



Hippocrates: The Greek Father of Modern Medicine

 Hippocrates: The Greek Father of Modern Medicine

Born on The island of Kos c. 460 BC, the Greek physician Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine, as he was the first known physician who believed that diseases were caused by some type of natural action instead of being instigated by the spirits or gods.

In addition to recognizing that disease is not caused by supernatural forces, Hippocrates invented clinical medicine and what we know today as the doctor-patient relationship.

Perhaps most amazingly of all, he was the first known physician to recognize that thoughts and emotions arise in the brain rather than the heart.

Hippocrates was also the medical practitioner who created an oath of conduct for physicians which has remained influential for 2,500 years.

According to Soranus of Ephesus, a 2nd-century Greek physician, Hippocrates’ father was Heraclides, a physician, and his mother was Phenarete, though other sources name her Praxitela.

Hippocrates received an exceptional education when he was child. He is said to have studied medicine under his father and another physician, Herodicos, learning how to treat patients from their instruction.

Hippocrates’ treatments for cancer, diabetes

Hippocrates was the first physician to identify and name cancer (karkinos, Greek for crab). The word stems from the appearance of the cut surface of a solid malignant tumor with the veins stretched on all sides as crab’s feet.

Hippocrates’ conception of cancer was the humoral theory, as he believed that the body contained four humors (body fluids)—namely blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.

Any imbalance of these fluids would result in disease and excess of black bile in a particular organ site was thought to cause cancer.

The ancient Greek physician believed that diet is important in a person’s life and a good diet could maintain health.

He also believed that a proper diet could have healing qualities for certain ailments and placed great importance to the types of foods patients should consume or avoid. He often used lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise, to treat diseases such as diabetes.

Hippocrates treated and healed many people, and his dedication became apparent when he fought the plague in Athens for three years, from 430 to 427 BC. However, the peak of his medical career occurred during the time of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC).

Later on, Hippocrates taught medicine to his own sons, Draco and Thessalus, and established a medical school on Kos around the year 400 BC.

One of the main tenets he inculcated into his students was that it was important to keep a record of the patient’s conditions and symptoms.

Very little is known about the death of Hippocrates, as there are several possible dates of death identified for him. A variety of sources state his year of death was 377 BC, but there is disagreement.

The Hippocratic Corpus

There are about 70 books attributed to Hippocrates, considered to be the oldest known books about medicine. Known as the Hippocratic Corpus, his body of work was written for physicians and pharmacists while others were written for the average layman.

In some of the great physician’s books, each of the subjects was written with a particular audience in mind.

In his writings and advice to patients, the ancient Greek doctor recommended diet and physical exercise as a cure for some ailments. For those who who could not follow the particular advice, however, he recommended medicine.

He also practiced physiotherapy, such as putting a dislocated shoulder back into place.
Hippocrates was the first known medical practitioner to categorize illnesses as acute, chronic, endemic, and epidemic and use terms such as exacerbation, relapse, resolution, crisis, paroxysm, peak, and convalescence.

This history of Hippocrates’ famed Oath

The Hippocratic Oath is a text addressing medical practice ethics and morals which has for many centuries been attributed to the ancient Greek physician. However, new information indicates it could possibly have been written after his death.

Nevertheless, it is still believed by many to be the most famous document of the entire Hippocratic Corpus.

Although the Hippocratic Oath today is not followed in its original form, it remains the foundation of many other oaths or laws which address best practices and morals of medicine. These oaths are commonly taken by today’s medical school graduates.

Regardless of the use of the original Hippocratic Oath today, the ancient Greek physician can undoubtedly be considered the “Father of Medicine.”

His many contributions revolutionized the practice of medicine and set the standards of the medical profession today.

His teaching also laid the groundwork for the practice of medicine to be improved on in the millennia to come.

It is no coincidence that the advancement of the practice of medicine stalled after his death. In fact, it took centuries before significant improvements to his methods were made.

Unfortunately, after Hippocrates, the practice of taking clinical case-histories on patients was forgotten for quite a long time.

In his book “Breakthrough!: How the 10 Greatest Discoveries in Medicine Saved Millions and Changed Our View of the World,” author Jon Queijo cogently argues that the only reason many of us are alive today is thanks to the great medical discoveries which can only be attributed to Hippocrates’ brilliant ideas.

The Hippocratic Oath

The following is the text of the original Hippocratic Oath:

I swear by Apollo the physician, by Aesculapius, Hygeia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and judgment the following oath:

To consider dear to me as my parents him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and if necessary to share my goods with him; to look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art if they so desire without fee or written promise; to impart to my sons and the sons of the master who taught me and to the disciples who have enrolled themselves and have agreed to the rules of the profession, but to these alone, the precepts and the instruction. I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug, nor give advice which may cause his death. Nor will I give a woman a pessary to procure abortion. But I will preserve the purity of my life and my art. I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by specialists in this art. In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction, and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves. All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or outside of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and never reveal. If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot.




1) The stomach fears when you don't have breakfast.
(2) Kidneys are afraid if you don't drink 10 glasses of water for 24 hours.
(3) The gallbladder is afraid when you do not sleep after 23 hours and do not wake up at sunrise.
(4) The small intestines are afraid when eating cold, late food
(5) The colon is afraid when you eat more fried and spicy food
(6) Lungs are scared when you inhale smoke, polluted air and cigarette smoke
(7) The liver is afraid when you eat heavy fried food, various harmful and fast foods, drink alcohol
(?? The heart fears when you eat food with high salt and cholesterol.
(9) The pancreas is afraid when you eat a lot of sugar and sweets.
(10) The eyes are scared when you sit a lot on the phone and computer in the dark.
(11) The brain gets scared when you start having negative thoughts.
Take care of different parts of the body and do not scare them.
All these organs are not available on the market.
They are expensive and probably can’t afford a temporary replacement.
So keep your organs healthy.



