

Beat Back Cold and Flus with... Garlic!

Beat Back Cold and Flus with... Garlic!

By Dr. Mercola
If you want a simple way to increase the disease-fighting power of your meals, be generous with your use of high-quality herbs and spices. This applies year-round, but as cold and flu season nears, you may want to consider spicing things up more than you might normally.
There is no shortage of research showing that herbs and spices are among the healthiest you can consume. And they’re a “secret weapon” that just about everyone can take advantage of, regardless of your budget.
Garlic in particular has long been hailed for its healing powers, especially against infectious diseases like cold and flu.
This is likely due to its immune boosting effects. Fresh garlic is also a potent antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal agent. But its therapeutic effects may go much further than that.

Garlic—An All-Around Health Boosting Herb

The featured article in Medical News Today1 contains an impressive list of garlic’s historical use as a natural medicine, and modern research to back up the wisdom of such antiquated claims. Green Med Info has also assembled a list of studies demonstrating more than 150 beneficial health effects of garlic! For example, studies show that regular consumption of (primarily raw) garlic:
  • May be effective against drug-resistant bacteria
  • Reduces risk for heart disease,2 including heart attack3 and stroke
  • Helps normalize your cholesterol4 and blood pressure
  • Protects against cancer,5, 6 including brain,7 lung,8 and prostate9 cancer
  • Reduces risk of osteoarthritis10
It’s thought that much of garlic’s therapeutic effect comes from its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin, which are also what give it its characteristic smell. Other health-promoting compounds include oligosaccharides, arginine-rich proteins, selenium and flavonoids.11
Research12 has revealed that as allicin digests in your body, it produces sulfenic acid, a compound that reacts with dangerous free radicals faster than any other known compound.
This is one of the reasons why I named garlic as one of the top seven anti-aging foods you can consume. Garlic is also a triple threat against infections, offering antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
Not only is it effective at killing antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including MRSA, but it also fights yeast infections, viruses and parasites. Garlic must be fresh to give you optimal health benefits though.
The fresh clove must be crushed or chopped in order to stimulate the release of an enzyme called alliinase, which in turn catalyzes the formation of allicin.13 Allicin in turn rapidly breaks down to form a number of different organosulfur compounds. So to “activate” garlic’s medicinal properties, compress a fresh clove with a spoon prior to swallowing it, or put it through your juicer to add to your vegetable juice.
A single medium size clove or two is usually sufficient, and is well-tolerated by most people. The active ingredient, allicin, is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic, so garlic pills are virtually worthless.
You also won’t reap all the health benefits garlic has to offer if you use jarred, powdered or dried versions. Worse yet, at least two supermarket-brands containing garlic powder imported from China have been found to be contaminated with high levels of lead, arsenic and added sulfites, according to a recent article by
If you develop a socially offensive odor, just decrease the amount of garlic you’re consuming until there is no odor present. If garlic makes you feel ill, this is probably your body's way of letting you know you should avoid it.

Garlic versus Tamiflu

Garlic may be particularly useful in preparation for cold and flu season, as it contains compounds capable of killing a wide variety of organisms, including viruses and bacteria that can cause earaches, colds and influenza. The respected research organization Cochrane Database—which has repeatedly reported that the science does not support the use of flu vaccine as a first-line defense—has also reviewed studies on the alternatives, such as the use of garlic.15
They found that those who took garlic daily for three months had fewer colds than those who took a placebo, and, when they did come down with a cold, the duration of illness was shorter—an average of 4.5 days compared to 5.5 days for the placebo group.
While this may not seem overly impressive, it’s still better than the results achieved by the much-advertised flu drug Tamiflu. If taken within 48 hours of onset of illness, Tamiflu might reduce the duration of flu symptoms by about a day to a day and a half. That's the extent of what this $100-plus treatment will get you. It’s virtuallyidentical to just taking garlic on a regular basis!
However, some patients with influenza are at increased risk for secondary bacterial infections when on Tamiflu—a risk you won’t take by eating garlic... Otheradverse events of Tamiflu include pediatric deaths, serious skin reactions, and neuropsychiatric events, including suicide committed while delirious.

