

Тези листа са 100 пъти по- мощни от чесъна и джинджифила. Топят тлъстините като с магическа пръчка!

Тези листа са 100 пъти по- мощни от чесъна и джинджифила. Топят тлъстините като с магическа пръчка!


Смокините са сред най-обичаните и сладки плодове и са предпочитани от малки и големи.
Това, което много хора не знаят, е, че нейните листа имат изключителни ползи за здравето.

Отвара от тях се отразява чудесно на диабетиците, тъй като спомага за отслабване и сваляне на високата кръвна захар.
Лошият холестерол, отговорен за сърдечни болести и напълняване, също ще си отиде, ако приемате чай от смокинови листа или ги консумирате сурови.
Смокиновите листа влияят добре и на хората, страдащи от проблеми с белия дроб, астма, както и на тези със стомашни язви.
Ако често се сблъсквате с кожни неприятности, като например циреи и кокоши трън, може да си приготвяте компрес от листата.
За направата на невероятно полезен чай просто сварете за 15 минути три добре измити смокинови листа в 1 литър вода, прецедете и пийте 2-3 пъти дневно. Бързо ще се уверите в това колко полезни са листата и за колко много неща биха могли да ви помогнат.

The 3 juice colon cleanse that can clean all the crap out of your system like nothing else!

The 3 juice colon cleanse that can clean all the crap out of your system like nothing else!

By cleansing your digestive system of any unwanted toxins, you’ll feel brand new after just one day!

The Digestive System

Our digestive system mostly consists of our large and small intestines. The large intestine is made up of a muscular tube called the colon, which; ‘absorbs water and salt from the remaining food matter after it goes through the small intestine’ (The American Cancer Society).
Our colon is a major contributor to the ‘storage and controlled evacuation of fecal material and digestion and absorption of undigested food,’ states Turnbull et al.
Considering the colon does so much for our digestive system, it is definitely a good idea to give it a clean out every now and again! Below are a few of the ingredients found in our detox recipe that will help with that colon cleanse!

Ginger Benefits


Ginger is a delicious, vibrant and healthy ingredient that as been used for centuries to treat all sorts of ailments; ‘such as colds, nausea, arthritis, migraines, and hypertension,’ states Bode and Dong.
It makes for a perfect ingredient in our cleansing drink as it also ‘stimulates digestion, absorption, relieves constipation and flatulence by increasing muscular activity in the digestive tract,’ according to Zadeh et al.
With so many health benefits, ginger can also be used in a multitude of different ways, excluding our colon cleanse found below, there are some excellent alternative recipes. You’ll be addicted to ginger after trying just one!

When Life Gives You Lemons

Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and have excellent anti-oxidant properties plus many other incredible health benefits. Lemons, in particular, are an excellent digestive aid and when paired with warm water it can help your body by; ‘regulating stomach acids, promoting digestions, and providing remedies for disorders such as heartburn, bloating and acidity,’ states the European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research.
Lemons are somewhat of a miracle fruit; they can do so much for your body and even clean your home! Discover some surprising ways you can use the humble lemon to help keep your house sparkling here.

Health Benefits of Apples

Fibre is a fantastic component of apples that is essential for a healthy digestive system. Soluble fiber that is abundant in apples;  ‘can help lower blood cholesterol, slow the absorption of carbohydrate from foods, and help stabilize blood sugar levels,’ says Cornell University.
They also state that ‘Fiber affects the rate of digestion of foods, the absorption of nutrients, and the movement of waste products (stool) through the colon.’
By adding organic, fresh apple juice to your cleanse your colon will be squeaky clean in no time. Who knew an apple a day could literally keep the doctor away!

The 3-Juice Recipe

basil lemon juice

Makes one serving.


