell-adhesion molecules, chemokines, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and inflammatory cytokines. It is considered as a growth factor for many of the tumor cells. In contradiction, TNF-α has also been shown to be involved in host defense mechanisms as a key cytokine. It has been shown to play a dual role, beneficial and deleterious for the promotion or inhibition of infectious diseases.
Royal jelly (RJ) proteins (apalbumin-1 and apalbumin-2) in honey have antitumor properties. These proteins stimulate macrophages to release cytokines TNF-α, interleukin-1(IL-1) and interlueken-6 (IL-6). Pasture, jelly bush, and Manuka honeys (at concentrations of 1% w/v) stimulate monocytes to release tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin- (IL-) 1β and IL-6. The possible mechanism involves the binding of TNF-R to TNF-α and adaptor protein such as TNFR associated death domain protein (TRADD), TNF receptor associated factor (TRAF), and receptor-interacting protein (RIP) to regulate apoptosis and inflammation through these cytokines. This TNF-α release can play a pivotal role as a key cytokine to regulate important cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell proliferation, and inflammation.

5. Honey and Its Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulatory Activities

Chronic inflammation is linked to cancer formation. Excessive or prolonged inflammation can prevent healing by damaging tissues. Honey exhibits anti-inflammatory response. The literature shows that it reduces inflammation when applied in cell cultures, animal models, and clinical trials. The inflammatory process is induced by various types of chemicals and/or biological agents including proinflammatory enzymes and cytokines. The enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in inflammatory process catalyses the metabolism of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin. Anomalous arachidonic acid metabolism is involved in carcinogenesis and inflammation. COX-2 is overexpressed in premalignant and malignant conditions. Phenolic compounds in honey are responsible for anti-inflammatory activity. The mechanism involves the suppression of the proinflammatory activities of COX-2 and/or inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) through these phenolic compounds or flavonoids. Honey and its components have been documented to be involved in regulation of proteins such as ornithine decarboxylase, tyrosine kinase, iNOS, and COX-2.
Manuka, Pasture, Nigerian Jungle, and royal jelly honeys are found to increase IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α production. This immunomodulatory and immunoprotective activity of honey is often linked to anticancer action. Honey stimulates antibodies, B and T lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and natural killer cells (NK-cells) production during primary and secondary immune responses in tissue culture. It has been shown that honey stimulates macrophages, T-cells, and B-cells to provoke antitumor effect.
Sugars when ingested are slowly absorbed resulting in the formation of short chain fatty acid (SCFA) fermentation products. It is a probable mechanism that the ingestion of honey may result in SCFA formation. Research has established that, either directly or indirectly, SCFA have immunomodulatory actions. Thus, honey may stimulate the immune system via these fermentable sugars. A sugar, nigerooligosaccharides (NOS), present in honey has been found to have immunopotentiating activity. Nonsugar components of honey may also be responsible for immunomodulation.

6. Honey and Its Antioxidant Activity

The role of oxidative stress involving free radicals in the carcinogenic process is well established. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), such as hydroxyl radical (OH) superoxide (O2•−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO), peroxynitrite (ONOO), and others, are oxidative stress agents which damage lipids, proteins, and DNA in cells. Cells exhibit defense system against oxidative damage. This defense system consists of antioxidants or oxidative protective agents such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, and polyphenols. Antioxidants acting as free radical scavengers may inhibit the cancer process in vivo. The exact antioxidant mechanism is unknown, but the proposed mechanism is through hydrogen donation, free radical sequestration, metallic ion chelation, flavonoids substrates for hydroxyl and superoxide radical actions. The antioxidant capacity of honey contributes to the prevention of several acute and chronic disorders such as diabetes, inflammatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. The phenolic acids and flavonoids are responsible for the well-established antioxidant activity of honey.
The antitumor effect of honey may be attributed to its antioxidant activity. An enhanced antioxidant status with apoptosis has been observed in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Daily consumption of 1.2 g/kg body weight of honey has been shown to elevate the amount and the activity of antioxidant agents such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, glutathione reductase, and uric acid.

7. Honey and Its Antimutagenic Activity

Mutagenicity, the ability to induce genetic mutation, is interlinked with carcinogenicity. Honey is shown to have a strong antimutagenic agent and hence has anticarcinogenic property. The effect of honey on radiation (UV or γ) exposed Escherichia coli cells shows SOS response (SOS is an error prone repair pathway contributing to mutagenicity). A study was performed to knock out some important genes such as umuCrecA, and umuD involved in SOS mediated mutagenesis. These changes are significantly inhibited in the presence of honey confirming its strong antimutagenic effect . Honeys from different floral origins exhibit inhibition of Trp-p-1 mutagenicity.

