Понякога тялото ни се опитва да ни каже нещо – например че му липсват витамини, че не получава достатъчно сън или че наистина е уморено от всичките тези сандвичи, чипс и други подобни.
Невинаги е лесно да разберем как да интерпретираме тези сигнали. Но какви са тези знаци, които тялото ни дава и от какво се нуждае, за да поправи ситуацията?
1. Крехки и нацепени нокти: Това предполага дефицит на желязо, цинк и важни мастни киселини и може да се поправи с повишен прием на месо, риба и бобови култури.
2. Сухи очи: Този симптом подсказва, че на тялото може би му липсват витамин А и важни мастни киселини. Добре е да повишим приема на млечни продукти, зелени, жълти и оранжеви плодове и зеленчуци.
3. Напукани ъгълчета на устните: В този случай е възможен недостиг на желязо, витамин В6, В12 и фолиева киселина. Консумацията на повече месо, бобови култури, млечни продукти и зелени зеленчуци ще е от полза.
4. Язви в устата: Този проблем сигнализира за потенциален недостиг на желязо, витамините В6 и В12, както и на фолиева киселина. Месото, бобовите култури, млечните продукти и зеленчуците трябва да присъстват по-често в диетата ни.
5. Напукани устни: Това е симптом на дефицит на витамин В2. Млечните продукти и бобовите култури ще помогнат.
6. Уголемени вкусови луковици: Във вкусовите луковици се намират така важните вкусови рецептори. Те сигнализират за дефицит на витамините В2 или В6 и могат да бъдат третирани с повишена консумация на млечни продукти, месо и риба.
7. Зачервявания и мазни петна по кожата на лицето: Този симптом е свързан с възможен недостиг на витамините В2 и В6, на цинк или на важни мастни киселини. Решението е да наблегнем на яденето на млечни продукти, месо, риба и морски дарове.
8. Пъпчици по горната част на ръцете и бедрата: Възможен е дефицит на витамин В комплекс, витамин Е и важни мастни киселини. Препоръчително е да консумираме повече животински продукти, зърнени продукти и морски дарове.
9. Слаб растеж на косата: Този проблем сигнализира за недостиг на желязо или цинк и може да се разреши с прием на повече месо, бобови култури, млечни продукти и морски дарове.
10. Пърхот: С пърхота тялото ни казва, че може би не му достигат витамини С и В6, важни мастни киселини или цинк. Повече цитрусови плодове, месо, риба и млечни продукти ще бъдат от полза за разрешаването на проблема.
11. Акне: Акнето предполага, че на тялото му липсва достатъчно цинк, а този проблем може да се разреши с приема на повече млечни продукти и морски дарове.
12. Силно зачервени очи: Те сигнализират за недостиг на витамините А и В2. Добре е да наблегнем на приема на повече млечни продукти, зелени, жълти и оранжеви плодове, зеленчуци и месо.
13. Бавно зарастване на раните: Това е сигурен симптом, че на тялото не му достига цинк и трябва да приемаме повече млечни продукти и морски дарове.
14. Депресия: Депресията може да се държи на недостиг на витамин В6. Повече месо и риба в диетата би трябвало да помогнат за облекчаването на симптома.
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The New Toothpaste That Can Make Dentists Go Out of Business: It Fills in Cavities and Restores Teeth Enamel
The New Toothpaste That Can Make Dentists Go Out of Business: It Fills in Cavities and Restores Teeth Enamel
A new toothpaste was invented that can fill in the cavities and restore the teeth enamel. You can achieve all this without any dentist’s intervention and in the blink of an eye.
The new invention was created by the Japanese scientists Kazue Yamagishi.
This amazing toothpaste is made from a substance molecularly similar to tooth enamel. The only difference between the two is that the paste is liquid and can even get into the smallest areas.
Once the paste is applied on the teeth, the substances start to work. 3 minutes after the applying, the paste starts to crystallize and gets the same structure as natural teeth enamel.
Scientists put the new invention into test and the results were astonishing. Cavities filled with the paste were just as sturdy and stable as their metal or amalgam counterparts. The paste bonds with the tooth without the need for drilling.
Продават го за животни, а масово се купува за хора
Продават го за животни, а масово се купува за хора: Това мазило от 5,70 лв. върши чудеса за 4 болести! (в пъти по-ефикасно от аптечните)
Във ветеринарните аптеки масово изкупуват това мазило за ползване от хора!
Това мазило се продава за животни, а най-разпространената му цена е от 5,70 лева. От много време насам обаче продавачите във ветеринарните аптеки, където се предлага, са изумени. Защото истината е, че масово се търси от клиентите за лечение не на животни, а на хора.