  • ½ cup of organic, pure apple juice
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of organic ginger juice
  • ½ teaspoon of sea salt
    • ½ cup of lukewarm filtered water


    1. Combine all ingredients in a jug and stir! (You can multiply the measurements of each ingredient by 5 and make jug full jug-full at a time!)
    2. Drink one large glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
    3. Drink another 2 large glasses with and after your lunch.
    4. Another two large glasses should be consumed in the evening around 6-7 pm.
    It is advised to drink at least 5 large glasses or around 8 small glasses of this magical juice so that you can fully reap the rewards of the juice cleanse. However, consult your doctor before carrying out the detox if you are pregnant, have diabetes or have any concerning allergies or health problems.
    This cleanse is meant to take place over one day only. 
    Here are a few more cleanses to give a try!
    • Detox Your Colon
    • Apple Colon Detox
    • Kombucha Tea

Goodbye Dental Implants, Grow Your Own Teeth In Just 9 Weeks

Goodbye Dental Implants, Grow Your Own Teeth In Just 9 Weeks

Everyone knows that there are dental implants that were invented to benefit our lives in many ways, they are extremely useful and a great solution to fill the gap. But, trust me, once you read this you will be amazed.
A group of experts in the dental field has made some amazing discoveries and there has been a really incredible development in the technology of dental implants that goes far beyond the classic implant or denture. They say that these discoveries will give us the chance to grow new and genuine teeth in the oral cavity.
The famous Dr. Jeremy Mao of Columbia University was the lead investigator of this research and what he found was absolutely incredible. Dr. Mao built a scaffold for teeth, containing stem cells in the body. Using DNA, he succeeded in regenerating new teeth. This discovery of the modern technology promises a bright future when it comes to dental care.
So, you would not have to go through the horrible and painful process of extracting teeth. This technology would give you the opportunity to grow your teeth back in only nine weeks.
“Your missing tooth is being replaced with stem cells, from your own body. And the tooth merges with the surrounding tissue. Yes, it’s simple as that! This will increase the regeneration process and it will result in fast recovery.”
This is news is excellent, promising and provides new hope especially for those who are missing a tooth.
The procedure itself is still being studied and it is not yet available to the masses, however as the story develops we will update the article.

Try This Simple Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Pudding with Coconut Oil, Ginger and Cinnamon

Try This Simple Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Pudding with Coconut Oil, Ginger and Cinnamon