Cold and Flu—Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

While colds and flus are caused by viral infections, compelling research suggests that your ability to "catch" these infections may actually be a symptom of an underlying vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is a potent antimicrobial agent, producing 200 to 300 different antimicrobial peptides in your body that kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. Suboptimal vitamin D levels will significantly impair your immune response, thereby making you far more susceptible to contracting colds, influenza, and other respiratory infections.
In the largest and most nationally representative study16 of its kind to date, involving about 19,000 Americans, people with the lowest vitamin D levels reported having significantly more recent colds or cases of the flu -- and the risk was even greater for those with chronic respiratory disorders like asthma. At leastfive additional studies also show an inverse association between lower respiratory tract infections and vitamin D levels.
The best source for vitamin D is direct sun exposure. While it may not be possible to get enough sun exposure during the winter, every effort should be made to attain vitamin D from UVB exposure as there are many additional benefits from this route other than vitamin D. The next best option to sunlight is the use of a safe indoor tanning device. As a last resort, if neither natural nor artificial sunlight is an option, you may taken an oral vitamin D3 supplement. However, if you do, you need to be aware of the following:
  • Make sure you’re taking the correct vitamin D supplement. You want D3, not D2, as the latter may end up doing more harm than good.
  • Based on the latest research from GrassrootsHealth, the average adult dose required to reach vitamin D levels of about 40 ng/ml is around 8,000 IU's of vitamin D3 per day. For children, many experts agree they need about 35 IU's of vitamin D per pound of body weight.
  • Get your vitamin D serum level checked at regular intervals to make sure you’re taking the appropriate dose to get within the therapeutic range of 50-70 ng/ml.
  • If you’re taking high dose vitamin D supplements you also need to take vitamin K2—not K1 that is typically in vegetables as it will not work synergize with vitamin D. Vitamin K2 deficiency is actually what produces the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, which includes inappropriate calcification that can lead to hardening of your arteries. The reason for this is when you take vitamin D, your body creates more vitamin K2-dependent proteins that shuttle the calcium into the appropriate areas. Without vitamin K2, those proteins remain inactivated, so the benefits of those proteins remain unrealized.

Four Factors That Undermine Your Immune System

Again, it’s important to remember that both colds and various influenzas are caused by a wide variety of viruses, not bacteria. Hence, taking an antibiotic for your cold or flu will NOT do you any good whatsoever. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, such as sinus, ear and lung infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia. The latter two are potential secondary infections that can develop from a serious bout of cold or flu, so you do want to keep an eye out for signs and symptoms of such bacterial infections.
At the end of this article, you’ll find some guidelines to help you decide when it would be prudent to see a doctor.
Now, the most common way cold and flu viruses are spread is via hand-to-hand contact, so the easiest way to cut down your risk is to frequently wash your hands (see next section below). However, the key to remember is that being exposed to a cold virus does not mean that you're destined to get sick. Again, whether or not you’ll actually get sick is primarily dependent on the functioning of your immune system. If your immune system is operating at its peak, it should actually be quite easy for you to fend off the virus without ever getting sick.
As discussed above, vitamin D deficiency is a major factor that will depress your immune function, leaving the door open to invading viruses. Other lifestyle factors that can depress your immune system, alone or in combination, include:
  • Eating too much sugar/fructose and grains. Sugar in all its forms takes a heavy toll on your immune system. One of the ways it does this is by unbalancing your gut flora. Sugar is "fertilizer" for pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungi that can set your immune system up for an assault by a respiratory virus. Remember, 80 percent of your immune system lies in your gastrointestinal tract, which is why limiting your sugar intake is CRUCIAL for optimizing your immune system.
  • It would be wise to limit your total fructose consumption to below 25 grams a day if you're in good health, or below 15 grams a day if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or are insulin resistant or are trying to recover from an acute illness like the flu.
  • Lack of sleep. If you aren't getting enough restorative sleep, you'll be at increased risk for a hostile viral takeover. Your immune system is also the most effective when you're not sleep-deprived, so the more rested you are the quicker you'll recover. You can find 33 guidelines for a better night's sleep here.
  • Insufficient exercise. Regular exercise is a crucial strategy for increasing your resistance to illness. There is evidence that regular, moderate exercise can reduce your risk for respiratory illness by boosting your immune system. In fact, one study17found that people who exercised regularly (five or more days a week) cut their risk of having a cold by close to 50 percent. And, in the event they did catch a cold, their symptoms were much less severe than among those who did not exercise.
  • Exercise likely cuts your risk of colds so significantly because it triggers a rise in immune system cells that can attack any potential invaders. Each time you exercise you can benefit from this boost to your immune system. It can also help boost your immune system acutely, by increasing your body temperature. This helps kill off invading pathogens, similarly to the fever your body produces when sick.
  • Using ineffective strategies to address stress. Emotional stressors can also predispose you to an infection while making cold symptoms worse. Finding ways to manage daily stress as well as your reactions to circumstances beyond your control will contribute to a strong and resilient immune system. Effective strategies include a variety of energy psychology tools, such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Other All-Natural Strategies That Send Pathogens Packin'