Мазилото чудо се нарича Антифлегмин. Съдържа камфоров силицилат и е предназначено за мазане на вимето на кравите, против абсцеси и рани. Какво е изумлението обаче, когато се доказа, че то лекува цели 4 човешки болести. При това в пъти по-бързо и ефективно от аптечните лекарства, гелове, мехлеми и прочие.
А и е в пъти по-евтино като знаем как вървят цените на илачите във фармацевтичната индустрия. Вярвате или не, но до Антифлегмин прибягват често спортисти, пенсионери и дори хора от така наречения хайлайф.
Да, обяснимо е защо един пенсионер ще избере животинското лекарство пред “човешкото” – разбира се, водещ фактор е разликата в цената. При хората от спорта и по-заможните обаче това мазило е предпочитано само и единствено заради ефекта си и забележителните резултати, които дава.
То изпитано лекува гъбички по ноктите – иначе адски упорити, болки в мускулите и ставите, артрит, хемороиди и псориазис. Все болежки, които трудно се поддават на лечение и изискват много време, търпение и средства.
Антифлегмин, както и няколко други мазила за животни, дават светкавични резултати и то по съвсем обясними причини. Просто в тях дозата е по-силна и ефектът се отчита за нула време.
“Моя позната ме убеждаваше, че с него си е излекувала псориазиса. Първоначално я гледах като луда, но после реших да го пробвам за гъбичките по ноктите ми. Наложи се да й се извиня за недоверието. Защото след няма и месец видях смайващия резултат”, пише Николина Видева.
А Димитър Пейчев признава в един от здравните форуми, че това мазило е направило чудо за болките му в кръста и гръбнака. “Ако се замислиш, жените редовно си мажат косите с конския Тривитаминол и се хвалят с убийствена грива след това. Нали и то е уж за животни?! Гледайте това, което наистина помага, а не това, с което ни залъгват и скубят пари. Наглед простите неща са най-добри”, заключва и Стоян Стаменов.
Turmeric is a root plant of the ginger family. It’s native to Southeast Asia, and the Western world has only recently been introduced to all of its benefits.
The plant is one of the main ingredients in plenty of Asian dishes, and it is believed that turmeric is one of the elements in famous Asian longevity. It has a mustard, earthy aroma, and it is slightly bitter. Turmeric is mostly used in savory dishes, but there are also some sweet ones that require turmeric as their main ingredient.
It grows wild in the forests of South and Southeast Asia, where it’s collected for use in traditional medicine by the Indian people in the region. They have been using turmeric for hundreds of years, mostly to treat conditions such as:
- Indigestion
- Throat infections
- Colds
- Skin sores and wounds
- Liver issues
Turmeric also has a major role in cultural rituals in this region. In Eastern India, it is used in combination with banana, taro leaves, barley, pomegranate, and wood apple in the ceremonies of worship. It is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring happiness and prosperity.
In the west, turmeric has been associated with many issues, ranging from inflammation to cancer. It is important to note that there are no clinical trials proving the effectiveness of turmeric on these issues. However, millions of people swear by it and recommend it to their friends and family with similar issues.
The active ingredient in turmeric, circumin, is what gives it its healing abilities, some of which are:
- Turmeric helps with diabetes, as it helps regulate insulin in the body
- Turmeric can help with joint pain and arthritis
- Turmeric helps with chronic inflammation
- Turmeric sooths pain, due to its high content of antioxidants
- Turmeric aids heart health, and is highly recommended for use in those suffering from heart disease
- Turmeric reduces arterial build up, and it can prevent heart attack
- Turmeric is speculated to be one of the strongest cancer fighting elements out there
- ½ teaspoon of turmeric
- ½ lemon
- Organic honey to taste
- Some water
Making turmeric water:
Mix all of the ingredients together. You should add enough water to make the drink as thick as you like. If you prefer thinner drinks, just add more water.
Consume the turmeric water every morning in order to reap the benefits listed above. You will notice improvements in your condition and daily energy levels in a matter of days.
Reasons To Have A Himalayan Salt Lamp In Every Room Of Your Home
Reasons To Have A Himalayan Salt Lamp In Every Room Of Your Home
You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never owned a Himalayan salt lamp. It’s like having an open window – a softly glowing natural source of fresh, clean air – on your desk, in your living room, next to the bed, or anywhere you choose to put it.
Before we dive into the health benefits of using Himalayan salt lamps in your home, it may be helpful to first have a brief chemistry lesson:
All matter (the human body, air, water, etc) is made up of molecules which are made up of atoms which are made up of three types of particles: protons (positive charge), electrons (negative charge), and neutrons (no charge). Electrons orbit their molecules like planets revolve around a star. Occasionally an electron flies off and when it does, it leaves behind a positively-charged ion whose sole purpose in life becomes to fill the void left by its little lost electron. In other words: it wants to steal a replacement electron from another molecule. Due to differences in molecular structure (number of electrons in the outermost orbit, strength and structure of electron bonds, etc) some materials lose electrons much more easily than others.