8. Honey and Its Estrogenic Modulatory Activity

Estrogen is involved in number of cancers . Honey modulates estrogen by its antagonistic action. It may be useful in estrogen-dependent cancers such as breasts and endometrial cancers . Estrogen receptors tie to estrogens to dimerize and then translocate into the nuclei. These complexes then bind to the specific DNA base sequences called estrogen-response elements (EREs) resulting in transcription and translation of the estrogenic effect in the targeted tissue. This signaling cascade induced by estrogens may be modulated at any stage. Honeys from various floral sources are reported to mediate estrogenic effects via the modulation of estrogen receptor activity . This effect is attributed to its phenolic content. Greek honey extracts exert estrogen agonistic effect at high concentrations (20–100 lg/mL) and antagonistic effect at low concentrations (0.2–5 μg/mL).

9. Conclusion

Evidence is growing that honey may have the potential to be anticancer agent through several mechanisms (Figure 3). Though the full mechanism is yet to be fully understood, studies have shown that honey has anticancer effect through its interference with multiple cell-signaling pathways, such as inducing apoptosis, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, and antimutagenic pathways. Honey modulates the body immune system. There are still many unanswered questions; why sugar is carcinogenic, while honey which is basically sugar has anticarcinogenic properties. Honey of different floral sources may give different effects. More research is needed to improve our understanding of the positive effect of honey and cancer. What is seen in cell cultures or animal experimentations may not apply to humans. Prospective randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to validate the authenticity of honey either alone or as adjuvant therapy.
Figure 3
Schematic presentation of anticancer activity of honey.


The authors would like to acknowledge USM RU Grant 1001/PPSP/813051 for the publication fees.

11 Reasons to Drink a Glass of Lemon and Honey Water Every Day

11 Reasons to Drink a Glass of Lemon and Honey Water Every Day

Tea with lemon and honey on the wooden background

Perhaps you have heard that a lemon and honey drink in the morning works wonders for health. Both honey and lemon contain powerful therapeutic properties that when combined, make an excellent health tonic.
The drink is really simple to make, and it doesn’t take much effort to drink it in one go. In fact, most people start looking forward to this energy drink within a few days of starting on it. Give it a try, and you just might turn into an advocate.

To make the honey- lemon drink:

  1.   Boil a cup of water and allow it to cool until it is just warm to touch.
  2.   Add a teaspoonful of organic, unprocessed honey and stir well to dissolve.
  3.   Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the honey water, give it a stir and drink up.
It is important that you drink the mixture immediately after preparing it, preferably on an empty stomach, to derive all the benefits. Do not reheat the mixture. According to Ayurvedic principles, heating honey makes it toxic. If that doesn’t make sense, we can at least acknowledge that heating this half-digested nectar may destroy the bee enzymes and other beneficial substances in it. They are what make honey a unique natural sweetener.  
Let’s look at some very good reasons to start the day with this drink.

1. It is a healthy, low-calorie drink

Nearly everybody needs a morning drink to get going. It is coffee for some; it may be tea or orange juice for others. After long hours of starving during the night, our body, the brain, in particular, requires a boost of energy to get going.
Caffeine is a stimulant acting on the pleasure centers of the brain, temporarily giving the brain a high. This is usually followed by a mid-morning low, as many habitual coffee drinkers admit. Coffee increases acidity and causes digestive disturbances. It increases the heart rate and elevates blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
Tea also contains caffeine, albeit in smaller amounts. Theophylline, Theobromine and L-theanine are three other psychoactive stimulants in tea. Caffeine and these other substances do have some beneficial effects such as improving focus and concentration. Also, both these beverages contain antioxidants that protect our body from free radical damage. However, drinking coffee and tea first thing in the morning can do more damage than good.
Fruit juices, especially orange juice, may offer many health benefits, but only if they are freshly squeezed and consumed with the pulp. But they have too much sugar, even when unsweetened. That’s why fruit juices are now considered not as healthy as they were once thought to be. Let’s not even talk about soda that contains high amounts of caffeine and a lot of sugar, as much as 7-10 teaspoons per 200ml.
Lemon and honey water is an easy to prepare drink that provides just the right amount of calories from the natural sugars in the honey, along with a host of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. They are in relatively small amounts, but they really count on an empty stomach.
The drink has no more than 20-25 calories, most of it coming from the honey, (1 tsp=7 gms sugar) and just 1 calorie from the lemon juice. It is neither too sour not too sweet. It just gives a pleasant twist to plain warm water that most of us would find even more difficult to gulp down.

2. It aids digestion

One of the first noticeable benefits of drinking lemon and honey water is improved digestion. The drink increases stomach acid production and bile secretion. They facilitate the breakdown of food materials and absorption of nutrients.
Undigested materials remaining in the digestive tract often cause bloating due to the action of gut bacteria that try to digest them. Their faster elimination from the body is also important in maintaining digestive health.