As much as we want to eat healthy, we still feel the urge to try something sweet once in a while. Do you know how you can simultaneously get both of these things? If not, do not worry, because this article will provide all of the necessary information.
  • What are Superfoods?
Superfoods can be simply described as nutrient-dense foods that can help prevent even the serious diseases like stroke, heart disease, and cancer.
Some of the foods that are part of the group of superfoods include garlic, avocado, broccoli, blueberries, chia seeds, Greek yogurt, and watermelon.
  • 6 Superfood Pudding Recipes You Must Try
To have something that is both healthy and sweet at the same time is the perfect combination for everyone, and especially for those who are trying to maintain a fit body. The following recipes seem to be the solution to this long-lasting problem – they are delicious puddings that contain at least one superfood!
  1. Coconut, Lemon, and Turmeric Chia Pudding
This pudding does not only have an incredible taste, but it is also a good source of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, the presence of chia seeds will help reduce the levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, while the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric will improve your overall health.
  • 400 mL tin coconut milk
  • 1 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1″ fresh root ginger
  • Juice and zest of 1 lemon
  • ⅛ to ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 90 mL chia seeds
  1. First, add coconut milk, turmeric, and ginger to a blender and blend until smooth. In case the coconut milk isn’t combining until smooth, gently heat it until the coconut cream melts. It should only become hand hot.
  2. Next, add lemon juice, zest, and maple syrup, and blend again.
  3. In a mason jar (with an airtight clip lid), combine the turmeric milk mixture and chia seeds. Whisk until the mixture is fully incorporated.
  4. Store it in the fridge for 30 minutes to 1 hour (or until all of the moisture has been absorbed).
        2.  Winter Chia Pudding with Sour Cherries and Blueberries
This is probably the best combination of sweet and healthy because it contains two superfoods – Chia Seed and Blueberries! Only one serving of chia seeds will provide tons of magnesium, iron, and calcium. On the other hand, blueberries will improve your memory and will help reduce the risk of cancer due to their high amount of cancer-fighting nutrients like Vitamin C.
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 3 cups water
  • Handful dry sour cherries
  • Handful goji berries
  • 1 Medjool date
  • 1 tbsp. acai powder
  • Chia seeds – for every 1.5 cups milk obtained, add 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • A pinch of vanilla seeds
  • To serve: your favorite yogurt and lot of blueberries
  1. First, add the walnuts and water to a blender and blend for about a minute (or until you have a frothy, milky mixture).
  2. Strain the milk and return it to the blender. Add the leftover nut pulp in a freezer-safe small container and place it in the freezer. You can use it to make light and moist raw macaroons.
  3. Next, add the sour cherries, goji berries, Medjool date, acai and to the milk and blend again.
  4. Pour your walnut milk into a large jar and add the chia seeds. Close the lid tightly and shake it to make sure that the chia seeds are evenly spread out.
  5. Then add the vanilla seeds to the jar, cover, and place in the fridge overnight.
  6. Serve the following morning with your favorite yogurt and lots of blueberries.
  1. Golden Rice Pudding with Turmeric, Ginger & Pink Peppercorns
This pudding contains turmeric and other warming spices, which makes it an ideal dish for this period of the year. It’s best to combine turmeric with pepper because it boosts the absorbency of curcumin, which is the main component of turmeric and the reason why turmeric is well known as spice with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon pink peppercorns
  • 1/2 cup basmati rice, washed, drained
  • 1-2 star anise (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 6 cardamom pods
  • 1 cup + 1/2 cup water, divided
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk
  • 3 tablespoons raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, finely grated
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon pistachios, to garnish
  1. Add the coconut oil to a pot over medium-low heat to melt it. Place the peppercorns in a mortar and pestle and grind them finely. Then add the turmeric powder and the crushed peppercorns to the melted oil, and stir to combine.
  2. Cook until very fragrant, stirring it constantly for about a minute. Add the rice and stir to coat before coasting for a minute. Crush the cardamom pods in the mortar to open the pods, but don’t go any further.
  3. Add the star anise, cinnamon, and cardamom pods to the rice and mix thoroughly. Pour a cup of water into the mixture and increase the heat to medium-high. Cook, until most of the water is absorbed, but make sure it doesn’t get too dry. Finally, add the remaining half cup of water and the coconut milk, and mix well.
  4. Continue cooking for 10-15 minutes or until the rice is fully cooked and the pudding becomes creamy. Remove from the heat and pull out the star anise and cardamom pod shells, making sure the seeds released from pods remain.
  5. Stir in the honey, ginger, and sea salt.
  6. Crush the pistachios using the mortar and pestle again. Divide the rice pudding into a few serving dishes, and garnish with the ground pistachios.
  7. Serve warm at room temperature, or cool.
  1. Pistachio Chia Pudding
This pudding is likely to become one of the favorite desserts for you and your family. Firstly, it’s very delicious and secondly, pistachios yield a significant amount of potassium while chia seeds offer a wide array of health benefits.
  • 2 cups pistachio milk
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1/4 tsp ground cardamom
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsps. maple syrup
  1. Combine the pistachio milk, chia seeds, ground cardamom, vanilla extract, and maple syrup in a quart jar.
  2. Shake well to combine, using a wooden spoon to break up any chia seeds that stick together.
  3. Let it sit at room temperature for 10 minutes, then shake again, and refrigerate for a few hours. While the pudding can be eaten right away, it is better to let it sit for a few hours to thicken.
  1. Chocolate and Chia Seed Superfood Pudding
This pudding is the best proof that you can enjoy a delicious chocolate pudding and lots of health benefits at the same time. Chocolate is well known for its strong antioxidant properties and its ability to balance your blood pressure. Chia seeds, as mentioned above, also have numerous health benefits that can significantly improve your overall health.
  • 1  1/4 cups unsweetened non-dairy milk (almond or coconut are my personal favs)
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 3 tbsps. raw cacao powder
  • Dash of pink Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 tbsp. organic maple syrup
  • Dark Chocolate shavings for garnish
  1. Add all of the ingredients to a large glass jar with a lid, give it a quick stir, then close the lid tightly. Shake it like to mix it all up.
  2. Refrigerate the mixture for at least 4 hours (or until very thick and pudding-like), shaking occasionally.
  3. Serve the pudding chilled on its own or with any of following toppings: crystallized ginger, nut butter, bananas, goji berries, pomegranate seeds, or whipped coconut cream.
     6. Coconut, Chai and Turmeric Chia Pudding
This is yet another pudding that contains superfoods which will provide high amounts of many essential vitamins and minerals.
  • 5 tbsps. chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp. shredded coconut
  • 1 1/2 cup organic oat milk
  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla essence (or vanilla powder)
  • 1 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1/8 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/8 tsp ground cardamom
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  1. First, mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, making sure no clumps of spices remain.
  2. Then add oat milk and vanilla essence, and mix until well combined.
  3. Cover the mixture and store it in a fridge overnight to set.
  4. Serve as it is or top with chopped nuts.