With this basic understanding of the behaviors of positive and negative ions fresh in your mind, let’s take a look at the top 10 benefits of the Himalayan Salt Lamp.
1. Salt Lamps Cleanse & Deodorize the Air
Probably the most well-known benefit – and why the majority of people use them – is due to their incredible power to remove dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants from the air. “But how do they do this,” you ask? “It’s just a big chunk of salt with a light bulb inside, right?”
Well yes, but no. There’s much more to it than that.
Himalayan salt lamps purify air through the power of hygroscopy, meaning that they attract water molecules from the surrounding environment then absorb those molecules – as well as any foreign particles they may be carrying – into the salt crystal. As the HPS lamp warms up from the heat produced by the light bulb inside, that same water then evaporates back into the air and the trapped particles of dust, pollen, smoke, etc remain locked in the salt.
2. Reduce Allergy & Asthma Symptoms
Because Himalayan salt lamps remove microscopic particles of dust, pet dander, mold, mildew and the like from the surrounding air, placing a lamp or two in the rooms where you spend the most time can seriously cut back on allergy symptoms. Even people who suffer from asthma should notice a big difference after a week or two. (In fact, Himalayan pink salt is so good for your airways, there are even HPS Inhalers!)
3. Eases Coughing
When the Himalayan salt lamp heats up and begins its hygroscopic cycling of airborne particles, it also changes the charge of the molecules which are released. (Remember our chemistry lesson?) The majority of homes are filled with positively charged ions which aren’t particularly good for a person’s health. The positive ions are created by a number of things, but the primary source for most of us is from our electronics.
One of the health detriments of breathing lots of positive ions in the air is that the cilia (microscopic hairs) which line the trachea (aka: windpipe) become sluggish and don’t work as well to keep contaminants out of our lungs. As a Himalayan pink salt lamp absorbs water and particles from the air, it also takes positive ions with them. Then, when the heated salt releases cleansed water vapor back into the air, it also expels negative ions which have the opposite effect on our airways – increasing cilial activity to keep your lungs clear.
What all this means in a nut shell: Besides removing contaminants from the air, Himalayan pink salt lamps also help your body to filter air more efficiently so any foreign particles you do happen to breathe won’t make it into your lungs.
4. Increase Energy Levels
Taking a drive through the countryside with the windows down, spending time at the beach or camping in the mountains, or simply taking a shower first thing in the morning are all things that many people find invigorating. It’s not a coincidence that these are all activities which expose us to increased concentrations of negative ions such as those generated by Himalayan salt lamps. The fact is, positive ions sap our bodies of energy. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for us to try to diagnose the problem as something else entirely.
If you constantly feel tired and don’t know why, try keeping a Himalayan salt lamp in the room or rooms where you spend the most time. After about a week, you should notice a difference.
5. Neutralize Electromagnetic Radiation
Nowadays, most of us are living in a metaphorical ocean of electromagnetic (EM) radiation which flows from our electronics (ie: television, computer, cell phone, tablet, appliances, sterio, etc). While they may be invisible, the long-term effects of EM exposure can be quite serious. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known to increase stress levels, cause chronic fatigue, and decrease the body’s immune response, among other things.
As they emit negative ions into the air, Himalayan salt lamps work to neutralize electromagnetic radiation. Keep one next to the computer, television, and any other electrical devices which you use frequently to reduce the potential danger to you and your family.
6. Better Sleep
Another side effect which results from over-exposure to positive ions in the air is that it robs you of quality sleep. This happens because those positively-charged particles can actually reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain resulting in irregular sleep patterns. Himalayan pink salt lamps are natural negative ion generators, thus they can help to reverse this problem. Keep one or two around your bedroom to improve the air quality so you can get a better night’s sleep.
Remember, even if you’re like me and you can’t sleep unless the room is totally dark, you can always turn the lamp off at bedtime. Just leave it on for the rest of the day so it can do its work while you’re awake. People in humid climates should be aware that HPS lamps tend to weep when the salt becomes cool. You’ll definitely want to protect surfaces by placing a saucer underneath and be sure to follow the instructions for use and care which should be included with your lamp!
7. Improve Mood & Concentration
Himalayan pink salt lamps are a great way to naturally enhance your mood or to help you relax and unwind at the end of the day. At the same time and on the opposite side of the coin, HPS lamps are great for improving concentration. Again, this is due to the effect of the negative ions on your body, improving blood and oxygen supply to the brain and other organs, as well as providing a boost of serotonin – the neurotransmitter which makes us (literally) feel happy.
8. Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder
In addition to generating negative ions which improve mood and energy levels, the soft, natural light given off by a Himalayan pink salt lamp is close enough to the warm glow of sunshine that they can even be used to relieve the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. This year when the days get shorter, fight back the lethargy by surrounding yourself with a few HPS lamps set on timers.
9. Reduce Static Electricity in the Air
While not a “health benefit” at first glance, static is pesky stuff. It causes stress, embarrassment, and frustration. Static zaps you when you least expect it, as you’re reaching for a door handle, kissing your husband or wife before bed, or trying to pet your dog or cat. Static can give you a bad hair day, make it impossible to clean crumbs or coffee grounds off of the kitchen counter, and even cause you to accidentally go to work with a sock stuck to the back of your shirt…
(Okay, so that last one may have been a little over-the-top.) The point is, static electricity can be a huge pain and Himalayan pink salt lamps are a natural way to neutralize the airborne ionized particles which cause it.
10. Environmentally-Friendly Light Source
Last, but not least: Himalayan pink salt lamps are environmentally friendly. While only an estimate, the reserves from which HPS is mined measure somewhere between 80 and 600 million tons and is projected to last for at least another 350 years at the current extraction rate. The base of an HPS lamp is generally carved from a sustainable wood such as neem. Some lamps use a low-wattage bulb which consumes very little energy while others are powered by a lit candle.
Choosing & Placing Your Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp
When it comes to buying Himalayan pink salt lamps, coverage is determined by the size of the crystal. Smaller lamps (like this 8 lb lamp) are good for the average bedroom, while larger lamps (like this 15 lb) are better for spaces like the living room or den. On average, calculate that 1 lb of HPS crystal will cleanse the air in approximately a 4′ x 4′ area.
If you can’t find a large enough lamp for any given room, remember that you can use multiple lamps spread out around the space for the same effect.
Phone Codes
*#06# IMEI
*#30# Incognito
*#*#4636*#*# WIFI - BATTERY - CPU
*33*# No Outgoing calls and cancel with #33*PIN#
*#*#7780#*#* Instant Factory Settings
*2767*3855# Wipe The Phone
*3370# Turn ON EFR on iPhone for better signal and Off *3370#
*#*#8351#*#* Record of last 20 calls on own voice
*#5005*7672#. Service Number On iPhone
*#*#7594#*#* instant Turn Off
*43# Info for waiting Calls on iPhone and Turn Off with #43#
*#0011# Quick service
*3001#12345#* press and hold power button then HOME button and you will see numeric line signal
*#21# all call to voicemail and turn Off in the same code for iPhone
#31# hide phone number
*#30# Incognito
*#*#4636*#*# WIFI - BATTERY - CPU
*33*# No Outgoing calls and cancel with #33*PIN#
*#*#7780#*#* Instant Factory Settings
*2767*3855# Wipe The Phone
*3370# Turn ON EFR on iPhone for better signal and Off *3370#
*#*#8351#*#* Record of last 20 calls on own voice
*#5005*7672#. Service Number On iPhone
*#*#7594#*#* instant Turn Off
*43# Info for waiting Calls on iPhone and Turn Off with #43#
*#0011# Quick service
*3001#12345#* press and hold power button then HOME button and you will see numeric line signal
*#21# all call to voicemail and turn Off in the same code for iPhone
#31# hide phone number
How to Find Out Who’s Tracking You Through Your Smartphone
Safety should always be our top priority. With the help of just a few short codes, you can find out more about the settings of your phone and work out whether or not your messages and information are protected and whether you’re being tracked.
Bright Side has gathered together some of the most useful and important codes for smartphones all in one article, together with some instructions for those who’re worried about being tracked.
With this code, you can find out whether your calls, messages, and other data are being diverted. The status of the different types of diversions that are taking place along with the number the information is being transferred to will be displayed on your phone’s screen. This function is most often set up by either jealous partners or parents who are trying to protect their kids from spam or criminals. Elderly people often become victims of this practice when they lend their phone to a stranger to make a single call. If they do so, they risk having information about where they live, who their friends and family are, their habits and daily activites, and even their financial circumstances passed on to criminals.
Dial this code if you want to find out where calls, messages, and data are being redirected to if it seems that no one can get through to you. The chances are in this case that your voice calls are being redirected to one of your cell phone operator’s numbers.
This is a universal code for switching off all forms of redirection away from your phone. It’s a good idea to use this before you have to use roaming. In this case, money won’t be taken from your account for calls that are redirected by default to your voice mail.