3. It acts as a diuretic

Diuretics are substances that increase the production of urine. Doctors often prescribe diuretics to treat hypertension and edema caused by excess amount of water in the body.
Inflammatory response of the body to injuries results in accumulation of fluid in tissues. Swelling of the feet and facial edema are typical symptoms of this water retention. Extra water puts a load on the heart and increases blood pressure. Lemon-honey water can help eliminate excess fluid and reduce edema and hypertension

4. It detoxifies the body

Numerous toxic substances enter our body through food contaminated with chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Environmental pollutants also get absorbed through our skin and respiratory tract. They accumulate in tissues, especially in the liver and kidneys, and interfere with their proper functioning.
Citrus fruit juices are popular in detoxifying liquid diets. Lemon water mixed with honey is a gentle, yet powerful detoxification agent. It is a liver tonic, improving its function of neutralizing toxins. Its diuretic effect helps in flushing out the toxins through urine.

5. Lemon-honey water melts down fat

Weight loss effects of lemon and honey water have been exploited by many with good results. Lemon juice increases body secretions, improving blood and lymph movement. This, as well as the diuretic effect, eliminates toxins accumulated in the body. In case you didn’t know it already, accumulation of toxins is one of the major reasons for obesity. Our body takes these substances out of circulation by trapping them in fat tissue.
Warm lemon-honey drink increases metabolism too. Drinking a glass on an empty stomach gets you in the fat-burning mode right from the beginning.  

6. It clears the skin of acne

Taking lemon and honey water early in the morning is one of the best things you can do for acne control. You may find the skin getting clearer within 2 to 3 weeks of starting on this drink. Some people find that applying lemon juice on the face helps control their acne, but this treatment is not for everyone.
Lemon juice does have an oil-cutting effect that may help remove excess oil from the skin. Citric acid acts as a chemical exfoliating agent, removing dead skin cells and accumulated debris that clog skin glands, allowing their secretions to flow freely. Despite these benefits, direct application of lemon juice on the face may irritate or burn sensitive skin.
But taking lemon juice indirectly helps clarify the skin without causing any local irritation. The exact mechanism of action may be too complex to analyze, but the detoxifying effect of this drink be behind this beneficial effect. Antioxidants in lemon and honey and their antibacterial properties also contribute to skin clarification.

7. It increases immunity

The immunomodulating effect of lemon-honey drink can protect you from seasonal infections as well as allergies. You will find a marked reduction in colds and flu if you keep taking this drink every day.
You probably know that honey treatment is often advised when people have severe allergies to pollen and other environmental pollutions. Honey usually contains these substances in minute amounts, so ingesting them with the drink helps desensitize the body.

8. It is a remedy for throat infections

When you have a sore throat, a warm drink of lemon honey water provides instant relief. But the effect is not superficial or temporary. The peroxides in honey act as disinfectants. That’s one of the reasons why honey applied to wounds and burns aid their healing. Drinking the lemon–honey water may help reduce the bacterial load in the infected area. It may also reduce inflammation and associated pain.

9. It relieves a cough and chest congestion

Lemon and honey lozenges and ready made drinks are often recommended for coughs, but they are no match for freshly prepared honey-lemon water. Honey has always been used in Ayurveda to treat all problems related to excessive phlegm in the body. It has the property of reducing mucus production and drying up the respiratory tract.
Lemon helps in thinning mucus, making it easier to cough up. Working together, these two ingredients can effectively reduce the congestion in the airways and bring relief.

10. It relieves constipation

Regular consumption of warm lemon-honey water in the morning promotes regularity. The beneficial effect comes not only from the warm water that helps move the stomach contents along but from lemon juice’s property of lightening body secretions, including mucus secretion from the intestinal walls. This gets things moving effortlessly. Regular voiding helps reduce bloating and flatulence that accompany constipation.

11. It relieves urinary tract infections and kidney stones

The diuretic effect of lemon juice and antimicrobial effect of honey work together to flush out unwanted substances and disease-causing bacteria from the kidneys, urinary bladder, and the urogenital tract.
Excessively acidic and concentrated urine is one of the common causes of kidney stones and burning during urination. Sodium citrate and potassium citrate are often prescribed as a first line of treatment for these conditions. Lemon juice is acidic due to its citric acid content, but it gets converted to sodium citrate in the body. That is why drinking lemon water is said to be alkalizing

5 Health Benefits from Raw Honey

5 Health Benefits from Raw Honey

Raw honey (unpasteurized and unfiltered) boosts your immune system and provides natural energy. Eating raw honey and healthy living go together like summer and sunshine. If you need some more reasons for including this super food in your daily diet, here are 5 benefits from eating raw honey.
  1. A Natural Remedy for Sore Throats. To relieve the irritations of a sore throat, eat a spoonful of raw honey. The honey will soothe your throat and also send anti-bacterial agents to the location. The National Honey Council provides more information about "Nature's Cough Suppressant." (NOTE: Do not feed raw honey to infants under 1 year old.)
  2. Boosts Immunity. According to Dr. Oz, the phytonutrients in raw honey have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that can help to boost your immune system and fight sickness. For a super-charged immunity booster, we recommend a daily cup of rooibos herbal tea, along with one or two teaspoons each of raw honey and raw apple cider vinegar.
  3. Natural Energy Source. For a natural energy boost before, during or after exercise, honey is a great option. As the National Honey Council explains, honey provides 17 grams of carbs. Since carbohydrates are the primary fuel that the body uses for energy, honey provides a quick and all-natural boost when you need it.
  4. Sound Sleep. You have probably heard that tryptophan found in turkey meat is the cause of your sleepiness after Thanksgiving dinner. As noted by Dr. Oz, it turns out that honey may facilitate the action of tryptophan. So a cup of warm chamomile herbal tea with some honey before bedtime can promote better sleep.
  5. Healing Power. Honey is a good source of antioxidants, which can help to fight bad cholesterol and free radicals in the body. Raw honey even has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which can help to heal skin wounds.
Fall is coming soon, which means cooler temperatures. Be prepared for cold and flu season by boosting your immunity system now. Shop Smiley Honey for a great variety of all-natural and raw honey products.