Frequently washing your hands with soap and water is one of the easiest ways to wipe out germs and viruses and reduce your chances of becoming sick. Don’t make the mistake of using antibacterial cleansers, as their widespread use contributes to strains of resistant bacteria, or "superbugs" that render antibiotics useless. Besides, research18 has shown that people who use antibacterial soaps and cleansers often develop a cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms just as often as people who use plain soap and water. There’s no real justification for using an antibacterial soap when plain soap is safer, and just as effective.
Another strategy that many report success with is to administer a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into your ear canal. Quite frequently, people claim to have been able to cure a cold or flu within 12 to 14 hours this way. Simply put a few drops into your ear; wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear.
There are also a number of supplements and simple treatments that can be beneficial for colds and influenza, but I believe they should only be used as adjuncts to an otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle. For detailed instructions that will help set you the right path can be found in my optimized nutrition and lifestyle plan. Some of the more helpful options for cold and flu—besides vitamin D and garlic discussed above--include:
Zinc: Research on zinc has shown that when taken within one day of the first symptoms, zinc can cut down the time you have a cold by about 24 hours. Zinc was also found to greatly reduce the severity of symptoms. Suggested dosage: up to 50 mg/day. Zinc was notrecommended for anyone with an underlying health condition, like lowered immune function, asthma or chronic illness.Vitamin C: A very potent antioxidant; use a natural form such as acerola, which contains associated micronutrients. You can take several grams every hour till you are better unless you start developing loose stools.
Olive leaf extract: Ancient Egyptians and Mediterranean cultures used it for a variety of health-promoting uses and it is widely known as a natural, non-toxic immune system builder.Propolis: A bee resin and one of the most broad-spectrum antimicrobial compounds in the world; propolis is also the richest source of caffeic acid and apigenin, two very important compounds that aid in immune response.
Oregano Oil: The higher the carvacrol concentration, the more effective it is. Carvacrol is the most active antimicrobial agent in oregano oil.Medicinal mushrooms, such asshiitake, reishi, and turkey tail.
A tea made from a combination of elderflower, yarrow, boneset, linden, peppermint and ginger;drink it hot and often for combating a cold or flu. It causes you to sweat, which is helpful for eradicating a virus from your system.Echinacea is one of the most widely used herbal medications in Europe to combat colds and infections. One review of more than 700 studies found that using Echinacea can reduce your risk of catching cold by as much as 58 percent.

When Should You Call Your Physician?

Generally speaking, if you have a cold, medical care is not necessary. Rest and attention to the lifestyle factors noted above—particularly the admonition to avoid sugar—will help you to recover quickly and, if you stick to them, will significantly reduce your chances of catching another cold anytime soon.
Getting back to garlic for a moment, a previous article by PreventDisease.com19 gives instructions for a garlic soup that can help destroy most viruses and help you recover a little quicker. Ideally though, you’d want to incorporate immune-boosting diet- and lifestyle strategies as soon as possible to prevent illness in the first place.
So, when should you call your doctor?
Sinus, ear, and lung infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia CAN be bacterial however, and if so, may respond to antibiotics. If you develop any of the following symptoms, these are signs you may be suffering from a bacterial infection rather than a cold, and you should call your physician's office:
  • Fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius)
  • Ear pain
  • Pain around your eyes, especially with a green nasal discharge
  • Shortness of breath or a persistent uncontrollable cough
  • Persistently coughing up green and yellow sputum

Apple Cider Vinegar & All Its Wonders

Apple Cider Vinegar & All Its Wonders

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? Well, according to what I keep reading, it certainly does, even in the form of vinegar! So, I was delighted a few weeks ago when the nice UPS man delivered a heavy box to my front door containing Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. It is quite a bit more expensive to get the raw, undistilled, organic kind, containing brown cob-web like substances, or the “mother” as it’s called, but it’s worth it. I’ve been using it as a conditioner on my hair, along with baking soda shampoo, with fantastic results – my hair is healthy and shiny and I can’t keep my hands off it!
I was excited to research all of it’s health benefits and share them with you, as I found a multitude of them and can’t wait to try them for myself.

So, what exactly is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)?

According to WebMD, vinegar is the “product of fermentation…in which sugars in a food are broken down into bacteria and yeast” and ACV comes from pulverized apples.

The Health Benefits of ACV (proven in medical research)

You can find claims all over the internet of people saying ACV can kill head lice, remove warts, cure cancer, lower cholesterol, increase energy and lots lots more. According to WebMD, it does have several benefits that are proven by scientific evidence and they are:
  • Diabetes – ACV helps to lower glucose levels (2 tbs. a day)
  • High Cholesterol – in a study done with rats, it did lower cholesterol. This has not been proven in people yet.
  • Blood Pressure – in another study done with rats, it lowered blood pressure. Other studies found that people who ate consumed salad dressing containing ACV five times a week or more had lower risk of heart disease.
  • Cancer – some lab studies have shown that ACV can slow the growth of cancer cells.
  • Weight Loss – apparently, ACV has been used as a weight loss agent for thousands of years! Recent studies help prove this theory, but aren’t conclusive.