With the help of this code, you can find out your IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier). If you know this number, you can find your phone if someone steals it. When switched on, its location is automatically conveyed to the network operator even if a different SIM card is inserted. If someone knows your IMEI number, they can find outthe model and technical characteristics of your phone.
Special codes exist that allow someone to track your location and also to determine whether someone is following you. For this, you need the utility netmonitor. Type in one of the following codes:
for iPhone: *3001#12345#*
for Android: *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#*
for Android: *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#*
Step 1. Go to the section called UMTS Cell Environment, then UMTS RR info, and write down all the numbers under Cell ID. These numbers are the basic stations located nearby. Your phone will connect by default to the one that emits the best signal.
Step 2. Go back to the main menu, and click on the MM info tab, then on Serving PLMN. Write down the numbers under Local Area Code (LAC).
Step 3. With the help of these two numbers and an ordinary website (the fourth tab to the left), you can determine the location on the map of the basic station that your phone is connected to.
The ones to be suspicious of are mobile basic stations — this could be a truck or small bus with a large antenna. These kinds of vehicles are used at rock festivals and in places where Internet coverage is poor. If there’s one of them nearby, seemingly without any logical reason, it’s just possible that someone is engaged in spying.
If you use Android, you should periodically check your phone for viruses. PlaceRaideris one of the most dangerous ones that can infect your device. Developed by American experts, it was meant to show how vulnerable our devices are. Once it gets onto a phone, this Trojan takes a series of photographs of the surrounding area, creates a 3D model of the building you’re in, and then takes advantage of any Internet connection to send the data that it’s gathered, adding along with it all the data on the phone and your passwords.
- National security agencies in virtually all countries now cooperate with cell phone operators, who often provide the former with access to information on any of their customers provided they have a warrant from a court. As a minimum, they provide data from the last three months.
- If your phone has been tapped by a security agency, the chances are you won’t even notice. If a phone makes odd noises during a conversation, loses battery power rapidly, overheats, or unexpectedly restarts, this is merely an indication that you need to get it repaired rather than a telltale sign that you’re being listened to.
- People generally don’t reveal all that much in phone conversations, so from the point of view of those who want to listen in it’s much more worthwhile to set up special devices ("bugs") in someone’s home. Radio wave detectors can be used to work out whether such bugs are present in a building.
- Use messaging apps that are completely closed to outsiders, such as Telegram, Chare, Wickr, or Signal.
- Determine what information it’s safe to make accessible to all. Should everyone really be able to find out your phone number or have access to information about your family, loved ones, or your lifestyle? Be very careful when posting photographs of children.
- Don’t install unknown programmes on your phone, keep close track of the apps you have installed, and use multiple security locks wherever you can. Don’t click on unsafe links, and don’t connect your phone to suspicious "free" charging points.
- Only your cell phone operator should ever offer you tracking services, and they should only turn them on with your explicit agreement. Websites and applications that offer to find out the location of other people are almost certainly acting with criminal intent. Be careful!
32 Secret Combinations on Your Keyboard
32 Secret Combinations on Your Keyboard
Bright Side has put together a list of all the hot key combinations that will certainly come in handy for every Windows and OS X user.
Win keyboard
- ⊞ Win — opens the Start Menu, in Windows 8.1 — opens the previous window;
- ⊞ Win + A — opens the Action Center (in Windows 10);
- ⊞ Win + B — selects the first icon in the Notification Area (you can then switch between the icons using the arrow keys);
- ⊞ Win + Ctrl + B — switches to a program indicating a new message in the Notification Area;
- ⊞ Win + C shows the Charm Bar (in Windows 8 and 8.1); in Windows 10 it opens Cortana (if you’re using a supported language);
- ⊞ Win + D — shows the desktop (immediately minimizes all the opened windows);
- ⊞ Win + E — opens Windows Explorer; in Windows 10 opens the Quick Launch by default;
- ⊞ Win + F — opens ’Find files and folders’;
- ⊞ Win + Ctrl + F — opens ’Find computers’;
- ⊞ Win + G — brings all gadgets to the foreground that are in process (only in Windows 7 and Vista); opens the Game bar in Windows 10;
- ⊞ Win + K — opens a new Start menu — Connections (in Windows 8 and 8.1);
- ⊞ Win + L — changes user or locks the workstation;
- ⊞ Win + M — minimizes all windows;
- ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + M — restores windows that were minimized;
- ⊞ Win + O — locks device orientation (disables the gyroscope function on tablets);
- ⊞ Win + P — switches operating modes to an external monitor/projector (only in Windows 7 and newer);
- ⊞ Win + Q — opens Search charm for installed apps (checked in Windows 8);
- ⊞ Win + R — opens the ’Run dialog’ box;
- ⊞ Win + T — switches focus to the Taskbar (only in Windows 7 and newer);
- ⊞ Win + U — opens the Utility Manager;
- ⊞ Win + W — opens Windows Ink Workspace (notes, screenshots);
- ⊞ Win + X — opens the Windows Mobile Application Center (only for mobile computers in Windows Vista and 7);
- ⊞ Win + Y — starts Yahoo! Messenger (if installed).