The Top 25 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

The Top 25 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

The Standard American Diet is full of junk foods, processed, and genetically modified foods, and it is a huge burden for our body to process it.
Also, it lacks nutrients and contains numerous harmful ingredients, which disturb the pH balance in the body.
The environment in the body should be alkaline, and the consumption of such unhealthy foods makes it acidic, and thus more prone to diseases, as the immune system is significantly weakened.
Therefore, you should increase the intake of alkalizing foods and improve your overall health.
These are the best alkaline foods you can consume:
  1. Olive Oil
Olive oil is high in vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids.
  1. Melon
Melons cleanse the colon, and are super alkaline, as their pH level is 8.5. Also, watermelons are rich in fiber and are 92% water in content.
  1. Flax Seed
Flax seeds are rich in vitamin E and fiber. They alkalize the body, soothe inflammation, and reduce hot flashes in menopause.
  1. Swiss Chard
This alkaline food has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties and also prevents damage caused by free radicals.
  1. Buckwheat
Buckwheat is an excellent wheat replacement and is great for a breakfast to energize your body and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
The following list contains 20 other alkalizing foods you can consume:
– Carrots – They are rich in beta-carotene and improve eyesight.
– Mango – It cleanses the colon.
– Sauerkraut – Fermented foods are high in probiotics.
– Pineapple – It helps weight loss.
– Cucumber – Its 90% water content moisturizes the skin, keeps the body hydrated, and supports skin health.
– Grapefruit – Good source of numerous vitamins.
– Parsley – It cleanses the intestines.
– Quinoa – Regulates blood sugars.
– Berries – they are a rich source of antioxidants.
– Papaya – It acts as a laxative and cleanses the colon.
– Avocado – it is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats which support heart health.
–Bananas – Ripe bananas are amazing healthy superfoods.
– Brussels Sprouts – Might prevent cancer.
-Alfalfa Sprouts – They balance hormones, provide enzymes, and are easy to digest.
– Garlic – It has numerous health properties, including blood pressure control.
– Broccoli – Steamed broccoli lower cholesterol.
– Seaweeds – They are rich in iron and alkalize the body.
– Grapes – They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and lower blood pressure.
– Spinach – This is the vegetable with the highest amounts of vitamins.
– Lemons– Lemons are rich in vitamin C, and fight the flu, colds, and cough.


  СОЛ – ДА ИЛИ НЕ – ТОВА Е ВЪПРОСЪТ! От години лекари и правителствени регулатори ни казват да намалим приема на сол по здравословни причини...