The Health Benefits (not proven in medical research, but claimed by many)

I used to put little stock in natural remedies, thinking medical science was way more advanced than the old-fashioned stuff. But, I’ve recently changed my tune and subscribe to both schools of thought – medical science is still very valuable and in many cases, has helped us tremendously in living longer, healthier lives. However, good old-fashioned remedies that have been used for thousands of years should also be respected and considered. I guess I take both with a grain of salt and try them for myself to see what works and what doesn’t! So, here are some claims of others – click here to see a complete list. (These are just a few of the claims – the list on the site is really long!)
  • Can reduce acne and dry out blemishes
  • Helps to lessen arthritis
  • Relief from mild asthma
  • Cure athlete’s foot
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Helps fight osteoporosis
  • Heal sunburns & other skin burns more quickly
  • Help prevent cancer with powerful antioxidants
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Shorten cold duration by making the balancing the body’s acid levels
  • Reduce constipation
  • Heal diaper rash
  • Cure dandruff
  • Control blood glucose levels and help with diabetes
  • Heal ear infections
  • Help heal eczema
  • Flush out gallstones
  • Get rid of a headache
  • Aid in weight loss
  • Relieve itching & swelling due to poison ivy and poison oak
  • Relieve occasional heartburn

How to Use ACV

ACV is highly acidic (containing acetic acid), so it must be used with caution, even though it is highly beneficial for us. My mom recently told me that she read ACV is a natural way to treat constipation, so she tried it straight up, just drinking it out of a teaspoon. She told me she was immediately coughing and had trouble breathing from the acidic gases! It really irritated her mouth and throat as well, so she learned that it MUST be diluted with water before ingesting.
To use it, dilute 2-3 teaspoons of ACV in 8 ounces of water and drink, and rinse your mouth out afterwards to protect your teeth from enamel erosion from the vinegar. I add honey or sugar to mine, and it’s quite tasty, really! The Bragg’s ACV bottle suggests adding sugar, honey or molasses to make it tasty and to drink it up to three times a day to increase energy, alertness and treat health
WebMD warns that supplements are not regulated by the FDA so unless the ingredients of the ACV pill is listed on the bottle, you can’t be sure you’re even getting mostly ACV. I will stick with my Bragg’s vinegar since it is organic and very well-known and for sure, just ACV and nothing else.
More info on ACV: - The Bragg website is FULL of information on health and how ACV can help.

Here’s How I Use It – Hair Conditioner & Itch Relief

In my no-poo post, I explain how I use diluted apple cider vinegar as a very effective conditioner for my hair. I’ve been doing this for well over a year with great results! I also use baking soda as my shampoo(the no poo method), which is explained in detail in the same post.
I also use it on the whole family when we get bug bites and poison ivy, and wrote about it here. I’ve found it’s really effective on mosquito bites, but it can sting a little.

Best Way to Whiten Teeth Naturally

Best Way to Whiten Teeth Naturally

how to whiten teeth naturally with charcoal Best Way to Whiten Teeth Naturally As crazy as it sounds, this one simple home remedy can really whiten teeth (and help with gum disease) and is also very effective against food poisoning and other types of internal toxins.
I used Activated Charcoal a few months ago when I had an awful bout of food poisoning, and it worked wonders! This is actually the substance that many hospitals have on hand and use when patients have ingested toxins or when they pump patients’ stomachs. It is available as a loose powder and in capsule form (see notes below!)
Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent substance. It removes toxins when they adhere to the surface of the charcoal. It is not absorbed by the body, but passes through the GI system, so chemicals and toxins adhere to it, pass through the body and are expelled by the digestive system.
In the 1800s, two men took lethal doses of poisons (including arsenic) and survived without harm… their secret: they mixed the toxins with activated charcoal powder. (Stating the obvious: do not try to repeat these experiments!)
Activated charcoal is extremely effective at pulling toxins from household chemicals, ingested medicines, and other toxins from the body, especially when taken within 30 minutes of ingestion. For this reason, it is a great first treatment for any kind of poisoning, but should not be taken within several hours of medications (or even vitamins) that DO need to be absorbed.
There is even some evidence that activated charcoal is helpful both before and after alcohol consumption to lessen the amount that is absorbed by the body.
Even mainstream medical sites are on board with the benefits of using activated charcoal for a poison remedy.
Should you ever need to use activated charcoal on yourself of a child for poisoning, use as soon as possible and call a poison control center or go to the emergency room as well to make sure the poison has been fully removed!
I”ve personally used activated charcoal for food poisoning and it worked… I mixed 1-2 tablespoons of activated charcoal with water and drank quickly. The food poisoning went away within a couple of hours.  Charcoal should not be taken regularly, as it can cause constipation and block mineral absorption if it is not needed. Also, it can’t be mixed with dairy products or many foods, as they lower its effectiveness. This dose can be repeated up to 3 times a day until symptoms of food poisoning or other poison are gone.
Important note: If you have to take charcoal, make sure to drink a lot of water as it can cause dehydration if taken in large doses!
Activated charcoal is also effective externally as a poultice on spider and insect bites. I tried this when my son was bitten by a brown recluse, and alternating poultices of activated charcoal, baking soda, and powdered plantain completely reversed the bite and he doesn’t even have a scar now.
Activated charcoal is also the stuff used in gas masks and water filters to remove toxins (Here is my favorite water filter).