 Nuts are healthier for the heart than olive oil, they can save our lives. Eight walnuts a day keep your arteries flexible, your heart healthy and protect against stroke.

Both olive oil and walnuts help reduce the inflammation in the arteries that appear suddenly after a meal rich in saturated fats, and which over time promotes arteries hardening and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
However, unlike olive, walnuts also help maintain the elasticity and flexibility of the arteries.
Treats heart rhythm disorders - Alpha linoleic acid in nuts may be useful for people with heart rhythm disorders.
“The 3 protective fats in walnuts counteract the effects of saturated fats in the diet, while a neutral fat, like olive, doesn’t play such an important role,” says Robert Fogel, a professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Because they are elastic, the arteries can stretch when blood flow improves.
Fat consumption interrupts the production of nitrogen oxide from the "mucous" of the arteries, which is needed to keep blood vessels flexible.
Nuts also contain antioxidants and arginine, an amino acid used by the body to produce nitrous oxide.
Nuts and hazelnuts can replace most animal nutrients for vegetarians.
The nutrients include most group B vitamins, phosphorus, iron, honey, potassium and proteins.
Like all proteins from plant sources, those from nuts and hazelnuts do not deteriorate in animal quality.
However, in combination with bread, cereals and bean crops (especially soy and lentils), you can get a full and balanced range of irreplaceable amino acids.
What are the benefits of walnuts for human health
1. Improves the health of the heart. Nuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve function and heart health. Consume several nuts every day to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol
2. Improves the health of the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids improve not only the function of the heart but also the brain. Improve nervous system function and memory.
3. Prevents breast cancer. Eating a few nuts every day can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
4. Maintains bone health. Walnut contains a basic fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid. This acid can help bones become healthier and reduce inflammation. This can keep your bones healthy for a long time.
5. Improves sleep and stress. The walnut contains melatonin, which helps you sleep well. Omega-3 fatty acids also control your blood pressure and relieve stress.
6. It is required during pregnancy. Expectant mothers can get many benefits from eating nuts every day. They contain a complex of group B vitamins, such as folate, riboflavin and thiamine. They are needed by women during pregnancy for the health of the fetus.
7. Relieves constipation and the digestive system. The nut is rich in fiber, which is good for maintaining health and the digestive system. We need fiber every day for the proper bowel movement. Protein sources, such as meat, eggs and dairy products, do not contain fiber, so it is important to include them through our nuts.
8. It boosts the immunity. Walnuts are known to boost immunity because they contain a large amount of antioxidants, which will protect you from many diseases. Add some nuts to your daily diet to stay fit.
9. It treats inflammatory diseases. Inflammatory diseases such as asthma, arthritis and eczema can be cured by eating nuts.
10. Treating the thyroid gland. The nuts contain a large amount of iodine - the most important component for the normal thyroid gland functioning. The positive properties of nuts are known in ancient times. Treatment of the thyroid with them is very effective and simple. Traditional medicine as an additional aid to the body is always welcome.
What are the benefits of nuts for the skin and hair
11. It slows down skin aging. Nuts are full of group B vitamins, which are best for the skin. Vitamin B controls and lowers stress levels. High stress levels increase wrinkles and accelerate aging. Group B vitamins together with vitamin E (a natural antioxidant) can fight free radicals that cause stress. The aging process is slowing down.
12. Moisturizing the skin. Ladies who suffer from dry skin can apply warm walnut oil every day. Walnut oil is good for moisturizing the skin. In addition, it deeply nourishes and promotes the growth of healthy skin cells.
13. Removing the dark circles. Apply warm walnut oil regularly to lighten the dark circles under the eyes. It also acts as a sedative. Walnut oil can soothe swollen eyes, which helps restore skin radiance.
14. Skin is glowing. Make this face mask at home for glowing skin. Combine 4 nuts, two c. l. oats, 1 h. l. honey, 1 s. l. cream and four drops of olive oil. All blend in a blender to make a good mixture. Apply evenly on the face and neck, letting dry well. Then wash your face with warm water.
This mask will keep your face hydrated and will also slow down the signs of aging.
Pollution, improper lifestyle and poor eating habits can also harm hair. You can restore the health of your hair by adding walnuts. They can be consumed or even used as an oil to maintain healthy hair.
15. Longer hair. Longer hair Walnuts are the best source of omega-6, potassium, omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. These ingredients help strengthen hair follicles. Apply nut oil regularly to get healthier, longer and shinier hair.
16. Prevents the baldness. Peanut butter can slow down baldness. Use this oil regularly to prevent baldness.
17. Against the dandruff. Walnut oil is widely used in hair oils because of its rich moisturizing properties. It acts as a remedy for dandruff, which is 100% natural.
18. Emphasizes the brightness of hair color. Walnut shell is widely known as a natural remedy that can naturally highlight hair color. Walnut oil contains a large amount of protein, which improves hair color and gives a healthy shine.
19. Improves the look of hair. It is recommended to use walnut oil 3 times a week to get effective result. For best and effective results, use it in combination with coconut oil or olive oil.