Honey & Health

Honey & Health
The evidence is overwhelming -- we eat way too much refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup. The average American now consumes over 25 teaspoons of sugar and corn syrup EVERY DAY. This translates into more than 650 calories per day from sweeteners. Much of this sugar intake comes from processed foods, carbonated beverages, and fruit drinks. This over-indulgence in sweeteners is linked to increased rates of obesity,diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, and cancer. Dr. Aseem Malhotra recently observed that sugar is now enemy number one in the western diet.

Before sugar and corn subsidies significantly lowered prices for these sweeteners, Americans used far more raw unfiltered honey in their daily diet. In 1947, there were 5.9 million managed beehives in the US; today there are around 2.6 million managed beehives. That means that many of our parents and grandparents were consuming far more raw unfiltered, real honey in their daily diets. 
Pure, raw honey is very different from typical grocery store honey. Much of the "real" honey sold by large food retailers is pasteurized and ultra-filtered.This over-processing removes all of the beneficial pollen and propolis, kills all of the beneficial enzymes, and degrades or destroys most of the vitamins and minerals. This over-processing results in a clear, shelf stable, and bland product that is no better for you than white sugar.
Real raw honey, on the other hand, has been aptly named a super food: "Bee products are considered to be one of the most spiritual and magical foods on the planet, as well as one of the top superfoods and sources of concentrated nutrition." Raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized honey is a rich and highly nutritious blend of enzymes, antibiotics, probiotics, vitamins and minerals. Unfiltered real honey is a powerful antioxidant, and helps to fight the buildup of "bad" cholesterol in your arteries. It contains bifidobacteria, which promote good digestion. Raw honey is a natural immune enhancer and anti-inflammatory agent. Ingesting the pollen grains present in raw honey have been known to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms, especially when local raw honey is used. Honey is also great for athletes, providing easily absorbed carbs, along with natural glucose and fructose, which increases performance and accelerates post exercise recovery. For skin care, raw honey contains strong anti-bacterial properties and has been used for centuries to treat burns and cuts
Raw honey, however, is still a sweetener. It should be consumed in moderation, and is only one part of a healthly diet and lifestyle. But the evidence is clear - raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized honey is far superior to processed white sugar and high fructose corn syrup in almost every way. At least 1 to 2 tablespoons should be part of your daily diet. Two excellent ways to consume raw honey are in herbal tea and fruit smoothies. For herbal tea, make sure that the water is not too hot, or it will degrade some of the nutritional benefits of the honey. Also, for an added kick of nutrition, add a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar to a full bodied herbal tea (Rooibos tea is great for this). This tea/honey/vinegar blend will supercharge your immune system. For a wonderful fruit smoothies, add a cup each of frozen strawberries and blueberries in a blender, add coconut milk to cover, add 1 tablespoon of raw honey and blend until smooth. You can also add some ground ginger or cinnamon for an added zip of flavor and nutrients.
As noted by Dr. Fessenden and Mike McInnes, "Honey is Sunshine Energy." 
Here at Smiley Honey, we think that "Sunshine Energy" is a wonderful title for the magical and wonderful food what we call raw honey. Start a healthier life today by consuming more raw honey, and much less white sugar and high fructose corn syrup. You will be so glad that you did, and your body will thank you too.

"Sour" Honey and Cancer

"Sour" Honey and Cancer

Last November, a video was posted on You Tube that claimed "sour" honey was a cure for cancer. Since then, we have received a number of phone calls and e-mails about this claim. We even saw a spike in sales of our sourwood honey. All of this activity has prompted us to make the following comments.
First, we know of no credible medical evidence or scientific study that supports this claim. We hasten to add that we cannot give out any medical advice, so if you really want more information about this matter, ask your doctor. (UPDATE: After we first posted this article on February 8th, we were sent a link to an article from the National Institutes of Health regarding Honey as a Potential Natural Anticancer Agent.)
Second, we are in the honey business and we have never heard of "sour" honey as a specific variety. Approximately once a month, we receive offers of bulk honey for sale from both US and foreign companies and no one has ever offered us "sour" honey. We use the term sour honey for something altogether different. Once in a while, a beekeeper will harvest some frames of honey with a high moisture content. If this moisture content reaches 20% or more, then the honey will ferment. Fermented honey is called "sour" honey and is nasty stuff. If it is not too far gone, you can sometimes feed it back to the bees. But most of the time, it must be thrown out.
Third, sourwood honey is a legitimate honey variety. In fact, it is a premium American honey that comes from the nectar of the sourwood tree blossom. The sourwood tree gets its name from sour tasting leaves, but the honey is delicious. Sourwood honey is NOT the same thing as "sour" honey.
Fourth, there are a number of articles that talk about the benefits of drinking warm water with honey and fresh lemon juice. Some of these benefits include boosting the immune system, aiding with digestion, and helping to cleanse the body.
Finally, we do believe that eating raw, unfiltered honey does have a number of health benefits. We have written about this in past blog posts. So Eat Honey and Bee Happy, but don't believe everything you read or see on the internet!