But what does that have to do with teeth?

So, it’s all well and good that activated charcoal is an effective poison remedy… but you might be wondering why I brushed my teeth with it…
First, please excuse my weird smile in those pictures and the bad lighting in my bathroom… I was  trying to show all of my teeth (I don’t usually smile like that! icon smile Best Way to Whiten Teeth Naturally  ).
The times that I’d recommended charcoal for use in food poisoning or other digestive issues, I always cautioned people to mix with water and swallow quickly so that it wouldn’t stain their teeth. Then, a holistic dentist I know mentioned that it is very effective at whitening teeth… huh?
Since the powder stains everything, I had always worried that it would do the same to my teeth (one of my kids dumped it in the kitchen one time and it does stain tile, grout, clothes and shoes… just a note).
I did some research and found out that even though it temporarily makes the mouth look extremely black (see picture above!) it has the same effect as it does when ingested: it pulls toxins from the mouth and removes stains. (Fair warning: when you open your mouth, it is completely black and rather scary looking! Right after I did this the first time I was intensely worried that it would stain my teeth!)
To my surprise, all of the black washes away and it makes your teeth feel extremely clean and smooth. After a few uses, my teeth were noticeably whiter too (you can sort of tell in the picture above… the lighting didn’t do it justice!).
Further research I’ve done on this showed that activated charcoal can actually be helpful in changing the pH and health of the mouth, and as such is effective in preventing cavities and killing the bad bacteria present in tooth decay and gingivitis. For this reason, I now suggest and use it as part of my remineralizing protocol for teeth, along with my remineralizing toothpaste.
How to use on teeth: Dip a clean, wet toothbrush into the powdered charcoal (or dump a capsule of charcoal on the toothbrush). Lean over the container or charcoal and quickly put the charcoal covered toothbrush in the mouth (this is to protect your sink). Brush in small, gentle circles for 2 minutes, spit carefully and rinse really well. Your mouth will feel amazingly clean…. your sink, not so much! Use as often as needed.

Where to get Activated Charcoal:

Most natural health stores carry activated charcoal in loose powder or capsule formand it is also available online. I keep both the powdered and capsuled forms on hand in case it is needed for poisoning and I use the powdered in a small glass jar for tooth brushing. Make sure that the charcoal is from wood or coconut sources and not petroleum-based.


teeth 300x195 Best Way to Whiten Teeth Naturally
After using the activated charcoal for a few months and swishing with diluted regular 3% hydrogen peroxide when I remember (at the recommendation of a dentist) I am really happy with how white my teeth have gotten!
Here’s a recent picture (cropped from a photo at a family wedding so it looks pixellated ) . Notice the difference?
What do you think? Am I crazy… would you try it for whitening your teeth? Tell me below!

Black Cumin Seed Oil: The Most Powerful Oil In The World?

Black Cumin Seed Oil: The Most Powerful Oil In The World?

Want to be notified each time we publish a new blog post? Then make sure you like Natural Living Ideas on Facebook here where we share not only our blog posts, but the best natural living ideas from around the web.
Black Cumin Seed (Nigella Sativa) oil has been used in traditional medicine since the beginning of civilization. It was called Panacea (which roughly translates to ‘cure-all’) in Ancient Egypt; it was found in the tomb of King Tut and it is said that Cleopatra used it as a beauty treatment. Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, used it to cure digestive and metabolic disorders. The Prophet Muhammad called it “a remedy for every illness except death.”
The oil has also been recommended by practitioners of Ayurveda and Chinese Traditional Medicine for thousands of years for conditions from diabetes to indigestion to cancer. In recent years, it has been put to the test of modern science and several studies confirm its long reported health benefits. Black Cumin Seed Oil is also known as Blackseed, Black Onion Seed, Black Caraway Seed and Black Sesame Seed. If you find a product labeled under one of these names, be sure it is real Nigella Sativa before purchasing.
What Makes it So Magical?
The main active compound in the oil is called crystalline nigellone, which you’ve likely never heard of as it is only found in certain black seeds.  It also contains several nutrients, essential acids and compounds including:
Beta Sitosterol
Folic Acid
Oleic, Linoleic and Linelenic Acids (Omegas 3 & 6)
Stearic Acid
Vitmins B1, B2 & B3