OS X keyboard
- Command + Up Arrow — Immediately scroll to the top of any webpage.
- Command + Down Arrow — Immediately scroll to the bottom of any webpage.
- Command + Semicolon — Cycle through misspelled words in any given document.
- Command + 1 (2, 3) — Use this shortcut to conveniently cycle through any open tabs you have in your browser. Command + 1 will take you to the first tab, Command + 2 will take you to the second, and so on.
- Option + Delete — This handy keyboard shortcut will delete words one word at a time, as opposed to one letter at a time. This works all across OS X, whether you’re typing in TextEdit or even when typing a website into your browser’s URL bar.
- Command + H — Quickly hide all open windows from the currently active app.
- Command + Shift + T — Instantly open up the most recently closed tab in your browser. This is a lifesaver if you accidentally close a window and can’t remember the URL.
- Command + F3 — This handy shortcut instantly removes all app windows from view and lets you take a gander at your desktop. To bring your apps back, simply press the keys again.
- Option + Shift + Volume Up/Volume down — Increase or decrease your machine’s volume in much smaller increments. This comes in especially handy when you’re trying to get your audio output levels just right.
Лекари му даваха 2 месеца, защото имаше последен стадий на рак! Баба му даде една рецепта, с която го върна от смъртта!
Лекари му даваха 2 месеца, защото имаше последен стадий на рак! Баба му даде една рецепта, с която го върна от смъртта!
Лeĸapитe мy дaвaли caмo двa мeceцa живoт Xъpвaтинът Aнтe Kpeшич paзĸpи peцeптaтa, c ĸoятo ce e излeĸyвaл oт paĸ в пocлeдния cтaдий . Meдицитe нe мy дaвaли ниĸaĸви шaнcoвe зa живoт и cпopeд тяx Aнтe нe тpябвaшe дa e cpeд живитe вeчe.
Дa, aмa нe.
Mъжът, ĸoйтo cтpaдaл oт paĸ нa бeлитe дpoбoвe нaмepил вълшeбнaтa peцeптa, ĸoятo гo изцepилa oт ĸoвapнoтo зaбoлявaнe и ceгa ce чyвcтвa ĸaтo нoв.
Зa щacтиe тoй нe взeл нa cepиoзнo дyмитe нa лeĸapитe и вмecтo дa ce вcлyшa в пpoгнoзaтa им, чe зapaди ĸoвapния paĸ нe мy ocтaвa мнoгo живoт, тoй ce зaeл в pъцe и бил peшeн дa ce бopи зa живoтa cи.
Haмepил cпaceниe oт пocлeдния cтaдий нa paĸ в билĸитe и мeдa. Лeĸapитe мy дaвaли caмo двa мeceцa живoт Aнтe Kpeшич paзĸaзвa, чe пpeживял цeлият тoзи aд пpeди 14 гoдини.
Πpи вce, чe ce пoдлoжил нa лeчeниe, нямaлo ниĸaĸъв peзyлтaт. B ĸpaйнa cмeтĸa лeĸapитe мy cъoбщили, чe мy ocтaвaт нaй-мнoгo двa мeceцa живoт. Зa щacтиe oбaчe Aнтe ycпял дa пpeбopи ĸoвapния paĸ и пpoгнoзaтa нa мeдицитe нe ce cбъднaлa. Te мy дaвaли eдвa двa мeceцa живoт, a тoй живee вeчe 14 гoдини и ce paдвa нa ceмeйcтвoтo cи. Tpъгвaйĸи cи oт бoлницaтa cъдбaтa гo cpeщнaлa c нeпoзнaтa жeнa, ĸoятo мy ĸaзaлa вълшeбнaтa peцeптa, цepящa paĸ.
Зa дa cи пpигoтвитe тaзи peцeптa cpeщy paĸ , ca ви нeoбxoдими:
500 гp. дoмaшeн мeд
2 лимoнa (coĸът oт тяx)
30 гp. ĸypĸyмa нa пpax
500 гp. ĸopeн oт джинджифил
Джинджифилът ce oбeлвa и ce нacтъpгвa нa cитнo peндe. Изcипвa ce в пoдxoдящ cтъĸлeн cъд, дoбaвят ce мeдът, лимoнoвият coĸ и ĸypĸyмaтa. Paзбъpĸвaт ce дoбpe c дъpвeнa лъжицa.