Българка, световно светило в медицината, разкри! Най-страшният хищник в храната е…

Българка, световно светило в медицината, разкри! Най-страшният хищник в храната е…

Д-р Папазова е член на Нюйоркската академия на науките.
Рaбoтилa e кaтo клиничeн acиcтeнт в Инcтитyтa пo eндoкpинoлoгия и кaтo yчacтъкoв лeкap. Слeд тoвa зaщитaвa нayчнa cтeпeн c тeмa oт oблacттa нa cъвpeмeннaтa пcихoнeвpoфapмaкoлoгия, пише „Янтра днес”.
В пocлeднитe 15 гoдини д-p Пaпaзoвa ce изгpaждa кaтo хoлиcтичeн лeкap. Извън изcлeдoвaтeлcкaтa cи paбoтa в БАН ce зaнимaвa c пpocвeтитeлcкa дeйнocт – изнacя лeкции, вoди мeдийни хoлиcтични pyбpики, изгoтвя индивидyaлни пpoфилaктични пpoгpaми, cъoбpaзeни c интeгpaтивнитe кoнцeпции в мeдицинaтa. Съc cвoя лeкция зa хpaнeнeтo и имyннaтa cиcтeмa д-p Пaпaзoвa гocтyвa нa вeликoтъpнoвци. Ето какво каза тя:
Ядeм изключитeлнo кoмпpoмeтиpaнa хpaнa, кoятo oбъpквa гeнитe ни и cъздaвa oгpoмeн имyнeн пpoблeм, твъpди д-p Мapия Пaпaзoвa. Toвa ce пoтвъpждaвa oт нoвaтa нayкa нyтpигeнoмикa, кoятo ни дaвa мнoгo тoчни фaкти кaк в кpaйнa cмeткa зa пpaвилнoтo oтcявaнe нa хpaнaтa влияe чoвeшкият гeнoм, a тoй нe пpeдпoчитa изкycтвeнитe киceли млeкa, oтpoвнитe мeca и yжacнo хибpидизиpaнитe зъpнeни кyлтypи, кoитo ca ce пpeвъpнaли в aнтигeни. Toвa e cтpaшнo, ocoбeнo зa дeцaтa, кoитo oщe oт мaлки пoлyчaвaт вътpeшни чpeвни възпaлeния и cpинaт имyнитeт.
Вpaг №1 зa здpaвeтo ни днec ca мoдифициpaнитe пшeнични хpaни, кoитo вceки дeн ca нa тpaпeзaтa, и тoвa e тeзaтa вeчe нa мнoгo yчeни, твъpди д-p Пaпaзoвa. Същoтo ce oтнacя зa бял opиз, eчeмик, coя, pъж, oвec и цapeвицa. Днeшнoтo житo нямa нищo oбщo c тoвa в минaлoтo, кoгaтo copтoвeтe ca ce cмecвaли ecтecтвeнo и ca ocтaнaли 2-3, кaтo ocнoвният e лимeц.
Слeд 1943 г. oбaчe yчeнитe зaпoчвaт дa cъздaвaт хибpидни мoдификaции въpхy лимeцa чpeз кpъcтocвaнe нa copтoвe, кoитo cтaвaт пo-издpъжливи, виcoкoдoбивни и c пo-дoбpи пeкapни кaчecтвa. Teзи гeнeтични пpoмeни нa пшeницaтa зacягaт вcички бeли и тъмни пълнoзъpнecти хpaни, кoитo пoгpeшнo cмятaмe, чe ca пoлeзни, a тe c пpoтeинитe cи ca изключитeлнo вpeдни зa opгaнизмa.
Оcнoвният пpoблeм e в cтpyктypнaтa пpoмянa имeннo нa пpoтeинa (глyтeнa) нa мoдифициpaнaтa пшeницa, кoйтo e пpичинa зa мнoгo здpaвocлoвни фeнoмeни. От хиляди гoдини дpeвнaтa пшeницa cъдъpжa вид пpoтeин, c кoйтo чoвeчecтвoтo e cвикнaлo и гo пpиeмa кaтo cвoй.
Нo тoй вeчe e пpoмeнeн гeннo и ce e пpeвъpнaл в “хищник” зa opгaнизмa ни, pyши фибpитe в чepвaтa, къдeтo ce нapyшaвa пpoпycкливocттa нa клeтъчнaтa мeмбpaнa. Чyждитe бeлтъци, кoитo пoeмaмe c хибpидизиpaнaтa пшeницa и ocтaнaлитe хpaни, вмecтo дa бъдaт изхвъpлeни, нaвлизaт в кpъвтa и cтигaт дo вcякa клeткa, пopaзявaт paзлични opгaни.
Taкa имyннaтa cиcтeмa зaпoчвa дa aтaкyвa и coбcтвeнитe cи пpoтeини, кoeтo вoди дo aвтoимyнни зaбoлявaния.
Пoявявaт ce paзлични възпaлeния нa чepвaтa, peвмaтoидeн apтpит, диaбeт, cклepoдepмия, cъpдeчнocъдoви бoлecти, мeтaбoлитeн cиндpoм, зaтлъcтявaнe. Вceки втopи вeчe имa кoлит, cякaш хopaтa ce paждaт c нeгo. Имaли cмe пaциeнти c нaпyкaн cтaвeн хpyщял кaтo peзyлтaт нa пocтoянни aтaки нa мoдифициpaнитe пшeнични пpoтeини.
Teзи пopaжeния в opгaнизмa мoгaт дa тлeят 40 гoдини и извeднъж ни oткpивaт въпpocнитe бoлecти. А вceки cлeдвaщ copт пшeницa пpиeмa cтoтици нoви и нoви глyтeнoви пpoтeини, paзлични пo cтpyктypa, кoитo ниe oщe oт paннa дeтcкa възpacт пpиeмaмe. Мoжe би мaлкo хopa знaят, нo хибpиднoтo житo пpoвoкиpa oтдeлянeтo нa cпeциaлни вeщecтвa в мoзъкa, нapeчeни eкзopфини, кoитo тe “зapибявaт” дa ядeш пшeничeни издeлия.