Black Cumin Seed Oil as a Cancer-Fighter 

Nigella Sativa has been involved in hundreds of studies regarding health, and particularly cancer treatment and prevention. One of the active ingredients listed above, Thymoquinone, has been found to be particularly effective in reducing the size of existing tumors. In studies on rats and humans, researchers found that Black Cumin Seed Oil:
  • Inhibited tumor growth by up to 50%
  • Increased the growth of healthy bone marrow cells by 250%
  • Helps to protect the body against damage from chemotherapy and radiation
  • Has strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Aides in the production of natural interferon
  • Can even deactivate or kill certain types of cancer cells

Miraculous Results for Many Conditions through Improved Immune Function

Overall, the greatest benefit of Black Cumin Seed is its effect on the immune system and metabolism – which, in turn, supports all the functions of the body. The active compounds in the oil have been proven to fight several diseases by naturally boosting the body’s production of immune cells, bone marrow, and natural interferon. It also protects the liver (your body’s filtering system) from toxicity. Even for people in the best health, regular supplementation with Black Cumin Seed Oil can greatly increase their overall sense of health and well-being.
Some of the many conditions successfully treated with regular ingestion of Black Cumin Oil, over an extended period of time (6 months or more), include:
Allergies and Sinusitis
Anxiety and Nervous Tension
Colds and Flus
Colic (babies)
Diarrhea, Indigestion and Heartburn
Hair Loss
Headaches and Migraines
High Blood Pressure
Intestinal Parasites
Lethargy and Depression 

How to Take Black Cumin Seed Oil 

Health experts and natural physicians generally recommend taking one teaspoon of the oil twice a day, about one hour before a meal. You can take the oil on its own, mixed in juice, or followed by hot tea – as it has a bit of a spicy flavor to it. If you purchase oil, make sure to buy the first cold pressed variety. Most people choose to take the oil in capsule form, which gives the same benefit.

Black Cumin Seed Oil as a Skin Treatment and Beauty Trick

People who consume Black Cumin Seed Oil for health often report an unexpected side effect – their skin, hair and nails are noticeably healthier after just a few months. To those who know the oil well, it’s not too surprising, as for thousands of years (remember Cleopatra) people have been using it as an ingredient in beauty creams.
There are some beauty products and skin treatments on the market, commonly found in Indian and Lebanese markets or online, that contain Black Cumin Seed Oil (check out this one from Nadina). But many people prefer to mix a small amount of the oil into their favorite face cream. People who have tried it, generally swear by it. I know some who recommend it to everyone, and some who try to keep it as their very own beauty secret.
The oil-cream mixture helps to prevent blemishes, fine lines, age spots, dry or oily skin, and always leaves their skin looking young, soft and supple. It’s also great for the rough skin that can develop on hands, feet, elbows and knees. The solution is not only effective as a beauty treatment, it can treat several serious skin conditions when applied directly to problem issues. It has been proved effective on:
Backache, arthritis and rheumatism
Fungal and other Infections
Joint Pain
Sore Muscles

Where To Buy Black Cumin Seed Oil

There are a number of different varieties of Black Cumin Seed Oil available to buy. Make sure you buy the cold pressed variety. You can see a number of different brands of Black Cumin Seed Oil here on