Πpиeмa ce пo 3 c.л. пpeди xpaнeнe. Лeчeниeтo пpoдължaвa двa мeceцa. Aнтe твъpди, чe yceтил нeвepoятeн пpилив нa eнepгия oщe в пъpвитe двa дни oт пpиeмa нa тoвa вълшeбнo лeĸapcтвo cpeщy paĸ.
И дo днec e блaгoдapeн нa cъдбaтa, чe гo e cpeщнaлa c тaзи нeпoзнaтa жeнa, ĸoятo мy cпoдeлилa peцeптaтa.
Long years and physical health are the best combination. The truth is that we can have it easily if we start taking balanced diet and exercise. Taking the right foods can keep you and your health in good condition. They also help you to stay energetic.
In our article today we are going to share a juice recipe with you that will allow you to enjoy your life and stay fit. This recipe is a must try for you.
The ingredients of the juice are following
It has been seen that rabbits eat carrots and they have good eyesight. This is true because carrots contain vitamin A and beta-carotene that helps to improve vision. It also strengthens the heart and keeps gums and teeth in good condition. The carrot makes the skin more soft, smooth and shiny and also prevents you from cancer.
Ginger helps to reduce cholesterol and protects from ulcer. It recovers the intestinal flora, reduces inflammation and also relieves migraine. It also provides relief from the pain that is caused by the rheumatoid arthritis and other joints related diseases.
Apple can be taken as the most popular fruit of the world. This fruit is also beneficial for our health. They are high in fiber content therefore they help in weight loss profit and favor immune system. The antioxidants present inapples protect from various diseases and help in functioning of kidneys and livers.
Lemon offers various benefits to the body such as blood pressure reduction and toxins elimination from the body. It also helps in good functioning of the stomach and intestines. It also fights with infections especially that are related to the respiratory tract. It also favors the evacuation of feces.
To prepare this juice you need
– Juice of half lemon
– 4 carrots
– 1 ginger root (2 cm)
– 3 apples
The juice preparation is really simple. Just take the entire ingredient and put them into the blender after washing. Blend it until you get your desired form for the juice. Your smoothie is ready drink it properly to get your desired results.
Clogged pores, blackheads, pimples, and moles are a common problem for most of us. Sensitivity of our skin makes it prone to irritation, and if we don’t take proper care of it, it will cause us trouble. Even genetics can be a huge factor in occurrence of skin blemishes.
Most people resolve to chemical peelings and skin care products that can often cause even more issues, due to all of the harmful ingredients in them.
Others, who do their research, use natural remedies, and here are some of them:
- Moles
Moles are close groupings of pigment cells, melanocytes. They appear on all parts of body, at any age, and they are caused by sun exposure and genetic factors.
Garlic against moles
Using garlic essential oil, or just raw garlic can be highly effective in fighting moles. It’s used simply, by applying it to the mole, covering with a bandage, and leaving for at least 4 hours. Make sure you protect the surrounding skin with petroleum jelly or masking tape. Apply every day until the mole disappears.
Apple cider vinegar against moles
Applied by soaking a cotton ball in it, apple cider vinegar is another effective way to get rid of unwanted moles. The mole should be covered with a bandage or medical tape after the application, and left overnight (8 hours).
Castor oil + Baking soda vs. moles
Another effective mole-remover is a mixture of castor oil and baking soda. When mixed into a thick paste, and applied to the mole, the area should be cover and left overnight. It’s important to remember that when you remove the cover in the morning you should always rinse the area.
- Warts
Warts caused by HPV, or human papilloma virus, are small bumps on the skin, and they are usually removed with salicylic acid and/or freezing.
Remove warts with banana peel
Rub the affected area with banana peel every night, for at least 2 weeks.
Honey vs. warts
Rub the warts with raw honey before sleep, and cover with bandage.
Apple cider vinegar
Soaking a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and applying to the wart might be the most effective way of getting rid of this pest. Secure the area with a band-aid, leave for 24 hours, then re-do the procedure until the warts disappear.
Garlic vs. warts
Crushed garlic, or garlic juice can be used for a fairly quick removal of warts (2 weeks). Rub the garlic on the affected area every night, then cover.
- Skin Tags
Growths that stick out of the skin surface are called skin tags. They are usually found on the neck area, upper chest, underarms, and on eyelids. Most commonly, they are removed by freezing.
Apple Cider Vinegar and skin tags
Soak a cotton ball lightly into the vinegar and dab the skin tag with it. Doing this for several days should remove the skin tag.
Tea tree oil
Soaking a cotton ball with water, and adding a few drops of tea tree oil is a highly effective way of getting rid of skin tags. Dab the skin tag with the soaked cotton ball, and cover with a band-aid or a bandage. Do this for 2-3 times a day for a month. This method is recommended for the area around your eyes.