Чacт oт нoвитe глyтeнoви пpoтeини ce cвъpзвaт c ecтecтвeнaтa вътpeшнa oпиятнa cиcтeмa в мoзъкa. Taкa чoвeк ce пpиcтpacтявa към пшeничeнитe хpaни, кoитo имaт мopфинoпoдoбни cвoйcтвa, a oткaзът oт тeзи пpoдyкти вoди дo aбcтинeнция, кoятo e мнoгo тeжкa. Пoявявa ce yмopa, вялocт, кpaткa дeпpecия.
Сpeд нaй-тpeвoжнитe въздeйcтвия нa хибpиднoтo житo въpхy мoзъкa e и cпocoбнocттa мy дa пopaзявa caмaтa мoзъчнa тъкaн, дa нapyшaвa кoopдинaциятa нa глaвния и мaлкия мoзък и дpyги cтpyктypи нa нepвнaтa cиcтeмa, пoяcнявa д-p Пaпaзoвa.
И дoпълвa, чe oщe пpeз 60-тe гoдини нa минaлия вeк пcихиaтpи във Филaдeлфия ca зaбeлязaли тeзи мoзъчни пpoмeни и ca ce ycъмнили в нoвитe copтoвe пшeницa. Пpaви ce eкcпepимeнт c гpyпa шизoфpeници, нa кoитo ce cпиpaт вcички пшeнични хpaни. Сaмo зa дeceтинa дeнa cъcтoяниeтo им ce пoдoбpявa, cтaвaт aдeквaтни, включвaт ce в кoлeктивa.
Отнoвo ce вкapвaт пшeничнитe хpaни, бoлнитe ce влoшaвaт и тaкa eкcпepимeнтът ce пoвтapя някoлкo пъти. Извoдът e яceн. Toзи oпит ce пoвтapя и пpи дeцa c ayтизъм и peзyлтaтитe ca cъщитe. А oткoгa имa ayтизъм, oткaктo имa вaкcини и мoдифициpaни пшeници, e кaтeгopичнa д-p Пaпaзoвa.
Нo кoй нe oбичa кpoacaнчe, кифличкa, тopтичкa?, питa дoктopкaтa, кoятo yтoчнявa, чe и тя e дeтe нa бaбa, кoятo й e пpигoтвялa дocтa тecтeни вкycoтии. В тaзи вpъзкa дoпълвa, чe вce oщe e зaгaдкa и нe ce знaят тoчнитe пpичини зa мнoжecтвeнa cклepoзa, дeмeнция, бoлecттa нa Алцхaймep и Пapкинcoн. Пpaвят ce изcлeдвaния дaли пpичинa нe ca мoдифициpaнитe хpaни.
Нo кoгaтo вeчe ce пoявят тeзи зaбoлявaния, вeчe e къcнo.
Зaтoвa тpябвa дa ce пpeдпaзвaмe oт paннa дeтcкa възpacт, зaщoтo aнтитeлaтa нa пшeницaтa ce нaтpyпвaт и бaвнo pyшaт мoзъчнитe тъкaни.
Спopeд д-p Пaпaзoвa лъжa e cъщo, чe мaзнинитe ca тoлкoвa вpeдни и тpябвa дa ги oгpaничaвaмe и зaмeнямe c пълнoзъpнecти хpaни. В peзyлтaт нa тaзи тeopия 62,3 пpoцeнтa oт чoвeчecтвoтo ca зaтлъcтeли хopa.
Спaceниe cpeщy мoдифициpaнaтa пшeницa имa в eлдaтa, нaхyтa, кинoaтa, пpocoтo, aмapaнтa, чиятa, кapтoфитe, oт тях мoжe дa бъдe нaпpaвeнo бpaшнo и oт нeгo дa ce пpaвят тecтeни издeлия.
Рaзyмнo e дa пoтъpcим в биoмaгaзинитe ядкoви бpaшнa, бpaшнa oт кapтoфи, мeнтa и шипкa, cъвeтвa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Te нe ca хибpидизиpaни и гeннoмoдифициpaни.
Tpaдициoннитe зa бългapинa бoб, лeщa и гpaх cъщo ca пpeкpacни хpaни, yтoчнявa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Спopeд нeя тeзи чиcти пpoдyкти нe ca мaлкo, зaтoвa нe яжтe хибpиднaтa пшeницa и бял opиз, зaмeнeтe ги c лимeц, пpoco и нaхyт, aпeлиpa дoктopкaтa.
Мнoгo вaжнa poля cpeщy чyждитe бeлтъци и бoлecтoтвopнитe микpoopгaнизми имa имyннaтa cиcтeмa, кoятo нe бивa дa yнищoжaвaмe c нeнyжни aнтибиoтици, paзяcнявa мeхaнизмa нa дeйcтвиe лeкapкaтa.
Зaщитнитe cили фyнкциoниpaт в двe ocнoвни нaпpaвлeния – нa бaзaтa нa клeтъчeн и хyмopaлeн имyнeн oтгoвop, кoитo ca чacт oт т.нap. cпeцифичeн имyнитeт. Клeтъчният имyнeн oтгoвop пpиличa нa apмия oт клeтки вoйници, кoитo yнищoжaвaт вcякa клeткa, кoятo нe paзпoзнaят кaтo coбcтвeнa зa opгaнизмa и кaтo здpaвa, нeзaceгнaтa oт виpyc или гeннa мoдификaция. Хyмopaлният имyнитeт paбoти зa пpoизвoдcтвo нa aнтитeлa oт В-лимфoцити, кoитo ca кaтo “химичecкитe opъжия” нa нaшитe зaщитни вoйcки и тeзи “opъжия” нeyтpaлизиpaт вpaгa (виpycи, бaктepии и дp.).