Мурсалски чай – едно от тайните чудеса на България

Мурсалски чай – едно от тайните чудеса на България

Знаете ли какво еМурсалският чай или Sideritis(анг.)? Защото хиляди хора по света отдавна знаят! Тази уникална българска билка е пазена в тайна години наред от управниците по време на комунистическия режим.
От нейното благотворно влияние са могли да се възползват само отбран кръг от висшестоящи хора. /
Мурсалският чай (Sideritis scardica) е едно от чудесата на България. Това многогодишно растение, известно още и катоПланински, Пирински, Алиботушки и Шарпланински чай, е една от най-полезните билки, растящи в България.
През 70-те години на миналия век космонавтите го пиели при подготовката си за полет. Говори се още, че бил привилегия за членовете на Политбюро на ЦК на БКП през същия период.
Японски учени изследвали преди години мурсалския чай и установили благотворното му въздействие върху множествозаболявания.  
Тъй като гърците са се ориентирали по-рано да го култивират и изнасят, светът познава това чудодейно растение като „гръцки чай” и „гръцки планински чай”.
Мурсалският чай е бяло, достигащо go 50 см височина, цялото космато растение. Обича варовитите терени по високите планински райони из южна България – Среден и Южен Пирин, Мурсалския дял на Родопите и планината Славянка (Алиботуш) от 1400 до 2200 м н. в. Цъфти през лятото в жълто. Бере се надземната част по време на цъфтежа – юни-юли месец.Билката е ендемит за Балканите.
Съдържа: флавоноидни, фенилпропаноидни гликозиди, танини, терпеноиди, дитерпени и етерични масла, феноли, иридоиди, урсолова и олеанова киселина, множество микроелементи като желязо, мед, цинк, кобалт и селен , както и макроелементите калций, магнезий, калий и натрий, които обясняват фармакологичното действие на вида.
Мурсалският чай се отличава с фин, лек вкус и аромат.
Приложение на мурсалския чай:
- При кашлица и възпаление на сливиците
- Предпазва от ракови заболявания
- Бронхит, бронхиална астма
- Действа благотворно при грип
Чернодробни заболявания (6-8 стръка от билката се варят в 1л вода 3 мин; пие се по 1 винена чаша преди ядене)
- астма
депресия (едно научно изследване, проведено от немски учени установява благотворното му въздействие при депресии и Синдром на дефицит на вниманието и хиперактивност)
- много силен антиоксидант
- намалява риска от сърдечно-съдови заболявания
- има антибактериално действие ( благодарение на голямото наличие на флавоноиди)
- подсилва имунната система
- помага при превенция на остеопорозата
В Института по ботаника проучват свойствата му и установяват благотворното му влияние на чернодробни и редица други заболявания, както и изумителното му качество, че забавя стареенето.
Може би това е най-добрата билка при кашлица.
Други наричат чудното растение „българската виагра”
Как се приготвя? 
Качественият мурсалски чай трябва да е на цели, светлозелени стръкове. В 1 литър вода се поставят 4-5 стръкчета чай. Ври на тих огън 5 минути. За три хубави чая са необходими само едно-две стръкчета.
Може да се комбинира с други билки – при комбинацията на мурсалскисъс зелен чай се получава чудесна напитка, пазеща от рак, засилваща имунитета и притежаваща силно антиоксидантно действие! 


Лесни домашни кроасани

Лесни домашни кроасани

Разтворете маята във водата. Добавете млякото, захарта, солта, яйцето и разбъркайте сместа. Сипете брашното и солта в кухненски робот. Нарежете маслото на кубчета и го прибавете към брашното. Пулсирайте 8 пъти /на повечето роботи има такава опция/.Добавете сухата смес към течната. Разбъркайте със силиконова шпатула. Брашното трябва само да се навлажни (не се меси). Покрийте го и го приберете в хладилника за 1 нощ.
Извадете тестото и го поръсете с брашно. Разточете го и го сгънете на две. Разточете го отново и пак го сгънете. Набрашнявайте често плота и тестото. Сгънете го още веднъж и го разточете. Точенето е от средата навън. Стремете се да получите правоъгълник с къса страна 20 см.
Нарежете го на триъгълници и го навийте на кроасан, като почнете от една от страните, а не от върха. Можете да сложите и плънка според вкуса - кашкавал или сладко например. Оформените кроасани втасват до удвояване на обема си. Мажат се с жълтък и се поръсват с кристална захар. Пекат се на 200 градуса до зачервяване.