Castor oil + baking soda
Make a paste using castor oil and baking soda, and apply on the skin tag. Cover the area. Re-do the procedure for up to 3 times a day.
- Dark spots
Spots with lighter or darker tone than your skin can appear on your face, hands, and arms. They are most often caused by aging, sun exposure, or they can even be a sign of liver deficiency.
Lemon against dark spots
Soaking a cotton ball in lemon juice and applying to the affected area two times a day is a safe and fast way to get rid of any skin discoloration.
Aloe Vera
Squeeze the gel out of a fresh Aloe Vera leaf onto the dark spot, and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off after.
Onion vs. dark spots
Blend one onion and apply to the affected area. Leave it on the skin for up to 15 minutes. Use daily until the issue is resolved.
- Clogged Pores
Oil buildup on the skin causes pores to get clogged. It makes the skin look un-smooth, and due to oxidation black heads can occur. The area most commonly affected is the nose are.
Sugar scrub with lemon
Mix lemon juice with sugar to create a paste. Rub on the affected area with a cotton ball or a soft washcloth, in a circular motion. Rinse the area with warm water afterwards.
The least invasive, and one of the most effective ways of unclogging your pores. Make sure your face is clean first. Then boil water in a pot, and place your head over the pot. Cover your head with a towel to ensure that most of the steam gets to your face. Steam for 10-15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.
Mangosteen is a tropical evergreen tree whose origin is highly debated on. It is believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. Nowadays, it mainly grows in Southeast Asia, India, and tropical areas including Puerto Rico and Florida, where it has been introduced.
The fruit of the mangosteen is sweet and tangy, fibrous, and juicy. The color of the fruit is red to purple when ripe. In each fruit, the fragrant edible flesh that surrounds each seed is botanically endocarp, and the seeds resemble almonds in both shape and size.
Until October 2007, mangosteen was banned in the US, as it was believed to host Asian fruit flies, which can be devastating to local flora. The ban has been lifted, which allows us to use the fruit not only for its taste, but for its health benefits as well.
Mangosteen is a great Vitamin C source, it provides dozens of essential minerals, and offers numerous benefits to our body, and some of those benefits are:
- Mangosteen fights cancer
A large amount of cancer studies has been conducted using mangosteen as their main focus. Mangosteen contains more than 20 xanthones, which are proven to have cancer preventive properties. So far, we have discovered that mangosteen can be helpful in fighting colon cancer, that it can slow the progress of prostate cancer, and diminish the activity of breast cancer. Studies conducted in the last couple of years show that mangosteen has the ability to kill cancer cells, even in more advanced stages of this vicious illness.
- Mangosteen fights acne
This fruit has been found to be highly effective in managing and removing acne, mostly due to its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants destroy free radicals and they also stop the production of cytokines responsible for causing inflammation and acne occurance.
- Mangosteen prevents allergies
Mangosteen is proved to have both anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties, and in certain allergy types it can be more effective than anti-allergy meds.
- Mangosteen fights diabetes
Not only can mangosteen help with managing diabetes, it can also be used to prevent this widespread disease. A study found that mangosteen has the same anti-diabetic properties as acarbose; the most commonly prescribed diabetes type 2 drug. Mangosteen also contains tannic acid and oligomeric complexes, which have been proven to have antibacterial, antiviral, and other benefits.
- Mangosteen can improve your cardiovascular health
This magical fruit has been proven to decrease the risk of heart attack, as well as improve blood pressure, blood flow, and overall cardiovascular state.
The statement that no single food can be used to fight cancer is mostly true, and it is an undeniable fact that our diet is the main cause of illness and poor overall health. Introducing mangosteen to your daily diet, however, can prove to be highly beneficial, as it has been linked with decreased risk of multiple types of cancer. It contains numerous minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals which all work together in order to keep your life long and healthy.
Vitamin B17 is banned because it treats cancer!
Vitamin B17 is banned because it treats cancer!
One thing that’s extremely beneficial and comes in a concentrated form from apricot kernels is vitamin В17. It’s especially good if you use it properly.
The American Cancer Society as well as the Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association have all tried to do everything they can so they could stop people from producing films, writing books and organizing public meetings about the wonderful anticancer potential vitamin B17 has.
Medical practitioners are also very aware of this.
Still, there is one woman who used this amazing natural treatment and her type of cancer went into remission! Sadly, after she stopped taking the vitamin, the cancer returned.
This woman rejected chemotherapy. She only used vitamin B17 for 10 weeks. The effects amazed her doctors.
She took 500 mg of this vitamin twice a day. It helped her destroy 5 malignant tumors and she lived a life free of cancer.
Take a look at this video:
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