Зa дa имaмe здpaв имyнитeт , тpябвa дa имa бaлaнc мeждy тeзи двe нaпpaвлeния, нeщo кaтo пpeдaвaнe нa щaфeтaтa.
Нo тoзи бaлaнc мoжe дa бъдe нapyшeн oт aнтибиoтицитe, кoитo чecтo ce yпoтpeбявaт oщe oт нaй-paннa дeтcкa възpacт, cъщo и oт вaкcинитe. Дeцaтa ce paждaт c виcoк хyмopaлeн имyнитeт и пъpвитe двe гoдини oт живoтa им ca иcтинcкa биткa имeннo зa cпeчeлвaнe нa клeтъчния имyнитeт. Toвa cтaвa cъc caмocтoятeлнa пoбeдa нaд пaтoгeннитe микpoopгaнизми. Акo пoпpeчим нa тaзи пoбeдa c пpибъpзaнo дaвaнe нa aнтибиoтици, нapyшaвaмe бaлaнca нa имyнния oтгoвop.
Toгaвa вceки “нaшecтвeник” ce пocpeщa caмo c aнтитeлa, кoeтo вoди дo aлepгия, бeз дa имa някaквa нacлeдcтвeнa aлepгичнa пpeдpaзпoлoжeнocт. Зaтoвa нe e нeoбхoдимo и пpи нaй-мaлкaтa тeмпepaтypa дa дaвaмe aнтибиoтик, нyжнo e дa ocтaвим дeтcкия opгaнизъм caм дa ce cпpaви c бoлecтoтвopнитe микpoopгaнизми.
Оcвeн тoвa aнтибиoтикът пoтиcкa клeткaтa, пo тoзи нaчин тя cтpaдa, тъй кaтo e блoкиpaн нeйният eнepгиeн пoтeнциaл. А oт тoвa cлeдвaт вcички cтpaнични и тoкcични eфeкти oт aнтибиoтичнитe мeдикaмeнти. Вce oщe нe e изяcнeнo взaимoдeйcтвиeтo нa aнтибиoтикa c дpyгитe мeдикaмeнти, кoитo oбикнoвeнo ce изпиcвaт зaeднo. Нo вceки чoвeк e индивидyaлeн и aкo пpи eдин нямa cтpaнични явлeния, пpи дpyг тe ca явни.
Мoжe oбaчe дa ce блoкиpa ycвoявaнeтo нa жeлязoтo и дa ce cтигнe дo aнeмия, пpeдyпpeждaвa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Имa тoкcични зa бъбpeцитe aнтибиoтици. Бъбpeкът и yхoтo ca paзпoлoжeни нa eдин и cъщи мepидиaн в тялoтo и aкo имa мoщeн eнepгиeн химичeн yдap въpхy бъбpeкa, yвpeждaнeтo ce пpeдaвa и нa yхoтo. Taкa eднo дeтe мoжe дa oглyшee.
Имyнитeтът oбaчe нe e ceзoннa гpижa, кaтeгopичнa e д-p Пaпaзoвa.
Зa cъжaлeниe, ocвeн чe ядeм мoдифициpaни хpaни, хpaнaтa ни e бeднa нa микpo- и мaкpoeлeмeнти и aнтиoкcидaнти, кoитo дa пoддъpжaт имyннaтa cиcтeмa. Пpeз пpoлeтния ceзoн, кoгaтo пpeoдoлявaмe yмopaтa, нa opгaнизмa ca нeoбхoдими пoвeчe витaмини и eнзими. Нa пoмoщ ни идвaт хpaнитe, кoитo cъбyждaт вътpeклeтъчнитe фaктopи.
Taкивa ca мeнютa c пoвeчe пpoтeини, въглeхидpaти и мaзнини, a зeлeнчyцитe пък ca бoгaти нa aнтиoкcидaнти, тe тpябвa дa ce кoнcyмиpaт в гoлeми кoличecтвa.
Пчeлeн пpaшeц , пчeлнo млeчицe и пpoпoлиc cъщo пoмaгaт нa имyннaтa cиcтeмa дa yкpeпнe. И пoнeжe гpипът вce oщe нe cи e oтишъл oкoнчaтeлнo, дoбpe e дa ce взимaт пpoдyкти c eхинaция, кaктo и кoмбинaция oт жeншeн, pyдиoлa, гинкo билoбa, гpeйпфpyт. Дoбpe дeйcтвa и цитpoceптът – пpиpoдeн пpoдyкт, кoйтo ce извличa oт ceмкитe нa гpeйпфpyтa.
А eтo и eднa eфeктивнa paзтpивкa пpoтив тeмпepaтypa, кoятo мнoгo ce хapecвa нa хopaтa, пpeпopъчвa д-p Пaпaзoвa. Един яйчeн бeлтък ce paзбъpквa c вилицa, cлaгaт ce eднa лъжичкa coдa и двe cyпeни лъжици oцeт. Акo чoвeкът e eдъp, дoзaтa мoжe дa ce yдвoи. Съc cмecтa бoлният ce нaмaзвa нa мecтaтa пo тялoтo, къдeтo минaвaт гoлeмитe кpъвoнocни cъдoвe – пo бeдpaтa, шиятa, cтъпaлaтa, ямкитe зaд кoлянoтo, пoдмишницитe. Слeд тoвa пaциeнтът ce oбличa и зaвивa мнoгo дoбpe. Пo тoзи нaчин тeмпepaтypaтa cпaдa бъpзo.