Why Google Drive Has Become Microsoft’s Worst Nightmare

Why Google Drive Has Become Microsoft’s Worst Nightmare

As a writer, there's one piece of software that I simply can't live without -- Google (NASDAQ:GOOG  ) Docs.
The first time I used Google Docs six years ago, Microsoft's (NASDAQ: MSFT  ) Office software immediately appeared outdated by comparison. Google's cloud-based documents suddenly made emailing documents to myself or carrying around a USB flash drive embarrassing habits from a bygone era.
Screenshot from my Google Drive.
More importantly, Office users like myself would never have to lose hours of hard work due to software or hardware crashes again. And best of all, Google's revolutionary piece of software, which now forms the core of its cloud-based suite Google Drive, has always been free -- which has always made it a more attractive choice compared to Microsoft's Office suite.
Google rolls out new cloud-based features
Last week, Google updated its Drive app to support multiple account sign-ins and enhanced its integration into the rest of Google's cloud-based ecosystem -- which includes GMail, Google Plus, YouTube, Google Maps, and Chrome. These two updates now allow users with multiple accounts -- for example, work and personal ones -- to seamlessly switch between the two.
Google also added new functions for users to print their files via Google Cloud Print and AirPrint, and improved its support for Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL  ) iOS 7 devices. Google also added some new "quick action buttons" on Gmail, allowing users to do some common tasks -- such as confirming subscriptions or replying to event invitations -- directly without opening the body of the email. In addition, attachments are now directly sent to Drive, eliminating the need to download them.
These enhancements boost the effectiveness of Google's ecosystem, making it a software suite that individuals and businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on.
Therefore, let's take a moment to reflect on how Google has entrenched itself as an indispensable part of our daily lives.
It all goes back to Microsoft
Back in 1995, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates rightly believed that the Internet would become an inseparable part of personal computing, and merged the company's web browser, Internet Explorer, with its operating system, Windows 95.
However, Microsoft's intentions didn't become clear until the release of Internet Explorer 4 in 1997, when it introduced the "Active Desktop," which combined the web browser with desktop folders -- effectively making it an extension of the operating system.
Windows 95's Active Desktop. Source: Microsoft.
This was considered an anti-competitive move by other web browser companies, such as Netscape. Therefore, the Department of Justice shattered Microsoft's dreams of creating the ultimate browser-based operating system in 1999, when it ruled that Microsoft had violated antitrust laws on various hardware and software fronts. As a result, Microsoft had to separate Internet Explorer from Windows and make concessions to rivals such as Apple, Lotus, Java, and Netscape, among others.
Google flips Microsoft's business model upside down
That story should sound awfully familiar to users of Google's cloud-based ecosystem. Just like Microsoft, Google had a mission to create an operating system that was inseparable from the Internet. However, Google didn't get in trouble with the DOJ or its industry peers -- mainly because it distributed everything for free.
The main difference between the two companies is that while Google built its ecosystem around its core search engine, Microsoft attempted to add features to its operating system, which was already dominating PC sales at the time.
Here's a timeline on how Google expanded from a simple search engine into the cloud-based ecosystem on which many of us are dependent on today.
Notable event(s)
Google's search engine goes online.
Google controls 85% of all online search queries.
Google Maps is launched.
Google acquires YouTube, launches Calendar and Translate.
Gmail becomes available to the public. Google Docs is released.
Google Chrome is released. Android 1.0 is released for mobile devices.
Chromium OS, the predecessor to Chrome OS, is released.
Google launches its first social network, Google+.
The first Chromebooks (laptops with Chrome OS installed) arrive.
Google Drive replaces Google Docs, adding cloud-based file storage and synchronization features, along with search engine integration of shared files.
Source: Google.
To put it simply, Google's strategy was the exact opposite of Microsoft's.
Google purchased or created services that it knew the public would depend on, then tied them all together into a single ecosystem that could be accessed with a single login -- the Gmail account. It offered all of these services for free, knowing that they would all eventually funnel back into its main source of revenue -- its search engine.
Today, Google has two operating systems -- Chrome OS for personal computers and Android for mobile devices -- which seamlessly tie a user's Google services together across multiple devices, all for free.
Microsoft, on the other hand, initially charged customers to install Windows, charged them again for installing Office, and then allowed third-party companies to charge them again to install additional software in its operating system. In addition, it offered Windows and Office in tiered pricing versions, each with additional "premium" features.
Unfortunately for Microsoft, that business model only worked when there wasn't a viable alternative. Microsoft didn't have to worry too much in the 1990s, when its main competitors -- Apple and Linux -- only occupied small niche markets.
However, Google's popularity as a search engine gave it credibility, and over the past five years, Chrome and Android have become viable alternatives to Microsoft operating systems -- especially on lower-powered laptops, hybrid devices, and tablets.
Is Google really a major threat to Microsoft?
Even though Chrome OS hasn't risen to topple Windows yet, take a look at this chart.
OS market share as of October 2013. Source:
Judging from the 81% of computer users who still use Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, it's safe to say that customers aren't keen on paying for new operating systems -- which means more customers might install Chrome OS or another Linux distribution instead of Windows 8.
In terms of productivity software, Microsoft still has an overwhelming lead with over 90% of the market -- but that figure doesn't account for cloud-based alternatives like Google Docs. In fact, a survey from Gartner earlier this year showed that Google's market share in cloud-based productivity suites rose from 10% in 2007 to 50% in 2012.
That stunning figure doesn't bode well for Microsoft, which entered the cloud-based productivity software game extremely late in 2011 with Office 365, which still costs $20 per month.
In closing, the writing's on the wall, folks -- Microsoft still doesn't get the three main reasons we love Google's ecosystem -- it's seamless, it works, and it's free.
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