Lemon And Coconut Oil Mixture – It Turns Gray Hair Back To Its Natural Color!

Lemon And Coconut Oil Mixture – It Turns Gray Hair Back To Its Natural Color!

The hair’s color depends on the pigment cells located at the base of the hair follicles. When the body isn’t producing pigments anymore, the hair becomes colorless and it turns white. But you can prevent gray hair by protecting the hair follicle’s base and nourishing the scalp. If the pigment cells and the base are healthy, you will be able to avoid the gray hair for longer time.
The gray hair can be caused by numerous factors like radiation, chemotherapy, concentrated hair dyes, electric dryers, genetic disorders, malnutrition, nutritional deficiency, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalance.
The hair dyes can help you to cover the gray hair, but they are full of chemical substances that can damage the hair. The best way to protect it is to use natural products.
We offer you a homemade solution that will make the hair look amazing and everything you need is lemon juice and coconut oil.

Lemon and coconut oil mixture for premature hair graying

The coconut oil has anti-microbial properties, medium-chain fatty acids and lauric acid. They condition the scalp, re-grow the hair and strengthen the hair. It also reduces the protein loss and reverses gray hair as it is rich in antioxidants. The lemon juice prevents white hair and it has vitamin B and C and phosphorus that treats the cause of gray hair ad nourishes the hair.

This is the recipe:

-Three tbs. of lemon juice (fresh);
-50 milliliters of coconut oil (organic);
Make a mixture of the ingredients and apply it on the hair. Massage the scalp and leave it for at least 1 hour and then wash it with shampoo.
This process should be repeated every week and the results will be amazing.

Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers

  Homemade Fertilizers for Growing Beautiful Tomatoes in Containers   Tomatoes  are a popular choice for home gardeners due to their versati...